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Created December 17, 2018 04:01
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RFM Analysis in NodeJS
import {Meteor} from 'meteor/meteor';
import {check, Match} from 'meteor/check';
import moment from 'moment';
import bodybuilder from 'bodybuilder';
import {Promise} from 'meteor/promise';
import RequestPromise from 'request-promise';
import _ from 'lodash';
/* Collections */
import {RFMScoreBoard, RFMTopTen} from '/imports/api/collections/rfm';
/* Elastic */
import {ElasticClient as Elastic} from '/imports/api/elastic';
/* Utils */
import {cleanupArray} from '/imports/utils';
/* Functions */
import {Functions} from '/imports/api/olap';
/* Scripts */
import Scripts from './scripts';
* Get the Dataset for Recency, Frequency, Monetary
* @param index
* @param type
* @param batches
* @param scroll
* @returns {{RDataSet: Array, FDataSet: Array, MDataSet: Array}}
const getRFMDataSet = async({index, type, batches, scroll}) => {
try {
recencyDataSet = [], // Recency data set
frequencyDataSet = [], // Frequency data set
monetaryDataSet = [], // Monetary data set
body = bodybuilder()
.query('match_all', {})
let count = 0, scrollId = '';
body.size = batches;
body._source = ["recency", "frequency", "monetary"];
const {hits: {hits, total}, _scroll_id} = await{index, type, scroll, body}); => {
const {_source: {recency, frequency, monetary}} = hit;
scrollId = _scroll_id;
while (count < total) {
const {hits: {hits}, _scroll_id} = await Elastic.scroll({scrollId, scroll}); => {
const {_source: {recency, frequency, monetary}} = hit;
scrollId = _scroll_id;
return {
recencyDataSet: _.uniq(cleanupArray(recencyDataSet)),
frequencyDataSet: _.uniq(cleanupArray(frequencyDataSet)),
monetaryDataSet: _.uniq(cleanupArray(monetaryDataSet))
} catch (err) {
throw new Meteor.Error('GET_RFM_DATASET', err.message);
* Calculate the quartile position of Quantiles from a data set
* @param q - the type of quantiles (2: Median, 3: Tertiles, 4: Quartiles, 5: Quintiles)
* @param dataset
* @returns {Array}
const calculateQuantiles = (dataset) => {
check(dataset, [Number]);
try {
sample = dataset.sort((a, b) => (a - b)), // Order the data from smallest to largest
n = sample.length, // Count how many observations you have in your data set.
quantiles = [];
let qQuantiles = [];
// Median
if (n < 3) {
qQuantiles = [0.5];
// Tertiles
if (n > 2 && n < 4) {
qQuantiles = [0.33, 0.66];
// Quartiles
if (n > 3 && n < 5) {
qQuantiles = [0.25, 0.5, 0.75];
// Quintiles
if (n >= 5) {
qQuantiles = [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8];
qQuantiles.forEach(q => {
const o = Math.floor(q * (n + 1)); // ith observation
return quantiles;
} catch (err) {
throw new Meteor.Error('CALCULATE_QUANTILES', err.message);
* Calculate RFM Quantiles
* @param index
* @param type
* @param batches
* @param scroll
* @returns {{RQuantiles: Array, FQuantiles: Array, MQuantiles: Array}}
const calculateRFMQuantiles = async({index, type, batches, scroll}) => {
try {
// get all dataset of RFM
const {recencyDataSet, frequencyDataSet, monetaryDataSet} = await getRFMDataSet({index, type, batches, scroll});
/* Calculate RFM Quantiles */
recencyQuantiles = calculateQuantiles(recencyDataSet), // Recency
frequencyQuantiles = calculateQuantiles(frequencyDataSet), // Frequency
monetaryQuantiles = calculateQuantiles(monetaryDataSet); // Monetary
// The more recent the better recency
// RQuantiles.reverse();
return {recencyQuantiles, frequencyQuantiles, monetaryQuantiles};
} catch (err) {
throw new Meteor.Error('CALCULATE_RFM_QUANTILES', err.message);
* Function calculate Recency, Frequency, Monetary Values of a user in a period - server
* @param {String} index - Ex: "bots_vn_stage"
* @param {String} type - Ex: "sales_order"
* @param {String} _id - Ex: ""
* @param {String} period - Ex: "now-1y"
* @returns {recency, frequency, monetary}
const calculateRFMValue = async({index, type, id, period, runDate}) => {
