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Last active December 31, 2015 01:29
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Palindromic Pangram: mortal solution
(ns panpal.core
(:import [ BufferedReader FileReader])
(:require [clojure.pprint :as p]
[clojure.string :as s]))
;; A 'word' is a string of lower-case letters: "word"
;; A 'sentence' is a vector of words: ["a" "vector" "of" "words"]
;; A 'palindrome' is a 'sentence' whose letters are the same read
;; forward and backward. (def ted ...) defines 'ted' to be '...'.
(def ted ["a" "man" "a" "plan" "a" "canal" "panama"])
;; A 'pangram' is a 'sentence' which contains all letters.
(def fox ["quick" "brown" "fox" "jumps" "over" "the" "lazy" "dog"])
;; A 'palindromic pangram' or 'pangrammatic palindrome' ('panpal')
;; is a sentence that is both a pangram and a palindrome.
;; Use words from a WORD.LST file to make pangrammatic palindromes.
;; The panpals don't have to make sense, but look for short ones.
(def words
"A lazy sequence of lines from the WORD.LST file."
(line-seq (new
(new "WORD.LST"))))
(def letters-by-frequency
"Letters in words from least frequent to most."
(apply str (map first
(sort-by second
(frequencies (s/join words))))))
(def palindrome?
"True if sentence is a palindrome. False otherwise."
(fn [sentence]
(let [letters (s/join sentence)]
(= letters (s/reverse letters)))))
(defn trie-add
"Add prefixes from word to trie with terminal {:$ word}."
[trie word]
(assoc-in trie word (merge (get-in trie word) {:$ word})))
(comment "Use a trie to find all 2-word palindromes: 'truce curt'."
(let [words ["bat" "bats" "bet" "batch" "banana" "band"]]
(reduce trie-add {} words))
{\e {\t {:$ "bet"}},
{\n {\d {:$ "band"},
\a {\n {\a {:$ "banana"}}}},
\t {:$ "bat",
\s {:$ "bats"},
\c {\h {:$ "batch"}}}}}}
"Quickly find 'bats' to pair with 'tab'.")
(defn trie-match [trie word]
"Sequence of words matching word in trie."
(keep :$ (tree-seq map? vals (get-in trie word))))
(def pairs
"All 2-word palindromes in words."
(let [trie (reduce trie-add {} words)]
(letfn [(heads [tail] (trie-match trie (s/reverse tail)))
(flips [word] (map vector (heads word) (repeat word)))]
(filter palindrome? (mapcat flips words)))))
(defn twin?
"True if pal is a twin palindrome, such as 'avid diva'."
(let [[avid diva] pal]
(and avid diva (== (count avid) (count diva)))))
(defn score-pal
"Golf score the palindrome pal on its letter coverage."
(let [s (reduce str pal)
m {:pal pal :twin? (twin? pal) :letters (set s)}
score (/ (count s) (count (:letters m)) (if (:twin? m) 2 1))]
(assoc m :score score)))
(def scores
"All 1- and 2-word palindromes sorted by golf score."
(let [singles (map vector (filter palindrome? words))]
(sort-by :score (map score-pal (lazy-cat pairs singles)))))
(defn add-letter
"A new palindrome around pal containing the letter c."
[pal c]
(letfn [(has-letter? [score] (contains? (:letters score) c))]
(let [s (first (filter has-letter? scores))
p (:pal s)]
(vec (if (:twin? s)
(cons (first p) (conj pal (second p)))
(concat p pal p))))))
(defn pangramit
"Wrap kernel palindrome pal until it is pangrammatic."
(let [need (remove (set (s/join pal)) letters-by-frequency)]
(if (empty? need) pal
(recur (add-letter pal (first need))))))
(defn make-panpals
"A vector of palindromic pangrams built center out to ends."
(loop [kernels (map :pal scores)
panpals []]
(if (empty? kernels) panpals
(recur (rest kernels)
(conj panpals (pangramit (first kernels)))))))
(defn score-fewest-letters
"Score the palindromic pangram in panpals with the fewest letters."
(letfn [(score [pp] {:letters (count (s/join pp))
:words (count pp)
:panpal pp})]
(let [count-letters (fn [pp] (count (s/join pp)))
sorted (sort-by count-letters panpals)
n (:letters (score (first sorted)))]
(map score (take-while #(== n (:letters (score %))) sorted)))))
(defn -main
[& args]
(try (p/pprint (score-fewest-letters (time (make-panpals))))
(catch Throwable x (println "Oops:" x))))
["Elapsed time: 2983.316 msecs"
{:letters 83,:words 26,
:panpal ["ma" "regna" "ha" "ya" "fila" "diva" "swob" "zaps" "xis"
"suq" "us" "raj" "tack" "cat" "jar" "suq" "us"
"six" "spaz" "bows" "avid" "alif" "ay" "ah" "anger" "am"]}
{:letters 83,:words 26,
:panpal ["ma" "regna" "ha" "ya" "fila" "diva" "swob" "zaps" "xis"
"suq" "us" "raj" "tuck" "cut" "jar" "suq" "us"
"six" "spaz" "bows" "avid" "alif" "ay" "ah" "anger" "am"]}]
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