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Created May 7, 2018 09:14
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export type State<Source> = {
source: Source;
position: number;
completed: boolean;
export function State<Source>(
source: Source,
position?: number
): State<Source> {
if (position == null) {
position = 0;
return { source, position, completed: false };
export type DState = State<DataView>;
export type SState = State<string>;
export type Result<Source, FinalValue> =
| {
tag: "fail";
rest: { source: Source; position: number }[];
traceback: string[];
message: string;
| { tag: "partial"; cont: (s: Source) => Result<Source, FinalValue> }
| {
tag: "done";
rest: { source: Source; position: number }[];
value: FinalValue;
export type Parser<Source, Value, FinalValue = Value> = (
s: State<Source>,
failure: FailureCont<Source, FinalValue>,
success: SuccessCont<Source, Value, FinalValue>
) => Result<Source, FinalValue>;
export type DParser<Value, FinalValue = Value> = Parser<
export type SParser<Value, FinalValue = Value> = Parser<
export function failK<Source, FinalValue>(
{ source, position }: State<Source>,
traceback: string[],
message: string
): Result<Source, FinalValue> {
return { tag: "fail", rest: [{ source, position }], traceback, message };
export function successK<Source, Value>(
{ source, position }: State<Source>,
value: Value
): Result<Source, Value> {
return { tag: "done", rest: [{ source, position }], value };
export function parse<Source, Value>(
p: Parser<Source, Value, Value>,
source: Source
): Result<Source, Value> {
return p(State(source), failK, successK);
export function feed<Source, Value, FinalValue>(
result: Result<Source, FinalValue>,
source: Source
) {
switch (result.tag) {
case "fail": {
const { rest } = result;
return {
rest: [, { source, position: 0 }]
case "partial": {
const { cont } = result;
return cont(source);
case "done": {
const { rest } = result;
return {
rest: [, { source, position: 0 }]
throw Error(`invalid Result: ${result}`);
export function pure<Source, Value, FinalValue>(
a: Value
): Parser<Source, Value, FinalValue> {
return (state, failure, success) => {
return success(state, a);
export function mempty<Source, Value, FinalValue>(
err: string
): Parser<Source, Value, FinalValue> {
return (state: State<Source>, failure, success) => {
return failure(state, [], `Failed reading: ${err}`);
export function mappend<Source, Value, FinalValue>(
a: Parser<Source, Value, FinalValue>,
b: Parser<Source, Value, FinalValue>
): Parser<Source, Value, FinalValue> {
return (s: State<Source>, failure, success) => {
const newFailure = (
{ source, position: _p, completed }: State<Source>,
_c: string[],
_m: string
) => b({ source, position: s.position, completed }, failure, success);
return a(s, newFailure, success);
export function fmap<Source, ValueA, ValueB, FinalValue>(
fn: (a: ValueA) => ValueB,
p: Parser<Source, ValueA, FinalValue>
): Parser<Source, ValueB, FinalValue> {
return (state: State<Source>, failure, success) => {
const newSuccess = (s: State<Source>, a: ValueA) => success(s, fn(a));
return p(state, failure, newSuccess);
export function ap<Source, ValueA, ValueB, FinalValue>(
atob: Parser<Source, (a: ValueA) => ValueB, FinalValue>,
a: Parser<Source, ValueA, FinalValue>
): Parser<Source, ValueB, FinalValue> {
return mbind(atob, f => mbind(a, x => pure(f(x))));
export function mbind<Source, ValueA, ValueB, FinalValue>(
m: Parser<Source, ValueA, FinalValue>,
k: (a: ValueA) => Parser<Source, ValueB, FinalValue>
): Parser<Source, ValueB, FinalValue> {
return (state: State<Source>, failure, success) => {
const newSuccess = (s: State<Source>, a: ValueA) =>
k(a)(s, failure, success);
return m(state, failure, newSuccess);
type SuccessCont<Source, Value, FinalValue> = (
s: State<Source>,
a: Value
) => Result<Source, FinalValue>;
type FailureCont<Source, FinalValue> = (
s: State<Source>,
traceback: string[],
message: string
) => Result<Source, FinalValue>;
export function skip<Source, FinalValue>(
count: number
): Parser<Source, undefined, FinalValue> {
return (state, failure, success) => {
const { position } = state;
return success({ ...state, position: position + count }, undefined);
export function string<FinalValue>(s: string): SParser<string, FinalValue> {
return (state, failure, success) => {
const { source, position } = state;
const sub = source.slice(position, position + s.length);
if (sub === s) {
return success({ ...state, position: position + s.length }, s);
} else {
return failure(
`Expected: ${s}, Actual: ${source.slice(position, position + s.length)}`
export function cons<T>(x: T) {
return (xs: T[]) => [x, ...xs];
export function many<Source, Value, FinalValue>(
p: Parser<Source, Value, FinalValue>
): Parser<Source, Value[], FinalValue> {
const manyP = (): Parser<Source, Value[], FinalValue> =>
mappend(someP(), pure([]));
const someP = (): Parser<Source, Value[], FinalValue> => {
return mbind(p, v => fmap(cons(v), manyP()));
return manyP();
export function many1<Source, Value, FinalValue>(
p: Parser<Source, Value, FinalValue>
): Parser<Source, Value[], FinalValue> {
return ap(fmap((v: Value) => cons(v), p), many(p));
const hello: SParser<string> = mbind(string("He"), he =>
mbind(many1(string("l")), ll => mappend(string("!"), string("o")))
const comma: SParser<string> = fmap(
ss => ss.join(""),
mbind(string(","), c => many(string(" ")))
const world: SParser<string> = mappend(string("world!"), string("世界!"));
const parseTest = (s: string) => {
const result = parse(mbind(hello, () => mbind(comma, () => world)), s);
console.log(s, result.tag);
parseTest("Hello, world!");
parseTest("Hello, 世界!");
parseTest("Hello, world!");
parseTest("Heo, world!");
parseTest("Helllllo, world!");
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