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Created October 9, 2024 12:46
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Deploy an Architect app to an owned AWS account and access that application at a custom domain name.

This assumes you have Architect working locally and connected to your AWS account.

For this guide, we will walk through setting up an existing Architect (+ Enhance) app with the domain:

Additionally, we will skip a "staging" deploy and domain, but that is highly recommended and follows the same steps. This guide will add SSL certs for wildcard subdomains, allowing you to use

Resources created

When the process is complete, these resources will be created in AWS.

  • a CloudFormation "Stack" with arc deploy (you may already have one!)
  • an API Gateway "Custom Domain" + mapping
  • two ACM certificates
  • a CloudFront "Cache policy"
  • a CloudFront "Origin request policy"
  • a CloudFront "Distribution"

Additionally, two DNS records on the domain will be created/changed.

You likely will not need to modify these in the future. Depending on the needs of your application, you may want to alter CloudFront policies, but we recommending starting with these and optimizing later.

Deploy with Architect

The application must exist in our AWS account to start the domain process.
If you already have a deployed app, proceed to the next section.

  1. run the application locally with arc sandbox
  2. check @aws config in your Arc app manifest (typically app.arc)
    1. runtime, region, etc
    2. make not of the region you have selected
  3. run a production deploy: arc deploy --production
  4. confirm the CloudFormation stack was created in the expected region

[Pasted image 20240924161817.png]

  1. set env variables
    1. npx arc env -a -e production ARC_APP_SECRET keyboardcat
  2. deploy again so that your application picks up the env variables
  3. arc will provide a API Gateway URL; confirm your app is reachable

Depending on the functionality of your application, you should be able to see its primary functionality working in the browser.

SSL Certificates

We will create two public certificates in Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM)

  1. AMZN Cert Manager > request

[Pasted image 20240924163351.png]

  1. New cert should be in the same region as your application:
    1. choose public certificate
    2. Enter your domain like AND \*
    3. select DNS validation
    4. RSA 2048 for encryption
  2. After the cert is created, grab the DNS validation CNAME and Value

[Pasted image 20240924163654.png]

  1. Add the validation record to your DNS provider (if you're using AWS, this is a Route53 HostedZone)

[Pasted image 20240924163943.png]

  1. wait for the cert validation to show "Issued" and "Success"

[Pasted image 20240924164105.png]

  1. Repeat in us-east-1! (we use this later for CloudFront)
    1. The CNAME record will likely be the same and the cert will be quick to validate

API Gateway Custom Domain

Navigate to the API Gateway console for the same region where your app resides.

  1. Find the "Custom domains" section and choose "Create"
    1. Enter your domain
    2. Select "Regional" for type (Arc apps are not typically of the REST API Gateway type)
    3. The ACM cert select should have an option for your new cert

[Pasted image 20240924164327.png]

  1. After creation, configure "API mappings"

[Pasted image 20240924164829.png]

  1. Select the API Gateway for your app (this was created earlier with arc deploy), use the $default stage, and leave path blank

[Pasted image 20240924164939.png]

  1. Copy the custom domain's "API Gateway domain name". We need it in the next step.



We'll create a couple CloudFront behavior policies to use with the distribution we'll create later.

These are the recommended policies for getting started as they're fairly permissive and do not strip much from the original request and cache more broadly than other AWS preset policies.

Policies can be changed later as your application requirements become more clear and change.

Cache policy

The cache policy determines what attributes of a request will create a cache key - essentially a unique object in the cache.

We always cache on query strings (search params), as that represents a unique query to the server. Additionally, compression is supported for both Gzip and Brotli.

Further, it is a safe bet to include Authorization headers in the cache key, even if your application is not yet using that header. Again, this can be altered for your app's purposes.

[Pasted image 20240925085625.png]

[Pasted image 20240925085644.png]

Origin request policy

The origin request policy determines what parts of the request will make it to our application. In this case, we want as much data as possible, including headers, query strings, and cookies.

[Pasted image 20240925085716.png]


  1. CloudFront > Create distribution

[Pasted image 20240924165251.png]

[Pasted image 20240924165440.png]

[Pasted image 20240925085923.png]

[Pasted image 20240924170248.png]

  1. Copy the distribution domain name

[Pasted image 20240924171022.png]

DNS Apex record

Use the distribution domain name as the A/Apex/ALIAS for the root of your domain's DNS records.

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filmaj commented Feb 16, 2025

@tbeseda this part:

npx arc env -a -e production ARC_APP_SECRET keyboardcat

Not a good example, as using latest arc, at runtime, will error with a 500 error saying your key length needs to be at least 32 bytes.

May be worth filing as an arc issue? Might be nice for arc env to error earlier in the process if you provide a short key for this special env var, say when you run arc env -a.

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