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Last active July 6, 2024 14:11
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Blog post:
Problem Definition
Try to find the optimal Sura words distribution among a given number of days with the following constraints:
- Each day should have 1000+ aya (Days 6 or less)
- The difference of word counts at each day is minimal
This is basically a Problem (NP-hard)
The result is populated in
from copy import deepcopy
from pulp import *
number_days = 3 #Valid Numbers 6-3
# Quran Data is compiled based on:
# which is further based on dataset
sura_name = ['البقرة','آلعمران','النساء','المائدة','الأنعام','الأعراف','الأنفال','التوبة','يونس',
'الجاثية','جزء الأحقاف','جزء الذاريات','جزء قد سمع','جزء تبرك','جزء عم']
sura_words = [
sura_ayahs = [
def lists_to_dict(keys, values):
dict_ = {} # using naive method to convert lists to dictionary
for key in keys:
for value in values:
dict_[key] = value
return dict_
dict_words = lists_to_dict(sura_name, deepcopy(sura_words))
dict_ayahs = lists_to_dict(sura_name, deepcopy(sura_ayahs))
prob = LpProblem("Moqantareen-Problem", LpMaximize)
parts = range(number_days)
items = range(len(sura_name))
min_value = LpVariable("min_value", cat=LpContinuous)
vars = [
[LpVariable(f"x_{item}_{part}", lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat=LpBinary)
for part in parts]
for item in items
] # vars[i][j] is 1 iff item i is in part j.
prob += min_value # Objective function: maximize min_value
for item in items: # Constraints: each item must be in exactly one part.
prob += (lpSum([vars[item][part] for part in parts]) == 1)
for part in parts: # Constraint: the sum of each part must be at least min_value (by definition of min_value).
prob += (min_value <= pulp.lpSum([vars[item][part]*dict_words[sura_name[item]] for item in items]))
prob += (1000 <= pulp.lpSum([vars[item][part]*dict_ayahs[sura_name[item]] for item in items]))
# The status of the solution is printed to the screen
print("Status:", LpStatus[prob.status])
# Each of the variables is printed with it's resolved optimum value
res = [-1]*len(sura_name)
for v in prob.variables():
if v.varValue == 1.0:
tok ='_')
#print(sura_name[int(tok[1])], ' ==> ', (int(tok[2])+1))
res[int(tok[1])] = int(tok[2])+1
print("يمكنك نسخ القيم الاخيرة في الجدول")
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drahmedh commented Jul 6, 2024

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