check(index, String);
check(type, String);
check(id, Match.OneOf(Number, String));
check(period, String);
check(runDate, Date);
try {
key = 'magento_customer_id',
aggType = 'max',
periodField = 'purchase_date',
RField = 'purchase_date',
MField = 'grand_total_purchase',
body = bodybuilder()
.filter('term', key, id)
.filter('range', periodField, {gte: period})
.aggregation(aggType, RField)
.aggregation(aggType, MField)
// get last purchase date of user
const {hits: {total: frequency}, aggregations} = await{index, type, body});
{value_as_string: lastPurchaseDate} = aggregations[`agg_${aggType}_${RField}`],
{value: monetary} = aggregations[`agg_${aggType}_${MField}`];
const recency = moment(runDate).diff(lastPurchaseDate, 'days');
return {recency, frequency, monetary};
} catch (err) {
throw new Meteor.Error('CALCULATE_RFM_VALUE', err.message);
* Index the RFM Values for every customer
* @param hits
* @param source
* @param dest
* @param period
* @param runDate
* @param count
* @returns {{count: *}}
const updateRFMValues = async({hits, source, dest, period, runDate, count}) => {
try {
let index = '', type = '';
await Promise.all(
async hit => {
index = source.index;
type = source.type;
const {_id: id, _source} = hit;
const {recency, frequency, monetary} = await calculateRFMValue({index, type, id, period, runDate});
index = dest.index;
type = dest.type;
const body = {
doc: {
}, doc_as_upsert: true
await Elastic.update({index, type, id, body});
return {count};
} catch (err) {
throw new Meteor.Error('INDEX_RFM_VALUES', err.message);
* Calculate score for a value with quantitles
* @param quantiles
* @param value
* @returns {number}
const calculateScore = ({quantiles, value}) => {
const n = quantiles.length;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (value <= quantiles[i]) {
return i + 1;
if (i === (n - 1) && value > quantiles[i]) {
return i + 2;
* Get segment of customer from Gandalf Decision making with RFM
* @param recencyScore
* @param frequencyScore
* @param monetaryScore
* @returns {{segment}}
export const getRFMSegment = async({recencyScore, frequencyScore, monetaryScore}) => {
try {
const {domain, clientId, clientSecret, tableId, appId} = Meteor.settings.gandalf;
const request = {
method: 'POST',
uri: `http://${clientId}:${clientSecret}@${domain}/api/v1/tables/${tableId}/decisions`,
headers: {
'X-Application': appId
body: {
recency_score: null,
frequency_monetary_score: null
}, json: true
if (recencyScore && recencyScore && monetaryScore) {
request.body = {
recency_score: recencyScore,
frequency_monetary_score: Math.floor((frequencyScore + monetaryScore) / 2)
const {meta: {code}, data: {final_decision}} = await RequestPromise(request);
if (code === 200) {
const {segment} = JSON.parse(final_decision);
return {segment};
throw new Meteor.Error('GET_RFM_SEGMENT', `Code: ${code}`);
} catch (err) {
throw new Meteor.Error('GET_RFM_SEGMENT', err.message);
* Index a Chunk of iCMs Segment
* @param hits
* @param index
* @param type
* @param count
* @returns {{count: *}}
const indexSegmentForChunkOfiCM = async({hits, index, type, count}) => {
try {
/* Update sequential */
for (const hit of hits) {
const {_id: id,
_source: {recency_score: recencyScore, frequency_score: frequencyScore, monetary_score: monetaryScore}
} = hit;
const {segment} = await getRFMSegment({recencyScore, frequencyScore, monetaryScore});
const body = {doc: {segment}};
await Elastic.update({index, type, id, body});
/* Update parallel */
await Promise.all(
async hit => {
const {
_id: id,
_source: {recency_score: recencyScore, frequency_score: frequencyScore, monetary_score: monetaryScore}
} = hit;
const {segment} = await getRFMSegment({recencyScore, frequencyScore, monetaryScore});
const body = {doc: {segment}};
await Elastic.update({index, type, id, body});
return {count};
} catch (err) {
throw new Meteor.Error('INDEX_GROUP_SEGMENTS', err.message);
* Index segment for all of iCMs who have RFM Scores.
