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Created March 20, 2013 01:37
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Save tbl3rd/5201663 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Bit-frobbing in Curl, a programming language:
|| See
|| A .ico file is an IconDir followed by 0 or more IconDirEntry
|| objects, one for each icon pixmap in the file. Each IconDirEntry
|| describes an IconImage object. All the IconImage objects are in a
|| last section following all the IconDirEntry objects.
|| Note: Encode every icon with 32-bit pixels because that's where the
|| world is headed anyway, and it is much simpler.
|| Write value as an unaligned little-endian integer to bos.
{define-proc package {write-le-byte || Win32 BYTE
{bos.write-one value}
{return 1}
{define-proc package {write-le-int16 || Win32 WORD
({write-le-byte bos, {bit-sra value, 0} asa byte} +
{write-le-byte bos, {bit-sra value, 8} asa byte})
{define-proc package {write-le-int32 || Win32 DWORD
({write-le-byte bos, {bit-sra value, 0} asa byte} +
{write-le-byte bos, {bit-sra value, 8} asa byte} +
{write-le-byte bos, {bit-sra value, 16} asa byte} +
{write-le-byte bos, {bit-sra value, 24} asa byte})
{define-proc package {write-le-long || Win32 LONG
{return {write-le-int32 bos, value}}
|| The fields in the following classes follow the C classes.
|| Consequently some fields are defined only for documentation.
|| Some field values are ignored while writing out the objects.
|| Array fields are actually struct {int a[1]; ...} hacks in C.
|| The RGBQUAD struct from WINGDI.H. This is used for encoding color
|| maps, but this implemenation doesn't use color maps. It's defined
|| here because it is also handy for encoding XOR maps in IconImage
|| objects. Win32 names RgbQuad.alpha 'rgbReserved' and states it
|| must always be 0, but here it suits to use it for alpha.
{define-class package RgbQuad
field private constant blue:byte
field private constant green:byte
field private constant red:byte
field private constant alpha:byte
let private constant size:int = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1
{method package {write bos:ByteOutputStream}:int
def size =
({write-le-byte bos,} +
{write-le-byte bos,} +
{write-le-byte bos,} +
{write-le-byte bos, self.alpha})
{assert size == RgbQuad.size}
{return size}
{constructor package {default color:Pixel}
set =
set =
set =
set self.alpha = color.alpha-as-uint8
{define-class package BitMapInfoHeader
field package constant size:int32 = 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4
field private constant width:int
field private constant height:int
field private constant planes:int16 = 1
field private constant bit-count:int16 = 32
field private constant compression:int32 = 0
field private constant size-image:int32
field private constant x-pixels-per-meter:int = 0
field private constant y-pixels-per-meter:int = 0
field private constant colors-used:int32 = 0
field private constant colors-important:int32 = 0
{method package {write bos:ByteOutputStream}:int
def size =
({write-le-int32 bos, self.size} +
{write-le-long bos, self.width} +
{write-le-long bos, self.height} +
{write-le-int16 bos, self.planes} +
{write-le-int16 bos, self.bit-count} +
{write-le-int32 bos, self.compression} +
{write-le-int32 bos, self.size-image} +
{write-le-long bos, self.x-pixels-per-meter} +
{write-le-long bos, self.y-pixels-per-meter} +
{write-le-int32 bos, self.colors-used} +
{write-le-int32 bos, self.colors-important})
{assert size == self.size}
{return size}
{constructor package {default
set self.width = pixmap.width
set self.height = 2 * pixmap.height
set self.planes = 1
set self.size-image = icon-image.image-size
|| The pixel data for an icon, named ICONIMAGE in WINGDI.H
|| Encode using 32-bit pixels, so self.colors is always empty.
{define-class package IconImage
field private header:BitMapInfoHeader || DIB header
field private colors:{Array-of RgbQuad} || Color table
field private xor-mask:{Array-of byte} || DIB bits for XOR mask
field private and-mask:{Array-of byte} || DIB bits for AND mask
|| The size of the image data.
{getter package {image-size}:int
{assert self.colors.empty?}
{return self.colors.size + self.xor-mask.size + self.and-mask.size}
|| The total size of this including the header.
{getter package {size}:int
{assert self.colors.empty?}
{return self.header.size + self.image-size}
{method package {write bos:ByteOutputStream}:int
{assert self.colors.empty?}
let size:int = {self.header.write bos}
{for color in self.colors do
set size = size + {color.write bos}
set size = size + {bos.write self.xor-mask}
set size = size + {bos.write self.and-mask}
{assert size == self.size}
{return size}
|| Surprise: The and-mask is word-aligned on width.
