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Last active February 26, 2018 21:15
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unittest.TestCase base class to automatically generate bindings
import distutils
import inspect
import os.path
import subprocess
import types
import unittest
class PyangBindTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
yang_files = None
def setUpClass(cls):
if cls.yang_files is None:
raise ValueError("cls.yang_files must be set")
pyang_path = distutils.spawn.find_executable('pyang')
if not pyang_path:
raise RuntimeError("Could not locate `pyang` executable.")
base_dir, _ = __file__.split('{}tests{}'.format(os.path.sep, os.path.sep))
test_path = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(cls))
yang_files = [os.path.join(test_path, filename) for filename in cls.yang_files]
plugin_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'pyangbind', 'plugin')
pyang_cmd = "{} --plugindir {} -f pybind -p {} --use-extmethods --use-xpathhelper {}".format(
pyang_path, plugin_dir, test_path, ' '.join(yang_files)
bindings_code = subprocess.check_output(
pyang_cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env={'PYTHONPATH': base_dir}
cls.bindings = types.ModuleType('bindings')
exec(bindings_code, cls.bindings.__dict__)
def tearDownClass(cls):
del cls.bindings
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import unittest
from tests.base import PyangBindTestCase
class TypedefTests(PyangBindTestCase):
yang_files = ['typedef.yang']
def setUp(self):
self.typedef = self.bindings.typedef()
def test_types(self):
for element in ["string", "integer", "stringdefault", "integerdefault",
"new_string", "remote_new_type", "session_dir",
with self.subTest(element=element):
self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.typedef.container, element),
"element %s did not exist within the container" % element)
def test_string_container(self):
self.typedef.container.string = "hello"
self.assertEqual(self.typedef.container.string, "hello",
"incorrect value set for the strong container (value: %s)" % self.typedef.container.string)
def test_string_default(self):
self.assertEqual(self.typedef.container.stringdefault._default, "aDefaultValue",
"incorrect default value for derived string type with a default (value: %s)" %
def test_string_default_from_typedef(self):
self.assertEqual(self.typedef.container.new_string._default, "defaultValue",
"incorrect default value where derived from typedef (value: %s)" % self.typedef.container.new_string._default)
def test_int_value_can_be_updated(self):
self.typedef.container.integer = 1
self.assertEqual(self.typedef.container.integer, 1, "integer value not correctly updated")
def test_int_value_range_restriction(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError, msg="restricted int from typedef was set to invalue value"):
self.typedef.container.integer = 65
def test_remote_definition(self):
self.typedef.container.remote_new_type = "testString"
self.assertEqual(self.typedef.container.remote_new_type, "testString",
"incorrect value for the remote definition (%s)" % self.typedef.container.remote_new_type)
def test_remote_local_definition(self):
self.typedef.container.remote_local_type = "testString"
self.assertEqual(self.typedef.container.remote_local_type, "testString",
"incorrect value for remote definition which had local definition (%s)" %
def test_inherited_patterns(self):
for pattern in [("aardvark", True), ("ant", False), ("duck", False)]:
with self.subTest(pattern=pattern):
wset = True
self.typedef.container.inheritance = pattern[0]
except ValueError:
wset = False
self.assertEqual(wset, pattern[1], "inherited pattern was not correctly followed for %s (%s != %s)" %
(pattern[0], pattern[1], wset))
def test_inherited_range(self):
for item in [(2, True), (10, False), (1, False)]:
with self.subTest(item=item):
wset = True
self.typedef.container.int_inheritance = item[0]
except ValueError:
wset = False
self.assertEqual(wset, item[1], "inherited range was not correctly followed for %s (%s != %s)" %
(item[0], item[1], wset))
def test_stacked_union(self):
for item in [("aardvark", True), ("bear", True), ("chicken", False),
("deer", False), ("zebra", True)]:
with self.subTest(item=item):
wset = True
except ValueError:
wset = False
self.assertEqual(wset, item[1], "incorrectly dealt with %s when added as a list key (%s != %s)" %
(item[0], wset, item[1]))
def test_hybrid_typedef_across_modules(self):
for item in [("zebra", True), ("yak", False)]:
with self.subTest(item=item):
wset = True
self.typedef.container.include_of_include_definition = item[0]
except ValueError:
wset = False
self.assertEqual(wset, item[1],
"definition with hybrid typedef across two modules was not set correctly for %s (%s != %s)" %
(item[0], item[1], wset))
def test_identity_reference(self):
for item in [("IDONE", True), ("IDTWO", True), ("IDTHREE", False)]:
with self.subTest(item=item):
wset = True
self.typedef.container.identity_one_typedef = item[0]
except ValueError:
wset = False
self.assertEqual(wset, item[1],
"definition with a typedef which references an identity was not set correctly for %s (%s != %s)" %
(item[0], item[1], wset))
def test_union_with_union(self):
for item in [("aardvark", True), ("bear", True), ("chicken", False),
("quail", True), ("zebra", False)]:
with self.subTest(item=item):
wset = True
self.typedef.container.union_with_union = item[0]
except ValueError:
wset = False
self.assertEqual(wset, item[1],
"definition which was a union including a typedef was not set correctly for %s (%s != %s)" %
(item[0], item[1], wset))
def test_scoped_leaf(self):
self.typedef.container.scoped_leaf = "aardwolf"
self.assertEqual(self.typedef.container.scoped_leaf, "aardwolf",
"scoped leaf was not set correctly (%s)" % self.typedef.container.scoped_leaf)
def test_union_with_identityref(self):
for item in [("IDONE", True), (42, True), (-127, False), ("badstr", False)]:
with self.subTest(item=item):
wset = True
self.typedef.container.union_idref = item[0]
except ValueError:
wset = False
self.assertEqual(wset, item[1],
"union with an identityref within it was not set correctly: %s != %s (%s)" % (wset, item[1], item[0]))
def test_nested_typedefs(self):
self.typedef.scoped_container_typedef.two = "amber"
self.assertEqual(self.typedef.scoped_container_typedef.two, "amber",
"scoped typedef leaf within a container not set correctly")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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