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Created July 22, 2020 05:57
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Traits flatMap with FB
struct Single<T> {}
struct Maybe<T> {}
protocol MaybeCov {
associatedtype T
func asMaybe() -> Maybe<T>
extension Single: MaybeCov {
func asMaybe() -> Maybe<T> { fatalError() }
extension Maybe: MaybeCov {
func asMaybe() -> Maybe<T> { fatalError() }
struct Builder {
enum Either<First, Second> {
case first(First)
case second(Second)
public static func buildBlock() -> Void {
public static func buildBlock<C>(_ c: C) -> C {
public static func buildEither<T, F>(first: T) -> Either<T, F> {
public static func buildEither<T, F>(second: F) -> Either<T, F> {
extension Builder.Either: MaybeCov where First: MaybeCov, Second: MaybeCov, First.T == Second.T {
func asMaybe() -> Maybe<First.T> {
switch self {
case .first(let first): return first.asMaybe()
case .second(let second): return second.asMaybe()
extension Single {
func flatMap<M: MaybeCov>(@Builder _ f: (T) -> M) -> Maybe<M.T> {
f(fatalError() as! T).asMaybe()
let res = Single<Int>().flatMap { (arg) in
if arg % 2 == 0 {
} else {
// res is Maybe<String>
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