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Last active May 6, 2022 23:38
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exec "normal! \<Tab>" がうまく実行できなかったため、その対応
nnoremap <Plug>MyplusejumpTab <C-i>
function! s:jump(cmd) abort
let l:bufname = bufname('%')
if a:cmd ==# 'next'
" exec "normal! \<Tab>"
exec "normal <Plug>MyplusejumpTab"
exec "normal! \<C-o>"
let l:new_bufname = bufname('%')
if l:bufname !=# l:new_bufname
call search_pulse#Pulse(v:true)
nnoremap <silent> <C-o> <Cmd>call <SID>jump('prev')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Tab> <Cmd>call <SID>jump("next")<CR>
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