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Last active August 4, 2019 15:41
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type Abstraction<I extends AnyVariable, T extends AnyExpr> = [1, I, T];
type Application<T extends AnyExpr, U extends AnyExpr> = [2, T, U];
type Expr<I extends AnyVariable, T extends AnyExpr, U extends AnyExpr> = AnyVariable | Abstraction<I, T> | Application<T, U>;
type AnyVariable = string;
interface AnyAbstraction extends Abstraction<AnyVariable, AnyExpr> {};
interface AnyApplication extends Application<AnyExpr, AnyExpr> {};
type AnyExpr = AnyVariable | AnyAbstraction | AnyApplication;
function isVariable(e: AnyExpr): e is AnyVariable {
return typeof e === "string";
function isAbstraction(e: AnyExpr): e is AnyAbstraction {
return Array.isArray(e) && e[0] === 1;
function isApplication(e: AnyExpr): e is AnyApplication {
return Array.isArray(e) && e[0] === 2;
const abstract = <I extends AnyVariable, T extends AnyExpr> (i: I, e: T): Abstraction<I, T> => [1, i, e];
const apply = <T extends AnyExpr, U extends AnyExpr> (e1: T, e2: U): Application<T, U> => [2, e1, e2];
function show(e: AnyExpr): string {
if (isVariable(e)) {
return e;
} else if (isAbstraction(e)) {
return `(\\${show(e[1])}. ${show(e[2])})`;
} else if (isApplication(e)) {
return `(${show(e[1])} ${show(e[2])})`;
} else {
throw new Error("invalid argument");
function trace(e: AnyExpr): AnyExpr {
return e;
function genGensym() {
let gCounter = 0;
return () => {
return `g${gCounter}`;
const gensym = genGensym();
function substitute(e2: AnyExpr, x: AnyVariable, e1: AnyExpr): AnyExpr {
if (isVariable(e1)) {
return e1 === x ? e2 : e1;
} else if (isAbstraction(e1)) {
const s = gensym();
const [_t, i, e] = e1;
return abstract(s, substitute(e2, x, substitute(s, i, e)))
} else if (isApplication(e1)) {
const [_t, e11, e12] = e1;
return apply(substitute(e2, x, e11), substitute(e2, x, e12));
} else {
throw new Error("invalid argument");
const defaultStrategy = (e1: AnyExpr, e2: AnyExpr): AnyExpr | undefined => {
const res0 = (() => {
if (isAbstraction(e1)) {
const [_t, x, e0] = e1;
return substitute(e2, x, e0);
} else {
return undefined;
if (res0 !== undefined) {
return res0;
const e1v = step(e1);
if (e1v !== undefined) {
return apply(e1v, e2);
const e2v = step(e2);
if (e2v !== undefined) {
return apply(e1, e2v);
return undefined;
function step(e: AnyExpr, strategy = defaultStrategy): AnyExpr | undefined {
if (isVariable(e)) {
return undefined;
} else if (isAbstraction(e)) {
const [_t, x, e0] = e;
const e0v = step(e0);
if (e0v !== undefined) {
return abstract(x, e0v);
return undefined;
} else if (isApplication(e)) {
const [_t, e1, e2] = e;
return strategy(e1, e2);
} else {
throw new Error("invalid argument");
type RepeatHandler = (e: AnyExpr, depth: number) => void;
function repeat(e: AnyExpr, handler: RepeatHandler | undefined = undefined, strategy = defaultStrategy, limit = 65536, depth = 0): AnyExpr {
if (handler !== undefined) {
handler(e, depth);
if (depth >= limit) {
throw new Error("invalid depth");
const ev = step(e, strategy);
if (ev !== undefined) {
return repeat(ev, handler, strategy, limit, depth + 1);
} else {
return e;
const log: RepeatHandler = (e, depth) => console.log(`${depth}: ${show(e)}`);
function L<I1 extends AnyVariable, T extends AnyExpr>(is: [I1], e: T): Abstraction<I1, T>;
function L<I1 extends AnyVariable, I2 extends AnyVariable, T extends AnyExpr>(is: [I1, I2], e: T): Abstraction<I1, Abstraction<I2, T>>;
function L<I1 extends AnyVariable, I2 extends AnyVariable, I3 extends AnyVariable, T extends AnyExpr>(is: [I1, I2, I3], e: T): Abstraction<I1, Abstraction<I2, Abstraction<I3, T>>>;
function L<I1 extends AnyVariable, I2 extends AnyVariable, I3 extends AnyVariable, I4 extends AnyVariable, T extends AnyExpr>(is: [I1, I2, I3, I4], e: T): Abstraction<I1, Abstraction<I2, Abstraction<I3, Abstraction<I4, T>>>>;
