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Created December 13, 2024 09:45
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A Direct Integration of Anthropic Computer Use and AgentDesk
import sys
import base64
import io
import json
import anthropic
from agentdesk.device_v1 import Desktop
from typing import Any, Dict, List
import time
from copy import deepcopy
def capture_desktop_screenshot(desktop: Desktop) -> str:
"""Capture desktop screenshot and convert to base64."""
screenshots = desktop.take_screenshots(count=1)
if not screenshots:
raise RuntimeError("Failed to capture screenshot")
buffer = io.BytesIO()
screenshots[0].save(buffer, format='PNG')
return base64.b64encode(buffer.getvalue()).decode('utf-8')
def run_desktop_action(desktop: Desktop, action: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
"""Execute a desktop action based on the tool use response and return screenshot."""
print(f"\nExecuting desktop action: {json.dumps(action, indent=2)}")
# Convert parameters
params = action.copy()
action_type = params.get("action")
# Handle coordinate conversion
if "coordinate" in params:
x, y = params["coordinate"]
params["x"] = x
params["y"] = y
del params["coordinate"]
# Handle key mapping
if "text" in params and action_type == "key":
params["keys"] = [params["text"]]
del params["text"]
# Execute the action using converted parameters
if action_type == "mouse_move":
desktop.move_mouse(x=params["x"], y=params["y"])
elif action_type == "left_click":
elif action_type == "left_click_drag":
desktop.drag_mouse(x=params["x"], y=params["y"])
elif action_type == "double_click":
elif action_type == "type":
elif action_type == "key":
elif action_type == "screenshot":
pass # Coz you'll take a screenshot in the end anyway, regardless of what the action is
elif action_type == "cursor_position":
coordinates = desktop.mouse_coordinates()
print(f"Current mouse coordinates: {coordinates}")
return capture_desktop_screenshot(desktop)
def print_messages(messages: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None:
"""Print messages in a readable format, truncating base64 data."""
messages_copy = deepcopy(messages) # Deep copy the messages
# Manually find and truncate any base64 image data
for message in messages_copy:
if message.get("content") and isinstance(message["content"], list):
for content in message["content"]:
if content.get("content") and isinstance(content["content"], list):
for item in content["content"]:
if isinstance(item, dict) and item.get("source", {}).get("data"):
data = item["source"]["data"]
item["source"]["data"] = data[:50] + "..." + data[-20:]
print("\nCurrent message history:")
print(json.dumps(messages_copy, indent=2))
def main(task: str):
# Initialize Desktop
desktop = Desktop.docker()
# Initialize Anthropic client
client = anthropic.Anthropic()
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# Initial message
messages = [{
"role": "user",
"content": f"{HELP_ANTHROPIC} Help me with this task: {task}."
while True:
print("\n--- New iteration ---")
print("\nSending request to Claude...")
response = client.beta.messages.create(
"type": "computer_20241022",
"name": "computer",
"display_width_px": 1024,
"display_height_px": 768,
"display_number": 1,
print("\nClaude's response:")
# The agent will return 'end_turn' if it believes it's finished
if response.stop_reason == "end_turn":
print(f"✅ I think the task is done, please review the result: {response.content[0].text}")
for content in response.content:
content_dict = content.model_dump()
print(json.dumps(content_dict, indent=2))
if content.type == "text":
print(f"\nClaude's message: {content.text}")
elif content.type == "tool_use":
screenshot = run_desktop_action(desktop, content.input)
"role": "assistant",
"content": [content.model_dump()]
"role": "user",
"content": [{
"type": "tool_result",
"content": [{
"type": "image",
"source": {
"type": "base64",
"media_type": "image/png",
"data": screenshot
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Usage: python 'your task description'")
task = sys.argv[1]
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