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Created December 9, 2020 17:13
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Stats and sentiment analysis on an obsidian vault
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# Install/Attach necessary packages to session
pkgs <- c('tidyverse','tidytext','tokenizers','DiagrammeR','glue')
#################### Environmental Variables ####################
vault_path <- '/Users/bryanjenks/Documents/Knowledge'
#################### Global Variables ####################
total_word_count <- 0
total_file_count <- 0
top_5_words <- 0
chart_string <- ""
aggregate_dataframe <- tibble(word = character())
# The actual processing of the text
analyze <- function(files) {
# For each file in the vault
for (file in fileNames) {
words <- read_file(file) %>%
# remove `[[` and `]]` so the link words are recognized as text too
gsub("\\[\\[", "", .) %>%
gsub("\\]\\]", "", .) %>%
gsub("\\n", " ", .) %>%
gsub("\\_+", "", .) %>%
# tokenize the words
tokenize_words(strip_punct = TRUE,
strip_numeric = TRUE,
simplify = TRUE,
lowercase = TRUE) %>%
# Make the words into a data frame
unlist() %>%
# Append result data frame to global data frame i.e. data_frame += 1
aggregate_dataframe <<- rbind(aggregate_dataframe, words)
# Load files from vault
setwd(vault_path) # Sorry Jenny Bryan!
fileNames <-list.files(vault_path, recursive = TRUE, pattern = "*.md")
# fileNames <- Sys.glob('*.md')
# Lets start analyzing!
# Get a data frame of the aggregation of words and their counts
distinct_words <- aggregate_dataframe %>%
count(word = value,name = 'count',sort = TRUE)
# Remove the stop words
stop_words_removed <- distinct_words %>%
anti_join(stop_words, by = c('word' = 'word'))
# 'bing' is better for binary sentiment
# but 'nrc' produces nicer visuals 🤷
sentiments <- get_sentiments("nrc")
# Take initial raw aggregate column of words (with dupes)
word_sentiments <- aggregate_dataframe %>%
# Add sentiments to the data frame
left_join(sentiments, by = c('value' = 'word')) %>%
# Any missing sentiment words are removed
filter(! %>%
# Select only the columns we need
select(sentiment) %>%
# count frequency of sentiments
# word_sentiments <- summarise_at(group_by(word_sentiments,sentiment),vars(counts),funs(sum(.,na.rm=TRUE)))
# Get the values for each sentiment into vector for subset assignment
nums <- word_sentiments[[2]]
# Assign each sentiment its value count
anger <- nums[1]
anticipation <- nums[2]
disgust <- nums[3]
fear <- nums[4]
joy <- nums[5]
negative <- nums[6]
positive <- nums[7]
sadness <- nums[8]
surprise <- nums[9]
trust <- nums[10]
# GLOBAL VAR -- Assign total word count
total_word_count <- length(aggregate_dataframe[[1]])
# GLOBAL VAR -- Assign top 5 words minus stop words
top_5_words <- stop_words_removed %>%
slice_max(count, n = 5)
word_5 <- top_5_words[[1]]
count_5 <- top_5_words[[2]]
# GLOBAL VAR -- Count of files
total_file_count <- length(fileNames)
# GLOBAL VAR --Result Chart
chart_string <- glue("```mermaid
pie title Vault Sentiment
\"anger\": {anger}
\"anticipation\": {anticipation}
\"disgust\": {disgust}
\"fear\": {fear}
\"joy\": {joy}
\"negative\": {negative}
\"positive\": {positive}
\"sadness\": {sadness}
\"surprise\": {surprise}
\"trust\": {trust}
# Create the presentation string of what actually gets written to the file
# and displayed in Obsidian
output_string <- glue("
# Vault Analysis
## Stats
**File Count:** {total_file_count}
**Word Count:** {total_word_count}
**Top 5 Words:**
| Word | Frequency |
| {word_5[1]} | {count_5[1]} |
| {word_5[2]} | {count_5[2]} |
| {word_5[3]} | {count_5[3]} |
| {word_5[4]} | {count_5[4]} |
| {word_5[5]} | {count_5[5]} |
## Visualization
writeLines(output_string, fileConn)
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