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Micro event loop library to teach the basic concepts of python coroutines and how event loop libraries might be implemented
A micro event loop library implementation from scratch.
This library provides a minimal but feature-complete asynchronous event loop
implementation for educational purposes. It demonstrates the core concepts of
asynchronous programming including:
- Task scheduling and management
- I/O multiplexing with non-blocking sockets
- Timeouts and sleep functionality
- Task cancellation
- Coroutine-based concurrency
The implementation uses Python's generator-based coroutines and the select module
for I/O multiplexing, providing a simplified model of how modern async frameworks
like asyncio work under the hood.
Understanding the Magic Behind Await:
When you write "result = await coroutine_function()", Python actually desugars this into:
coroutine = coroutine_function() # obtain the coroutine object
result = yield from coroutine.__await__()" # delegate to the coroutine's generator
The __await__ method returns an iterator that follows the generator protocol. The
"yield from" expression delegates to this iterator until it's exhausted.
How Yield From Works:
"yield from" is a Python feature that allows a generator to delegate part of its
operations to another generator. When you write:
yield from some_generator()
It's equivalent to:
for value in some_generator():
yield value
But "yield from" also properly handles the return value of the sub-generator and
propagates exceptions. This allows for creating complex generator chains where values,
exceptions, and control flow can be passed between them seamlessly - which is exactly
what we need for implementing async/await.
Communication Between Coroutines and the Event Loop:
This mechanism enables two-way communication between coroutines and the event loop:
1. When a coroutine awaits something (like socket I/O or a timeout), it yields a
request object to the event loop and suspends execution.
2. The event loop receives this request (e.g., "I need to read from this socket"),
registers the appropriate file descriptor or timer, along with the associated
coroutine, and then continues running other coroutines.
3. When the requested operation completes (e.g., data is available on the socket),
the event loop resumes the coroutine by calling .send() with the result.
4. The coroutine continues execution from exactly where it left off, with the
result of the await expression now available.
This cooperative multitasking system allows many coroutines to execute concurrently
without threads, sharing a single event loop that efficiently manages I/O operations.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from dataclasses import dataclass
import select
import socket
import asyncio
from typing import cast, Any, Coroutine, Generator
class Task:
Represents a scheduled coroutine within the event loop.
A Task wraps a coroutine and tracks its execution state including results,
exceptions, and cancellation status.
def __init__(self, coroutine: Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]):
Initialize a new task with the given coroutine.
coroutine: The coroutine to be executed by this task
self.coroutine: Coroutine[Any, Any, Any] = coroutine
self.generator: Generator[Any, Any, Any] = coroutine.__await__()
self.result: Any = None
self.exception: Exception | None = None
self.cancelled: bool = False
def cancel(self) -> None:
"""Mark the task as cancelled. The event loop will inject a CancelledError."""
self.cancelled = True
class EventLoopRequest[T]:
Base class for all requests that can be awaited within the event loop.
This is a typed generic class that defines the basic mechanism for yielding
control back to the event loop. Subclasses represent specific types of
requests (timeout, socket I/O, task scheduling, etc).
def __await__(self) -> Any:
Make this class awaitable in an async function.
When an instance is awaited, it yields itself to the event loop and
suspends the current coroutine until the event loop resumes it.
The result provided by the event loop when resuming this coroutine
result = yield self
return cast(T, result)
class Timeout(EventLoopRequest[None]):
Request that suspends the current coroutine for a specified time period.
The event loop will resume this coroutine after the specified number of
seconds have elapsed.
seconds: float
class Readable(EventLoopRequest[None]):
Request that suspends the current coroutine until a socket is readable.
The event loop will resume this coroutine when data is available to be read
from the specified socket.
socket: socket.socket
class Writable(EventLoopRequest[None]):
Request that suspends the current coroutine until a socket is writable.
The event loop will resume this coroutine when the specified socket is ready
to accept data for writing.
socket: socket.socket
class Errored(EventLoopRequest[None]):
Request that suspends the current coroutine until a socket has an error.
