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pudquick /
Created August 27, 2015 07:35
This is python for a portable, self-contained class called "ProgressDialog" which allows you to create a Cocoa progress indicator dialog for OS X while you do things in a script. Enjoy.
class ProgressDialog(object):
def __init__(self, message, title, use_bar=True):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
self.message = message
self.title = title
self.use_bar = use_bar
self.queue = None
self.process = None
def display(self):
# [ begin black magic ]
MagerValp /
Created November 27, 2014 14:10
Force Absolute Manage agent to install packages without delay.
# Force Absolute Manage to install software at the login window.
declare -r AMSERVER="your.amserver.example"
declare -r AMDIR="/Library/Application Support/LANrev Agent"
declare -r AMAGENT="$AMDIR/LANrev Agent"
declare -r LOGFILE="/var/log/kickstartam.log"