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Last active October 17, 2019 08:50
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basic_rl (v.0.0.2)

A provides a simple implementation of SARSA/Q-learning algorithms (specified by -a flag) with epsilon-greedy/softmax policies (specified by -p flag). You can also select the environment other than FrozenLake8x8-v0 using -e flag. It also generates a graphical summary of your simulation.

Type the following command in your console to run the simulation using the default setting.

chmod +x

If you would like to use the SARSA algorithm with the softmax policy, you can type the following command in your console.

./ -a sarsa -p softmax

To learn more about how to use, type ./ --help in your console. It will give you the following output.

usage: [-h] [-a {sarsa,q_learning}] [-p {epsilon_greedy,softmax}]
                   [-e ENVIRONMENT] [-n NEPISODE] [-al ALPHA] [-be BETA]
                   [-bi BETAINC] [-ga GAMMA] [-ep EPSILON] [-ed EPSILONDECAY]
                   [-ms MAXSTEP] [-ka KAPPA]

Use SARSA/Q-learning algorithm with epsilon-greedy/softmax polciy.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a {sarsa,q_learning}, --algorithm {sarsa,q_learning}
                        Type of learning algorithm. (Default: sarsa)
  -p {epsilon_greedy,softmax}, --policy {epsilon_greedy,softmax}
                        Type of policy. (Default: epsilon_greedy)
                        Name of the environment provided in the OpenAI Gym.
                        (Default: FrozenLake8x8-v0)
  -n NEPISODE, --nepisode NEPISODE
                        Number of episode. (Default: 20000)
  -al ALPHA, --alpha ALPHA
                        Learning rate. (Default: 0.1)
  -be BETA, --beta BETA
                        Initial value of an inverse temperature. (Default:
  -bi BETAINC, --betainc BETAINC
                        Linear increase rate of an inverse temperature.
                        (Default: 0.25)
  -ga GAMMA, --gamma GAMMA
                        Discount rate. (Default: 0.99)
  -ep EPSILON, --epsilon EPSILON
                        Fraction of random exploration in the epsilon greedy.
                        (Default: 0.7)
                        Decay rate of epsilon in the epsilon greedy. (Default:
  -ms MAXSTEP, --maxstep MAXSTEP
                        Maximum step allowed in a episode. (Default: 100)
  -ka KAPPA, --kappa KAPPA
                        Weight of the most recent terminal reward for
                        computing its running average. (Default: 0.01)

