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Last active December 18, 2015 08:29
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Save tbl3rd/5754061 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sugar a dict with object syntax.
# Work around the usual object orientation problem with the
# "Get out of Python free!" card.
class Oops:
def __init__(self, **stuff):
def start_capture_subprocesses(logdir):
Start a console capture subprocess for each node in configstore,
all writing into logdir and return them.
subs = []
stamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S")
for node in configstore.nodes():
bmc = configstore.node_hostname(node, "-bmc")
stderr, stdout = make_capture_files(bmc, logdir, stamp)
suspender = logdir + '/' + bmc + '.suspend'
start = make_monitor_sol_subprocess_starter(bmc, stderr, stdout, 99)
stuff = { 'bmc' : bmc,
'suspend' : make_capture_suspend(bmc, suspender),
'suspended' : make_capture_suspended(suspender, stderr),
'popen' : start(),
'start' : start }
return subs
def monitor_subprocesses(subs):
Restart any restartable subprocesses in subs that have exited.
for sub in subs:
if not sub.suspended():
if sub.popen:
code = sub.popen.poll()
if code:
flushout("%s console capture exited with %d\n"
% (sub.bmc, code))
if code > 0 or -code in [signal.SIGSEGV, signal.SIGABRT]:
sub.popen = sub.start()
def main(av):
if len(av) == 2:
logdir = av[1]
if not os.path.exists(logdir):
subs = start_capture_subprocesses(logdir)
def monitor(): monitor_subprocesses(subs)
def terminate(): terminate_subprocesses(subs)
commit_suicide_soon_after_midnight(monitor, terminate)
return 0
return 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
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