{constructor package {default pixmap:Pixmap}
set self.xor-mask = {{Array-of byte}}
def and-mask-width-bytes = pixmap.width div 8
def and-mask-width-bytes-mod = pixmap.width mod 8
def and-mask-byte-count =
and-mask-width-bytes + {if pixmap.width mod 8 == 0 then 0 else 1}
def and-mask-width-words = and-mask-byte-count div 4
def and-mask-word-count =
and-mask-width-words + {if and-mask-byte-count mod 4 == 0 then 0 else 1}
def and-mask-width-size = 4 * and-mask-word-count
def and-mask-size = and-mask-width-size * pixmap.height
set self.and-mask = {{Array-of byte}.from-size and-mask-size, 0 asa byte}
bos = {{ByteOutputStream-into {Array-of byte}} self.xor-mask}
|| Scan bottom up.
{for y = pixmap.height - 1 downto 0 do
{for x = 0 below pixmap.width do
def rgb = {RgbQuad pixmap[x, y]}
{rgb.write bos}
set self.colors = {{Array-of RgbQuad}}
set self.header = {BitMapInfoHeader self, pixmap}
|| One entry in an IconDir, named ICONDIRENTRY in WINGDI.H.
|| Encode using 32-bit pixels and no color map.
{define-class package IconDirEntry
field private constant width:byte
field private constant height:byte
field private constant color-count:byte = 0
field private constant reserved:byte = 0
field private constant planes:int16 = 1
field private constant bit-count:int16 = 32
field private bytes-in-resource:int32
field private image-offset:int32
let package constant size:int = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 4
{method package {write bos:ByteOutputStream}:int
def size =
({write-le-byte bos, self.width} +
{write-le-byte bos, self.height} +
{write-le-byte bos, self.color-count} +
{write-le-byte bos, self.reserved} +
{write-le-int16 bos, self.planes} +
{write-le-int16 bos, self.bit-count} +
{write-le-int32 bos, self.bytes-in-resource} +
{write-le-int32 bos, self.image-offset})
{assert size == IconDirEntry.size}
{return size}
{constructor package {default
set self.width = pixmap.width asa byte
set self.height = pixmap.height asa byte
set self.bytes-in-resource = icon-image.size
set self.image-offset = image-offset
|| The .ico file header named ICONDIR in WINGDI.H.
|| It is followed by self.count IconDirEntry objects.
|| The IconImage objects follow the IconDirEntry objects.
{define-class package IconDir
field private constant reserved:int16 = 0
field private constant type:int16 = 1
field private constant count:int16
|| IconDir.count entries: an entry for each image.
field private entries:{Array-of IconDirEntry}
let private constant size:int = 2 + 2 + 2
{method package {write bos:ByteOutputStream}:int
let size:int =
({write-le-int16 bos, self.reserved} +
{write-le-int16 bos, self.type} +
{write-le-int16 bos, self.count})
{assert size == IconDir.size}
{for e in self.entries do
set size = size + {e.write bos}
{return size}
{constructor package {default
icon-images:{Array-of IconImage},
pixmaps:{Array-of Pixmap}
set self.count = icon-images.size asa int16
set self.entries = {{Array-of IconDirEntry} efficient-size = self.count}
let image-offset:int32 = IconDir.size + self.count * IconDirEntry.size
{for n = 0 below self.count do
def icon-image = icon-images[n]
def pixmap = pixmaps[n]
{self.entries.append {IconDirEntry image-offset, icon-image, pixmap}}
set image-offset = image-offset + icon-image.size
|| Combine install-icons into win32-icon-file and return it.
|| Return something usable on error, currently "curl.ico".
|| Otherwise, return win32-icon-file.
{define-proc package {make-icon-file
install-icons:#{Array-of Url}
let result:Url = {host-localize-url "images/curl.ico"}
{if install-icons != null and not install-icons.empty? then
def icons = {non-null install-icons}
bos = {write-open-byte win32-icon-file}
def count = icons.size
def pixmaps = {{Array-of Pixmap} efficient-size = count}
def icon-images = {{Array-of IconImage} efficient-size = count}
{for icon in icons do
def pixmap = {Pixmap.from-url icon}
def ok? =
((pixmap.width == pixmap.height) and
((pixmap.width == 256) or
(pixmap.width == 128) or
(pixmap.width == 64) or
(pixmap.width == 48) or
(pixmap.width == 32) or
(pixmap.width == 16)))
{if ok? then
{pixmaps.append pixmap}
{icon-images.append {IconImage pixmap}}
def icon-dir = {IconDir icon-images, pixmaps}
let size:int = {icon-dir.write bos}
{for icon-image in icon-images do
set size = size + {icon-image.write bos}
set result = win32-icon-file
catch ignore:Exception do
{return result}
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