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Created June 22, 2012 07:16
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Commit generated metric-fu report to metrics repo
set -e
set -v
# RVM shenanigans
source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
rvm --create use ree-1.8.7-2011.03@studio
# Setup database connection
password=`cat ../password.txt`
mysql_socket=`my_print_defaults client | grep socket | sed -e 's/.*socket=//'`
cat config/ | sed -e "s#PASSWORD#$password#g" -e "s#SOCKET#$mysql_socket#g" > config/database.yml
# Symlink the project metrics repo
rm -Rf ./tmp && ln -s /mnt/jenkins/userContent/metrics/${PROJ}_metrics/raw ./tmp
(cd /mnt/jenkins/userContent/metrics/${PROJ}_metrics && git pull origin master)
bundle install
bundle exec rake metrics:all --trace
sed -i -e "s/>workspace</>${PROJ}</" ./tmp/metric_fu/output/*.html
sed -i -e 's/"\/">metrics</"..\/index.html">metrics</' ./tmp/metric_fu/output/*.html
(cd /mnt/jenkins/userContent/metrics/${PROJ}_metrics && git add --all . && git commit -m "${PROJ} metrics update." && git pull --rebase origin master && git push origin master)
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