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Last active November 19, 2020 20:42
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Todor options()
# to change searchable types for the function ----
options(todor_patterns = c("FIXME", "TODO"))
# This is to expand the scope of searches ----
# to switch off markdown search ----
options(todor_rmd = T) # default is on / TRUE
# to switch off rnw search ----
options(todor_rnw = T) # sweave files
# to switch off rhtml search ----
options(todor_rhtml = T) # R Notebooks
# to switch off packrat search ----
options(todor_exclude_packrat = T) # ignore all notes in files downloaded by packrat you probably very much want this
# to switch off r/R search ----
options(todor_exclude_r = F) # rscript files you probably dont want to ignore these default is FALSE
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