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Tarun Mahajan tango4567

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tango4567 / mpdf_installation_code_ignitor_3.text
Created July 2, 2021 06:07
Installtion Steps for mpdf in CodeIgnitor3
Installations steps for mPDF
1. Check PHp, Codeignioter and Composer Version
Php = 7.4.3
CI3 = 3.1x
Composer = 2.1x
2. Install composer
composer require mpdf/mpdf
3. While installing mpdf you might get following error (Optional)
If you are getting any error related to "mikey179/vfsStream" which say capital letters not allowed
"appStatus" : 1,
"maskStatus" : 1,
"pulse" : 76,
"pulseStatus" : 1,
"pulseoxStatus" : 1,
"spO2" : 98,
"spO2Status" : 1,
"timestamp" : "2-13-2021, 9:35:57 AM"
tango4567 / video.json
Last active June 14, 2019 05:54
Open Video API
"dummy": [
"name":"Bike Rider",
"url": "",
"status": false,
"id": 1
tango4567 / profiler.json
Last active May 23, 2019 06:01
This is a sample JSON File for best practices.
"users": [
"name": "Tarun Mahajan",
"about": "A distinguished and sophisticated Founder of Sowmitras Technosoft Solutions (OPC) Private Limited with expertise and success in a diverse range of technologies with leading the support, enhancement and deployment of critical solutions in multiple industries. Demonstrated success managing Networking, Software Design, Quality Assurances, Product Development, Internet Technology and any more. A well organized results-oriented individual with a proven ability to implement standards, procedures and processes that improve business functionality. Solid management skills, capable of leading and motivating individuals to maximize the level of productivity, while forming cohesive team environments. Expert at developing and implementing best practice based structure. Exceptional communicator focused on building strong client relationships.",
"profile_img": "",
tango4567 / notify.json
Created March 4, 2019 18:28
Structured JSON for Notification
"data": {
"topic": "has by common Moby ",
"id": "3883",
"title": "expenses etext damages compliance create countries366 makes Among cause1 month and ",
"message": "IT the receive they years by from of etude to anyyou announcementThe our forthbelow Only games by that made Grady these Etexts alternatively they wish of you you Archive of zip 60 ",
"links": [
"link": "URL",
"title": "title",
tango4567 / catpot.json
Created March 4, 2019 18:09
All in one categories and posts JSON sample
//Must Read Comment by Creator
"categories": [
"name": "name",
"img": "image_url"
tango4567 / categories.json
Last active March 4, 2019 18:03
Categories JSON sample
//Must Read Comment by Creator
"categories": [
"name": "name",
"img": "image_url"