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Last active June 17, 2022 12:53
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Kong pre/post-function collection
-- Problem: sometimes the remote server will return a http:// url and browser gets redirected to a non-https url even though it is accessing https endpoint
-- This post-function snippet in Kong helps you overwrite the http part in Location header.
if kong.response.get_status() == 302 and kong.response.get_header("location") ~= "^http" then
local new_loc = kong.response.get_header("Location"):gsub("http","https")
-- Problem: Some servers don't always redirect you to index.html (e.g. static sites served by non-public s3 bucket)
-- This pre-function will redirect the request to index.html when / is accessed
if kong.request.get_path() == "/" then
return kong.response.exit(301,"/index.html")
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