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Created June 20, 2012 05:09
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object TestSchema extends Schema {
val applicationsTable = table[Application]("applications")
val clientsTable = table[Client]("clients")
val proxyConfigsTable = table[ProxyConfig]("proxy_configs")
val clientWithApplications = oneToManyRelation(clientsTable, applicationsTable).via((c, a) => === a.clientId)
val applicationWithProxyConfigs = oneToManyRelation(applicationsTable, proxyConfigsTable).via((a, h) => === h.appId)
on(applicationsTable)(t => declare(
t.deleted is(indexed("app_deleted_idx")), // this line will cause an exception
t.deleted defaultsTo(false), // this line will also cause an exception
columns(t.clientId, t.appName) are(unique, indexed("app_name_idx"))
on(clientsTable)(t => declare(
t.deleted is(indexed("client_deleted_idx")), // exception here as well
t.deleted defaultsTo(false), // ...and here is(indexed("client_name_idx")), // ...and here
t.clientName is(unique, indexed("domain_idx"))
case class Application(@Column("client_id") clientId: ClientIdField,
@Column("safename") appName: AppNameField,
@Column("package") billingPkgId: Option[BillingPackageIdField] = none[BillingPackageIdField],
@Column("created_at") createdAt: Timestamp = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis),
@Column("last_modified") lastModified: Timestamp = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis),
@Column("deleted") deleted: Boolean = false,
@Column("id") override val id: AppIdField = new AppIdField(-1))
extends KeyedEntity[AppIdField] {
def this() = this(
new ClientIdField(-1),
new AppNameField(""),
new BillingPackageIdField(-1).some,
new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis),
new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis),
new AppIdField(-1))
lazy val client: ManyToOne[Client] = TestSchema.clientWithApplications.right(this)
lazy val proxyConfigs: OneToMany[ProxyConfig] = TestSchema.applicationWithProxyConfigs.left(this)
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