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Never enough time

Krishna Penukonda tasercake

Never enough time
View GitHub Profile
"basics": {
"name": "Krishna Penukonda",
"label": "Full Stack Software Engineer",
"image": "",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "+65 97300769",
"website": "",
"summary": "As an early engineer at a Y Combinator backed AI startup, I build scalable web-based AI content generation tools from scratch with a bias for fast delivery.",
"location": {
tasercake /
Last active March 11, 2025 13:59
Setting up pyenv virtualenvs on a Mac (with Homebrew)

Install Pyenv & Pyenv-virtualenv

Install Python build dependencies

xcode-select --install
brew install openssl readline sqlite3 xz zlib

Install using Homebrew

1D Game

The Idea

A fast-paced 1v1 number-based game that develops fast arithmetic skills and teaches players the order of arithmetic operations.


  1. Select difficulty level via switch (3 levels?) and hit the start button
  2. Random sequence of digits is generated (number of digits increases with difficulty)

Learning Lucid

28 Sep

At first glance, the Mojo board looks a lot like an Arduino. Here's hoping it's going to be just as easy to learn!

First Steps

Setting up the Mojo IDE
tasercake /
Created February 27, 2017 14:10
outputs the value of the angular wave function at (theta, phi) for any given (l, m)
outputs the value of the associated Legendre function P_l,m(x) at a given point.
l and m must be non-negative integers.
import numpy as np
from math import pi, sqrt, cos, factorial, e
def legendre(l):
"""returns a legendre polynomial in terms of cos(theta)"""
if l == 0:
tasercake /
Created February 27, 2017 14:09
outputs the value of the radial wave function at a point r for any given values of n and l
outputs the value of the associated Laguerre function L_p,qmp(x) at a given point.
p and qmp must be non-negative integers.
# There are 3 main functions here.
# The first returns the Laguerre function as a poly1d objectfor a given q.
# The second returns a function of one variable that is the associated Laguerre polynomial
# The third returns the value of the normalized radial wave function at r for any values of n, l