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Created October 31, 2022 10:37
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-- world=1&level=1 "using refl"
example : forall x : Nat, x = x := by
intro x
exact Eq.refl x
-- world=1&level=2 "using rw"
(x y : Nat)
(h₁ : y = x + 7)
2 * y = 2 * (x + 7)
:= by
rw [h₁]
-- world=1&level=3 "using succ"
(a b : Nat)
(h₁ : b = Nat.succ a)
(Nat.succ (Nat.succ a)) = (Nat.succ b)
:= by
rw [h₁]
-- world=1&level=4 "reusing proof"
theorem add_succ
(a d : Nat)
a + Nat.succ d = Nat.succ (a + d)
:= by rfl
(a : Nat)
a + Nat.succ 0 = Nat.succ a
:= by
rw [add_succ]
-- world=2&level=1 "induction"
theorem zero_add
(n: Nat)
0 + n = n
:= by
induction n with
| zero => rfl
| succ n' hn' =>
rw [add_succ]
rw [hn']
-- world=2&level=2 "induction practice"
theorem add_assoc
(a b c : Nat)
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
:= by
induction c with
| zero => rfl
| succ c' hc' =>
rw [add_succ]
rw [hc']
-- world=2&level=3 "induction practice"
theorem succ_add
(a b : Nat)
(Nat.succ a) + b = Nat.succ (a + b)
:= by
rw [← add_succ]
induction b with
| zero => rfl
| succ b' hb' =>
rw [add_succ]
rw [hb']
-- world=2&level=4 "induction practice"
theorem add_comm
(a b : Nat)
a + b = b + a
:= by
induction a with
| zero => rw [zero_add]; rfl
| succ a' ha' =>
rw [succ_add]
rw [add_succ, ha']
-- world=2&level=5 "useful theorems involving 1"
theorem one_eq_succ_zero : 1 = Nat.succ 0 := by rfl
theorem succ_eq_add_one
(n : Nat)
Nat.succ n = n + 1
:= by rfl
-- world=2&level=6 "specific rw"
theorem add_right_comm
(a b c : Nat)
(a + b) + c = a + c + b
:= by
rw [add_comm a b]
rw [add_assoc]
rw [add_comm]
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