The event loop will resume this coroutine when an error condition is detected
on the specified socket.
socket: socket.socket
class Schedule(EventLoopRequest[Task]):
Request to schedule a new coroutine to be executed by the event loop.
When awaited, returns a Task object representing the scheduled coroutine.
coroutine: Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]
class CancelTask(EventLoopRequest[None]):
Request to cancel a running task.
The event loop will mark the specified task as cancelled and inject a
CancelledError into its execution.
task: Task
class WatchedSocket:
A wrapper for socket objects being monitored by the event loop.
This class associates a socket with the task that is waiting for I/O on that
socket, and implements the necessary methods for use with
def __init__(self, socket: socket.socket, thread: Task):
Initialize a watched socket.
socket: The socket to watch
thread: The task waiting for I/O on this socket
self.socket = socket
self.thread: Task = thread
def fileno(self) -> int:
Return the socket's file descriptor.
This method is required for compatibility with
The socket's file descriptor as an integer
return self.socket.fileno()
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
Compare this WatchedSocket with another object.
Two WatchedSocket objects are equal if they wrap the same socket.
other: The object to compare with
True if the objects are equal, False otherwise
if not isinstance(other, WatchedSocket):
return NotImplemented
return self.socket == other.socket
def __hash__(self) -> int:
Return a hash value for this WatchedSocket.
This method enables WatchedSocket objects to be used in sets.
An integer hash value
return hash(self.socket)
def event_loop(main: Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]) -> None:
The core event loop implementation that drives the asynchronous execution.
This function implements a basic event loop that:
1. Manages the execution of tasks (coroutines)
2. Handles I/O operations using non-blocking sockets
3. Schedules timeouts and delays
4. Supports task cancellation
The event loop continues running until all tasks have completed or have been
main: The main coroutine to execute as the entry point
task_queue: list[tuple[Task, Any]] = [(Task(main), None)]
read_watches: set[WatchedSocket] = set()
write_watches: set[WatchedSocket] = set()
error_watches: set[WatchedSocket] = set()
timers: list[tuple[datetime, Task]] = []
while True:
# Run all the threads until they finish or yield a socket
while len(task_queue) > 0:
thread, data = task_queue.pop(0)
yielded = thread.coroutine.send(data)
# Check if the task has been cancelled
if thread.cancelled:
# Inject a CancelledError into the task
thread.generator.throw(asyncio.CancelledError("Task was cancelled"))
# If the exception is caught, the task continues
task_queue.append((thread, None))
except StopIteration as e:
thread.result = e.value
except Exception as e:
thread.exception = e
match yielded:
case Schedule(coroutine):
t = Task(coroutine)
# resume the task which requested scheduling
task_queue.insert(0, (thread, t))
# add the new task to the queue
task_queue.append((t, None))
case CancelTask(task):
# Resume the task that requested the cancellation
task_queue.insert(0, (thread, None))
case Timeout(seconds):
timers.append(( + timedelta(seconds=seconds), thread))
case Readable(socket):
read_watches.add(WatchedSocket(socket, thread))
case Writable(socket):
write_watches.add(WatchedSocket(socket, thread))
case Errored(socket):
error_watches.add(WatchedSocket(socket, thread))
case _:
raise RuntimeError(f"Expected a EventLoopRequest object, got a {type(yielded).__qualname__}")
except StopIteration as e:
thread.result = e.value
except Exception as e:
thread.exception = e
import traceback
print(f"Exception in thread {thread}:")
# Remove cancelled tasks from timers
timers = [(time, thread) for time, thread in timers if not thread.cancelled]
wakeup_date = min(timers, key=lambda x: x[0])[0] if timers else None
# Remove watches for cancelled tasks
read_watches = {socket for socket in read_watches if socket.fileno() >= 0 and not socket.thread.cancelled}
write_watches = {socket for socket in write_watches if socket.fileno() >= 0 and not socket.thread.cancelled}
error_watches = {socket for socket in error_watches if socket.fileno() >= 0 and not socket.thread.cancelled}
# Wait for any of the sockets to become ready, or until the next timer expires
if read_watches or write_watches or error_watches or wakeup_date:
timeout = max((wakeup_date -, 0) if wakeup_date else None
# prune negative filenos
read_sockets, write_sockets, error_sockets =, write_watches, error_watches, timeout)
for socket in read_sockets:
task_queue.append((socket.thread, socket))
for socket in write_sockets:
task_queue.append((socket.thread, socket))
for socket in error_sockets:
task_queue.append((socket.thread, socket))
for i, (time, thread) in enumerate(timers):
if >= time:
task_queue.append((thread, None))
except InterruptedError:
if len(task_queue) == 0:
# done
async def schedule(coroutine: Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]) -> Task:
Schedule a new coroutine to be executed by the event loop.
