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Created November 8, 2014 16:31
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(Almost) all Nethack messages, more gooder version (much better)
pager.c:344 pline("Cannot open data file!")
pager.c:467 pline("? Seek error on 'data' file!")
pager.c:482 pline("I don't have any information on those things.")
pager.c:578 pline("Please move the cursor to %s.", what_is_an_unknown_object)
pager.c:581 pline("Pick an object.")
pager.c:815 pline("%s", out_str)
pager.c:825 pline("I've never heard of such things.")
pager.c:865 pline("That is %s%s%s.", an(defsyms[trap_to_defsym(tt)].explanation), !trap->madeby_u ? "" : (tt == WEB) ? " woven" : <x> <x> <x> (tt == HOLE || tt == PIT) ? " dug" : " set", !trap->madeby_u ? "" : " by you")
pager.c:876 pline("I can't see a trap there.")
pager.c:891 pline("Cannot open data file!")
pager.c:940 pline("%s", reslt)
pager.c:942 pline("I've never heard of such commands.")
muse.c:91 pline(empty)
muse.c:94 pline("As %s opens the bottle, an enormous %s emerges!", mon_nam(mon), Hallucination ? rndmonnam() : (const char *)"ghost")
muse.c:97 pline("%s is frightened to death, and unable to move.", Monnam(mon))
muse.c:114 pline(empty)
muse.c:117 pline("In a cloud of smoke, %s emerges!", a_monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:119 pline("%s speaks.", vis ? Monnam(mtmp) : Something)
muse.c:125 verbalize("You freed me!")
muse.c:129 verbalize("It is about time.")
muse.c:130 pline("%s vanishes.", Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:141 pline("%s zaps %s, which suddenly explodes!", Monnam(mon), an(xname(obj)))
muse.c:143 You_hear("a zap and an explosion in the distance.")
muse.c:166 You_hear("a %s zap.", (distu(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my) <= (BOLT_LIM+1)*(BOLT_LIM+1)) ? "nearby" : "distant")
muse.c:170 pline("%s zaps %sself with %s!", Monnam(mtmp), mhim(mtmp), doname(otmp))
muse.c:173 pline("%s zaps %s!", Monnam(mtmp), an(xname(otmp)))
muse.c:208 pline("%s reads %s!", Monnam(mtmp), onambuf)
muse.c:210 You_hear("%s reading %s.", x_monnam(mtmp, ARTICLE_A, (char *)0, (SUPPRESS_IT|SUPPRESS_INVISIBLE|SUPPRESS_SADDLE), FALSE), onambuf)
muse.c:216 pline("Being confused, %s mispronounces the magic words...", vismon ? mon_nam(mtmp) : mhe(mtmp))
muse.c:227 pline("%s drinks %s!", Monnam(mtmp), singular(otmp, doname))
muse.c:230 You_hear("a chugging sound.")
muse.c:587 pline("%s uses a unicorn horn!", Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:589 pline_The("tip of %s's horn glows!", mon_nam(mtmp))
muse.c:594 pline(mcsa, Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:598 pline("%s seems steadier now.", Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:603 pline("%s plays %s!", Monnam(mtmp), doname(otmp))
muse.c:605 You_hear("a bugle playing reveille!")
muse.c:633 pline("%s seems disoriented for a moment.", Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:668 pline("%s seems very disoriented for a moment.", Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:675 pline("%s shudders for a moment.", Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:698 pline_The("digging ray is ineffective.")
muse.c:703 pline_The("%s here is too hard to dig in.", surface(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my))
muse.c:711 pline("%s has made a hole in the %s.", Monnam(mtmp), surface(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my))
muse.c:713 pline("%s %s through...", Monnam(mtmp), is_flyer(mtmp->data) ? "dives" : "falls")
muse.c:716 You_hear("%s crash through the %s.", something, surface(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my))
muse.c:786 pline("%s %s into a %s!", Monnam(mtmp), makeplural(locomotion(mtmp->data, "jump")), t->ttyp == TRAPDOOR ? "trap door" : "hole")
muse.c:820 pline("%s escapes the dungeon!", Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:827 pline( "As %s climbs the stairs, a mysterious force momentarily surrounds %s...", mon_nam(mtmp), mhim(mtmp))
muse.c:838 pline("%s escapes upstairs!", Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:845 pline("%s escapes downstairs!", Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:851 pline("%s escapes up the ladder!", Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:857 pline("%s escapes down the ladder!", Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:869 pline("%s escapes upstairs!", Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:876 pline("%s escapes downstairs!", Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:883 pline("%s %s onto a teleport trap!", Monnam(mtmp), makeplural(locomotion(mtmp->data, "jump")))
muse.c:909 pline(mcsa, Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:911 pline("%s looks better.", Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:924 pline(mcsa, Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:926 pline("%s looks much better.", Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:938 pline(mcsa, Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:940 pline("%s looks completely healed.", Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:1182 pline("Boing!")
muse.c:1184 pline_The("wand hits you!")
muse.c:1188 pline_The("wand misses you.")
muse.c:1193 pline("Boing!")
muse.c:1216 pline("%s resists the magic!", Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:1377 pline("%s plays a %s!", Monnam(mtmp), xname(otmp))
muse.c:1379 You_hear("a horn being played.")
muse.c:1410 pline_The("%s rumbles %s %s!", ceiling(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my), otmp->blessed ? "around" : "above", mon_nam(mtmp))
muse.c:1415 pline_The("%s rumbles in the middle of nowhere!", ceiling(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my))
muse.c:1457 pline("%s is hit by %s!", Monnam(mtmp2), doname(otmp2))
muse.c:1466 pline("Fortunately, %s is wearing a hard helmet.", mon_nam(mtmp2))
muse.c:1468 You_hear("a clanging sound.")
muse.c:1472 pline("%s's %s does not protect %s.", Monnam(mtmp2), xname(helmet), mhim(mtmp2))
muse.c:1479 pline("%s is killed.", Monnam(mtmp2))
muse.c:1513 You("are hit by %s!", doname(otmp2))
muse.c:1517 pline("Fortunately, you are wearing a hard helmet.")
muse.c:1520 Your("%s does not protect you.", xname(uarmh))
muse.c:1545 pline("Oh, what a pretty fire!")
muse.c:1551 pline_The("scroll erupts in a tower of flame!")
muse.c:1553 pline("%s is uninjured.", Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:1559 You("are not harmed.")
muse.c:1595 pline("%s hurls %s!", Monnam(mtmp), singular(otmp, doname))
muse.c:1822 pline("%s rises up, through the %s!", Monnam(mtmp), ceiling(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my))
muse.c:1835 pline("%s looks uneasy.", Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:1844 pline("%s seems more experienced.", Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:1865 pline("%s body takes on a %s transparency.", s_suffix(nambuf), Hallucination ? "normal" : "strange")
muse.c:1869 pline("Suddenly you cannot see %s.", nambuf)
muse.c:1900 pline("%s suddenly mutates!", Monnam(mtmp))
muse.c:1907 pline("%s deliberately %s onto a polymorph trap!", Monnam(mtmp), makeplural(locomotion(mtmp->data, "jump")))
muse.c:1937 pline("%s flicks a bullwhip towards your %s!", Monnam(mtmp), hand)
muse.c:1940 pline("%s fails to wrap around %s.", The_whip, the_weapon)
muse.c:1944 pline("%s wraps around %s you're wielding!", The_whip, the_weapon)
muse.c:1947 pline("%s welded to your %s%c", !is_plural(obj) ? "It is" : "They are", hand, !obj->bknown ? '!' : '.')
muse.c:1956 pline_The("whip slips free.")
muse.c:1971 pline("%s yanks %s from your %s!", Monnam(mtmp), the_weapon, hand)
muse.c:1977 pline("%s yanks %s to the %s!", Monnam(mtmp), the_weapon, surface(u.ux,
muse.c:1983 pline("%s snatches %s!", Monnam(mtmp), the_weapon)
muse.c:2004 pline("For some reason, %s presence is known to you.", s_suffix(noit_mon_nam(mtmp)))
muse.c:2012 You_feel("aggravated at %s.", noit_mon_nam(mtmp))
muse.c:2155 pline(str, s_suffix(mon_nam(mon)), "shield")
muse.c:2163 pline(str, s_suffix(mon_nam(mon)), "weapon")
muse.c:2168 pline(str, s_suffix(mon_nam(mon)), "amulet")
muse.c:2175 pline(str, s_suffix(mon_nam(mon)), "armor")
muse.c:2182 pline(str, s_suffix(mon_nam(mon)), "scales")
muse.c:2196 pline(fmt, str, "shield")
muse.c:2204 pline(fmt, str, "weapon")
muse.c:2208 pline(fmt, str, "medallion")
muse.c:2214 pline(fmt, str, "armor")
muse.c:2218 pline(fmt, str, "scales")
muse.c:2269 pline("%s %ss %s.", Monnam(mon), (obj->otyp == POT_ACID) ? "quaff" : "eat", distant_name(obj,doname))
muse.c:2274 You_hear("%s.", (obj->otyp == POT_ACID) ? "drinking" : "chewing")
muse.c:2279 pline("%s has a very bad case of stomach acid.", Monnam(mon))
muse.c:2283 pline("%s dies!", Monnam(mon))
muse.c:2290 pline("What a pity - %s just ruined a future piece of art!", mon_nam(mon))
muse.c:2293 pline("%s seems limber!", Monnam(mon))
muse.c:2298 pline("%s seems steadier now.", Monnam(mon))
dbridge.c:269 pline("entitycnt = %d", entitycnt)
dbridge.c:431 pline("A %s force teleports you away...", Hallucination ? "normal" : "strange")
dbridge.c:501 pline("Do chunks miss?")
dbridge.c:528 pline("Miss chance = %d (out of 8)", misses)
dbridge.c:562 pline("%s to jump (%d chances in 10)", E_phrase(etmp, "try"), tmp)
dbridge.c:586 pline_The("%s passes through %s!", at_portcullis ? "portcullis" : "drawbridge", e_nam(etmp))
dbridge.c:594 pline_The("portcullis misses %s!", e_nam(etmp))
dbridge.c:598 pline_The("drawbridge misses %s!", e_nam(etmp))
dbridge.c:605 pline("Mon can't survive here")
dbridge.c:615 pline("%s crushed underneath the drawbridge.", E_phrase(etmp, "are"))
dbridge.c:633 pline("Jump succeeds!")
dbridge.c:637 pline("%s crushed by the falling portcullis!", E_phrase(etmp, "are"))
dbridge.c:640 You_hear("a crushing sound.")
dbridge.c:650 pline("Jump %s!", (relocates)? "fails" : "succeeds")
dbridge.c:663 pline("Doing relocation.")
dbridge.c:671 pline("Checking new square for occupancy.")
dbridge.c:685 pline("New square is occupied by %s", e_nam(other))
dbridge.c:691 pline("%s suicide.", E_phrase(etmp, "commit"))
dbridge.c:696 pline("Handling %s", e_nam(other))
dbridge.c:702 pline("Checking existence of %s", e_nam(etmp))
dbridge.c:707 pline("%s moved or died in recursion somewhere", E_phrase(etmp, "have"))
dbridge.c:718 pline("Moving %s", e_nam(etmp))
dbridge.c:733 pline("Final disposition of %s", e_nam(etmp))
dbridge.c:738 pline("%s in portcullis chamber", E_phrase(etmp, "are"))
dbridge.c:743 You("tumble towards the closed portcullis!")
dbridge.c:745 You("pass through it!")
dbridge.c:747 pline_The("drawbridge closes in...")
dbridge.c:749 pline("%s behind the drawbridge.", E_phrase(etmp, "disappear"))
dbridge.c:760 pline("%s in here", E_phrase(etmp, "survive"))
dbridge.c:764 pline("%s on drawbridge square", E_phrase(etmp, "are"))
dbridge.c:768 You_hear("a splash.")
dbridge.c:772 pline("%s from the bridge.", E_phrase(etmp, "fall"))
dbridge.c:777 pline("%s cannot survive on the drawbridge square",Enam(etmp))
dbridge.c:786 pline("%s the %s and disappears.", E_phrase(etmp, "drink"), lava ? "lava" : "moat")
dbridge.c:790 pline("%s into the %s.", E_phrase(etmp, "fall"), lava ? "lava" : "moat")
dbridge.c:824 You("see a drawbridge %s up!", (((u.ux == x || == y) && !Underwater) || distu(x2,y2) < distu(x,y)) ? "coming" : "going")
dbridge.c:849 You_hear("smashing and crushing.")
dbridge.c:880 You("see a drawbridge %s down!", (distu(x2,y2) < distu(x,y)) ? "going" : "coming")
dbridge.c:931 pline_The("portcullis of the drawbridge falls into the %s!", lava ? "lava" : "moat")
dbridge.c:934 You_hear("a loud *SPLASH*!")
dbridge.c:937 pline_The("drawbridge collapses into the %s!", lava ? "lava" : "moat")
dbridge.c:940 You_hear("a loud *SPLASH*!")
dbridge.c:950 pline_The("drawbridge disintegrates!")
dbridge.c:952 You_hear("a loud *CRASH*!")
dbridge.c:975 pline("%s blown apart by flying debris.", E_phrase(etmp2, "are"))
dbridge.c:989 pline("%s spared!", E_phrase(etmp1, "are"))
dbridge.c:994 pline("%s into some heavy metal!", E_phrase(etmp1, "get"))
dbridge.c:997 pline("%s hit by a huge chunk of metal!", E_phrase(etmp1, "are"))
dbridge.c:1001 You_hear("a crushing sound.")
dbridge.c:1004 pline("%s from shrapnel", E_phrase(etmp1, "die"))
version.c:55 pline("%s", getversionstring(buf))
version.c:90 pline("Version mismatch for file \"%s\".", filename)
version.c:102 pline("Configuration incompatibility for file \"%s\".", filename)
version.c:126 pline("File \"%s\" is empty?", name)
mail.c:121 pline("Cannot get status of MAIL=\"%s\".", mailbox)
mail.c:365 verbalize(md_exclamations())
mail.c:367 verbalize("Excuse me.")
mail.c:399 verbalize("This place's too crowded. I'm outta here.")
mail.c:444 verbalize("%s, %s! %s.", Hello(md), plname, info->display_txt)
mail.c:449 verbalize("Catch!")
mail.c:477 pline("Hark! \"%s.\"", info->display_txt)
mail.c:519 pline("Unfortunately you cannot see what it says.")
