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Created December 6, 2021 23:30
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Call a web API using promises and log the result
// Fetch an activity from the Bored API
type promise<+'a> = Js.Promise.t<'a>
@send external then: (promise<'a>, @uncurry ('a => promise<'b>)) => promise<'b> = "then"
@send external thenResolve: (promise<'a>, @uncurry ('a => 'b)) => promise<'b> = "then"
module Response = {
type t<'data>
@send external json: t<'data> => promise<'data> = "json"
type response = {
"activity": string,
"type": string,
"participants": int,
"price": float,
"link": string,
"key": string,
"accessibility": float
@val @scope("globalThis") external fetch: string => promise<Response.t<response>> = "fetch"
->then(res => Response.json(res))
->thenResolve(data => Js.log(data["activity"]))
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