* @param country
* @param rfmType
* @returns {{count: number}}
export const indexSegmentForAllOfiCM = async({index, type}) => {
try {
{public: {elastic: {scroll}}} = Meteor.settings,
body = bodybuilder()
.query('match_all', {})
let count = 0, scrollId = '';
// body.size = batches; // default batches is 10 documents per chunk
body._source = ["recency_score", "frequency_score", "monetary_score"];
// get chunk of iCM
const {hits: {hits, total}, _scroll_id} = await{index, type, scroll, body});
// update Segment for the chunk of iCM above
const {count: runCount} = await indexSegmentForChunkOfiCM({hits, index, type, count});
count = runCount;
scrollId = _scroll_id;
while (count < total) {
const {hits: {hits}, _scroll_id} = await Elastic.scroll({scrollId, scroll});
const {count: runCount} = await indexSegmentForChunkOfiCM({hits, index, type, count});
count = runCount;
scrollId = _scroll_id;
return {count};
} catch (err) {
throw new Meteor.Error('INDEX_ALL_SEGMENTS', err.message);
* Index RFM scores for the group of iCare members
* @param quantiles
* @param hits
* @param index
* @param type
* @param count
* @returns {{count: *}}
const indexGroupRFMScores = async({quantiles, hits, index, type, count}) => {
try {
const {recencyQuantiles, frequencyQuantiles, monetaryQuantiles} = quantiles;
await Promise.all(
async hit => {
{_id: id, _source: {recency, frequency, monetary}} = hit,
frequency_score = calculateScore({quantiles: frequencyQuantiles, value: frequency}),
monetary_score = calculateScore({quantiles: monetaryQuantiles, value: monetary});
recency_score = calculateScore({quantiles: recencyQuantiles, value: recency});
// Calculate recency_score
const q = recencyQuantiles.length + 1;
recency_score = q - recency_score + 1;
const body = {
doc: {
await Elastic.update({index, type, id, body});
return {count};
} catch (err) {
throw new Meteor.Error('INDEX_GROUP_RFM_SCORE', err.message);
* Index RFM scores for all of iCare members
* @param country
* @returns {{count: number}}
export const indexAllRFMScores = async({index, type}) => {
try {
{public: {elastic: {batches, scroll}}} = Meteor.settings,
body = bodybuilder()
.query('match_all', {})
let count = 0, scrollId = '';
const quantiles = await calculateRFMQuantiles({index, type, batches, scroll});
// update option quantitles
const {recencyQuantiles, frequencyQuantiles, monetaryQuantiles} = quantiles;
await Elastic.update({
index, type: 'options', id: 'quantiles',
body: {
doc: {
recency_quantiles: recencyQuantiles,
frequency_quantiles: frequencyQuantiles,
monetary_quantiles: monetaryQuantiles
doc_as_upsert: true
body.size = batches;
body._source = ["recency", "frequency", "monetary"];
const {hits: {hits, total}, _scroll_id} = await{index, type, scroll, body});
const {count: runCount} = await indexGroupRFMScores({quantiles, hits, index, type, count});
count = runCount;
scrollId = _scroll_id;
while (count < total) {
const {hits: {hits}, _scroll_id} = await Elastic.scroll({scrollId, scroll});
const {count: runCount} = await indexGroupRFMScores({quantiles, hits, index, type, count});
count = runCount;
scrollId = _scroll_id;
return {count};
} catch (err) {
throw new Meteor.Error('INDEX_RFM_SCORES', err.message);
* Index the RFM Values of customers for every country
* @param country
* @returns {{count: number}}
export const indexRFMModel = async({source, dest, period, country, runDate}) => {
check(source, Object);
check(dest, Object);
check(period, String);
check(country, String);
check(runDate, Date);
try {
const {public: {elastic: {batches, scroll}}} = Meteor.settings;
index = '', type = '',
scrollId = '', count = 0,
