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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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Lattice path finder using pascal's triange. Tests here :
package assignments
// m! / n!(n - m)!
// m = row, n = element
class Lattice(size : Int) {
val cache : scala.collection.mutable.Map[(Int, Int), BigInt] = scala.collection.mutable.Map.empty
Using pascal's triangle to generate no of paths.
So the general formula is for nxn grid, the number of paths will be in the
2n-th row, n/2-th column of the pascal's triangle.
To generate kth row, nth column value in pascal's triangle the formula is
def findNoOfPathsPascalsWay : BigInt = {
factorial(size * 2) / (factorial(size/2 + 1) * factorial((2 * size) - (size / 2 + 1)))
This will surely suck for a 20x20 grid. Incorporated some dyanamic programming. Let's see if this sucks less
There is a bug in this code. The results for this and pascals way are different.
def findNoOfPathsTrivialWay() : BigInt = {
def findPath(down : Int, right : Int) : BigInt = {
if(down == 0 || right == 0) 1
else {
memoized(down - 1, right, findPath) + memoized(down, right - 1, findPath)
findPath(size, size)
def memoized(down :Int, right : Int, func : (Int, Int) => BigInt) : BigInt = {
if(cache.get((down, right)).isEmpty) {
cache.put((down, right), func.apply(down, right))
cache.get((down, right)).get
def factorial(n : Int) : BigInt = {
def innerFactorial(n: Int, accumulator: BigInt): BigInt = {
if (n == 1) accumulator
else innerFactorial(n - 1, n * accumulator)
innerFactorial(n, BigInt.apply(1))
object LatticePathFinder extends App {
println(new Lattice(2).findNoOfPathsTrivialWay)
println(new Lattice(4).findNoOfPathsTrivialWay)
println(new Lattice(20).findNoOfPathsTrivialWay)
println(new Lattice(2).findNoOfPathsPascalsWay)
println(new Lattice(4).findNoOfPathsPascalsWay)
println(new Lattice(20).findNoOfPathsPascalsWay)
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