mail.c:521 pline("It reads: \"%s\"", junk[rn2(SIZE(junk))])
mail.c:543 pline("Cannot get status of MAIL=\"%s\" anymore.", mailbox)
were.c:34 You_hear("a %s howling at the moon.", howler)
were.c:77 pline("%s changes into a %s.", Monnam(mon), is_human(&mons[pm]) ? "human" : mons[pm].mname+4)
were.c:167 You_feel("purified.")
uhitm.c:151 pline("Wait! There's %s there you can't see!", something)
uhitm.c:196 pline("Wait! There's a hidden monster there!")
uhitm.c:198 pline("Wait! There's %s hiding under %s!", an(l_monnam(mtmp)), doname(obj))
uhitm.c:246 You("caitiff!")
uhitm.c:267 You("dishonorably attack the innocent!")
uhitm.c:293 Your("armor is rather cumbersome...")
uhitm.c:367 You("stop. %s is in the way!", buf)
uhitm.c:371 pline("%s doesn't seem to move!", Monnam(mtmp))
uhitm.c:387 You("have no way to attack monsters physically.")
uhitm.c:403 You("begin bashing monsters with your %s.", aobjnam(uwep, (char *)0))
uhitm.c:406 You("begin %sing monsters with your %s %s.", Role_if(PM_MONK) ? "strik" : "bash", uarmg ? "gloved" : "bare", <x> makeplural(body_part(HAND)))
uhitm.c:465 Your("bloodthirsty blade attacks!")
uhitm.c:657 pline("As you hit %s, %s%s %s breaks into splinters.", mon_nam(mon), more_than_1 ? "one of " : "", shk_your(yourbuf, obj), xname(obj))
uhitm.c:677 You("strike %s from behind!", mon_nam(mon))
uhitm.c:701 pline("%s %s %s from the force of your blow!", s_suffix(Monnam(mon)), xname(monwep), otense(monwep, "shatter"))
uhitm.c:782 You("break %s mirror. That's bad luck!", shk_your(yourbuf, obj))
uhitm.c:796 You("succeed in destroying %s camera. Congratulations!", shk_your(yourbuf, obj))
uhitm.c:810 You("hit %s with %s %s.", mon_nam(mon), obj->dknown ? the(mons[obj->corpsenm].mname) : an(mons[obj->corpsenm].mname), (obj->quan > 1) ? makeplural(withwhat) : withwhat)
uhitm.c:856 pline("Splat! You hit %s with %s %s egg%s!", mon_nam(mon), obj->known ? "the" : cnt > 1L ? "some" : "a", obj->known ? mons[obj->corpsenm].mname : "petrifying", plur(cnt))
uhitm.c:874 You("hit %s with %s egg%s.", mon_nam(mon), eggp, plur(cnt))
uhitm.c:877 pline_The("egg%s %s alive any more...", plur(cnt), (cnt == 1L) ? "isn't" : "aren't")
uhitm.c:889 pline("Splat!")
uhitm.c:911 pline(obj->otyp == CREAM_PIE ? "Splat!" : "Splash!")
uhitm.c:914 pline_The("venom blinds %s%s!", mon_nam(mon), mon->mcansee ? "" : " further")
uhitm.c:927 pline("%s %s over %s!", what, vtense(what, "splash"), whom)
uhitm.c:937 pline(obj->otyp==CREAM_PIE ? "Splat!" : "Splash!")
uhitm.c:949 Your("venom hits %s harmlessly.", mon_nam(mon))
uhitm.c:953 Your("venom burns %s!", mon_nam(mon))
uhitm.c:1016 You("dishonorably use a poisoned weapon!")
uhitm.c:1019 You_feel("like an evil coward for using a poisoned weapon.")
uhitm.c:1024 Your("%s %s no longer poisoned.", xname(obj), otense(obj, "are"))
uhitm.c:1041 Your("%s %s harmlessly through %s.", what, vtense(what, "pass"), mon_nam(mon))
uhitm.c:1055 You("joust %s%s", mon_nam(mon), canseemon(mon) ? exclam(tmp) : ".")
uhitm.c:1058 Your("%s shatters on impact!", xname(obj))
uhitm.c:1088 pline("%s %s from your powerful strike!", Monnam(mon), makeplural(stagger(mon->data, "stagger")))
uhitm.c:1120 pline("%s divides as you hit it!", Monnam(mon))
uhitm.c:1129 You("hit it.")
uhitm.c:1130 You("%s %s%s", Role_if(PM_BARBARIAN) ? "smite" : "hit", mon_nam(mon), canseemon(mon) ? exclam(tmp) : ".")
uhitm.c:1161 pline(fmt, whom)
uhitm.c:1165 pline_The("poison doesn't seem to affect %s.", mon_nam(mon))
uhitm.c:1167 pline_The("poison was deadly...")
uhitm.c:1180 pline("%s appears confused.", Monnam(mon))
uhitm.c:1245 You("%s %s %s %s!", mattk->adtyp == AD_WRAP ? "slip off of" : "grab, but cannot hold onto", s_suffix(mon_nam(mdef)), obj->greased ? "greased" : "slippery", <x> <x> (obj->greased || objects[obj->otyp].oc_name_known) ? xname(obj) : cloak_simple_name(obj))
uhitm.c:1257 pline_The("grease wears off.")
uhitm.c:1320 pline("Some hell-p has arrived!")
uhitm.c:1377 You("charm %s. She gladly hands over her possessions.", mon_nam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1380 You("seduce %s and %s starts to take off %s clothes.", mon_nam(mdef), mhe(mdef), mhis(mdef))
uhitm.c:1401 pline("%s finishes taking off %s suit.", Monnam(mdef), mhis(mdef))
uhitm.c:1461 pline("%s %s for a moment.", Monnam(mdef), makeplural(stagger(mdef->data, "stagger")))
uhitm.c:1501 pline("%s is %s!", Monnam(mdef), on_fire(mdef->data, mattk))
uhitm.c:1506 pline("%s burns completely!", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1517 pline_The("fire doesn't heat %s!", mon_nam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1531 pline("%s is covered in frost!", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1535 pline_The("frost doesn't chill %s!", mon_nam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1546 pline("%s is zapped!", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1550 pline_The("zap doesn't shock %s!", mon_nam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1580 Your("purse feels heavier.")
uhitm.c:1592 Your("purse feels heavier.")
uhitm.c:1594 You("grab %s's gold, but find no room in your knapsack.", mon_nam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1614 pline("%s suddenly disappears!", nambuf)
uhitm.c:1620 pline("%s is blinded.", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1632 pline("Some writing vanishes from %s head!", s_suffix(mon_nam(mdef)))
uhitm.c:1639 You("chuckle.")
uhitm.c:1647 pline("%s suddenly seems weaker!", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1650 pline("%s dies!", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1659 pline("%s falls to pieces!", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1672 pline("%s falls to pieces!", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1682 Your("%s was poisoned!", mpoisons_subj(&youmonst, mattk))
uhitm.c:1684 pline_The("poison doesn't seem to affect %s.", mon_nam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1688 Your("poison was deadly...")
uhitm.c:1696 pline("%s doesn't seem harmed.", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1700 You("suck in some slime and don't feel very well.")
uhitm.c:1709 pline("%s helmet blocks your attack to %s head.", s_suffix(Monnam(mdef)), mhis(mdef))
uhitm.c:1714 You("eat %s brain!", s_suffix(mon_nam(mdef)))
uhitm.c:1726 pline("%s doesn't notice.", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1751 You("swing yourself around %s!", mon_nam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1760 You("drown %s...", mon_nam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1763 pline("%s is being crushed.", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1767 You("brush against %s %s.", s_suffix(mon_nam(mdef)), mbodypart(mdef, LEG))
uhitm.c:1775 pline("%s is frozen by you!", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1784 pline("%s is put to sleep by you!", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1793 You("turn %s into slime.", mon_nam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1811 pline("%s slows down.", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1817 pline("%s looks confused.", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1829 You_feel("embarrassed for a moment.")
uhitm.c:1833 You("destroy it!")
uhitm.c:1849 You("explode!")
uhitm.c:1856 pline("%s is blinded by your flash of light!", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1863 pline("%s is affected by your flash of light!", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1878 pline("%s gets blasted!", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1889 pline_The("blast doesn't seem to affect %s.", mon_nam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1908 You("engulf %s!", mon_nam(mdef))
uhitm.c:1958 pline("Unfortunately, digesting any of it is fatal.")
uhitm.c:1990 You("hurriedly regurgitate the sizzling in your %s.", body_part(STOMACH))
uhitm.c:2010 You("digest %s.", mon_nam(mdef))
uhitm.c:2014 pline("%s", msgbuf)
uhitm.c:2029 pline("%s is laden with your moisture.", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:2034 pline("%s seems unharmed.", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:2037 pline("%s is pummeled with your debris!", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:2041 pline("%s is covered with your goo!", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:2043 pline("It seems harmless to %s.", mon_nam(mdef))
uhitm.c:2050 pline("%s can't see in there!", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:2060 pline_The("air around %s crackles with electricity.", mon_nam(mdef))
uhitm.c:2062 pline("%s seems unhurt.", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:2071 pline("%s seems mildly chilly.", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:2074 pline("%s is freezing to death!",Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:2081 pline("%s seems mildly hot.", Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:2084 pline("%s is burning to a crisp!",Monnam(mdef))
uhitm.c:2096 You("%s %s!", is_animal( ? "regurgitate" : "expel", mon_nam(mdef))
uhitm.c:2099 pline("Obviously, you didn't like %s taste.", s_suffix(mon_nam(mdef)))
uhitm.c:2105 You("bite into %s.", mon_nam(mdef))
uhitm.c:2119 You("pretend to be friendly to %s.", mon_nam(mdef))
uhitm.c:2121 You("miss %s.", mon_nam(mdef))
uhitm.c:2123 You("miss it.")
uhitm.c:2205 You("%s %s %s.", mon->mcansee && haseyes(mon->data) ? "smile at" : "talk to", mon_nam(mon), compat == 2 ? "engagingly":"seductively")
uhitm.c:2221 Your("attack passes harmlessly through %s.", mon_nam(mon))
uhitm.c:2226 You("kick %s.", mon_nam(mon))
uhitm.c:2228 You("bite %s.", mon_nam(mon))
uhitm.c:2230 You("sting %s.", mon_nam(mon))
uhitm.c:2232 You("butt %s.", mon_nam(mon))
uhitm.c:2234 You("touch %s.", mon_nam(mon))
uhitm.c:2236 Your("tentacles suck %s.", mon_nam(mon))
uhitm.c:2237 You("hit %s.", mon_nam(mon))
uhitm.c:2251 Your("hug passes harmlessly through %s.", mon_nam(mon))
uhitm.c:2255 pline("%s is being %s.", Monnam(mon), u.umonnum==PM_ROPE_GOLEM ? "choked": "crushed")
uhitm.c:2260 You("grab %s!", mon_nam(mon))
uhitm.c:2278 Your("attempt to surround %s is harmless.", mon_nam(mon))
uhitm.c:2287 You_feel("%ssick.", (Sick) ? "very " : "")
uhitm.c:2382 You("are splashed!")
uhitm.c:2383 You("are splashed by %s acid!", s_suffix(mon_nam(mon)))
uhitm.c:2419 You("turn to stone...")
uhitm.c:2451 pline("A hail of magic missiles narrowly misses you!")
uhitm.c:2453 You("are hit by magic missiles appearing from thin air!")
uhitm.c:2494 You("momentarily stiffen under %s gaze!", s_suffix(mon_nam(mon)))
uhitm.c:2497 You("are frozen by %s gaze!", s_suffix(mon_nam(mon)))
uhitm.c:2502 pline("%s cannot defend itself.", Adjmonnam(mon,"blind"))
uhitm.c:2507 You("momentarily stiffen.")
uhitm.c:2510 You("are frozen by %s!", mon_nam(mon))
uhitm.c:2522 You_feel("a mild chill.")
uhitm.c:2526 You("are suddenly very cold!")
uhitm.c:2547 You_feel("mildly warm.")
uhitm.c:2551 You("are suddenly very hot!")
uhitm.c:2558 You_feel("a mild tingle.")
uhitm.c:2562 You("are jolted with electricity!")
uhitm.c:2632 Your("%s less effective.", aobjnam(obj, "seem"))
uhitm.c:2682 pline(fmt, what)
uhitm.c:2697 Your("%s stop tingling.", hands)
uhitm.c:2699 Your("%s stop glowing %s.", hands, hcolor(NH_RED))
uhitm.c:2702 pline_The("tingling in your %s lessens.", hands)
uhitm.c:2704 Your("%s no longer glow so brightly %s.", hands, hcolor(NH_RED))
uhitm.c:2721 pline_The("flash awakens %s.", mon_nam(mtmp))
uhitm.c:2728 pline("%s is blinded by the flash!", Monnam(mtmp))
uhitm.c:2736 pline("%s %s!", Monnam(mtmp), amt > mtmp->mhp / 2 ? "wails in agony" : "cries out in pain")
potion.c:72 You_feel("less %s now.", Hallucination ? "trippy" : "confused")
potion.c:89 You_feel("%s now.", Hallucination ? "less wobbly" : "a bit steadier")
potion.c:96 You("wobble in the saddle.")
potion.c:99 You("%s...", stagger(, "stagger"))
potion.c:122 You_feel("deathly sick.")
potion.c:126 You_feel("%s worse.", xtime <= Sick/2L ? "much" : "even")
potion.c:138 You_feel("somewhat better.")
potion.c:142 pline("What a relief!")
potion.c:169 You_feel("much less nauseated now.")
potion.c:202 pline("Far out! Everything is all cosmic again!")
potion.c:204 You("can see again.")
potion.c:215 Your(eyemsg, (eyecnt == 1) ? buf : makeplural(buf), (eyecnt == 1) ? "itches" : "itch")
potion.c:219 Your(vismsg, "brighten", Hallucination ? "sadder" : "normal")
potion.c:229 pline("Oh, bummer! Everything is dark! Help!")
potion.c:231 pline("A cloud of darkness falls upon you.")
