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Created April 8, 2012 00:15
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Movie Recommender :: Python
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
Created by Thomas Cabrol on 2012-04-06.
Copyright (c) 2012 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
import csv
import operator
from math import sqrt, pow
from operator import itemgetter
from itertools import combinations
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
def movie_name():
lookup = defaultdict()
for line in open('/Users/thomas/Documents/data/datasets/movielens/ml-100k/u.item'):
record = line.strip().split('|')
movie_id, movie_name = record[0], record[1]
lookup[movie_id] = movie_name
return lookup
def ratings():
Iterate the source file using a generator
MovieRating = namedtuple('MovieRating', 'user_id, movie_id, rating, timestamp')
for record in map(MovieRating._make, csv.reader(open('/Users/thomas/Documents/data/datasets/movielens/ml-100k/', 'rb'), delimiter='\t')):
yield record
# MovieRating(user_id='196', movie_id='242', rating='3', timestamp='881250949')
def users_ratings():
Grouping the ratings per user, used as an input
before generating the corated movie pairs
u = defaultdict(dict)
for line in ratings():
u[line.user_id][line.movie_id] = int(line.rating)
users = defaultdict(dict)
for k, v in u.iteritems():
users[k] = sorted(v.items())
return users
# {941: {1: 5, 258: 4, 7: 4, 15: 4, 273: 3, 147: 4, 919: 5, 408: 5, 294: 4, 298: 5, ...}}
def coratings():
For each user, create the pair of corated movies using combination,
then accumulate the base data used for the correlation coeff. by
Returns a dict with each pair and its data
coratings = defaultdict(dict)
for user, ratings in users_ratings().iteritems():
for pair in [zip(*corating) for corating in combinations(ratings, 2)]:
#941 [[(1, 258), (5, 4)], [(1, 7), (5, 4)], [(1, 15), (5, 4)], [(1, 273), (5, 3)], ....
movie_pair = pair[0]
rating_pair = pair[1]
if movie_pair not in coratings:
coratings[movie_pair] = defaultdict(float)
coratings[movie_pair]['N'] += 1.0
coratings[movie_pair]['ratingSum'] += rating_pair[0]
coratings[movie_pair]['rating2Sum'] += rating_pair[1]
coratings[movie_pair]['ratingSqSum'] += pow(rating_pair[0], 2)
coratings[movie_pair]['rating2SqSum'] += pow(rating_pair[1], 2)
coratings[movie_pair]['dotProductSum'] += rating_pair[0] * rating_pair[1]
return coratings
def recommendations(minimum_coratings=30):
Actually builds the dict with the correlation coeff. for each pair of movies,
given that there is a sufficient number of coratings
rec = defaultdict(dict)
for corating, data in coratings().iteritems():
movie_1 = corating[0]
movie_2 = corating[1]
if data['N'] >= minimum_coratings:
num = data['N'] * data['dotProductSum'] - data['ratingSum'] * data['rating2Sum']
den = sqrt(data['N'] * data['ratingSqSum'] - data['ratingSum'] * data['ratingSum']) * sqrt(data['N'] * data['rating2SqSum'] - data['rating2Sum'] * data['rating2Sum'])
rec[movie_1][movie_2] = num/den
rec[movie_2][movie_1] = num/den
return rec
def show_recommendations(top_n=10):
Print the top n recommendations for each movie
lu = movie_name()
for movie, correlations in recommendations().iteritems():
#print movie, [e for i, e in enumerate(sorted(correlations.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)) if i <= top_n-1]
for i, related_movies in enumerate(sorted(correlations.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)):
if i == top_n:
print movie, lu[movie], i+1, related_movies[0], lu[related_movies[0]], related_movies[1]
if __name__ == '__main__':
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