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Created March 15, 2017 00:32
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export function createElement(tagName, options, ...children) {
// If the "tagName" is a function, we assume it is a custom element and delegate element creation to it.
// Otherwise, we create a new Element ourselves.
const isCustomElement = typeof tagName === 'function'
const element = isCustomElement ? tagName(options) : document.createElement(tagName)
if (!options) {
return element
// "options" may contain a special key called `events` - more on that later.
const { events, ...domAttributes } = options
for (const attributeName in domAttributes) {
// If we were passed a custom element, then we already delegated this work to it.
// Othwerwise, here we are assign any various HTML properties (className, src..) to the new element.
if (!isCustomElement && domAttributes.hasOwnProperty(attributeName)) {
element[attributeName] = domAttributes[attributeName]
// `events` is a map of event names to corresponding event handlers.
// As before, if we were a custom element then we already took care of this work.
if (!isCustomElement && events) {
for (const eventName in events) {
if (events.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) {
element.addEventListener(eventName, events[eventName])
// Finally, we append any children we were given. If a child is text, we put it in a <span>.
if (children) {
children.forEach((child) => {
if (child instanceof Element) {
} else {
return element
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