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Last active October 17, 2020 23:44
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Resources and guides for online teaching

Resources and guides for online teaching

Sections of this guide are:

  1. Meeting, presentation and communication tools (chat/boards etc.)
  2. Recording tools
  3. FAQ


  1. Popular systems for student meetings = Teams > Zoom > Collaborate
  2. Popular systems for recording lectures = PPT or Kaltura > Teams, Zoom, Collaborate, others

1. Communication


  • Knows about class lists, can email
  • At, look for "course activities" which includes a discussion board, and "virtual classroom" (a collaborate session)
  • Collaborate
  • Clunky version of Teams/Zoom in a browser page
  • Has Polls, whiteboard, and breakout groups
  • Can record record with audience chat
  • Access via LEARN:Course activities


  • Good for meetings: Calendar events shared to groups, drag and drop urls, docs etc to share.
  • Knows students emails, can email. Runs on phone, desktop etc.
  • Has Whiteboard, window and desktop sharing, also can present powerpoint natively.
  • Record presentations to cloud.
  • Live audience interaction. Has breakout groups ("rooms").
  • Known issues: Can't email classes (instead create an event, then email a link to the event using LEARN)
  • Kevin Stratvert YouTube channel has great learning videos.


  • Has Whiteboard, screen sharing, backgrounds, including slides as a background (beta)
  • Can record to cloud, schedule meetings, chat/audience interaction
  • To share, e-mail the link to a class on LEARN to share zoom meeting to their calendars.
  • Uni has an account: can also find this in zoom from your uni email.

Recording lectures/software


  1. Records a slide window and video as separate movies
  2. Can be uploaded to (URL)
  3. Can be edited (online?)
  4. Students can toggle between slide, video, and composites of both on the fly.
  5. Negative feedback: May fail to keep slides and face video in sync. Even minimal editing of movies in "MHC" (like trimming the end of the movie) consistently went wrong
  • TODO: How to access? Where to save things? Where to edit things?


  1. Record in Quicktime player; Edit in iMovie (both free), drop in slide images, edit, export.
  2. A how to guide
  • TODO: add other how to guides


  1. Can record audio, also your webcam (in windows/beta in mac). Great tutorial here
  2. Users can view presentation online (save to office cloud), or export as movie.
  • Gotchas:
  • Online viewing uses very small files but doesn't allow students to move the audio head WITHIN a slide).
  • Audio is filtered out either side of slide changes…


  1. Make a "meeting" with yourself. Record it (to cloud), edit or save to LEARN
  2. beta: set slides as background, and record yourself "in front of lecture"

Other software for recording

  1. OBS cross-platform production studio
  1. Openshot opensource screen recording
  2. kdenlive

Saving Video to University cloud and then making an "event" in LEARN


Advice about Formats

  1. 2-hours or 12 minutes?
  • No good evidence one way or the other.
  • OK to break into separate videos if clear topic boundaries exist.
  1. Discussion Boards
  • Students engage with pop-quiz and how-to type discussion boards, less with general discussion boards?

3. FAQ

  1. Do we have access to Adobe Premier Pro?
  2. Are there examples of online lectures recorded these different ways?
  • Could share stats, ppt online and ppt export to movie, kaltura (slide and talking head)


  1. Video tutorials for how to use all of these would be good: Actual "Making a lecture - beginning to end"
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