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Last active August 20, 2018 18:34
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#![feature(async_await, await_macro, futures_api, pin, arbitrary_self_types)]
use std::future::{Future, FutureObj};
use std::mem::PinMut;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::sync::mpsc::{sync_channel, SyncSender, SendError, Receiver};
use std::task::{
mod secret;
use self::secret::almost_ready;
/// Task executor that receives tasks off of a channel and runs them.
struct Executor {
task_receiver: Receiver<Arc<Task>>,
impl Executor {
fn run(&self) {
while true {
let arc_task: Arc<Task> = self.task_receiver.recv().unwrap();
let local_waker = local_waker_from_nonlocal(arc_task.clone());
let spawner: &mut dyn Spawn = &mut &arc_task.spawner;
let mut cx: task::Context = task::Context::new(
&local_waker, spawner);
let mut future = arc_task.future.lock().unwrap();
let result = PinMut::new((&mut future).as_mut().unwrap()).poll(&mut cx);
match result {
Poll::Pending => println!("Future pending!"),
Poll::Ready(_) => println!("Ready future!"),
// FIXME: implement the running of the executor.
// This method should pull tasks off of the existing task
// queue and run them to completion.
// In order to poll futures, you'll need to construct a
// `task::Context` from a `LocalWaker` and a `Spawn`.
// You can get a value of type `LocalWaker` by calling
// `local_waker_from_nonlocal` on an `Arc<W>` where `W: Wake`.
// To poll the future you'll need to do:
// `PinMut::new(future).poll(cx)` where cx is `&mut Context`
/// Task executor that spawns tasks onto a channel.
struct Spawner {
task_sender: SyncSender<Arc<Task>>,
impl Spawner {
// Spawn a future as a new top-level task.
fn spawn(&self, future: impl Future<Output = ()> + 'static + Send) {
let future_obj = FutureObj::new(Box::new(future));
(&mut &*self).spawn_obj(future_obj)
.expect("unable to spawn");
// Implement the `Spawn` trait for `&Spawner` rather than `Spawner` since
// we don't require a mutable reference to `Spawner`.
impl<'a> Spawn for &'a Spawner {
fn spawn_obj(&mut self, future: FutureObj<'static, ()>)
-> Result<(), SpawnObjError>
let task = Arc::new(Task {
future: Mutex::new(Some(future)),
spawner: self.clone(),
self.task_sender.send(task).map_err(|SendError(task)| {
SpawnObjError {
kind: SpawnErrorKind::shutdown(),
future: task.future.lock().unwrap().take().unwrap(),
struct Task {
// In-progress future that should be pushed to completion
future: Mutex<Option<FutureObj<'static, ()>>>,
// Handle to spawn tasks onto the task queue
spawner: Spawner,
impl Wake for Task {
fn wake(arc_self: &Arc<Self>) {
let mut future = arc_self.future.lock().unwrap();
(& arc_self.spawner).spawn_obj(future);
// FIXME: implement `Wake` by putting the task back onto the task queue
fn new_executor_and_spawner() -> (Executor, Spawner) {
// Maximum number of tasks to allow queueing in the channel at once.
// This is just to make `sync_channel` happy, and wouldn't be present in
// a real executor.
const MAX_QUEUED_TASKS: usize = 10000;
let (task_sender, task_receiver) = sync_channel(MAX_QUEUED_TASKS);
(Executor { task_receiver }, Spawner { task_sender })
fn main() {
let (executor, spawner) = new_executor_and_spawner();
spawner.spawn(async {
let x = await!(almost_ready(5));
println!("done: {:?}", x);
// spawner.spawn(async {
// println!("starting timer");
// });;
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