potion.c:245 Your(eyemsg, (eyecnt == 1) ? buf : makeplural(buf), (eyecnt == 1) ? "twitches" : "twitch")
potion.c:249 Your(vismsg, "dim", Hallucination ? "happier" : "normal")
potion.c:302 Your(eyemsg, (eyecnt == 1) ? buf : makeplural(buf), (eyecnt == 1) ? "itches" : "itch")
potion.c:306 Your(vismsg, "flatten", "normal")
potion.c:329 pline(message, verb)
potion.c:340 pline("This bottle turns out to be empty.")
potion.c:344 pline("As you open the bottle, %s emerges.", something)
potion.c:347 pline("As you open the bottle, an enormous %s emerges!", Hallucination ? rndmonnam() : (const char *)"ghost")
potion.c:350 You("are frightened to death, and unable to move.")
potion.c:365 pline("If you can't breathe air, how can you drink liquid?")
potion.c:391 pline("Do you know what lives in this water!")
potion.c:435 You("have a %s feeling for a moment, then it passes.", Hallucination ? "normal" : "peculiar")
potion.c:460 pline("Ulch! This makes you feel mediocre!")
potion.c:463 pline("Wow! This makes you feel %s!", (otmp->blessed) ? (unfixable_trouble_count(FALSE) ? "better" : "great") : "good")
potion.c:492 pline("This tastes like water.")
potion.c:501 pline("This burns like acid!")
potion.c:504 Your("affinity to %s disappears!", makeplural(mons[u.ulycn].mname))
potion.c:513 You_feel("quite proud of yourself.")
potion.c:520 You_feel("full of awe.")
potion.c:531 pline("This burns like acid!")
potion.c:535 You_feel("full of dread.")
potion.c:543 pline("Ooph! This tastes like %s%s!", otmp->odiluted ? "watered down " : "", Hallucination ? "dandelion wine" : "liquid fire")
potion.c:555 You("pass out.")
potion.c:563 You("have an uneasy feeling...")
potion.c:570 You_feel("self-knowledgeable...")
potion.c:573 pline_The("feeling subsides.")
potion.c:581 You_feel("rather itchy under your %s.", xname(uarmc))
potion.c:597 pline("For some reason, you feel your presence is known.")
potion.c:610 pline("Yecch! This tastes %s.", Hallucination ? "overripe" : "rotten")
potion.c:613 pline(Hallucination ? "This tastes like 10%% real %s%s all-natural beverage." : "This tastes like %s%s.", otmp->odiluted ? "reconstituted " : "", fruitname(TRUE))
potion.c:642 You("can see through yourself, but you are visible!")
potion.c:649 You("stiffen momentarily.")
potion.c:652 You("are motionlessly suspended.")
potion.c:655 You("are frozen in place!")
potion.c:658 Your("%s are frozen to the %s!", makeplural(body_part(FOOT)), surface(u.ux,
potion.c:667 You("yawn.")
potion.c:669 You("suddenly fall asleep!")
potion.c:697 You_feel("lonely.")
potion.c:713 pline("Yecch! This stuff tastes like poison.")
potion.c:715 pline("(But in fact it was mildly stale %s.)", fruitname(TRUE))
potion.c:724 pline( "(But in fact it was biologically contaminated %s.)", fruitname(TRUE))
potion.c:728 pline("Fortunately, you have been immunized.")
potion.c:750 You("are shocked back to your senses!")
potion.c:757 pline("What a trippy feeling!")
potion.c:760 pline("Huh, What? Where am I?")
potion.c:768 pline("Ulch! That potion tasted foul!")
potion.c:804 You("are suddenly moving %sfaster.", Fast ? "" : "much ")
potion.c:807 Your("%s get new energy.", makeplural(body_part(LEG)))
potion.c:829 You(riseup, ceiling(u.ux,
potion.c:837 pline("It tasted bad.")
potion.c:839 You(riseup, ceiling(u.ux,
potion.c:843 You("have an uneasy feeling.")
potion.c:855 You_feel("better.")
potion.c:861 You_feel("much better.")
potion.c:870 You_feel("completely healed.")
potion.c:901 You("hit your %s on the %s.", body_part(HEAD), ceiling(u.ux,
potion.c:922 You_feel("lackluster.")
potion.c:924 pline("Magical energies course through your body.")
potion.c:941 pline("Ahh, a refreshing drink.")
potion.c:944 You("burn your %s.", body_part(FACE))
potion.c:949 pline("This tastes like castor oil.")
potion.c:951 pline("That was smooth!")
potion.c:959 pline("This tastes %s.", Hallucination ? "tangy" : "sour")
potion.c:961 pline("This burns%s!", otmp->blessed ? " a little" : otmp->cursed ? " a lot" : " like acid")
potion.c:972 You_feel("a little %s.", Hallucination ? "normal" : "strange")
potion.c:1008 You("have a %s feeling for a moment, then it passes.", Hallucination ? "normal" : "strange")
potion.c:1011 pline(txt)
potion.c:1046 pline_The("%s crashes on your %s and breaks into shards.", botlnam, body_part(HEAD))
potion.c:1051 pline("Crash!")
potion.c:1063 pline_The("%s crashes on %s and breaks into shards.", botlnam, buf)
potion.c:1073 pline("%s.", Tobjnam(obj, "evaporate"))
potion.c:1082 You_feel("a little %s.", Hallucination ? "normal" : "strange")
potion.c:1087 pline("This burns%s!", obj->blessed ? " a little" : obj->cursed ? " a lot" : "")
potion.c:1112 pline("%s looks sound and hale again.", Monnam(mon))
potion.c:1122 pline("%s looks unharmed.", Monnam(mon))
potion.c:1132 pline("%s looks rather ill.", Monnam(mon))
potion.c:1146 pline("%s falls asleep.", Monnam(mon))
potion.c:1177 pline("%s %s in pain!", Monnam(mon), is_silent(mon->data) ? "writhes" : "shrieks")
potion.c:1189 pline("%s looks healthier.", Monnam(mon))
potion.c:1202 pline("%s rusts.", Monnam(mon))
potion.c:1215 pline("%s %s in pain!", Monnam(mon), is_silent(mon->data) ? "writhes" : "shrieks")
potion.c:1281 pline("Ulch! That potion smells terrible!")
potion.c:1284 Your("%s sting%s!", (numeyes == 1) ? body_part(EYE) : makeplural(body_part(EYE)), (numeyes == 1) ? "s" : "")
potion.c:1331 You("have a momentary vision.")
potion.c:1336 You_feel("somewhat dizzy.")
potion.c:1342 pline("For an instant you %s!", See_invisible ? "could see right through yourself" : "couldn't see yourself")
potion.c:1350 pline("%s seems to be holding you.", Something)
potion.c:1354 You("stiffen momentarily.")
potion.c:1359 You_feel("rather tired.")
potion.c:1363 You("yawn.")
potion.c:1366 Your("knees seem more flexible now.")
potion.c:1373 pline("It suddenly gets dark.")
potion.c:1376 Your(vision_clears)
potion.c:1532 Your(Your_buf, obj)
potion.c:1541 pline("It boils vigorously!")
potion.c:1542 You("are caught in the explosion!")
potion.c:1548 pline("%s %s%s.", Your_buf, aobjnam(obj,"dilute"), obj->odiluted ? " further" : "")
potion.c:1551 You("dilute it, you pay for it.")
potion.c:1574 pline_The("scroll%s %s.", oq1 ? "" : "s", otense(obj, "fade"))
potion.c:1578 You("erase it, you pay for it.")
potion.c:1590 pline("%s suddenly heats up
potion.c:1595 pline_The("spellbook%s %s.", oq1 ? "" : "s", otense(obj, "fade"))
potion.c:1599 You("erase it, you pay for it.")
potion.c:1616 pline("%s %s some%s.", Your_buf, aobjnam(obj, "rust"), obj->oeroded ? " more" : "what")
potion.c:1624 pline("%s %s wet.", Your_buf, aobjnam(obj,"get"))
potion.c:1674 pline("That is a potion bottle, not a Klein bottle!")
potion.c:1681 Your(Your_buf, obj)
potion.c:1685 pline("%s %s %s.", Your_buf, aobjnam(obj, "softly glow"), hcolor(NH_AMBER))
potion.c:1700 pline("%s %s with a%s %s aura.", Your_buf, aobjnam(obj, "softly glow"), index(vowels, *tmp) ? "n" : "", tmp)
potion.c:1712 pline("%s %s %s.", Your_buf, aobjnam(obj, "glow"), hcolor((const char *)"brown"))
potion.c:1722 pline("%s %s with a%s %s aura.", Your_buf, aobjnam(obj, "glow"), index(vowels, *tmp) ? "n" : "", tmp)
potion.c:1745 pline(nothing_happens)
potion.c:1769 pline("Nothing seems to happen.")
potion.c:1779 pline_The("potions mix...")
potion.c:1783 pline("BOOM! They explode!")
potion.c:1817 pline_The("mixture glows brightly and evaporates.")
potion.c:1827 pline_The("mixture bubbles%s.", Blind ? "" : ", then clears")
potion.c:1830 pline_The("mixture looks %s.", hcolor(OBJ_DESCR(objects[obj->otyp])))
potion.c:1842 pline("Where did %s go?", the(xname(obj)))
potion.c:1844 You("notice a little haziness around %s.", the(xname(obj)))
potion.c:1851 pline("So that's where %s went!", the(xname(obj)))
potion.c:1853 pline_The("haziness around %s disappears.", the(xname(obj)))
potion.c:1867 pline("%s forms a coating on %s.", buf, the(xname(obj)))
potion.c:1875 pline("A coating wears off %s.", the(xname(obj)))
potion.c:1893 pline("%s %s to burn for a moment.", Yname2(obj), otense(obj, "seem"))
potion.c:1898 pline_The("burning oil %s %s.", obj->oeroded == MAX_ERODE ? "destroys" : "damages", yname(obj))
potion.c:1911 verbalize("You burnt it, you bought it!")
potion.c:1918 pline_The("potion spills and covers your %s with oil.", makeplural(body_part(FINGER)))
potion.c:1934 pline("%s %s with an oily sheen.", Yname2(obj), otense(obj, "gleam"))
potion.c:1937 pline("%s %s less %s.", Yname2(obj), otense(obj, "are"), (obj->oeroded && obj->oeroded2) ? "corroded and rusty" : obj->oeroded ? "rusty" : "corroded")
potion.c:1971 pline("%s %s full.", Yname2(obj), otense(obj, "are"))
potion.c:1975 You("fill %s with oil.", yname(obj))
potion.c:2013 You("use it, you pay for it.")
potion.c:2033 pline_The("%spotion%s %s.", oldbuf, more_than_one ? " that you dipped into" : "", newbuf)
potion.c:2054 pline("Interesting...")
potion.c:2067 pline("It turns out to be empty.")
potion.c:2072 pline("In a cloud of smoke, %s emerges!", a_monnam(mtmp))
potion.c:2073 pline("%s speaks.", Monnam(mtmp))
potion.c:2075 You("smell acrid fumes.")
potion.c:2076 pline("%s speaks.", Something)
potion.c:2086 verbalize("I am in your debt. I will grant one wish!")
potion.c:2090 verbalize("Thank you for freeing me!")
potion.c:2093 verbalize("You freed me!")
potion.c:2097 verbalize("It is about time!")
potion.c:2098 pline("%s vanishes.", Monnam(mtmp))
potion.c:2101 verbalize("You disturbed me, fool!")
potion.c:2130 You("multiply%s!", reason)
potion.c:2138 pline("%s multiplies%s!", Monnam(mon), reason)
quest.c:123 You("are currently %s instead of %s.", align_str(u.ualign.type), align_str(original_alignment))
quest.c:126 You("have converted.")
quest.c:128 You("are currently %d and require %d.", u.ualign.record, MIN_QUEST_ALIGN)
quest.c:366 pline("%s speaks:", Monnam(mtmp))
quest.c:367 verbalize("I'm finally free!")
mcastu.c:76 pline("%s points %s.", Monnam(mtmp), point_msg)
mcastu.c:78 Norep("You hear a mumbled curse.")
mcastu.c:240 pline("%s casts a spell at %s!", canseemon(mtmp) ? Monnam(mtmp) : "Something", levl[mtmp->mux][mtmp->muy].typ == WATER ? "empty water" : "thin air")
mcastu.c:251 pline_The("air crackles around %s.", mon_nam(mtmp))
mcastu.c:255 pline("%s casts a spell%s!", canspotmon(mtmp) ? Monnam(mtmp) : "Something", is_undirected_spell(mattk->adtyp, spellnum) ? "" : (Invisible && !perceives(mtmp->data) && (mtmp->mux != u.ux || mtmp->muy != ? " at a spot near you" : (Displaced && (mtmp->mux != u.ux || mtmp->muy != ? " at your displaced image" : " at you")
mcastu.c:289 pline("You're enveloped in flames.")
mcastu.c:292 pline("But you resist the effects.")
mcastu.c:298 pline("You're covered in frost.")
mcastu.c:301 pline("But you resist the effects.")
mcastu.c:306 You("are hit by a shower of missiles!")
mcastu.c:309 pline_The("missiles bounce off!")
mcastu.c:356 pline("Oh no, %s's using the touch of death!", mhe(mtmp))
mcastu.c:358 You("seem no deader than before.")
mcastu.c:361 You("have an out of body experience.")
mcastu.c:369 pline("Lucky for you, it didn't work!")
mcastu.c:375 pline("Double Trouble...")
mcastu.c:388 verbalize("Destroy the thief, my pet%s!", plur(count))
mcastu.c:398 pline("%s around a spot near you!", mappear)
mcastu.c:400 pline("%s around your displaced image!", mappear)
mcastu.c:402 pline("%s from nowhere!", mappear)
mcastu.c:408 You_feel("that monsters are aware of your presence.")
mcastu.c:413 You_feel("as if you need some help.")
mcastu.c:420 pline("A field of force surrounds you!")
mcastu.c:422 Your("skin itches.")
mcastu.c:430 You_feel("momentarily weakened.")
mcastu.c:432 You("suddenly feel weaker!")
mcastu.c:445 pline("%s suddenly %s!", Monnam(mtmp), !See_invisible ? "disappears" : "becomes transparent")
mcastu.c:456 You_feel("momentarily disoriented.")
mcastu.c:459 You(Stunned ? "struggle to keep your balance." : "reel...")
mcastu.c:473 pline("%s looks better.", Monnam(mtmp))
mcastu.c:490 You("get a slight %sache.", body_part(HEAD))
mcastu.c:492 Your("brain is on fire!")
