Using csso
as the example library I'm making an optional dependency
let csso = globalThis && globalThis.csso
if (!csso) {
.then(_csso => {
csso = _csso.default
.catch(() => {
let csso: any = (globalThis as { csso?: any })?.csso
if (csso === undefined) {
.then(({ default: _csso }) => {
csso = _csso
.catch(() => {
if (csso) {
} else {
'`csso` - an optional dependency - is not installed; CSS will not be minified'
Make sure to add it to externals and output.globals (in all output formats)
If done right, you'll get something like these in each output format:
// iife and umd should be loaded globally as window.csso or global.csso
let csso = (_a = globalThis) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.csso;
// otherwise, esm will try and import it
if (csso === undefined) {
default: _csso
}) => {
csso = _csso;
}).catch(() => {//
let csso = (_a = globalThis) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.csso;
if (csso === undefined) {
Promise.resolve().then(function () { return _interopNamespace(require('csso')); }).then(({
default: _csso
}) => {
csso = _csso;
}).catch(() => {//
(I'm almost certain there's a better or more elegant solution, but I wasn't able to find one when googling it)