This is the primary way to create new concurrent tasks within the event loop.
The scheduled coroutine will run concurrently with the current coroutine.
coroutine: The coroutine to schedule
A Task object representing the scheduled coroutine
task = await Schedule(coroutine)
return task
async def cancel(task: Task):
Cancel a running task.
The cancelled task will receive a CancelledError exception, which it can
catch to perform cleanup operations before terminating.
task: The task to cancel
await CancelTask(task)
async def sleep(seconds: float):
Suspend the current coroutine for the specified number of seconds.
This function yields control back to the event loop and resumes execution
after the specified time has elapsed.
seconds: The number of seconds to sleep
await Timeout(seconds)
async def recv(socket: socket.socket, count: int) -> bytes:
Receive data from a socket asynchronously.
This function suspends the current coroutine until data is available
to be read from the socket.
socket: The socket to receive data from
count: The maximum number of bytes to receive
The received data as bytes
await Readable(socket)
return socket.recv(count)
async def send(socket: socket.socket, data: bytes) -> int:
Send data to a socket asynchronously.
This function suspends the current coroutine until the socket is ready
to accept data for writing.
socket: The socket to send data to
data: The data to send
The number of bytes sent
await Writable(socket)
return socket.send(data)
async def connect(host: str, port: int) -> socket.socket:
Create and connect a socket to the specified host and port asynchronously.
This function creates a non-blocking socket, initiates a connection,
and waits for the connection to complete without blocking the event loop.
host: The host to connect to
port: The port to connect to
The connected socket
ConnectionError: If the connection fails
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((host, port))
except BlockingIOError:
# Expected, the connection is in progress
# Wait for the socket to become writable, which means the connection is complete
await Writable(sock)
# Check if the connection succeeded
error = sock.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_ERROR)
if error != 0:
raise ConnectionError(f"Connection failed with error: {error}")
return sock
async def listen(host: str, port: int, backlog: int = 5) -> socket.socket:
Create a server socket and start listening for connections asynchronously.
This function binds a socket to the specified host and port, and puts it
in listening mode to accept incoming connections.
host: The host to bind to
port: The port to bind to
backlog: The maximum number of queued connections
The server socket
server_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
server_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
server_sock.bind((host, port))
await Readable(server_sock)
return server_sock
async def accept(server_sock: socket.socket) -> tuple[socket.socket, tuple[str, int]]:
Accept a connection on the server socket asynchronously.
This function suspends the current coroutine until a new connection is
available on the server socket.
server_sock: The server socket to accept connections on
A tuple containing the client socket and the client address
await Readable(server_sock)
client_sock, addr = server_sock.accept()
return client_sock, addr
if __name__ == "__main__":
Demo application that showcases the event loop functionality.
This section contains example implementations of:
1. An echo server that handles multiple concurrent clients
2. A client that sends messages to the server
3. Demonstrations of sleep, socket operations, and task cancellation
server_sock = None
async def echo_handler(client_sock: socket.socket, addr: tuple[str, int]):
Handle a client connection by echoing received data.
This coroutine receives data from a client socket and sends it back.