mcastu.c:494 Your("%s suddenly aches painfully!", body_part(HEAD))
mcastu.c:496 Your("%s suddenly aches very painfully!", body_part(HEAD))
mcastu.c:523 pline("A sudden geyser slams into you from nowhere!")
mcastu.c:528 pline("A pillar of fire strikes all around you!")
mcastu.c:546 pline("A bolt of lightning strikes down at you from above!")
mcastu.c:561 You_feel("as if you need some help.")
mcastu.c:600 pline("%s casts at a clump of sticks, but nothing happens.", Monnam(mtmp))
mcastu.c:603 pline("%s transforms a clump of sticks into snakes!", Monnam(mtmp))
mcastu.c:607 pline("%s summons insects around a spot near you!", Monnam(mtmp))
mcastu.c:610 pline("%s summons insects around your displaced image!", Monnam(mtmp))
mcastu.c:613 pline("%s summons insects!", Monnam(mtmp))
mcastu.c:622 pline("Scales cover your %s!", (num_eyes == 1) ? body_part(EYE) : makeplural(body_part(EYE)))
mcastu.c:626 Your(vision_clears)
mcastu.c:635 You("stiffen briefly.")
mcastu.c:639 You("are frozen in place!")
mcastu.c:649 You_feel("momentarily dizzy.")
mcastu.c:657 You_feel("%s!", oldprop ? "trippier" : "trippy")
mcastu.c:659 You_feel("%sconfused!", oldprop ? "more " : "")
mcastu.c:666 pline("%s looks better.", Monnam(mtmp))
mcastu.c:680 Your("skin itches badly for a moment.")
mcastu.c:682 pline("Wounds appear on your body!")
mcastu.c:684 pline("Severe wounds appear on your body!")
mcastu.c:686 Your("body is covered with painful wounds!")
mcastu.c:828 pline("%s zaps you with a %s!", Monnam(mtmp), flash_types[ad_to_typ(mattk->adtyp)])
write.c:95 You("need hands to be able to write!")
write.c:98 pline("%s from your %s.", Tobjnam(pen, "slip"), makeplural(body_part(FINGER)))
write.c:111 You("don't know if that %s is blank or not!", typeword)
write.c:116 pline("That %s is not blank!", typeword)
write.c:156 There("is no such %s!", typeword)
write.c:161 You_cant("write that!")
write.c:162 pline("It's obscene!")
write.c:165 pline("No mere dungeon adventurer could write that.")
write.c:171 pline( "Unfortunately you don't have enough information to go on.")
write.c:191 Your("marker is too dry to write that!")
write.c:206 Your("marker dries out!")
write.c:210 pline_The( "spellbook is left unfinished and your writing fades.")
write.c:215 pline_The("scroll is now useless and disappears!")
write.c:228 You("%s to write that!", by_descr ? "fail" : "don't know how")
write.c:232 You( "write in your best handwriting: \"My Diary\", but it quickly fades.")
write.c:242 You("write \"%s\" and the scroll disappears.", namebuf)
write.c:258 pline_The("spellbook warps strangely, then turns %s.", OBJ_DESCR(objects[new_obj->otyp]))
end.c:206 You("die...")
end.c:600 You("are a very tricky wizard, it seems.")
end.c:623 pline("But wait...")
end.c:625 Your("medallion %s!", !Blind ? "begins to glow" : "feels warm")
end.c:627 You("vomit ...")
end.c:628 You_feel("much better!")
end.c:629 pline_The("medallion crumbles to dust!")
end.c:637 pline("Unfortunately you are still genocided...")
end.c:650 pline("OK, so you don't %s.", (how == CHOKING) ? "choke" : "die")
end.c:685 pline("Do not pass go. Do not collect 200 %s.", currency(200L))
end.c:1038 pline("%s empty.", Tobjnam(box, "are"))
explode.c:244 You_hear("a blast.")
explode.c:265 pline("%s gets %s!", Monnam(u.ustuck), (adtyp == AD_FIRE) ? "heartburn" : (adtyp == AD_COLD) ? "chilly" : (adtyp == AD_DISN) ? ((olet == WAND_CLASS) ? "irradiated by pure energy" : "perforated") : (adtyp == AD_ELEC) ? "shocked" : (adtyp == AD_DRST) ? "poisoned" : (adtyp == AD_ACID) ? "an upset stomach" : "fried")
explode.c:276 pline("%s gets slightly %s!", Monnam(u.ustuck), (adtyp == AD_FIRE) ? "toasted" : (adtyp == AD_COLD) ? "chilly" : (adtyp == AD_DISN) ? ((olet == WAND_CLASS) ? "overwhelmed by pure energy" : "perforated") : (adtyp == AD_ELEC) ? "shocked" : (adtyp == AD_DRST) ? "intoxicated" : (adtyp == AD_ACID) ? "burned" : "fried")
explode.c:288 pline("%s is caught in the %s!", Monnam(mtmp), str)
explode.c:310 pline("%s resists the %s!", Monnam(mtmp), str)
explode.c:336 You("are caught in the %s!", str)
explode.c:342 You("are unharmed!")
explode.c:484 pline("%s apart.", Tobjnam(otmp, "break"))
explode.c:498 pline("%s.", Tobjnam(otmp, "crumble"))
weapon.c:95 You_feel("more confident in your %sskills.", skill == P_NONE ? "" : skill <= P_LAST_WEAPON ? "weapon " : skill <= P_LAST_SPELL ? "spell casting " : "fighting ")
weapon.c:609 pline("%s drops %s.", Monnam(mon), distant_name(obj, doname))
weapon.c:715 pline("Since %s weapon%s %s,", s_suffix(mon_nam(mon)), plur(mw_tmp->quan), welded_buf)
weapon.c:718 pline("%s cannot wield that %s.", mon_nam(mon), xname(obj))
weapon.c:721 pline("%s tries to wield %s.", Monnam(mon), doname(obj))
weapon.c:723 pline("%s %s %s!", s_suffix(Monnam(mon)), xname(mw_tmp), welded_buf)
weapon.c:737 pline("%s wields %s!", Monnam(mon), doname(obj))
weapon.c:739 pline("%s %s to %s %s!", Tobjnam(obj, "weld"), is_plural(obj) ? "themselves" : "itself", s_suffix(mon_nam(mon)), mbodypart(mon,HAND))
weapon.c:749 pline("%s brilliantly in %s %s!", Tobjnam(obj, "glow"), s_suffix(mon_nam(mon)), mbodypart(mon,HAND))
weapon.c:921 You("are now %s skilled in %s.", P_SKILL(skill) >= P_MAX_SKILL(skill) ? "most" : "more", P_NAME(skill))
weapon.c:1084 You_feel("you could be more dangerous!")
weapon.c:1443 pline("%s in %s %s %s glowing.", The(xname(obj)), s_suffix(mon_nam(mon)), mbodypart(mon,HAND), otense(obj, "stop"))
hack.c:47 Norep("%s", msg)
hack.c:88 You("don't have enough leverage to push %s.", the(xname(otmp)))
hack.c:99 pline("You're too small to push that %s.", xname(otmp))
hack.c:117 pline("%s won't roll diagonally on this %s.", The(xname(otmp)), surface(sx, sy))
hack.c:131 pline("There's %s on the other side.", a_monnam(mtmp))
hack.c:133 You_hear("a monster behind %s.", the(xname(otmp)))
hack.c:137 pline("Perhaps that's why %s cannot move it.", #ifdef STEED u.usteed ? y_monnam(u.usteed) : #endif "you")
hack.c:153 pline("KAABLAMM!!! %s %s land mine.", Tobjnam(otmp, "trigger"), ttmp->madeby_u ? "your" : "a")
hack.c:180 pline("Kerplunk! You no longer feel %s.", the(xname(otmp)))
hack.c:183 pline("%s%s and %s a %s in the %s!", Tobjnam(otmp, (ttmp->ttyp == TRAPDOOR) ? "trigger" : "fall"), (ttmp->ttyp == TRAPDOOR) ? nul : " into", otense(otmp, "plug"), (ttmp->ttyp == TRAPDOOR) ? "trap door" : "hole", surface(rx, ry))
hack.c:199 pline("%s pushes %s and suddenly it disappears!", upstart(y_monnam(u.usteed)), the(xname(otmp)))
hack.c:203 You("push %s and suddenly it disappears!", the(xname(otmp)))
hack.c:251 pline("With %s effort you move %s.", throws_rocks( ? "little" : "great", the(xname(otmp)))
hack.c:257 pline("%s moves %s.", upstart(y_monnam(u.usteed)), the(xname(otmp)))
hack.c:279 pline("%s tries to move %s, but cannot.", upstart(y_monnam(u.usteed)), the(xname(otmp)))
hack.c:283 You("try to move %s, but in vain.", the(xname(otmp)))
hack.c:289 You("aren't skilled enough to %s %s from %s.", (flags.pickup && !In_sokoban(& ? "pick up" : "push aside", the(xname(otmp)), y_monnam(u.usteed))
hack.c:296 pline("However, you can easily %s.", (flags.pickup && !In_sokoban(& ? "pick it up" : "push it aside")
hack.c:315 pline("However, you can squeeze yourself into a small opening.")
hack.c:347 You("hurt your teeth on the %s.", IS_TREE(lev->typ) ? "tree" : "hard stone")
hack.c:363 You("start chewing %s %s.", (boulder || IS_TREE(lev->typ)) ? "on a" : "a hole in the", boulder ? "boulder" : IS_TREE(lev->typ) ? "tree" : IS_ROCK(lev->typ) ? "rock" : "door")
hack.c:371 You("%s chewing on the %s.", digging.chew ? "continue" : "begin", boulder ? "boulder" : IS_TREE(lev->typ) ? "tree" : IS_ROCK(lev->typ) ? "rock" : "door")
hack.c:389 You("eat the boulder.")
hack.c:458 You(digtxt)
hack.c:491 You("wobble unsteadily for a moment.")
hack.c:501 You("crash to the floor!")
hack.c:508 You("fell on %s.", doname(obj))
hack.c:622 pline_The("drawbridge is up!")
hack.c:624 pline_The("Sokoban walls resist your ability.")
hack.c:635 You("ooze under the door.")
hack.c:643 You("try to ooze under the door, but can't squeeze your possessions through.")
hack.c:648 You_cant("lead %s through that closed door.", y_monnam(u.usteed))
hack.c:653 pline("Ouch! You bump into a door.")
hack.c:656 pline("That door is closed.")
hack.c:683 You("cannot pass that way.")
hack.c:688 Your("body is too large to fit through.")
hack.c:693 You("are carrying too much to get through.")
hack.c:962 You("don't have enough stamina to move.")
hack.c:965 You("collapse under your load.")
hack.c:979 You("tumble in place.")
hack.c:983 You_cant("control your movements very well.")
hack.c:985 pline("It's hard to walk in thin air.")
hack.c:1065 You("release %s.", mon_nam(u.ustuck))
hack.c:1081 You("pull free from %s.", mon_nam(u.ustuck))
hack.c:1097 You("cannot escape from %s!", mon_nam(u.ustuck))
hack.c:1157 pline("Pardon me, %s.", m_monnam(mtmp))
hack.c:1159 You("move right into %s.", mon_nam(mtmp))
hack.c:1172 You("pass out from exertion!")
hack.c:1197 You("%s %s.", expl ? "explode at" : "attack", !Underwater ? "thin air" : is_pool(x,y) ? "empty water" : buf)
hack.c:1220 pline("%s won't move!", upstart(y_monnam(u.usteed)))
hack.c:1226 You("are rooted %s.", Levitation || Is_airlevel(& || Is_waterlevel(& ? "in place" : "to the ground")
hack.c:1235 Your("%s gets stuck in a crevice.", body_part(LEG))
hack.c:1238 You("free your %s.", body_part(LEG))
hack.c:1240 You("%s to the edge of the pit.", (In_sokoban(& && Levitation) ? "struggle against the air currents and float" : #ifdef STEED u.usteed ? "ride" : #endif "crawl")
hack.c:1253 Norep("%s is still in a pit.", upstart(y_monnam(u.usteed)))
hack.c:1257 Norep( (Hallucination && !rn2(5)) ? "You've fallen, and you can't get up." : "You are still in a pit." )
hack.c:1266 Norep("%s is %s.", upstart(y_monnam(u.usteed)), predicament)
hack.c:1270 Norep("You are %s.", predicament)
hack.c:1277 You("lead %s to the edge of the lava.", y_monnam(u.usteed))
hack.c:1281 You("pull yourself to the edge of the lava.")
hack.c:1289 pline("Sting cuts through the web!")
hack.c:1297 Norep("%s is %s.", upstart(y_monnam(u.usteed)), predicament)
hack.c:1301 Norep("You are %s.", predicament)
hack.c:1306 pline("%s breaks out of the web.", upstart(y_monnam(u.usteed)))
hack.c:1310 You("disentangle yourself.")
hack.c:1318 Norep("%s is %s %s.", upstart(y_monnam(u.usteed)), predicament, surface(u.ux,
hack.c:1323 Norep("You are %s %s.", predicament, surface(u.ux,
hack.c:1329 pline("%s finally wiggles free.", upstart(y_monnam(u.usteed)))
hack.c:1333 You("finally wiggle free.")
hack.c:1340 Norep("%s is %s.", upstart(y_monnam(u.usteed)), predicament)
hack.c:1344 Norep("You are %s.", predicament)
hack.c:1430 You("stop. %s won't fit through.", upstart(y_monnam(mtmp)))
hack.c:1445 You("%s %s.", mtmp->mtame ? "displaced" : "frightened", pnambuf)
hack.c:1463 You_feel("guilty about losing your pet like this.")
hack.c:1475 pline("that's strange, unknown mintrap result!")
hack.c:1570 You_feel("a strange vibration %s.", buf)
hack.c:1572 pline("%s %s!", The(xname(otmp)), Blind ? "throbs palpably" : "glows with a strange light")
hack.c:1592 You("pop into an air bubble.")
hack.c:1594 You("leave the water...")
hack.c:1597 You("are on solid %s again.", is_ice(u.ux, ? "ice" : "land")
hack.c:1603 You("pop out of the water like a cork!")
hack.c:1605 You("fly out of the water.")
hack.c:1607 You("slowly rise above the surface.")
