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Created February 17, 2017 20:01
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Using RxJS for WebRTC icecandidate handling via WebSocket signaling server
// Create WebRTC peer and setup event handlers
let peer = new RTCPeerConnection(iceConfig)
// Subject for the websocket signalling server
let socketSubject = Observable.webSocket({
// deserialize each binary message received
resultSelector: e => deserialize(
// Filter for only icecandidate messages
.filter(msg => msg && msg.header && msg.header.event === 'icecandidate' && msg.body && msg.body.candidate)
// Observable for the local icecandidate stream
Observable.create(obs => {
// This is called whenever the local peer has an icecandidate ready to be transmitted to the remote peer
peer.onicecandidate = (e) => {
// A null candidate means there are no more candidates
if (!e.candidate) return obs.complete()
// Prepare message wrapper around candidate and serialize to send to remote peer
.map(candidate => serialize({ event: 'icecandidate' }, { candidate: 'a=' + candidate }))
// Send each local icecandidate message to the remote peer via the WebSocket Subject
next: msg =>
// Subscribe to socket subject
let socketSubscription = socketSubject.subscribe({
next: msg => {
// Add icecandidate from remote peer to local peer
peer.addIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate({
candidate: msg.body.candidate.substr(2)
// Triggered when remote peer creates a data channel
peer.ondatachannel = e => {
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