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Last active March 3, 2025 07:35
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Merge multiple peak files (BED format) then call the consensus regions
# This script will find the consensus peak regions from peak files (in
# BED format) of multiple samples by:
# 1. Converting the peak file of each sample into non-overlapping 3
# cols BED file and concatenating them;
# 2. Sorting the concatenated file and Building a genome coverage
# track in BedGraph, of which the value (the 3rd col) indicates the
# number of samples with a peak at a particular location;
# 3. Using MACS to call regions being covered by peaks from more than
# a certain number of samples.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Modify the following parameters
# define the peaks from multiple samples
SAMPLE_PEAKS=`ls *.narrowPeak`
# define the CUTOFF
# define the minlen and maxgap for peak calling (arbitrary)
# define the genome file with the 1st column as chromosome name and
# the 2nd column as chromosome length
# define the OUTPUT_PREFIX
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 1
rm -f $O
touch $O
for f in $I; do
bedtools sort -i $f | bedtools merge -i - | cut -f 1,2,3 >> $O;
# 2
bedtools sort -i $I | bedtools genomecov -bga -i - -g $GENOME > $O
macs2 bdgpeakcall -i $I -o $O --no-trackline -c $CUTOFF -g $MAXGAP -l $MINLEN
# end
echo "All done. Check ${O}"
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taoliu commented Oct 25, 2024

bedtools intersect can give you overlap regions between one file (-a) and one or more files (-b). However, it's hard to implement the same idea as shown in this script -- so that we can get common regions from e.g. any 3 out of 4 samples. Maybe I don't know the tricks of bedtools. If you have some insight, please share with me :)

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