hack.c:1664 pline("%s suddenly drops from the %s!", Amonnam(mtmp), ceiling(u.ux,
hack.c:1670 pline("Its blow glances off your helmet.")
hack.c:1672 You("are almost hit by %s!", x_monnam(mtmp, ARTICLE_A, "falling", 0, TRUE))
hack.c:1676 You("are hit by %s!", x_monnam(mtmp, ARTICLE_A, "falling", 0, TRUE))
hack.c:1686 pline("%s jumps near you from the %s.", Amonnam(mtmp), ceiling(u.ux,
hack.c:1689 You("surprise %s!", Blind && !sensemon(mtmp) ? something : a_monnam(mtmp))
hack.c:1694 pline("%s attacks you by surprise!", Amonnam(mtmp))
hack.c:1889 pline("Welcome to David's treasure zoo!")
hack.c:1892 pline("It %s rather %s down here.", Blind ? "feels" : "looks", Blind ? "humid" : "muddy")
hack.c:1897 You("enter an opulent throne room!")
hack.c:1900 You("enter a leprechaun hall!")
hack.c:1905 pline("%s away! %s away!", run, run)
hack.c:1907 You("have an uncanny feeling...")
hack.c:1910 You("enter a giant beehive!")
hack.c:1913 You("enter a disgusting nest!")
hack.c:1916 You("enter an anthole!")
hack.c:1923 You("enter a military barracks!")
hack.c:1925 You("enter an abandoned barracks.")
hack.c:1929 verbalize("%s, %s, welcome to Delphi!", Hello((struct monst *) 0), plname)
hack.c:1997 You("pick up %s tongue.", s_suffix(mon_nam(u.ustuck)))
hack.c:1998 pline("But it's kind of slimy, so you drop it.")
hack.c:2000 You("don't %s anything in here to pick up.", Blind ? "feel" : "see")
hack.c:2011 You("cannot dive into the water to pick things up.")
hack.c:2014 You_cant("even see the bottom, let alone pick up %s.", something)
hack.c:2022 You_cant("reach the bottom to pick things up.")
hack.c:2025 You("would burn to a crisp trying to pick things up.")
hack.c:2030 There("is nothing here to pick up.")
hack.c:2036 You("aren't skilled enough to reach from %s.", y_monnam(u.usteed))
hack.c:2040 You("cannot reach the %s.", surface(u.ux,
hack.c:2053 You("cannot reach the bottom of the pit.")
hack.c:2263 pline(nomovemsg)
hack.c:2291 pline("%s is about to die.", who)
hack.c:2296 pline(powercnt >= 4 ? "%s, all your powers will be lost..." : "%s, your life force is running out.", who)
hack.c:2300 You_hear(u.uhp == 1 ? "the wailing of the Banshee..." : "the howling of the CwnAnnwn...")
hack.c:2331 You("die...")
hack.c:2448 pline(str)
hack.c:2450 You_cant("do that while carrying so much stuff.")
do_name.c:66 pline("(For instructions type a ?)")
do_name.c:178 pline("Can't find dungeon feature '%c'.", c)
do_name.c:182 pline("Unknown direction: '%s' (%s).", visctrl((char)c), !force ? "aborted" : iflags.num_pad ? "use 2468 or ." : "use hjkl or .")
do_name.c:192 pline("Done.")
do_name.c:260 You("would never recognize it anyway.")
do_name.c:276 pline("This %s creature is called %s and cannot be renamed.", ACURR(A_CHA) > 14 ? (flags.female ? "beautiful" : "handsome") : "ugly", plname)
do_name.c:293 pline("I see no monster there.")
do_name.c:307 pline("%s doesn't like being called names!", Monnam(mtmp))
do_name.c:342 pline_The("artifact seems to resist the attempt.")
do_name.c:352 pline("While engraving your %s slips.", body_part(HAND))
do_name.c:354 You("engrave: \"%s\".",buf)
do_name.c:532 You("would never recognize another one.")
music.c:136 You("notice %s, swaying with the music.", a_monnam(mtmp))
music.c:139 pline("%s freezes, then sways with the music%s.", Monnam(mtmp), was_peaceful ? "" : ", and now seems quieter")
music.c:166 pline( "%s listens cheerfully to the music, then seems quieter.", Monnam(mtmp))
music.c:188 pline("%s is now ready for battle!", Monnam(mtmp))
music.c:190 Norep("You hear the rattle of battle gear being readied.")
music.c:254 pline("%s is shaken loose from the ceiling!", Amonnam(mtmp))
music.c:257 You_hear("a thumping sound.")
music.c:259 You("easily dodge the falling %s.", mon_nam(mtmp))
music.c:268 pline_The("fountain falls into a chasm.")
music.c:273 pline_The("kitchen sink falls into a chasm.")
music.c:280 pline_The("altar falls into a chasm.")
music.c:284 pline_The("headstone topples into a chasm.")
music.c:288 pline_The("throne falls into a chasm.")
music.c:305 pline("KADOOM! The boulder falls into a chasm%s!", ((x == u.ux) && (y == ? " below you" : "")
music.c:322 pline("%s falls into a chasm!", Monnam(mtmp))
music.c:324 You_hear("a scream!")
music.c:329 pline("It is destroyed!")
music.c:331 You("destroy %s!", mtmp->mtame ? x_monnam(mtmp, ARTICLE_THE, "poor", mtmp->mnamelth ? SUPPRESS_SADDLE : 0, FALSE): mon_nam(mtmp))
music.c:342 pline("A chasm opens up under you!")
music.c:343 You("don't fall in!")
music.c:345 You("fall into a chasm!")
music.c:358 pline_The("door collapses.")
music.c:404 pline("What you produce is quite far from music...")
music.c:406 You("start playing %s.", the(xname(instr)))
music.c:414 You("produce soft music.")
music.c:423 pline("%s.", Tobjnam(instr, do_spec ? "trill" : "toot"))
music.c:435 pline("%s.", Tobjnam(instr, "vibrate"))
music.c:453 You("produce a frightful, grave sound.")
music.c:459 You("extract a loud noise from %s.", the(xname(instr)))
music.c:468 pline("%s very attractive music.", Tobjnam(instr, "produce"))
music.c:477 pline("%s %s.", The(xname(instr)), do_spec ? "produces a lilting melody" : "twangs")
music.c:487 You("produce a heavy, thunderous rolling!")
music.c:488 pline_The("entire dungeon is shaking around you!")
music.c:499 You("beat a deafening row!")
music.c:526 You_cant("play music underwater!")
music.c:551 You("extract a strange sound from %s!", the(xname(instr)))
music.c:642 You_hear("%d tumbler%s click and %d gear%s turn.", tumblers, plur(tumblers), gears, plur(gears))
music.c:645 You_hear("%d tumbler%s click.", tumblers, plur(tumblers))
music.c:648 You_hear("%d gear%s turn.", gears, plur(gears))
display.c:1743 pline("set_wall_state: %s @ (%d,%d) %s%s%s%s", type_to_name(levl[x][y].typ), x, y, a ? "1":"", b ? "2":"", c ? "3":"", dd ? "4":"")
display.c:1972 pline("set_wall_type: wall mode problems with: ")
display.c:1974 pline("%s %d
read.c:57 You("break up the cookie and throw away the pieces.")
read.c:90 You_cant("feel any Braille writing.")
read.c:95 pline("It reads:")
read.c:102 pline("\"%s\"", buf)
read.c:108 pline(silly_thing_to, "read")
read.c:117 pline("Being blind, you cannot read the %s.", what)
read.c:140 pline("As you %s the formula on it, the scroll disappears.", is_silent( ? "cogitate" : "pronounce")
read.c:143 pline("As you read the scroll, it disappears.")
read.c:146 pline("Being so trippy, you screw up...")
read.c:148 pline("Being confused, you mis%s the magic words...", is_silent( ? "understand" : "pronounce")
read.c:171 pline(nothing_happens)
read.c:177 Your("%s %s briefly.",xname(obj), otense(obj, "vibrate"))
read.c:178 pline(nothing_happens)
read.c:186 Your("%s %s briefly.", xname(otmp), otense(otmp, Blind ? "vibrate" : "glow"))
read.c:195 Your("%s %s%s%s for a moment.", xname(otmp), otense(otmp, Blind ? "vibrate" : "glow"), Blind ? "" : " ", Blind ? nul : hcolor(color))
read.c:303 Your("%s %s momentarily, then %s!", xname(obj), otense(obj,"pulsate"), otense(obj,"explode"))
read.c:313 Your("%s spins %sclockwise for a moment.", xname(obj), s < 0 ? "counter" : "")
read.c:354 Your("marker seems permanently dried out.")
read.c:356 pline(nothing_happens)
read.c:393 pline("%s out!", Tobjnam(obj, "go"))
read.c:416 pline(nothing_happens)
read.c:462 You("have a feeling of loss.")
read.c:723 pline("This seems to be junk mail addressed to the finder of the Eye of Larn.")
read.c:750 Your("%s %s warm for a moment.", xname(otmp), otense(otmp, "feel"))
read.c:754 Your("%s %s covered by a %s %s %s!", xname(otmp), otense(otmp, "are"), sobj->cursed ? "mottled" : "shimmering", hcolor(sobj->cursed ? NH_BLACK : NH_GOLDEN), sobj->cursed ? "glow" : (is_shield(otmp) ? "layer" : "shield"))
read.c:764 Your("%s %s as good as new!", xname(otmp), otense(otmp, Blind ? "feel" : "look"))
read.c:789 Your("%s violently %s%s%s for a while, then %s.", xname(otmp), otense(otmp, Blind ? "vibrate" : "glow"), (!Blind && !same_color) ? " " : nul, (Blind || same_color) ? nul : hcolor(sobj->cursed ? NH_BLACK : NH_SILVER), otense(otmp, "evaporate"))
read.c:812 Your("%s merges and hardens!", xname(otmp))
read.c:827 Your("%s %s%s%s%s for a %s.", xname(otmp), s == 0 ? "violently " : nul, otense(otmp, Blind ? "vibrate" : "glow"), (!Blind && !same_color) ? " " : nul, (Blind || same_color) ? nul : hcolor(sobj->cursed ? NH_BLACK : NH_SILVER), (s*s>1) ? "while" : "moment")
read.c:845 Your("%s suddenly %s %s.", xname(otmp), otense(otmp, "vibrate"), Blind ? "again" : "unexpectedly")
read.c:874 Your("%s %s.", xname(otmp), otense(otmp, "vibrate"))
read.c:883 You_feel("confused.")
read.c:887 Your("%s begin to %s%s.", makeplural(body_part(HAND)), Blind ? "tingle" : "glow ", Blind ? nul : hcolor(NH_PURPLE))
read.c:893 pline("A %s%s surrounds your %s.", Blind ? nul : hcolor(NH_RED), Blind ? "faint buzz" : " glow", body_part(HEAD))
read.c:901 Your("%s%s %s%s.", makeplural(body_part(HAND)), Blind ? "" : " begin to glow", Blind ? (const char *)"tingle" : hcolor(NH_RED), u.umconf ? " even more" : "")
read.c:909 Your("%s tingle %s sharply.", makeplural(body_part(HAND)), u.umconf ? "even more" : "very")
read.c:913 Your("%s glow a%s brilliant %s.", makeplural(body_part(HAND)), u.umconf ? "n even more" : "", hcolor(NH_RED))
read.c:945 You_hear("%s in the distance.", (confused || sobj->cursed) ? "sad wailing" : "maniacal laughter")
read.c:949 You_hear("%s close by.", (confused || sobj->cursed) ? "sad wailing" : "maniacal laughter")
read.c:956 You("don't remember there being any magic words on this scroll.")
read.c:958 pline("This scroll seems to be blank.")
read.c:966 You_feel("the power of the Force against you!")
read.c:968 You_feel("like you need some help.")
read.c:971 You_feel("in touch with the Universal Oneness.")
read.c:973 You_feel("like someone is helping you.")
read.c:976 pline_The("scroll disintegrates.")
read.c:1044 Your("weapon feels warm for a moment.")
read.c:1047 Your("%s covered by a %s %s %s!", aobjnam(uwep, "are"), sobj->cursed ? "mottled" : "shimmering", hcolor(sobj->cursed ? NH_PURPLE : NH_GOLDEN), sobj->cursed ? "glow" : "shield")
read.c:1055 Your("%s as good as new!", aobjnam(uwep, Blind ? "feel" : "look"))
read.c:1080 You("have found a scroll of genocide!")
read.c:1119 You("identify this as an identify scroll.")
read.c:1121 pline("This is an identify scroll.")
read.c:1138 You_feel("charged up!")
read.c:1147 pline("This is a charging scroll.")
read.c:1154 Your("mind is filled with crazy lines!")
read.c:1156 pline("Wow! Modern art.")
read.c:1158 Your("%s spins in bewilderment.", body_part(HEAD))
read.c:1175 Your("%s spins as %s blocks the spell!", body_part(HEAD), something)
read.c:1179 pline("A map coalesces in your mind!")
read.c:1187 pline("Unfortunately, you can't grasp the details.")
read.c:1196 Your("mind releases itself from mundane concerns.")
read.c:1198 pline("As your mind turns inward on itself, you forget everything else.")
read.c:1200 pline("Who was that Maud person anyway?")
read.c:1202 pline("Thinking of Maud you forget everything else.")
read.c:1219 pline("Oh, look, what a pretty fire in your %s.", makeplural(body_part(HAND)))
read.c:1221 You_feel("a pleasant warmth in your %s.", makeplural(body_part(HAND)))
read.c:1224 pline_The("scroll catches fire and you burn your %s.", makeplural(body_part(HAND)))
read.c:1231 pline_The("water around you vaporizes violently!")
read.c:1233 pline_The("scroll erupts in a tower of flame!")
read.c:1251 pline_The("%s rumbles %s you!", ceiling(u.ux,, sobj->blessed ? "around" : "above")
read.c:1292 pline("%s is hit by %s!", Monnam(mtmp), doname(otmp2))
read.c:1301 pline("Fortunately, %s is wearing a hard helmet.", mon_nam(mtmp))
read.c:1303 You_hear("a clanging sound.")
read.c:1307 pline("%s's %s does not protect %s.", Monnam(mtmp), xname(helmet), mhim(mtmp))
read.c:1344 You("are hit by %s!", doname(otmp2))
read.c:1348 pline("Fortunately, you are wearing a hard helmet.")