body = {};
/* Reindex iCare member */
/* iCare member */
const reindexSource = {
index: source.index,
type: 'icare_member',
_source: ["magento_customer_id", "netsuite_customer_id", "name", "gender", "company", "business_unit", "email", "phone"],
query: bodybuilder()
.query('has_child', {type: "sales_order"}, (q) => {
return q
.filter('range', 'purchase_date', {gte: period})
.filter('exists', 'field', 'magento_customer_id')
.notFilter('term', 'so_status.keyword', 'canceled')
.notFilter('nested', 'path', 'items', q => {
return q
.query('term', 'items.sku.keyword', 'LOAN-MIGRATION')
options = {refresh: true, waitForCompletion: true, requestTimeout: 120000},
{lang, rfm: {icareMember: iCMsScripts}} = Scripts(),
script = {
inline: Object.keys(iCMsScripts)
.map(s => iCMsScripts[s])
const {segment} = await getRFMSegment({});
script.inline += `;ctx._source.segment = \"${segment}\"`;
const reindexICM = await Functions().asyncReindex({source: reindexSource, dest, script, options});
/* Update RFM Values */
index = dest.index;
type = dest.type;
body = bodybuilder()
.query('match_all', {})
body.size = batches;
body._source = false;
const {hits: {hits, total}, _scroll_id} = await{index, type, scroll, body});
const {count: runCount} = await updateRFMValues({hits, source, dest, period, runDate, count});
count = runCount;
scrollId = _scroll_id;
while (count < total) {
const {hits: {hits}, _scroll_id} = await Elastic.scroll({scrollId, scroll});
const {count: runCount} = await updateRFMValues({hits, source, dest, period, runDate, count});
count = runCount;
scrollId = _scroll_id;
return {reindexICM, updateRFMValues: count};
} catch (err) {
throw new Meteor.Error('INDEX_RFM_MODEL', err.message);
* Get RFM ScoreBoard for every country
* @param country
* @param rfmType
* @returns {*|any|List<T>}
export const getRFMScoreBoard = async({index, type, period, country}) => {
check(index, String);
check(type, String);
check(period, String);
check(country, String);
try {
elastic: {indices: {bots: botsIndex}},
public: {env}
} = Meteor.settings,
scoreboard = {
total: 0,
purchased: 0,
champion: 0,
loyal: 0,
potential: 0,
new: 0,
promissing: 0,
attention: 0,
sleep: 0,
risk: 0,
losing: 0,
hibernating: 0,
lost: 0,
theBestChampion: {},
theBestLoyal: {},
theBestPotential: {},
date: new Date()
_source = ["magento_customer_id", "netsuite_customer_id", "name", "company", "recency", "frequency", "monetary"];
let body = bodybuilder()
.aggregation('terms', 'segment.keyword', {size: 12})
segment = 'champion';
const {hits: {total}, aggregations} = await{index, type, body});
const {buckets} = aggregations['agg_terms_segment.keyword'];
// total iCMs
scoreboard.purchased = total;
// segmentation iCMs => {
const {key, doc_count} = bucket;
if (key === 'champion') {
scoreboard.champion = doc_count;
if (key === 'loyal customers') {
scoreboard.loyal = doc_count;
if (key === 'potential loyalist') {
scoreboard.potential = doc_count;
if (key === 'new customers') { = doc_count;
if (key === 'promising') {
scoreboard.promissing = doc_count;
if (key === 'customers needing attention') {
scoreboard.attention = doc_count;
if (key === 'about to sleep') {
scoreboard.sleep = doc_count;
if (key === 'at risk') {
scoreboard.risk = doc_count;
if (key === "can't lose them") {
scoreboard.losing = doc_count;
if (key === 'hibernating') {
scoreboard.hibernating = doc_count;
if (key === 'lost') {
scoreboard.lost = doc_count;
// total iCMs
body = bodybuilder()
.filter('range', 'created_at', {gte: period})
const {count} = await Elastic.count({
index: `${botsIndex.prefix}_${country}_${env}`,
type: botsIndex.types.icare_member,
