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$(function() {
// Tweaked from:
// No guarantees
// 1. include Isotope.js
// 2. include this file
// 3. customize Isotope options at the bottom of this file
// 4. add "margin: 0 auto" to the isotope container
$.Isotope.prototype._getMasonryGutterColumns = function() {
var gutter = this.options.masonry.gutterWidth || 0;
containerWidth = this.element.parent().width();
this.masonry.columnWidth = this.options && this.options.masonry.columnWidth ||
this.$filteredAtoms.outerWidth(true) ||
this.masonry.columnWidth += gutter;
this.masonry.cols = Math.floor((containerWidth + gutter) / this.masonry.columnWidth);
this.masonry.cols = Math.max(this.masonry.cols, 1);
$.Isotope.prototype._masonryReset = function() {
this.masonry = {};
var i = this.masonry.cols;
this.masonry.colYs = [];
while (i--) {
this.masonry.colYs.push( 0 );
$.Isotope.prototype._masonryResizeChanged = function() {
var prevColCount = this.masonry.cols;
return ( this.masonry.cols !== prevColCount );
$.Isotope.prototype._masonryGetContainerSize = function() {
var gutter = this.options.masonry.gutterWidth || 0;
var unusedCols = 0,
i = this.masonry.cols;
while ( --i ) {
if ( this.masonry.colYs[i] !== 0 ) {
return {
height : Math.max.apply( Math, this.masonry.colYs ),
width : ((this.masonry.cols - unusedCols) * this.masonry.columnWidth) - gutter
masonry: {
columnWidth: 100,
gutterWidth: 5
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mhokane commented Mar 19, 2014

Thank you for this!

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