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Created January 2, 2023 03:15
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Fast scanbeam point in polygon code
def build_edge_list(polygon):
edge_list = []
for i in range(0, len(polygon) - 1):
if (polygon[i].imag, polygon[i].real) < (polygon[i + 1].imag, polygon[i + 1].real):
edge_list.append((polygon[i], i))
edge_list.append((polygon[i + 1], ~i))
edge_list.append((polygon[i], ~i))
edge_list.append((polygon[i + 1], i))
def sort_key(e):
return e[0].imag, e[0].real, ~e[1]
return edge_list
def build_scanbeam(edge_list):
actives = []
actives_table = []
events = []
y = -float("inf")
for pt, index in edge_list:
if y != pt.imag:
if index >= 0:
y = pt.imag
largest_actives = max([len(a) for a in actives_table])
scan = np.zeros((len(actives_table), largest_actives), dtype=int)
scan -= 1
for i, active in enumerate(actives_table):
scan[i, 0: len(active)] = active
return scan, events
def point_in_polygon(polygon, point):
edge_list = build_edge_list(polygon)
scan, events = build_scanbeam(edge_list)
pts_y = np.imag(point)
idx = np.searchsorted(events, pts_y)
actives = scan[idx]
a = polygon[actives]
b = polygon[actives + 1]
a = np.where(actives == -1, np.nan + np.nan * 1j, a)
b = np.where(actives == -1, np.nan + np.nan * 1j, b)
old_np_seterr = np.seterr(invalid="ignore", divide="ignore")
# If horizontal slope is undefined. But, all x-ints are at x since x0=x1
m = (b.imag - a.imag) / (b.real - a.real)
y0 = a.imag - (m * a.real)
ys = np.reshape(np.repeat(np.imag(point), y0.shape[1]), y0.shape)
x_intercepts = np.where(~np.isinf(m), (ys - y0) / m, a.real)
xs = np.reshape(np.repeat(np.real(point), y0.shape[1]), y0.shape)
results = np.sum(x_intercepts <= xs, axis=1)
results %= 2
return results
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