const sleepPromise = (millis) => {
console.log(`Sleeping for ${millis} milliseconds`);
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(), millis);
// this could be any heavy I/O e.g.:
// - HTTP requests
// - disk file retrieval
// - TCP / socket calls
const __httpApiCall = (start, end, variable, entityCode, waitBeforeRequest) => {
// sleep to avoid hitting the API all together
return sleepPromise(waitBeforeRequest)
.then(() => {
// TODO API work to retrieve the data
const data = [{ start: start, end: end, wait: waitBeforeRequest }];
console.log(`Done with data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
return data;
const httpApiCall = (inputVar1, inputVar2) => {
// prepare the array of promises
let inputSlicesPromises = [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6], [7,8], [9,10]].map((timeSlice) => {
const currRandomWait = Math.random() * 1000;
return __httpApiCall(timeSlice[0], timeSlice[1], inputVar1, inputVar2, currRandomWait);
// perform the HTTP requests
return Promise.all(inputSlicesPromises)
.then(slicesLists => {
// deal with the retrieved data
return console.log(`slicesLists: \n${JSON.stringify(slicesLists, null, 2)}`);
// ---------------------
httpApiCall("foovar", "barvar");
The output is:
Sleeping for 844.8424208593117 milliseconds
Sleeping for 44.40659758801524 milliseconds
Sleeping for 5.6841723462950355 milliseconds
Sleeping for 855.9312108212976 milliseconds
Sleeping for 387.0777718254672 milliseconds
Done with data: [{"start":5,"end":6,"wait":5.6841723462950355}]
Done with data: [{"start":3,"end":4,"wait":44.40659758801524}]
Done with data: [{"start":9,"end":10,"wait":387.0777718254672}]
Done with data: [{"start":1,"end":2,"wait":844.8424208593117}]
Done with data: [{"start":7,"end":8,"wait":855.9312108212976}]
"start": 1,
"end": 2,
"wait": 844.8424208593117
"start": 3,
"end": 4,
"wait": 44.40659758801524
"start": 5,
"end": 6,
"wait": 5.6841723462950355
"start": 7,
"end": 8,
"wait": 855.9312108212976
"start": 9,
"end": 10,
"wait": 387.0777718254672