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Created September 1, 2016 14:03
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Big List of Compiler Writing and Language Designing Resources

List of various compiler resources


  • 🌠 represents a resource that has been fully read and approved
  • β˜… represents a resource that has been skimmed and looks good
  • ☠ represents a resource that has been darkf approved.
  • No symbol represents a resource that I just threw up here (quanity over quality and all of that)
  • Hopefully all links will eventually move to 🌠 and/or ☠
  • The Interesting Reads section isn't specifically for compiler development, but might still be interesting to read for a compiler writer

Recommended Reading

Full Tutorials


Specific Parts of a Compiler

Executable Types

Virtual Machines and Bytecode

Intermediate Representations (including AST's)

Compiler Writing Tools

Compiler Optimizations


Memory Management

Execution Methods

Importing Modules and Libraries

Interesting Reads

More topics to expand on:

modules, more about bytecode/vm's, more about proglang itself, such as types, paradigms, designing a programming language, esoteric languages, C--, parrot virtual machine, esoteric languages, Language Runtimes, type theory, gc and memory management

  • change brainfuck links to brainfuck challenge
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