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Created November 7, 2011 01:53
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Backbone LayoutManager proposal
// Global configuration, may be overidden, configure will, under the hood, mix
// into the prototype. If you use configure within extending it will mix into
// the instance.
// Specify the engine to use, should be a reference type, function/object/etc.
engine: _.template
// Configure on a per layout basis, mixes into the instance
// Backbone.LayoutManager internally extends from Backbone.View
var Partial = Backbone.LayoutManager.extend({
configure: {
// Add in a compile step that will be called automatically, when template is
// fetched.
compile: function(contents) {
return this.engine(contents);
// Handling partials
partial: function(name, template) {
// Fetch the template, interally uses AJAX
fetch: function(path) {
return $(path);
// If using AJAX, you can have routes automatically prefixed
// Override to localize to a view
paths: {
layout: "/assets/templates/layouts/",
template: "/assets/templates/"
// Implement with LayoutManager
var ListView = Partial.extend({
// Localize template path, to this generic modules folder
paths: {
template: "/app/module/templates"
// LayoutManager internally looks for this function automatically,
// to pass data to the template engine.
serialize: function() {
return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
// Secondary view without LayoutManager
// very little work needed to get going.
var MainView = Backbone.View.extend({
// This is optional, using a serialize function to maintain consistency
serialize: function() {
return {};
// Define template here
template: "main",
// Very simple to implement here
render: function() {
// Defer to the LayoutManager to marry the template to the view with
// the context object passed into the render method.
// return Backbone.LayoutManager(this).render(this.serialize());
// Omission of a context object defers to the serialize function.
// So this would be functionally equivalent to the return statement above.
return Backbone.LayoutManager(this).render();
// Use in a router
var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"": "main"
main: function() {
// Create a new Element instance of the layout, DIV by default just like
// Backbone, with an identical matching tagName to create a custom type.
var baseLayout = new Backbone.LayoutManager("base", {
tagName: "section"
// Add partials mapping so this template knows where to be injected,
// if you aren't using a DOM approach, this name can be whatever
// the engine is expecting.
partials: {
"#list": new ListView({ template: "list" })
// MainView already knows what template to use since we defined it in the
// definition.
var mainView = new MainView();
// Attach a partial view outside of the initializer
baseLayout.partials["#main"] = mainView;
// Insert into the DOM
baseLayout.render( $("#container").html );
// Trigger route
(new Router()).navigate("");
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