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Forked from shameerc/Application.php
Created June 30, 2017 09:00
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Simple plugin system using Reflection api
* Application class
* @author Shameer
class Application {
private $plugins = array();
public function __construct() {
// Constructor
public function run()
//simply start a new instance of plugin to use in this example
$newsLetter = new Newsletter();
//Load in the plugin reflection classes
$plugins = $this->bindPlugins();
//Build the final menu
$menu = $this->buildMenu();
public function bindPlugins()
//get all instantiated classes
$classes = get_declared_classes();
//check which all classes implements the basic Plugin interface
foreach($classes as $class) {
$reflectClass = new ReflectionClass($class) ;
if($reflectClass->implementsInterface('Plugin')) {
//We are actually storing the instance reflection class itself
//Not the class name or its object
$this->plugins[] = $reflectClass;
return $this->plugins;
public function buildMenu()
//Get the basic menus
$menu = $this->getMainMenu();
$result = $this->runEvent('adminMenu', $menu);
if(is_array($result)) {
$menu = array_merge($menu, $result);
return $menu;
function runEvent($method, $args) {
$return = array();
foreach($this->plugins as $plugin) {
if($plugin->hasMethod($method)) {
$reflectMethod = $plugin->getMethod($method);
//If the method is static we dont need the class instance
if($reflectMethod->isStatic()) {
$list = $reflectMethod->invoke($args);
else {
//Create a new instance of the class
$instance = $plugin->newInstance();
$list = $reflectMethod->invoke($instance,$args);
$return = array_merge($return, $list);
return $return;
public function getMainMenu()
return array('Articles','News','Blog');
* Index file
* @author Shameer
$app = new Application();
* Newsletter plugin
* @author Shameer
class Newsletter implements Plugin{
public function init()
echo "Newsletter Plugin init";
public function adminMenu()
return array('Newsletter settings');
* Plugin interface. All plugin must implement this interface
* @author Shameer
interface Plugin {
function init();
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