This code is the updated version of the code you found in here. In the current version, a running average of the terminal reward is used to control an exploration rate. This idea of controlling the exploration rate by the terminal reward is suggested by JKCooper2 in here.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# (v0.0.2)
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Use SARSA/Q-learning algorithm with epsilon-greedy/softmax polciy.')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--algorithm', default='sarsa', choices=['sarsa', 'q_learning'],
help="Type of learning algorithm. (Default: sarsa)")
parser.add_argument('-p', '--policy', default='epsilon_greedy', choices=['epsilon_greedy', 'softmax'],
help="Type of policy. (Default: epsilon_greedy)")
parser.add_argument('-e', '--environment', default='FrozenLake8x8-v0',
help="Name of the environment provided in the OpenAI Gym. (Default: FrozenLake8x8-v0)")
parser.add_argument('-n', '--nepisode', default='20000', type=int,
help="Number of episode. (Default: 20000)")
parser.add_argument('-al', '--alpha', default='0.1', type=float,
help="Learning rate. (Default: 0.1)")
parser.add_argument('-be', '--beta', default='0.0', type=float,
help="Initial value of an inverse temperature. (Default: 0.0)")
parser.add_argument('-bi', '--betainc', default='0.25', type=float,
help="Linear increase rate of an inverse temperature. (Default: 0.25)")
parser.add_argument('-ga', '--gamma', default='0.99', type=float,
help="Discount rate. (Default: 0.99)")
parser.add_argument('-ep', '--epsilon', default='0.7', type=float,
help="Fraction of random exploration in the epsilon greedy. (Default: 0.7)")
parser.add_argument('-ed', '--epsilondecay', default='0.995', type=float,
help="Decay rate of epsilon in the epsilon greedy. (Default: 0.995)")
parser.add_argument('-ms', '--maxstep', default='100', type=int,
help="Maximum step allowed in a episode. (Default: 100)")
parser.add_argument('-ka', '--kappa', default='0.01', type=float,
help="Weight of the most recent terminal reward for computing its running average. (Default: 0.01)")
args = parser.parse_args()
import gym
import numpy as np
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def softmax(q_value, beta=1.0):
assert beta >= 0.0
q_tilde = q_value - np.max(q_value)
factors = np.exp(beta * q_tilde)
return factors / np.sum(factors)
def select_a_with_softmax(curr_s, q_value, beta=1.0):
prob_a = softmax(q_value[curr_s, :], beta=beta)
cumsum_a = np.cumsum(prob_a)
return np.where(np.random.rand() < cumsum_a)[0][0]
def select_a_with_epsilon_greedy(curr_s, q_value, epsilon=0.1):
a = np.argmax(q_value[curr_s, :])
if np.random.rand() < epsilon:
a = np.random.randint(q_value.shape[1])
return a
def main():
env_type = args.environment
algorithm_type = args.algorithm
policy_type = args.policy
# Random seed
# Selection of the problem
env = gym.envs.make(env_type)
# Constraints imposed by the environment
n_a = env.action_space.n
n_s = env.observation_space.n
# Meta parameters for the RL agent
alpha = args.alpha
beta = args.beta
beta_inc = args.betainc
gamma = args.gamma
epsilon = args.epsilon
epsilon_decay = args.epsilondecay
# Experimental setup
n_episode = args.nepisode
print "n_episode ", n_episode
max_step = args.maxstep
# Running average of the terminal reward, which is used for controlling an exploration rate
# (This idea of controlling exploration rate by the terminal reward is suggested by JKCooper2)
# See
kappa = args.kappa
ave_terminal_r = None
# Initialization of a Q-value table
q_value = np.zeros([n_s, n_a])
# Initialization of a list for storing simulation history
history = []
print "algorithm_type: {}".format(algorithm_type)
print "policy_type: {}".format(policy_type)
np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True)
result_dir = 'results-{0}-{1}-{2}'.format(env_type, algorithm_type, policy_type)
# Start monitoring the simulation for OpenAI Gym
env.monitor.start(result_dir, force=True)
for i_episode in xrange(n_episode):
# Reset a cumulative reward for this episode
cumu_r = 0
# Start a new episode and sample the initial state
curr_s = env.reset()
# Select the first action in this episode
if policy_type == 'softmax':
curr_a = select_a_with_softmax(curr_s, q_value, beta=beta)
elif policy_type == 'epsilon_greedy':
curr_a = select_a_with_epsilon_greedy(curr_s, q_value, epsilon=epsilon)
raise ValueError("Invalid policy_type: {}".format(policy_type))