}); = count;
// the best champion
body = bodybuilder()
.filter('term', 'segment.keyword', {value: segment})
.sort('_script', {
"type": "number", "script": {
"lang": "painless",
"inline": "params['_source']['recency_score'] + params['_source']['frequency_score'] + params['_source']['monetary_score']",
"params": {
"factor": 1.1
"order": "desc"
.sort('monetary', 'desc')
.sort('frequency', 'desc')
.sort('recency', 'desc')
body._source = _source;
const {hits: {hits: champions}} = await{index, type, body});
if (!_.isEmpty(champions)) {
scoreboard.theBestChampion = {...champions[0]._source};
// the best loyal
segment = 'loyal customers';
body = bodybuilder()
.filter('term', 'segment.keyword', {value: segment})
.sort('_script', {
"type": "number", "script": {
"lang": "painless",
"inline": "params['_source']['recency_score'] + params['_source']['frequency_score'] + params['_source']['monetary_score']",
"params": {
"factor": 1.1
"order": "desc"
.sort('monetary', 'desc')
.sort('frequency', 'desc')
.sort('recency', 'desc')
body._source = _source;
const {hits: {hits: loyals}} = await{index, type, body});
if (!_.isEmpty(loyals)) {
scoreboard.theBestLoyal = {...loyals[0]._source};
// the best potential
segment = 'potential loyalist';
body = bodybuilder()
.filter('term', 'segment.keyword', {value: segment})
.sort('_script', {
"type": "number", "script": {
"lang": "painless",
"inline": "params['_source']['recency_score'] + params['_source']['frequency_score'] + params['_source']['monetary_score']",
"params": {
"factor": 1.1
"order": "desc"
.sort('monetary', 'desc')
.sort('frequency', 'desc')
.sort('recency', 'desc')
body._source = _source;
const {hits: {hits: potentials}} = await{index, type, body});
if (!_.isEmpty(potentials)) {
scoreboard.theBestPotential = {...potentials[0]._source};
return RFMScoreBoard.insert(scoreboard);
} catch (err) {
throw new Meteor.Error('GET_RFM_SCOREBOARD', err.message);
* Get Top Ten iCMs on every segment.
* @param country - vn, kh, la
* @param rfmType - year, 3years, 6months (currently support year only)
* @returns {*|any|List<T>}
export const getRFMTopTen = async({index, type, country}) => {
check(index, String);
check(type, String);
check(country, String);
try {
topten = {
champions: [],
loyals: [],
potentials: [],
news: [],
promissings: [],
attentions: [],
sleeps: [],
risks: [],
losings: [],
hibernatings: [],
losts: [],
date: new Date()
_source = ["magento_customer_id", "netsuite_customer_id", "name", "company", "recency", "frequency", "monetary"],
segments = [
{champions: 'champion'},
{loyals: 'loyal customers'},
{potentials: 'potential loyalist'},
{news: 'new customers'},
{promissings: 'promising'},
{attentions: 'customers needing attention'},
{sleeps: 'about to sleep'},
{risks: 'at risk'},
{losings: "can't lose them"},
{hibernatings: 'hibernating'},
{losts: 'lost'}
for (const segment of segments) {
key = Object.keys(segment)[0],
value = segment[key],
body = bodybuilder()
.rawOption('_source', _source)
.filter('term', 'segment.keyword', {value})
.sort('_script', {
"type": "number", "script": {
"lang": "painless",
"inline": "params['_source']['recency_score'] + params['_source']['frequency_score'] + params['_source']['monetary_score']",
"params": {
"factor": 1.1
"order": "desc"
.sort('monetary', 'desc')
.sort('frequency', 'desc')
.sort('recency', 'desc')
const {hits: {hits}} = await{index, type, body});
if (!_.isEmpty(hits)) {
topten[key] = => hit._source);
return RFMTopTen.insert(topten);
} catch (err) {
throw new Meteor.Error('GET_RFM_TOPTEN', err.message);
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