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Last active May 23, 2021 09:49
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
Usage: --name=your_name
-h --help Show this screen.
import os
import time
from docopt import docopt
import numpy as np
import cv2
from simple_pid import PID
import donkeycar as dk
from import TubHandler
class LineFollower:
OpenCV based controller
This controller takes a horizontal slice of the image at a set Y coordinate.
Then it converts to HSV and does a color thresh hold to find the yellow pixels.
It does a histogram to find the pixel of maximum yellow. Then is uses that iPxel
to guid a PID controller which seeks to maintain the max yellow at the same point
in the image.
def __init__(self):
self.vert_scan_y = 60 # num pixels from the top to start horiz scan
self.vert_scan_height = 10 # num pixels high to grab from horiz scan
self.color_thr_low = np.asarray((0, 50, 50)) # hsv dark yellow
self.color_thr_hi = np.asarray((50, 255, 255)) # hsv light yellow
self.target_pixel = None # of the N slots above, which is the ideal relationship target
self.steering = 0.0 # from -1 to 1
self.throttle = 0.15 # from -1 to 1
self.recording = False # Set to true if desired to save camera frames
self.delta_th = 0.1 # how much to change throttle when off
self.throttle_max = 0.3
self.throttle_min = 0.15
self.pid_st = PID(Kp=-0.01, Ki=0.00, Kd=-0.001)
def get_i_color(self, cam_img):
get the horizontal index of the color at the given slice of the image
input: cam_image, an RGB numpy array
output: index of max color, value of cumulative color at that index, and mask of pixels in range
# take a horizontal slice of the image
iSlice = self.vert_scan_y
scan_line = cam_img[iSlice : iSlice + self.vert_scan_height, :, :]
# convert to HSV color space
img_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(scan_line, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)
# make a mask of the colors in our range we are looking for
mask = cv2.inRange(img_hsv, self.color_thr_low, self.color_thr_hi)
# which index of the range has the highest amount of yellow?
hist = np.sum(mask, axis=0)
max_yellow = np.argmax(hist)
return max_yellow, hist[max_yellow], mask
def run(self, cam_img):
main runloop of the CV controller
input: cam_image, an RGB numpy array
output: steering, throttle, and recording flag
max_yellow, confidense, mask = self.get_i_color(cam_img)
conf_thresh = 0.001
if self.target_pixel is None:
# Use the first run of get_i_color to set our relationship with the yellow line.
# You could optionally init the target_pixel with the desired value.
self.target_pixel = max_yellow
# this is the target of our steering PID controller
self.pid_st.setpoint = self.target_pixel
elif confidense > conf_thresh:
# invoke the controller with the current yellow line position
# get the new steering value as it chases the ideal
self.steering = self.pid_st(max_yellow)
# slow down linearly when away from ideal, and speed up when close
if abs(max_yellow - self.target_pixel) > 10:
if self.throttle > self.throttle_min:
self.throttle -= self.delta_th
if self.throttle < self.throttle_max:
self.throttle += self.delta_th
# show some diagnostics
self.debug_display(cam_img, mask, max_yellow, confidense)
return self.steering, self.throttle, self.recording
def debug_display(self, cam_img, mask, max_yellow, confidense):
composite mask on top the original image.
show some values we are using for control
mask_exp = np.stack((mask,)*3, axis=-1)
iSlice = self.vert_scan_y
img = np.copy(cam_img)
img[iSlice : iSlice + self.vert_scan_height, :, :] = mask_exp
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
display_str = []
display_str.append("I YELLOW:{:d}".format(max_yellow))
y = 10
x = 10
for s in display_str:
cv2.putText(img, s, color=(0,255,255), org=(x,y), fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=0.4)
y += 10
cv2.namedWindow('image', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
cv2.imshow("image", img)
cv2.resizeWindow('image', 300,300)
def drive(cfg, args):
Construct a working robotic vehicle from many parts.
Each part runs as a job in the Vehicle loop, calling either
it's run or run_threaded method depending on the constructor flag `threaded`.
All parts are updated one after another at the framerate given in
cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ assuming each part finishes processing in a timely manner.
Parts may have named outputs and inputs. The framework handles passing named outputs
to parts requesting the same named input.
#Initialize car
V = dk.vehicle.Vehicle()
if cfg.DONKEY_GYM:
from import DonkeyGymEnv
cfg.GYM_CONF['racer_name'] = args['--name']
cfg.GYM_CONF['car_name'] = args['--name']
cam = DonkeyGymEnv(cfg.DONKEY_SIM_PATH, host=cfg.SIM_HOST, env_name=cfg.DONKEY_GYM_ENV_NAME, conf=cfg.GYM_CONF, delay=cfg.SIM_ARTIFICIAL_LATENCY)
inputs = ['steering', 'throttle']
from import PiCamera
cam = PiCamera(image_w=cfg.IMAGE_W, image_h=cfg.IMAGE_H, image_d=cfg.IMAGE_DEPTH)
inputs = []
V.add(cam, inputs=inputs, outputs=['cam/image_array'], threaded=True)
outputs=['steering', 'throttle', 'recording'])
#Drive train setup
if not cfg.DONKEY_GYM:
from import PCA9685, PWMSteering, PWMThrottle
steering_controller = PCA9685(cfg.STEERING_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM)
steering = PWMSteering(controller=steering_controller,
throttle_controller = PCA9685(cfg.THROTTLE_CHANNEL, cfg.PCA9685_I2C_ADDR, busnum=cfg.PCA9685_I2C_BUSNUM)
throttle = PWMThrottle(controller=throttle_controller,
V.add(steering, inputs=['steering'])
V.add(throttle, inputs=['throttle'])
#add tub to save data
'steering', 'throttle']
'float', 'float']
th = TubHandler(path=cfg.DATA_PATH)
tub = th.new_tub_writer(inputs=inputs, types=types)
V.add(tub, inputs=inputs, outputs=["tub/num_records"], run_condition="recording")
#run the vehicle
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = docopt(__doc__)
cfg = dk.load_config()
drive(cfg, args)
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