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Last active October 8, 2024 17:24
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from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from OpenSSL import crypto
import jwt
from jwt.utils import base64url_decode
import requests
import logging
G6_CER_URL = ""
def get_validated_jwt_content(apple_jwt: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
# Fetch the well-known/expected root & intermediate keys from Apple:
root_cert_bytes: bytes = requests.get(ROOT_CER_URL).content
root_cert = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, root_cert_bytes)
g6_cert_bytes: bytes = requests.get(G6_CER_URL).content
g6_cert = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, g6_cert_bytes)
# Get the signing keys out of the JWT header. The header will look like:
# {"alg": "ES256", "x5c": ["...base64 cert...", "...base64 cert..."]}
header = jwt.get_unverified_header(apple_jwt)
alg = header['alg'] # ES256
provided_certificates: List[crypto.X509] = []
certificate_names: List[Dict[bytes, bytes]] = []
for cert_base64 in header['x5c']:
cert_bytes = base64url_decode(cert_base64)
another_cert = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, cert_bytes)
# To see the certificate chain by name, which corresponds to certs you can fetch:
# Prints <X509Name object '/CN=Apple Root CA - G3/OU=Apple Certification Authority/O=Apple Inc./C=US'>:
# Verify that the root & intermediate keys are what we expect from Apple:
assert certificate_names[-1][b'CN'] == b'Apple Root CA - G3', f'Root cert changed: {certificate_names[-1]}'
assert certificate_names[-2][b'OU'] == b'G6', f'Intermediate cert changed: {certificate_names[-2]}'
assert provided_certificates[-2].digest('sha256') == g6_cert.digest('sha256')
assert provided_certificates[-1].digest('sha256') == root_cert.digest('sha256')
# Validate that the cert chain is cryptographically legit:
store = crypto.X509Store()
for cert in provided_certificates[:-2]:
crypto.X509StoreContext(store, cert).verify_certificate()
except crypto.X509StoreContextError:
logging.error("Invalid certificate chain in JWT: %s", apple_jwt)
return None
# Now that the cert is validated, we can use it to verify the actual signature
# of the JWT. PyJWT does not understand this certificate if we pass it in, so
# we have to get the cryptography library's version of the same key:
cryptography_version_of_key = provided_certificates[0].get_pubkey().to_cryptography_key()
return jwt.decode(apple_jwt, cryptography_version_of_key, algorithms=["ES256"])
except Exception:
logging.exception("Problem validating Apple JWT")
return None
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Argument for the function should be changed from "apple_storekit_2_jwt" to "apple_jwt".

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Thank you very much for making this function. Very helpful!

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@ascendant-david glad it helped somebody, it took me multiple days to figure this all out because I could not believe the stunning lack of documentation from Apple...

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RealLau commented May 14, 2023

awesome code! saved me a lot!

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sumeetswn commented Oct 30, 2023

Thank you very much. I used this in addition with apple store server library, it wasn't loading local certificates for some reason.

from appstoreserverlibrary.api_client import AppStoreServerAPIClient, APIException
from appstoreserverlibrary.models.Environment import Environment
from appstoreserverlibrary.signed_data_verifier import SignedDataVerifier
import requests

G6_CER_URL = ""
root_cert_bytes: bytes = requests.get(ROOT_CER_URL).content
g6_cert_bytes: bytes = requests.get(G6_CER_URL).content

client = AppStoreServerAPIClient(private_key_bytes, key_id, issuer_id, bundle_id, environment)
verifier = SignedDataVerifier([root_cert_bytes, g6_cert_bytes], False, environment, bundle_id)
    response = client.get_transaction_info(<txn-id>)
    decoded_txn = verifier.verify_and_decode_signed_transaction(response.signedTransactionInfo)
except APIException as e:

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