read.c:1351 Your("%s does not protect you.", xname(uarmh))
read.c:1371 You_feel("guilty.")
read.c:1379 You("have found a scroll of stinking cloud!")
read.c:1381 pline("Where do you want to center the cloud?")
read.c:1385 pline(Never_mind)
read.c:1389 You("smell rotten eggs.")
read.c:1408 Your("%s vibrates violently, and explodes!",xname(obj))
read.c:1448 pline("It seems even darker in here than before.")
read.c:1452 pline("Suddenly, the only light left comes from %s!", the(xname(uwep)))
read.c:1455 You("are surrounded by darkness!")
read.c:1468 pline("%s %s is lit.", s_suffix(Monnam(u.ustuck)), mbodypart(u.ustuck, STOMACH))
read.c:1473 pline("%s shines briefly.", Monnam(u.ustuck))
read.c:1476 pline("%s glistens.", Monnam(u.ustuck))
read.c:1479 pline("A lit field surrounds you!")
read.c:1548 pline(thats_enough_tries)
read.c:1591 pline("All such monsters are already nonexistent.")
read.c:1594 You("aren't permitted to genocide such monsters.")
read.c:1608 pline("Eliminated %d monster%s.", gonecnt, plur(gonecnt))
read.c:1612 pline("That symbol does not represent any monster.")
read.c:1637 pline("Wiped out all %s.", nam)
read.c:1641 You("die.")
read.c:1656 You_feel("dead inside.")
read.c:1658 You("die.")
read.c:1664 pline("All %s are already nonexistent.", nam)
read.c:1688 You("aren't permitted to genocide %s%s.", (uniq && !named) ? "the " : "", (uniq || named) ? mons[i].mname : nam)
read.c:1734 pline(thats_enough_tries)
read.c:1757 pline("Such creatures %s exist in this world.", (mndx == NON_PM) ? "do not" : "no longer")
read.c:1778 pline("A thunderous voice booms through the caverns:")
read.c:1779 verbalize("No, mortal! That will not be done.")
read.c:1810 pline("Wiped out %s%s.", which, (*which != 'a') ? buf : makeplural(buf))
read.c:1847 You_feel("dead inside.")
read.c:1872 pline("Sent in some %s.", makeplural(buf))
read.c:1874 pline(nothing_happens)
read.c:1884 You("are being punished for your misbehavior!")
read.c:1886 Your("iron ball gets heavier.")
read.c:1891 pline("A ball and chain appears, then falls away.")
read.c:2006 pline("I've never heard of such monsters.")
read.c:2010 pline(thats_enough_tries)
pickup.c:90 pline("%s", doname(otmp))
pickup.c:252 There("are no %c's %s.", sym, where)
pickup.c:254 You("have no %c's.", sym)
pickup.c:479 You("are physically incapable of picking anything up.")
pickup.c:581 There("are %s objects here.", (ct <= 10) ? "several" : "many")
pickup.c:1225 You("can only %s %s of the %s %s.", verb, (qq == 1L) ? "one" : "some", obj_nambuf, where)
pickup.c:1246 There("%s %s %s, but %s%s%s%s.", otense(obj, "are"), obj_nambuf, where, prefx1, prefx2, verb, suffx)
pickup.c:1268 You("cannot get your %s around this %s.", body_part(HAND), xname(obj))
pickup.c:1287 Your("knapsack cannot accommodate any more items.")
pickup.c:1404 pline( "There %s %ld gold piece%s %s, but you cannot carry any more.", otense(obj, "are"), obj->quan, plur(obj->quan), where)
pickup.c:1410 You("can only %s %s of the %ld gold pieces lying %s.", telekinesis ? "acquire" : "carry", gold_capacity == 1L ? "one" : "some", obj->quan, where)
pickup.c:1413 pline("%s %ld gold piece%s.", nearloadmsg, gold_capacity, plur(gold_capacity))
pickup.c:1421 pline("%s %ld gold piece%s.", nearload < MOD_ENCUMBER ? moderateloadmsg : nearloadmsg, count, plur(count))
pickup.c:1446 pline("Touching %s is a fatal mistake.", kbuf)
pickup.c:1451 pline("At your %s, the corpse suddenly moves...", telekinesis ? "attempted acquisition" : "touch")
pickup.c:1461 pline_The("scroll%s %s to dust as you %s %s up.", plur(obj->quan), otense(obj, "turn"), telekinesis ? "raise" : "pick", (obj->quan == 1L) ? "it" : "them")
pickup.c:1551 Your("movements are slowed slightly because of your load.")
pickup.c:1553 You("rebalance your load. Movement is difficult.")
pickup.c:1555 You("%s under your heavy load. Movement is very hard.", stagger(, "stagger"))
pickup.c:1558 You("%s move a handspan with this load!", newcap == 4 ? "can barely" : "can't even")
pickup.c:1565 Your("movements are now unencumbered.")
pickup.c:1567 Your("movements are only slowed slightly by your load.")
pickup.c:1569 You("rebalance your load. Movement is still difficult.")
pickup.c:1571 You("%s under your load. Movement is still very hard.", stagger(, "stagger"))
pickup.c:1613 You("cannot reach the %s.", surface(x, y))
pickup.c:1618 You("cannot loot things that are deep in the %s.", is_lava(x, y) ? "lava" : "water")
pickup.c:1622 pline("Without limbs, you cannot loot anything.")
pickup.c:1625 pline("Without a free %s, you cannot loot anything.", body_part(HAND))
pickup.c:1668 You("have no hands!")
pickup.c:1694 pline("Hmmm, it seems to be locked.")
pickup.c:1699 You("carefully open the bag...")
pickup.c:1700 pline("It develops a huge set of teeth and bites you!")
pickup.c:1709 You("carefully open %s...", the(xname(cobj)))
pickup.c:1746 verbalize("Thank you for your contribution to reduce the debt.")
pickup.c:1756 pline("The exchequer accepts your contribution.")
pickup.c:1765 pline("The exchequer accepts your contribution.")
pickup.c:1773 pline("Ok, now there is loot here.")
pickup.c:1777 You("need to dig up the grave to effectively loot it...")
pickup.c:1793 You("%s to loot on the %s.", dont_find_anything, ceiling(cc.x, cc.y))
pickup.c:1809 You_cant("loot anything %sthere with %s in the way.", prev_inquiry ? "else " : "", mon_nam(mtmp))
pickup.c:1813 You("have to be at a container to loot it.")
pickup.c:1816 You("%s %sthere to loot.", dont_find_anything, (prev_inquiry || prev_loot) ? "else " : "")
pickup.c:1822 You("%s %s to loot.", dont_find_anything, underfoot ? "here" : "there")
pickup.c:1856 You_cant("do that without limbs.")
pickup.c:1861 You("can't. The saddle seems to be stuck to %s.", x_monnam(mtmp, ARTICLE_THE, (char *)0, SUPPRESS_SADDLE, FALSE))
pickup.c:1945 You("must be kidding.")
pickup.c:1948 pline("That would be an interesting topological exercise.")
pickup.c:1951 Norep("You cannot %s %s you are wearing.", Icebox ? "refrigerate" : "stash", something)
pickup.c:1956 pline_The("stone%s won't leave your person.", plur(obj->quan))
pickup.c:1967 pline("%s cannot be confined in such trappings.", The(xname(obj)))
pickup.c:1970 pline("%s attached to your pet.", Tobjnam(obj, "are"))
pickup.c:1999 pline("Touching %s is a fatal mistake.", kbuf)
pickup.c:2018 You("cannot fit %s into %s.", buf, the(xname(current_container)))
pickup.c:2059 pline( "As you put %s inside, you are blasted by a magical explosion!", doname(obj))
pickup.c:2081 You("put %s into %s.", doname(obj), buf)
pickup.c:2136 pline("Touching %s is a fatal mistake.", kbuf)
pickup.c:2171 verbalize("You sneaky cad! Get out of here with that pick!")
pickup.c:2202 pline("%s %s vanished!", Doname2(item), otense(item, "have"))
pickup.c:2204 You("%s %s disappear!", Blind ? "notice" : "see", doname(item))
pickup.c:2241 You("think %s brushed your %s.", something, body_part(FOOT))
pickup.c:2243 pline("%s inside the box is still alive!", Monnam(livecat))
pickup.c:2252 pline_The("%s inside the box is dead!", Hallucination ? rndmonnam() : "housecat")
pickup.c:2280 You("have no hands!")
pickup.c:2284 You("have no free %s.", body_part(HAND))
pickup.c:2288 pline("%s to be locked.", Tobjnam(obj, "seem"))
pickup.c:2289 You("must put it down to unlock.")
pickup.c:2292 You("open %s...", the(xname(obj)))
pickup.c:2329 You("owe %ld %s for lost merchandise.", loss, currency(loss))
pickup.c:2352 pline("%s", emptymsg)
pickup.c:2353 You("don't have anything to put in.")
pickup.c:2418 pline("%s", emptymsg)
pickup.c:2429 You("don't have anything to put in.")
steed.c:26 You("aren't skilled enough to reach from %s.", y_monnam(u.usteed))
steed.c:60 You("have no hands!")
steed.c:64 You("have no free %s.", body_part(HAND))
steed.c:71 pline(Never_mind)
steed.c:75 pline("Saddle yourself? Very funny...")
steed.c:81 pline("I see nobody there.")
steed.c:89 pline("%s doesn't need another one.", Monnam(mtmp))
steed.c:96 You("touch %s.", mon_nam(mtmp))
steed.c:103 pline("Shame on you!")
steed.c:109 pline("I think %s would mind.", mon_nam(mtmp))
steed.c:113 You_cant("saddle such a creature.")
steed.c:156 You("put the saddle on %s.", mon_nam(mtmp))
steed.c:168 pline("%s resists!", Monnam(mtmp))
steed.c:223 You("are already riding %s.", mon_nam(u.usteed))
steed.c:230 pline("Maybe you should find a designated driver.")
steed.c:245 Your("%s are in no shape for riding.", makeplural(body_part(LEG)))
steed.c:256 You("won't fit on a saddle.")
steed.c:260 You_cant("do that while carrying so much stuff.")
steed.c:270 pline("I see nobody there.")
steed.c:276 You("are unable to swing your %s over.", body_part(LEG))
steed.c:278 You("are stuck here for now.")
steed.c:286 pline("%s is not saddled.", Monnam(mtmp))
steed.c:293 You("touch %s.", mon_nam(mtmp))
steed.c:298 pline("I think %s would mind.", mon_nam(mtmp))
steed.c:304 You_cant("mount %s while %s's trapped in %s.", mon_nam(mtmp), mhe(mtmp), an(defsyms[trap_to_defsym(t->ttyp)].explanation))
steed.c:314 pline("%s resists%s!", Monnam(mtmp), mtmp->mleashed ? " and its leash comes off" : "")
steed.c:320 You_cant("ride that creature while under water.")
steed.c:324 You_cant("ride such a creature.")
steed.c:332 You("cannot reach %s.", mon_nam(mtmp))
steed.c:337 Your("%s armor is too stiff to be able to mount %s.", uarm->oeroded ? "rusty" : "corroded", mon_nam(mtmp))
steed.c:345 pline("%s slips away from you.", Monnam(mtmp))
steed.c:348 You("slip while trying to get on %s.", mon_nam(mtmp))
steed.c:366 pline("%s magically floats up!", Monnam(mtmp))
steed.c:367 You("mount %s.", mon_nam(mtmp))
steed.c:425 pline("%s stirs.", He)
steed.c:427 pline("%s rouses %sself!", He, mhim(u.usteed))
steed.c:429 pline("%s does not respond.", He)
steed.c:443 pline("%s gallops!", Monnam(u.usteed))
steed.c:532 You("%s off of %s!", verb, mon_nam(mtmp))
steed.c:539 You("can no longer ride %s.", mon_nam(u.usteed))
steed.c:557 You("can't. The saddle %s cursed.", otmp->bknown ? "is" : "seems to be")
steed.c:563 You("can't. There isn't anywhere for you to stand.")
steed.c:567 pline("You've been through the dungeon on %s with no name.", an(mtmp->data->mname))
steed.c:570 pline("It felt good to get out of the rain.")
steed.c:572 You("dismount %s.", mon_nam(mtmp))
steed.c:609 pline("%s falls into the %s!", Monnam(mtmp), surface(u.ux,
steed.c:616 pline("%s is pulled into the lava!", Monnam(mtmp))
monmove.c:33 pline("KABOOM!! You see a door explode.")
monmove.c:35 You_hear("a distant explosion.")
monmove.c:69 pline("%s yells:", Amonnam(mtmp))
monmove.c:71 verbalize("Halt, thief! You're under arrest!")
monmove.c:74 verbalize("Hey, stop picking that lock!")
monmove.c:245 You("get released!")
monmove.c:262 pline("%s turns to flee!", (Monnam(mtmp)))
monmove.c:434 pline("%s whispers at thin air.", cansee(mtmp->mux, mtmp->muy) ? Monnam(mtmp) : "It")
monmove.c:445 pline("%s gets angry!", Amonnam(mtmp))
monmove.c:463 pline("%s concentrates.", Monnam(mtmp))
monmove.c:465 You("sense a faint wave of psychic energy.")
monmove.c:468 pline("A wave of psychic energy pours over you!")
monmove.c:471 pline("It feels quite soothing.")
monmove.c:477 pline("It locks on to your %s!", m_sen ? "telepathy" : Blind_telepat ? "latent telepathy" : "mind")
monmove.c:494 pline("It locks on to %s.", mon_nam(m2))
monmove.c:657 pline("%s cannot escape from you!", Monnam(mtmp))
monmove.c:787 verbalize("I'm late!")
monmove.c:1187 pline("%s %s under the door.", Monnam(mtmp), (ptr == &mons[PM_FOG_CLOUD] || ptr == &mons[PM_YELLOW_LIGHT]) ? "flows" : "oozes")
monmove.c:1201 You("see a door unlock and open.")
monmove.c:1203 You_hear("a door unlock and open.")
monmove.c:1221 You("see a door open.")
monmove.c:1223 You_hear("a door open.")
monmove.c:1244 You("see a door crash open.")
monmove.c:1246 You_hear("a door crash open.")