It demonstrates basic socket I/O operations.
client_sock: The client socket to handle
addr: The client's address (host, port)
print(f"New connection from {addr[0]}:{addr[1]}")
while True:
data = await recv(client_sock, 1024)
if not data:
print(f"Received from {addr[0]}:{addr[1]}: {data.decode().strip()}")
await send(client_sock, data)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error handling client {addr[0]}:{addr[1]}: {e}")
print(f"Connection closed from {addr[0]}:{addr[1]}")
async def server(host: str, port: int):
Start a server that accepts connections and spawns handlers for each client.
This coroutine demonstrates how to create a server socket, accept incoming
connections, and schedule tasks to handle each connection.
host: The host to bind to
port: The port to bind to
global server_sock
server_sock = await listen(host, port)
print(f"Server listening on {host}:{port}")
while True:
client_sock, addr = await accept(server_sock)
# Schedule a new task to handle this client
await schedule(echo_handler(client_sock, addr))
except Exception as e:
print(f"Server error: {e}")
async def client(host: str, port: int, messages: list[str]):
Connect to a server and send a series of messages.
This coroutine demonstrates how to create a client socket, send data,
and receive responses.
host: The host to connect to
port: The port to connect to
messages: A list of messages to send to the server
print(f"Client connecting to {host}:{port}")
sock = await connect(host, port)
for message in messages:
print(f"Client sending: {message}")
await send(sock, message.encode())
response = await recv(sock, 1024)
print(f"Client received: {response.decode().strip()}")
# Add a small delay between messages
await sleep(0.5)
print("Client finished sending messages")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Client error: {e}")
async def demo_sleep():
Demonstrate basic sleep functionality.
This coroutine shows how to use sleep to introduce delays and how to
schedule multiple concurrent tasks.
print("\n--- Sleep Demo ---")
await schedule(sleep_print(1, "One"))
await schedule(sleep_print(2, "Two"))
await sleep(3) # Wait for the scheduled tasks to complete
print("End sleep demo")
async def sleep_print(seconds: float, message: str):
Sleep for the specified duration and then print a message.
seconds: The number of seconds to sleep
message: The message to print after sleeping
await sleep(seconds)
async def demo_socket():
Demonstrate concurrent socket server and client.
This coroutine shows how to use the event loop to run a server and client
concurrently, handling multiple connections simultaneously.
print("\n--- Socket Demo ---")
# Schedule the server task
host, port = "", 7777
server_task = await schedule(server(host, port))
# Give the server a moment to start
await sleep(0.1)
# Schedule the client task with some messages
messages = [
"Hello from the client!",
"This is a test message",
await schedule(client(host, port, messages))
# Wait for the tasks to finish
await sleep(5)
print("Socket demo finished")
async def demo_cancellation():
Demonstrate task cancellation.
This coroutine shows how to schedule a task, let it run for a while,
and then cancel it. It demonstrates proper error handling for cancellation.
print("\n--- Cancellation Demo ---")
print("Starting a long-running task that will be cancelled")
async def long_running_task():
"""A task that runs indefinitely until cancelled."""
print("Long-running task started")
count = 0
while True:
count += 1
print(f"Long-running task iteration {count}")
await sleep(1)
except asyncio.CancelledError:
print("Task was cancelled!")
print("Long-running task cleanup")
# Schedule the long-running task
task = await schedule(long_running_task())
# Let it run for a bit
await sleep(3)
# Cancel the task
print("Cancelling the task...")
await cancel(task)
# Wait a moment to see the cancellation effect
await sleep(1)
print("Cancellation demo finished")
async def main():
Run all demos.
This is the main entry point for the demo application. It runs each demo
in sequence to showcase different aspects of the event loop.
print("Starting async-from-scratch demos")
# Run the basic sleep demo
await demo_sleep()
# Run the socket demo
await demo_socket()
# Run the cancellation demo
await demo_cancellation()
print("\nAll demos completed successfully!")
# Start the event loop with the main coroutine
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