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Created May 31, 2018 02:08
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#lang racket
(require (planet murphy/amb:1:1/amb))
(define (list->num lst)
(define (go acc lst)
(match lst
[(cons x xs) (go (+ x (* 10 acc)) xs)]
['() acc]))
(go 0 lst))
(define (digit)
(amb 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0))
(define (fail)
(define (search-n n)
(define last (digit))
(when (eq? last 0) (fail))
(define (iter carry rem acc)
(define next (digit))
(unless (eq? next rem) (fail))
(define-values (next-carry next-rem) (quotient/remainder (+ (* next n) carry) 10))
; We are doing depth first search, and need to give up somewhere.
(when ((length acc) . > . 100) (fail))
; We can't lead with a 0.
; We need the leading digit to line up with the last. When that happens we are done.
(if (and (not (eq? next 0))
(eq? (+ (* n next) carry) last))
; Convert from a list of digits to a number.
(list->num (cons next acc))
(iter next-carry next-rem (cons next acc))))
(define-values (last-carry last-rem) (quotient/remainder (* last n) 10))
; We did the first iteration here, since starting is a bit weird.
(iter last-carry last-rem (list last)))
; Stop reading here. This is where I was just solving without loops
(define (/10 x)
(quotient x 10))
(define (search)
(define a (digit))
(when (eq? a 0) (fail))
(when ((* 4 a) . > . 10) (fail))
(define f (digit))
(when (f . < . (* 4 a)) (fail))
(define b (digit))
(unless ((+ (* 4 a) (/10 (* 4 b))) . <= . f) (fail))
(define e (digit))
(unless (eq? (remainder (* f 4) 10) e) (fail))
(define f-carry (/10 (* f 4)))
(define d (digit))
(unless (eq? (remainder (+ (* e 4) f-carry) 10) d) (fail))
(define e-carry (/10 (+ (* e 4) f-carry)))
(define c (digit))
(unless (eq? (remainder (+ (* d 4) e-carry) 10) c) (fail))
(define d-carry (/10 (+ (* d 4) e-carry)))
(unless (eq? (remainder (+ (* c 4) d-carry) 10) b) (fail))
(list a b c d e f))
(define (search2)
(define f (digit))
(define-values (f-carry f-rem) (quotient/remainder (* f 4) 10))
(define e (digit))
(unless (eq? f-rem e) (fail))
(define-values (e-carry e-rem) (quotient/remainder (+ (* e 4) f-carry) 10))
(define d (digit))
(unless (eq? e-rem d) (fail))
(define-values (d-carry d-rem) (quotient/remainder (+ (* d 4) e-carry) 10))
(define c (digit))
(unless (eq? d-rem c) (fail))
(define-values (c-carry c-rem) (quotient/remainder (+ (* c 4) d-carry) 10))
(define b (digit))
(unless (eq? c-rem b) (fail))
(define-values (b-carry b-rem) (quotient/remainder (+ (* b 4) c-carry) 10))
(define a (digit))
(unless (eq? b-rem a) (fail))
(define-values (a-carry a-rem) (quotient/remainder (+ (* a 4) b-carry) 10))
(unless (eq? a-rem f) (fail))
(unless (eq? a-carry 0) (fail))
(when (eq? a 0) (fail))
(list a b c d e f))
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