monmove.c:1264 Norep("%s %s %s the iron bars.", Monnam(mtmp), <x> makeplural(locomotion(ptr, "pass")), passes_walls(ptr) ? "through" : "between")
teleport.c:420 Your("leash goes slack.")
teleport.c:440 pline("A mysterious force prevents you from teleporting!")
teleport.c:452 You_feel("disoriented for a moment.")
teleport.c:461 pline("Being unconscious, you cannot control your teleport.")
teleport.c:467 pline("To what position do you%s want to be teleported?", #ifdef STEED u.usteed ? buf : #endif "")
teleport.c:484 pline("Sorry...")
teleport.c:502 pline("This is a vault teleport, usable once only.")
teleport.c:511 You("%s onto the teleportation trap.", locomotion(, "jump"))
teleport.c:533 You("don't know that spell.")
teleport.c:534 You("are not able to teleport at will.")
teleport.c:546 You("lack the strength %s.", castit ? "for a teleport spell" : "to teleport")
teleport.c:562 You("lack the energy %s.", castit ? "for a teleport spell" : "to teleport")
teleport.c:592 You(shudder_for_moment)
teleport.c:615 You_feel("very disoriented for a moment.")
teleport.c:639 pline("Oops...")
teleport.c:646 pline("Oops...")
teleport.c:670 pline("%s.", buf)
teleport.c:687 You("%s in agony as your body begins to warp...", is_silent( ? "writhe" : "scream")
teleport.c:690 You("cease to exist.")
teleport.c:691 Your("possessions land on the %s with a thud.", surface(u.ux,
teleport.c:696 pline("An energized cloud of dust begins to coalesce.")
teleport.c:697 Your("body rematerializes%s.", invent ? ", and you gather up all your possessions" : "")
teleport.c:707 You(shudder_for_moment)
teleport.c:726 You(shudder_for_moment)
teleport.c:732 You(shudder_for_moment)
teleport.c:741 You_cant("get there from here.")
teleport.c:767 You("arrive in heaven.")
teleport.c:768 verbalize("Thou art early, but we'll admit thee.")
teleport.c:772 You_feel("deliriously happy. ")
teleport.c:773 pline("(In fact, you're on Cloud 9!) ")
teleport.c:776 You("are now high above the clouds...")
teleport.c:786 pline("Unfortunately, you don't know how to fly.")
teleport.c:787 You("plummet a few thousand feet to your death.")
teleport.c:820 You("%s.", escape_by_flying)
teleport.c:849 pline("Sorry...")
teleport.c:879 You(shudder_for_moment)
teleport.c:889 You("activated a magic portal!")
teleport.c:897 You_feel("dizzy for a moment, but nothing happens...")
teleport.c:914 You_feel("a wrenching sensation.")
teleport.c:916 You(shudder_for_moment)
teleport.c:930 You("%s onto a level teleport trap!", Levitation ? (const char *)"float" : locomotion(, "step"))
teleport.c:937 You_feel("a wrenching sensation.")
teleport.c:941 You("are momentarily blinded by a flash of light.")
teleport.c:943 You("are momentarily disoriented.")
teleport.c:1148 pline("A mysterious force prevents %s from teleporting!", mon_nam(mon))
teleport.c:1179 pline("%s seems disoriented.", monname)
teleport.c:1181 pline("%s suddenly disappears!", monname)
teleport.c:1212 pline("%s avoids the %s.", Monnam(mtmp), (tt == HOLE) ? "hole" : "trap")
teleport.c:1222 pline("%s seems to shimmer for a moment.", Monnam(mtmp))
teleport.c:1237 pline("%s seems very disoriented for a moment.", Monnam(mtmp))
teleport.c:1244 pline("%s shudders for a moment.", Monnam(mtmp))
teleport.c:1251 pline("Suddenly, %s disappears out of sight.", mon_nam(mtmp))
teleport.c:1388 pline("%s resists your magic!", Monnam(mtmp))
teleport.c:1392 You("are no longer inside %s!", mon_nam(mtmp))
pline.c:37 pline(line, VA_ARGS)
pline.c:43 pline(const char *line, va_list the_args) { # else static void vpline(line, the_args) const char *line
pline.c:46 pline(line, the_args) const char *line
pline.c:90 pline(line, VA_ARGS)
pline.c:135 pline(YouMessage(tmp, "You ", line), VA_ARGS)
pline.c:146 pline(YouMessage(tmp, "Your ", line), VA_ARGS)
pline.c:157 pline(YouMessage(tmp, "You feel ", line), VA_ARGS)
pline.c:169 pline(YouMessage(tmp, "You can't ", line), VA_ARGS)
pline.c:180 pline(YouMessage(tmp, "The ", line), VA_ARGS)
pline.c:191 pline(YouMessage(tmp, "There ", line), VA_ARGS)
pline.c:208 pline(strcat(tmp, line), VA_ARGS)
pline.c:224 pline(tmp, VA_ARGS)
pline.c:287 pline(s,VA_ARGS)
pline.c:288 pline("Program in disorder - perhaps you'd better #quit.")
pline.c:379 pline("Status of %s (%s): Level %d HP %d(%d) AC %d%s.", monnambuf, align_str(alignment), mtmp->m_lev, mtmp->mhp, mtmp->mhpmax, find_mac(mtmp), info)
pline.c:446 pline("Status of %s (%s%s): Level %d HP %d(%d) AC %d%s.", plname, (u.ualign.record >= 20) ? "piously " : (u.ualign.record > 13) ? "devoutly " : (u.ualign.record > 8) ? "fervently " : (u.ualign.record > 3) ? "stridently " : (u.ualign.record == 3) ? "" : (u.ualign.record >= 1) ? "haltingly " : (u.ualign.record == 0) ? "nominally " : "insufficiently ", align_str(u.ualign.type), Upolyd ? mons[u.umonnum].mlevel : u.ulevel, Upolyd ? : u.uhp, Upolyd ? u.mhmax : u.uhpmax, u.uac, info)
pline.c:467 pline("%s %s.", Hallucination ? "Far out, man! You" : "Gee! All of a sudden, you", See_invisible ? "can see right through yourself" : "can't see yourself")
dig.c:108 pline("Crash! The ceiling collapses around you!")
dig.c:109 pline("A mysterious force %s cave around you!", (levl[u.ux][].typ == CORR) ? "creates a" : "extends the")
dig.c:192 pline_The("ladder resists your effort.")
dig.c:193 pline_The("stairs are too hard to %s.", verb)
dig.c:196 pline_The("throne is too hard to break apart.")
dig.c:200 pline_The("altar is too hard to break apart.")
dig.c:203 You("cannot %s thin air.", verb)
dig.c:206 pline_The("water splashes and subsides.")
dig.c:212 pline_The("%s here is too hard to %s.", surface(x,y), verb)
dig.c:216 There("isn't enough room to %s here.", verb)
dig.c:256 pline("This tree seems to be petrified.")
dig.c:261 pline("This wall is too hard to %s.", verb)
dig.c:269 You("fumble and drop your %s.", xname(uwep))
dig.c:274 Your("%s %s and %s %s!", xname(uwep), otense(uwep, "bounce"), otense(uwep, "hit"), mon_nam(u.usteed))
dig.c:280 pline("Ouch! Your %s %s and %s you!", xname(uwep), otense(uwep, "bounce"), otense(uwep, "hit"))
dig.c:287 pline("Bang! You hit with the broad side of %s!", the(xname(uwep)))
dig.c:290 Your("swing misses its mark.")
dig.c:413 pline(digtxt)
dig.c:431 pline_The("debris from your digging comes to life!")
dig.c:453 pline("This %s seems too hard to %s.", IS_DOOR(lev->typ) ? "door" : "wall", verb)
dig.c:461 You("hit the %s with all your might.", d_target[dig_target])
dig.c:584 You("dig a pit in the %s.", surface_type)
dig.c:587 pline("%s digs a pit in the %s.", Monnam(madeby), surface_type)
dig.c:589 pline("A pit appears in the %s.", surface_type)
dig.c:607 pline("%s %s over the pit.", Monnam(mtmp), (is_flyer(mtmp->data)) ? "flies" : "floats")
dig.c:617 You("dig a hole through the %s.", surface_type)
dig.c:619 pline("%s digs a hole through the %s.", Monnam(madeby), surface_type)
dig.c:622 pline("A hole appears in the %s.", surface_type)
dig.c:626 You("are jerked back by your pet!")
dig.c:652 You("fall through...")
dig.c:687 pline("%s avoids the trap.", Monnam(mtmp))
dig.c:716 pline_The("%s here is too hard to dig in.", surface(u.ux,
dig.c:719 pline_The("%s sloshes furiously for a moment, then subsides.", is_lava(u.ux, ? "lava" : "water")
dig.c:731 pline_The("drawbridge seems too hard to dig through.")
dig.c:745 pline_The("boulder settles into the pit.")
dig.c:754 pline("KADOOM! The boulder falls in!")
dig.c:777 pline_The("%s here is too hard to dig in.", surface(u.ux,
dig.c:791 pline("As you dig, the hole fills with %s!", typ == LAVAPOOL ? "lava" : "water")
dig.c:804 pline_The("throne is too hard to break apart.")
dig.c:807 pline_The("altar is too hard to break apart.")
dig.c:840 You_feel("like a despicable grave-robber!")
dig.c:843 You("disturb the honorable dead!")
dig.c:846 You("have violated the sanctity of this grave!")
dig.c:852 You("unearth a corpse.")
dig.c:858 pline(Hallucination ? "Dude! The living dead!" : "The grave's owner is very upset!")
dig.c:863 pline(Hallucination ? "I want my mummy!" : "You've disturbed a tomb!")
dig.c:870 pline_The("grave seems unused. Strange....")
dig.c:904 pline("%s you can't %s while entangled in a web.", <x> <x> !res ? "Unfortunately," : "But", verb)
dig.c:954 pline("Turbulence torpedoes your %s attempts.", verbing)
dig.c:957 You("don't have enough leverage.")
dig.c:959 You_cant("reach the %s.",ceiling(u.ux,
dig.c:966 You("hit yourself with %s.", yname(uwep))
dig.c:977 pline("Clash!")
dig.c:992 There("is a spider web there!")
dig.c:994 Your("%s entangled in the web.", aobjnam(obj, "become"))
dig.c:1003 pline("Clang!")
dig.c:1006 You("need an axe to cut down a tree.")
dig.c:1008 You("need a pick to dig rock.")
dig.c:1012 pline("Sparks fly as you whack the %s.%s", sobj_at(STATUE, rx, ry) ? "statue" : "boulder", vibrate ? " The axe-handle vibrates violently!" : "")
dig.c:1018 You("swing your %s through thin air.", aobjnam(obj, (char *)0))
dig.c:1051 You("start %s.", d_action[dig_target])
dig.c:1053 You("%s %s.", digging.chew ? "begin" : "continue", d_action[dig_target])
dig.c:1062 You("swing your %s through thin air.", aobjnam(obj, (char *)0))
dig.c:1064 You_cant("reach the %s.", surface(u.ux,
dig.c:1068 You("cannot stay under%s long enough.", is_pool(u.ux, ? "water" : " the lava")
dig.c:1071 Your("%s merely scratches the %s.", aobjnam(obj, (char *)0), surface(u.ux,
dig.c:1084 You("start %s downward.", verbing)
dig.c:1087 You("continue %s downward.", verbing)
dig.c:1125 verbalize("Halt, vandal! You're under arrest!")
dig.c:1138 verbalize("Hey, stop damaging that %s!", str)
dig.c:1182 You_feel("an unexpected draft.")
dig.c:1205 You_hear("crashing rock.")
dig.c:1264 You("pierce %s %s wall!", s_suffix(mon_nam(mtmp)), mbodypart(mtmp, STOMACH))
dig.c:1278 pline_The("beam bounces off the %s and hits the %s.", (u.ux == xdnladder || u.ux == xupladder) ? "ladder" : "stairs", ceiling(u.ux,
dig.c:1281 You("loosen a rock from the %s.", ceiling(u.ux,
dig.c:1282 pline("It falls on your %s!", body_part(HEAD))
dig.c:1323 pline_The("door is razed!")
dig.c:1341 pline_The("wall glows then fades.")
dig.c:1350 pline_The("tree shudders but is unharmed.")
dig.c:1358 pline_The("rock glows then fades.")
dig.c:1564 Your("%s%s %s away%c", obj == uwep ? "wielded " : nul, cname, otense(obj, "rot"), obj == uwep ? '!' : '.')
dig.c:1601 pline_The("%s opens up, but %s is not swallowed!", surface(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my), mon_nam(mtmp))
dig.c:1605 pline_The("%s opens up and swallows %s!", surface(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my), mon_nam(mtmp))
dig.c:1624 You_feel("a sensation like falling into a trap!")
dig.c:1626 pline_The("%s opens beneath you and you fall in!", surface(u.ux,
dig.c:1658 You("attempt a teleport spell.")
dig.c:1669 You("%s up through the %s.", (tunnels( && !needspick( ? "try to tunnel" : (amorphous( ? "ooze" : "phase", surface(u.ux,
dig.c:1692 pline_The("objects on the %s tumble into a hole!", surface(otmp->ox, otmp->oy))
objnam.c:2284 pline("%d gold piece%s.", cnt, plur(cnt))
objnam.c:2522 pline("%s.", An(tname))
objnam.c:2534 pline("A %sfountain.", levl[u.ux][].blessedftn ? "magic " : "")
objnam.c:2541 pline("A throne.")
objnam.c:2549 pline("A sink.")
objnam.c:2557 pline("A pool.")
objnam.c:2568 pline("A pool of molten lava.")
objnam.c:2590 pline("%s altar.", An(align_str(al)))
objnam.c:2597 pline("A grave.")
objnam.c:2604 pline("A tree.")
objnam.c:2612 pline("Iron bars.")
objnam.c:2939 pline("For a moment, you feel %s in your %s, but it disappears!", something, makeplural(body_part(HAND)))
save.c:69 pline("Saving...")
save.c:156 There("seems to be an old save file.")
save.c:169 pline("Cannot open save file.")
save.c:213 There("is insufficient space on SAVE disk.")
save.c:214 pline("Require %ld bytes but only have %ld.", needed, fds)
save.c:271 pline("%s", whynot)
save.c:384 pline("%s", whynot)
save.c:385 pline("Probably someone removed it.")
