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function alertTerminal(){ | |
console.log("\007"); | |
} |
If you are a pedant like me, and you want to prevent a new-line character from displaying onto the console, then you can use,
Instead of console.log
If you are using 'use strict' (which you should be) then use "\x07"
instead of "\007"
Yet another option:
None of these work for me, but I guarantee that my speaker works. Tips?
If anyone else comes by confused by process.stderr.on("\007");
it should be process.stderr.write("\007");
No sounds with any of the following on macOS High Sierra, node 8.10.0:
$ node --version
$ node
> console.log('\x07')
> console.log('\007')
> console.log('\u0007')
> process.stderr.write('\x07')
> process.stderr.write('\007')
> process.stderr.write('\u0007')
seems to be built only for windows.
@aneilbaboo You need to unfocus the terminal tab/window and make sure the "Audible bell" setting is enabled
in Preferences > Advanced
$ node
> setTimeout(() => console.log('\x07'), 1250)
// Unfocus the terminal before the timeout expires.
Thanks @aleclarson . I needed to unclick 'Silence bell' in my iTerm 2 profile under 'Notifications'
Is it possible to change the beep frequency and duration with nodejs? Some languages have something like: Beep(hertz, milli)
SoundBeep, Frequency, Duration
(AutoHotKey: https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/SoundBeep.htm)
in git bash terminal
echo -e "\a"
@mayeaux Mine didn't work because I was running the code in VSCode terminal, after switching to main terminal it worked
windows or wsl
require("child_process").exec("powershell.exe [console]::beep(500,600)");
require("child_process").exec("afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Glass.aiff");
Yeah, for some reason in VScode terminal it doesn't sound, in main terminal it works. Thanks for the tip!
windows or wsl
require("child_process").exec("powershell.exe [console]::beep(500,600)");
require("child_process").exec("afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Glass.aiff");
Thank you very much!
This is what I've been looking for. Thanks!