for i_step in xrange(max_step):
# Get a result of your action from the environment
next_s, r, done, info = env.step(curr_a)
# Modification of reward
# CAUTION: Changing this part of the code in order to get a fast convergence
# is not a good idea because it is essentially changing the problem setting itself.
# This part of code was kept not to get fast convergence but to show the
# influence of a reward function on the convergence speed for pedagogical reason.
#if done & (r == 0):
# # Punishment for falling into a hall
# r = 0.0
#elif not done:
# # Cost per step
# r = 0.0
# Update a cummulative reward
cumu_r = r + gamma * cumu_r
# Select an action
if policy_type == 'softmax':
next_a = select_a_with_softmax(next_s, q_value, beta=beta)
elif policy_type == 'epsilon_greedy':
next_a = select_a_with_epsilon_greedy(next_s, q_value, epsilon=epsilon)
raise ValueError("Invalid policy_type: {}".format(policy_type))
# Calculation of TD error
if algorithm_type == 'sarsa':
delta = r + gamma * q_value[next_s, next_a] - q_value[curr_s, curr_a]
elif algorithm_type == 'q_learning':
delta = r + gamma * np.max(q_value[next_s, :]) - q_value[curr_s, curr_a]
raise ValueError("Invalid algorithm_type: {}".format(algorithm_type))
# Update a Q value table
q_value[curr_s, curr_a] += alpha * delta
curr_s = next_s
curr_a = next_a
if done:
# Running average of the terminal reward, which is used for controlling an exploration rate
# (This idea of controlling exploration rate by the terminal reward is suggested by JKCooper2)
# See
kappa = 0.01
if ave_terminal_r == None:
ave_terminal_r = r
ave_terminal_r = kappa * r + (1 - kappa) * ave_terminal_r
if r > ave_terminal_r:
# Bias the current policy toward exploitation
if policy_type == 'epsilon_greedy':
# epsilon is decayed expolentially
epsilon = epsilon * epsilon_decay
elif policy_type == 'softmax':
# beta is increased linearly
beta = beta + beta_inc
if policy_type == 'softmax':
print "Episode: {0}\t Steps: {1:>4}\tCumuR: {2:>5.2f}\tTermR: {3}\tAveTermR: {4:.3f}\tBeta: {5:.3f}".format(
i_episode, i_step, cumu_r, r, ave_terminal_r, beta)
history.append([i_episode, i_step, cumu_r, r, ave_terminal_r, beta])
elif policy_type == 'epsilon_greedy':
print "Episode: {0}\t Steps: {1:>4}\tCumuR: {2:>5.2f}\tTermR: {3}\tAveTermR: {4:.3f}\tEpsilon: {5:.3f}".format(
i_episode, i_step, cumu_r, r, ave_terminal_r, epsilon)
history.append([i_episode, i_step, cumu_r, r, ave_terminal_r, epsilon])
raise ValueError("Invalid policy_type: {}".format(policy_type))
# Stop monitoring the simulation for OpenAI Gym
history = np.array(history)
window_size = 100
def running_average(x, window_size, mode='valid'):
return np.convolve(x, np.ones(window_size)/window_size, mode=mode)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=[12, 8])
# Number of steps
ax[0, 0].plot(history[:, 0], history[:, 1], '.')
ax[0, 0].set_xlabel('Episode')
ax[0, 0].set_ylabel('Number of steps')
ax[0, 0].plot(history[window_size-1:, 0], running_average(history[:, 1], window_size))
# Cumulative reward
ax[0, 1].plot(history[:, 0], history[:, 2], '.')
ax[0, 1].set_xlabel('Episode')
ax[0, 1].set_ylabel('Cumulative rewards')
ax[0, 1].plot(history[window_size-1:, 0], running_average(history[:, 2], window_size))
# Terminal reward
ax[1, 0].plot(history[:, 0], history[:, 3], '.')
ax[1, 0].set_xlabel('Episode')
ax[1, 0].set_ylabel('Terminal rewards')
ax[1, 0].plot(history[window_size-1:, 0], running_average(history[:, 3], window_size))
# Epsilon/Beta
ax[1, 1].plot(history[:, 0], history[:, 5], '.')
ax[1, 1].set_xlabel('Episode')
if policy_type == 'softmax':
ax[1, 1].set_ylabel('Beta')
elif policy_type == 'epsilon_greedy':
ax[1, 1].set_ylabel('Epsilon')
print "Q value table:"
print q_value
if policy_type == 'softmax':
print "Action selection probability:"
print np.array([softmax(q, beta=beta) for q in q_value])
elif policy_type == 'epsilon_greedy':
print "Greedy action"
greedy_action = np.zeros([n_s, n_a])
greedy_action[np.arange(n_s), np.argmax(q_value, axis=1)] = 1
#print np.array([zero_vec[np.argmax(q)] = 1 for q in q_value])
print greedy_action
if __name__ == "__main__":
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devloper13 commented Oct 17, 2019

So instead of having a running average of the terminal reward to control an exploration rate, why can't we decay the epsilon whenever we are rewarded '1' and do not decay when we're awarded '0'. Isn't it the same thing?

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