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Forked from mrmurphy/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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db = require "../lib/db"
Q = require "q"
_ = require "lodash"
GROUP = "messages"
getNewId = (cb) ->
db.getNewIdFor(GROUP, cb)
class Message
constructor: (obj) ->
# Sometimes the incoming obj can be missing an id = || null
# Assign all properties of the object to this.
_.extend(this, obj)
save: (cb) ->
if @id is null
@getNewId(@saveToDb.bind(@, cb))
saveToDb: (cb) -> GROUP, @id, @, cb
# This does't operate on an instance, it just returns
# a message object from the database.
get: (id, cb) ->
db.get GROUP, id, (err, obj) ->
cb err, new Message(obj)
module.exports = Message
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