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Last active August 24, 2018 14:29
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  • Save tastensolo/2107711283733491aa8d31acaef0da2c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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    participant master
    participant feature
    master->feature: clone local and push to origin
    loop commit
        feature->feature: commit 1 ...
        feature->feature: commit 2 ...
        feature->feature: commit 3 ...
    feature->test  : merge,deploy and ask for review!
    Note left of test: feedback from reviewer as comments in gitlab!
    feature->master: merge and deploy live!

- use php-storm plugins to follow coding-standard and guideline - keep features/code reviews small (max 200LOC) - commit early and often

one redmine-ticket => one feature-branch: [JJJJMMTT]_[#12345]_[lastname]_[the-description-of-the-feature]

"Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand. " __Martin Fowler

Functional Test (5 - 10min)


  • a clear UserStory with all feature-requirements are given
  • feature is merged to test, deployed and tested by feature-developer / before merging to master

How to test

  • check whether the requirements were implemented from the user's point of view (Frontend/Editor)

+ Review (10 - 20min)

How to review

  • use php-storm diff-tool (diff to master) to see all customized files
  • only developer makes changes after your feedback (knowledge sharing)
  • do not push reviewers logic to feature-branch (review != refactoring)
  • if no context to project = review as pair (feature-developer / reviewer)
  • use comment tiers for your feedback:
comment tiers comment deployment
you might better comments, ubiquitouseLanguage, KISS O (yes)
you should CGL, DRY, YAGNI, SRP O (yes)
you must bug, insecure, lack of validation X (no)


  • SRP (Single Responsibility Principle)

    • class-function ~10 Lines of Code
    • class should have only one reason to change
  • KISS (Keep it simple, stupid)

    • stupid functions don't know about referrer/environment
  • DRY (Don't repeat yourself)

    • use template-partials to prevent duplicate markup
    • use functions to call multiple code-snippets
  • CGL (PSR -CodingGuideLines)

    • camel-case-written,readable functions and variables
    • domain-driven ubiquitous Language

    • why we use this code-constuction?

    • meet all requirements of the user-story
    • which part of code solves an reqirement ?

    • the code runs without errors
    • the feature shows the desired behaviour
  • YAGNI (You Aren't Gonna Need It)

    • should not add functionality until deemed necessary
    • should integrate existing libraries before reinventing the wheel

+ Refactoring (30+Xmin) - as pair

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