function L<I extends AnyVariable, T extends AnyExpr>(is: I[], e: T): Abstraction<I, T> {
let res: AnyAbstraction | undefined = undefined;
if (is.length === 0) {
throw new Error("invalid argument");
for (let idx = is.length - 1; idx >= 0; --idx) {
if (typeof res !== "undefined") {
res = abstract(is[idx], res);
} else {
res = abstract(is[idx], e);
return res as Abstraction<I, T>;
function A<T1 extends AnyExpr, T2 extends AnyExpr>(e1: T1, e2: T2): Application<T1, T2>;
function A<T1 extends AnyExpr, T2 extends AnyExpr, T3 extends AnyExpr>(e1: T1, e2: T2, e3: T3): Application<Application<T1, T2>, T3>;
function A<T1 extends AnyExpr, T2 extends AnyExpr, T3 extends AnyExpr, T4 extends AnyExpr>(e1: T1, e2: T2, e3: T3, e4: T4): Application<Application<Application<T1, T2>, T3>, T4>;
function A<T extends AnyExpr, U extends AnyExpr>(e1: T, e2: U, ...e3s: AnyExpr[]): AnyApplication {
let res: AnyApplication | undefined = undefined;
const es = [e1, e2, ...e3s];
for (let idx = 1; idx < es.length; ++idx) {
if (typeof res !== "undefined") {
res = apply(res, es[idx]);
} else {
res = apply(es[idx - 1], es[idx]);
return res as AnyApplication;
const ZERO = L(["f", "x"], "x");
const ONE = L(["f", "x"], A("f", "x"));
const TWO = L(["f", "x"], A("f", A("f", "x")));
const SUCC = L(["n", "f", "x"], A("f", A("n", "f", "x")));
const PLUS = L(["m", "n"], A("n", SUCC, "m"));
const MULT = L(["m", "n", "f"], A("m", A("n", "f")));
const EXP = L(["m", "n"], A("n", "m"));
const PRED = L(["n", "f", "x"], A("n", L(["g", "h"], A("h", A("g", "f"))), L(["u"], "x"), L(["u"], "u")));
const MINUS = L(["m", "n"], A("n", PRED, "m"));
const TRUE = L(["x", "y"], "x");
const FALSE = L(["x", "y"], "y"); // = ZERO
const AND = L(["p", "q"], A("p", "q", FALSE));
const OR = L(["p", "q"], A("p", TRUE, "q"));
const NOT= L(["p"], A("p", FALSE, TRUE));
const IFTHENELSE = L(["p", "x", "y"], A("p", "x", "y"));
const ISZERO = L(["n"], A("n", L(["x"], FALSE), TRUE));
const LEQ = L(["m", "n"], A(ISZERO, A(MINUS, "m", "n")));
const EQ = L(["m", "n"], A(AND, A(LEQ, "m", "n"), A(LEQ, "n", "m")));
const CONS = L(["s", "b", "f"], A("f", "s", "b"));
const CAR = L(["p"], A("p", TRUE));
const CDR = L(["p"], A("p", FALSE));
const NIL = L(["x"], TRUE);
const NULL = L(["p"], A("p", L(["x", "y"], FALSE)));
const S = L(["x", "y", "z"], A(A("x", "z"), A("y", "z"))); // = A(IOTA, A(IOTA, A(IOTA, A(IOTA, IOTA))))
const K = L(["x", "y"], "x"); // = TRUE = A(IOTA, A(IOTA, A(IOTA, IOTA)))
const I = L(["x"], "x"); // = A(S, K, K) = A(IOTA, IOTA)
const IOTA = L(["x"], A("x", S, K));
const _y = L(["x"], A("f", A("x", "x")));
const Y = L(["f"], A(_y, _y));
const _z = L(["x"], A("f", L(["y"], A("x", "x", "y"))));
const Z = L(["f"], A(_z, _z));
function exprToNumberImpl(e: AnyExpr, f: AnyVariable, x: AnyVariable): number | undefined {
if (isApplication(e)) {
const [_t, e1, e2] = e;
if (e1 === f) {
const n = exprToNumberImpl(e2, f, x);
return n !== undefined ? n + 1 : undefined;
} else {
return undefined;
} else if (isVariable(e)) {
return (e === x) ? 0 : undefined;
} else {
return undefined;
function exprToNumber(e: AnyExpr): number | undefined {
if (isAbstraction(e)) {
const [_t1, f, e1] = e;
if (isAbstraction(e1)) {
const [_t1, x, e2] = e1;
return exprToNumberImpl(e2, f, x);
} else {
return undefined;
} else {
return undefined;
function numberToExpr(n: number, f: AnyVariable = "f", x: AnyVariable = "x"): AnyExpr {
let v: AnyExpr = x;
for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
v = A(f, v);
return L([f, x], v);
const fact = L(["f", "n"], A(IFTHENELSE, A(ISZERO, "n"), ONE, A(MULT, "n", A("f", A(MINUS, "n", ONE)))));
const expr = A(Y, fact, numberToExpr(3));
const result = repeat(expr);
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