In answer to the question: “What should I know, expect, and have prepared for the weekend?”
- The biggest thing to remember is to bring an open mind — you’ll learn new skills, tricks and maybe even a new programming language.
- A laptop, charger, and you might bring an extension cord / power strip. Make sure it is a machine you can install and run software on (some work laptops are locked down).
- Hav your favorite text editor installed. Make sure you have a modern code editor installed, lots of ppl use VSCode, Atom, Sublime. Be familiar with it.
- Have Git installed, and be familiar with it. Additional tools that make using Git easier include Github Desktop and SourceTree. Additionally, many modern code editors such as VSCode integrate with Git. You are not required to use the command line, although many people do. If you’re not familiar with using Git in a team, let your team members and a mentor know and we will help.
- Also, some people ar