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Last active September 25, 2021 00:45
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YouTube Sponsorship Calculator
#!/usr/bin/env python3.9
# Created by Bryan Jenks on 2021-08-08
# You will need these libraries and can acquire them through the following commands
# pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-oauthlib google-auth-httplib2 requests scrapetube
# YouTube API Python Quickstart guide:
import requests
import pandas as pd
import scrapetube
API_KEY = "" # Add your Creds here
OAUTH_ID = "" # Add your Creds here
OAUTH_SECRET = "" # Add your Creds here
CHANNEL_ID = "" # Add your Channel ID here like: 'UCfhSB16X9MXhzSFe_H7XbHg'
ID = "" # This stays blank
PART = "statistics"
VIDEO_IDS = scrapetube.get_channel(f"{CHANNEL_ID}")
LATEST_VIDEO_IDS = pd.DataFrame(VIDEO_IDS)["videoId"].tolist()[:10]
sum_views = 0
r = requests.get(f'{PART}&id={ID}&key={API_KEY}')
payload = r.json()
df = pd.DataFrame(payload['items'])
views = int(df['statistics'][0]['viewCount'])
sum_views += views
avg_views = sum_views / 10
CPM = 100
SHOUT_OUT = round((avg_views / 1000) * CPM, 0)
Your total views for the latest 10 videos: \033[0;31m{sum_views:,}\033[0m
Your Average views for the latest 10 videos: \033[0;31m{avg_views:,}\033[0m
Your desired CPM (Cost Per Mille) is: \033[0;35m${CPM:,}\033[0m
Price for 30-60 sec shout-out: \033[0;32m${SHOUT_OUT:,}\033[0m
3x Price for dedicated video: \033[0;32m${SHOUT_OUT * 3:,}\033[0m
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