Issue: Mischievous players joining through vpn,posting sensitive/inappropriate info in chat, and quickly leaving before a mod can successfully ban/kick them.
Solution: The server already maintains a log of all the ip addresses that connect to it, all we have to do is map the the player name with the ip address and log the time when the ip address is connected to the server. so somthing like:
"Spectator59 22:14 June 13"
The mods can then inform noshu via dc on the in-game username of the troll, and he can then ban that specific ip adress. Of course, the troll could always get another vpn, but that requires effort, and I believe the effort required to setup a new vpn far outweighs the reward.
Improved solution(just thought about this): Mods gain the ability to ipban players that have already left the game x minutes ago.
I think i prefer this one, rather than mods annoying noshu xd.
EDITED: I suspect the troll is using a series of free vpn/proxies, i was thinking of inspecting the the banlist textfiles for the ips recent banned ips, and seaching them up on google to find the kind of proxy site he is using. we can then add them all the ipbanlist.
the other solution is to simply filter out all proxy connections via proxylist.txt.
Updated: I now suspect that's a program, 5-10 seconds after the chat was enabled, the server was spammed. this went on repeatidly. If the server ever gets spammed again, we test this hypothesis by repeatidly disabling and enabling the chat temporarily,and then measuring the time it took for the spam to re-appear. If the time it takes for the messages to re-appear varies significantly, we know thats it a human. (unless the troll has randomized the times for the spam to run, but i doubt that xd)