save.c:396 pline("%s", whynot)
save.c:404 pline("%s", whynot)
save.c:1119 pline("Swapping in `%s'.", from)
save.c:1151 pline("Swapping out `%s'.", from)
dokick.c:64 pline_The("%s.", kick_passes_thru)
dokick.c:110 pline("%s reels from the blow.", Monnam(mon))
dokick.c:173 Your("%s %s.", kick_passes_thru, mon_nam(mon))
dokick.c:177 You("kick %s.", mon_nam(mon))
dokick.c:193 pline("Floating in the air, you miss wildly!")
dokick.c:205 Your("clumsy kick does no damage.")
dokick.c:218 You("kick %s.", mon_nam(mon))
dokick.c:225 pline("%s blocks your %skick.", Monnam(mon), clumsy ? "clumsy " : "")
dokick.c:236 pline("%s %s, %s evading your %skick.", Monnam(mon), (can_teleport(mon->data) ? "teleports" : is_floater(mon->data) ? "floats" : is_flyer(mon->data) ? "swoops" : (nolimbs(mon->data) || slithy(mon->data)) ? "slides" : "jumps"), clumsy ? "easily" : "nimbly", clumsy ? "clumsy " : "")
dokick.c:271 pline_The("%s harmlessly %s %s.", xname(gold), otense(gold, "hit"), mon_nam(mtmp))
dokick.c:287 pline("%s catches the gold.", Monnam(mtmp))
dokick.c:301 pline_The("amount %scovers %s recent losses.", !robbed ? "" : "partially ", mhis(mtmp))
dokick.c:314 You("have %ld %s in credit.", ESHK(mtmp)->credit, currency(ESHK(mtmp)->credit))
dokick.c:317 verbalize("Thanks, scum!")
dokick.c:321 verbalize("Thank you for your contribution.")
dokick.c:322 verbalize("Thanks, scum!")
dokick.c:348 verbalize("That should do. Now beat it!")
dokick.c:349 verbalize("That's not enough, coward!")
dokick.c:404 You_hear("a muffled %s.", result)
dokick.c:418 You("caused %ld %s worth of damage!", loss, currency(loss))
dokick.c:421 You("owe %s %ld %s for objects destroyed.", mon_nam(shkp), loss, currency(loss))
dokick.c:452 You_cant("kick %s that's in a %s!", something, Hallucination ? "tizzy" : (trap->ttyp == WEB) ? "web" : "pit")
dokick.c:459 Your("clumsy kick missed.")
dokick.c:467 You("kick the %s with your bare %s.", corpse_xname(kickobj, TRUE), makeplural(body_part(FOOT)))
dokick.c:470 You("turn to stone...")
dokick.c:516 pline("It doesn't come loose.")
dokick.c:518 pline("%s %sn't come loose.", The(distant_name(kickobj, xname)), otense(kickobj, "do"))
dokick.c:524 pline("It comes loose.")
dokick.c:526 pline("%s %s loose.", The(distant_name(kickobj, xname)), otense(kickobj, "come"))
dokick.c:547 pline("THUD!")
dokick.c:553 You("break open the lock!")
dokick.c:561 pline_The("lid slams open, then falls shut.")
dokick.c:581 pline("Thump!")
dokick.c:588 pline("Whee! %s %s across the %s.", Doname2(kickobj), otense(kickobj, "slide"), surface(x,y))
dokick.c:676 You("have no legs to kick with.")
dokick.c:679 You("are too small to do any kicking.")
dokick.c:684 You("kick %s.", mon_nam(u.usteed))
dokick.c:698 Your("%s%s %s in no shape for kicking.", (wl == LEFT_SIDE) ? "left " : (wl == RIGHT_SIDE) ? "right " : "", bp, (wl == BOTH_SIDES) ? "are" : "is")
dokick.c:704 Your("load is too heavy to balance yourself for a kick.")
dokick.c:707 Your("legs cannot kick effectively.")
dokick.c:710 Your("slow motion kick doesn't hit anything.")
dokick.c:715 pline("There's not enough room to kick down here.")
dokick.c:719 You_cant("move your %s!", body_part(LEG))
dokick.c:750 You_cant("move your %s!", body_part(LEG))
dokick.c:753 pline("%s burps loudly.", Monnam(u.ustuck))
dokick.c:756 Your("feeble kick has no effect.")
dokick.c:773 You("have nothing to brace yourself against.")
dokick.c:831 You("splash some water around.")
dokick.c:853 pline("Crash! %s a secret door!", <x> <x> (maploc->doormask & (D_LOCKED|D_TRAPPED)) == D_LOCKED ? "Your kick uncovers" : "You kick open")
dokick.c:880 pline("Crash! You kick open a secret passage!")
dokick.c:902 pline("CRASH! You destroy it.")
dokick.c:904 pline("CRASH! You destroy the throne.")
dokick.c:917 You("kick %s loose!", something)
dokick.c:919 You("kick loose some ornamental coins and gems!")
dokick.c:936 You("kick %s.",(Blind ? something : "the altar"))
dokick.c:944 You("kick %s.",(Blind ? something : "the fountain"))
dokick.c:950 Your("boots get wet.")
dokick.c:965 You_hear("a low buzzing.")
dokick.c:975 pline("Some %s fall from the tree!", xname(treefruit))
dokick.c:977 pline("%s falls from the tree!", An(xname(treefruit)))
dokick.c:985 pline("%ld %s got caught in the branches.", nfruit-nfall, xname(treefruit))
dokick.c:1007 pline("You've attracted the tree's former occupants!")
dokick.c:1009 You("smell stale honey.")
dokick.c:1024 pline("Klunk! The pipes vibrate noisily.")
dokick.c:1025 pline("Klunk!")
dokick.c:1031 You_hear("a gushing sound.")
dokick.c:1033 pline("A %s ooze gushes up from the drain!", hcolor(NH_BLACK))
dokick.c:1045 pline("%s returns!", (Blind ? Something : "The dish washer"))
dokick.c:1053 pline("Flupp! %s.", (Blind ? "You hear a sloshing sound" : "Muddy waste pops up from the drain"))
dokick.c:1059 You("see a ring shining in its midst.")
dokick.c:1077 pline("Ouch! That hurts!")
dokick.c:1083 pline_The("drawbridge is unaffected.")
dokick.c:1106 You("kick at empty space.")
dokick.c:1109 pline("Dumb move! You strain a muscle.")
dokick.c:1133 You("kick the door.")
dokick.c:1138 pline("As you kick the door, it shatters to pieces!")
dokick.c:1142 pline("As you kick the door, it crashes open!")
dokick.c:1165 pline("%s yells:", Amonnam(mtmp))
dokick.c:1167 You_hear("someone yell:")
dokick.c:1168 verbalize("Halt, thief! You're under arrest!")
dokick.c:1177 pline("WHAMMM!!!")
dokick.c:1185 pline("%s yells:", Amonnam(mtmp))
dokick.c:1187 You_hear("someone yell:")
dokick.c:1189 verbalize("Halt, vandal! You're under arrest!")
dokick.c:1192 verbalize("Hey, stop damaging that door!")
dokick.c:1329 pline("From the impact, %sother %s.", dct == oct ? "the " : dct == 1L ? "an" : "", what)
dokick.c:1332 pline("%s adjacent %s %s.", dct == 1L ? "The" : "All the", what, gate_str)
dokick.c:1335 pline("%s adjacent %s %s.", dct == 1L ? "One of the" : "Some of the", dct == 1L ? "objects falls" : what, gate_str)
dokick.c:1342 You("removed %ld %s worth of goods!", price, currency(price))
dokick.c:1348 pline("%s is infuriated!", Monnam(shkp))
dokick.c:1349 pline("\"%s, you are a thief!\"", plname)
dokick.c:1350 You_hear("a scream, \"Thief!\"")
dokick.c:1357 You("owe %s %ld %s for goods lost.", Monnam(shkp), amt, currency(amt))
dokick.c:1467 You_hear("a muffled %s.",result)
dokick.c:1566 pline("%s", obuf)
dokick.c:1568 pline("%s %s %s.", obuf, otense(otmp, "fall"), gate_str)
fountain.c:23 You("are floating high above the %s.", what)
fountain.c:35 pline("An endless stream of %s pours forth!", Hallucination ? makeplural(rndmonnam()) : "snakes")
fountain.c:38 You_hear("%s hissing!", something)
fountain.c:44 pline_The("fountain bubbles furiously for a moment, then calms.")
fountain.c:57 You("unleash %s!", a_monnam(mtmp))
fountain.c:59 You_feel("the presence of evil.")
fountain.c:64 pline("Grateful for %s release, %s grants you a wish!", mhis(mtmp), mhe(mtmp))
fountain.c:72 pline_The("fountain bubbles furiously for a moment, then calms.")
fountain.c:84 You("attract %s!", a_monnam(mtmp))
fountain.c:86 You_hear("a seductive voice.")
fountain.c:92 pline("A large bubble rises to the surface and pops.")
fountain.c:94 You_hear("a loud pop.")
fountain.c:107 Your("thirst is quenched.")
fountain.c:109 pline("Water sprays all over you.")
fountain.c:131 pline("Water gushes forth from the overflowing fountain!")
fountain.c:151 You("spot a gem in the sparkling waters!")
fountain.c:152 You_feel("a gem here!")
fountain.c:179 pline("%s yells:", Amonnam(mtmp))
fountain.c:180 verbalize("Hey, stop using that fountain!")
fountain.c:186 pline_The("flow reduces to a trickle.")
fountain.c:200 pline_The("fountain dries up!")
fountain.c:228 pline("Wow! This makes you feel great!")
fountain.c:246 pline("A wisp of vapor escapes the fountain...")
fountain.c:253 pline_The("cool draught refreshes you.")
fountain.c:264 You_feel("self-knowledgeable...")
fountain.c:268 pline_The("feeling subsides.")
fountain.c:274 pline_The("water is foul! You gag and vomit.")
fountain.c:282 pline_The("water is contaminated!")
fountain.c:284 pline( "Perhaps it is runoff from the nearby %s farm.", fruitname(FALSE))
fountain.c:311 pline("This water's no good!")
fountain.c:324 You("feel transparent.")
fountain.c:326 You("feel very self-conscious.")
fountain.c:327 pline("Then it passes.")
fountain.c:330 You("see an image of someone stalking you.")
fountain.c:331 pline("But it disappears.")
fountain.c:363 pline("This water gives you bad breath!")
fountain.c:378 pline("This tepid water is tasteless.")
fountain.c:406 pline("A freezing mist rises from the water and envelopes the sword.")
fountain.c:407 pline_The("fountain disappears!")
fountain.c:417 pline("From the murky depths, a hand reaches up to bless the sword.")
fountain.c:418 pline("As the hand retreats, the fountain disappears!")
fountain.c:456 pline_The("water glows for a moment.")
fountain.c:459 pline("A feeling of loss comes over you.")
fountain.c:486 pline("A strange tingling runs up your %s.", body_part(ARM))
fountain.c:491 You_feel("a sudden chill.")
fountain.c:495 pline("An urge to take a bath overwhelms you.")
fountain.c:499 You("lost some of your gold in the fountain!")
fountain.c:519 You("lost some of your money in the fountain!")
fountain.c:540 pline("Far below you, you see coins glistening in the water.")
fountain.c:555 pline_The("pipes break! Water spurts out!")
fountain.c:574 You("take a sip of very cold water.")
fountain.c:576 You("take a sip of very warm water.")
fountain.c:578 You("take a sip of scalding hot water.")
fountain.c:580 pline("It seems quite tasty.")
fountain.c:584 pline_The("sink seems quite dirty.")
fountain.c:588 pline("Eek! There's %s in the sink!", (Blind || !canspotmon(mtmp)) ? "something squirmy" : a_monnam(mtmp))
fountain.c:602 pline("Some %s liquid flows from the faucet.", Blind ? "odd" : hcolor(OBJ_DESCR(objects[otmp->otyp])))
fountain.c:614 You("find a ring in the sink!")
fountain.c:619 pline("Some dirty water backs up in the drain.")
fountain.c:623 pline_The("water moves as though of its own will!")
fountain.c:627 pline("But it quiets down.")
fountain.c:629 pline("Yuk, this water tastes awful.")
fountain.c:633 pline("Gaggg... this tastes like sewage! You vomit.")
fountain.c:637 pline("This water contains toxic wastes!")
fountain.c:639 You("undergo a freakish metamorphosis!")
fountain.c:645 You_hear("clanking from the pipes...")
fountain.c:647 You_hear("snatches of song from among the sewers...")
fountain.c:650 pline("From the murky drain, a hand reaches up... --oops--")
fountain.c:653 You("take a sip of %s water.", rn2(3) ? (rn2(2) ? "cold" : "warm") : "hot")
timeout.c:44 pline(stoned_texts[SIZE(stoned_texts) - i])
timeout.c:74 You(vomiting_texts[SIZE(vomiting_texts) - i - 1])
timeout.c:115 pline(choke_texts2[SIZE(choke_texts2) - i], body_part(NECK))
timeout.c:120 pline(str, hcolor(NH_BLUE))
timeout.c:122 pline(str)
timeout.c:155 pline(str, hcolor(NH_GREEN))
timeout.c:157 pline(str, an(Hallucination ? rndmonnam() : "green slime"))
timeout.c:159 pline(str)
timeout.c:175 pline_The("slime that covers you is burned away!")
timeout.c:235 Norep("The %s haze around you %s.", hcolor(NH_GOLDEN), u.uspellprot ? "becomes less dense" : "disappears")
timeout.c:243 pline("%s stops galloping.", Monnam(u.usteed))
timeout.c:279 You("die from your illness.")
timeout.c:296 You_feel("yourself slowing down%s.", Fast ? " a bit" : "")
timeout.c:318 You(!See_invisible ? "are no longer invisible." : "can no longer see through yourself.")
timeout.c:346 You("fall asleep.")
timeout.c:375 You("make a lot of noise!")
timeout.c:575 You_feel("%s %s from your pack!", something, locomotion(mon->data, "drop"))
timeout.c:578 You("see %s %s out of your pack!", monnambuf, locomotion(mon->data, "drop"))
timeout.c:581 pline("%s cries sound like \"%s%s\"", siblings ? "Their" : "Its", flags.female ? "mommy" : "daddy", egg->spe ? "." : "?")
timeout.c:586 verbalize("Gleep!")
timeout.c:594 You("see %s hatch.", monnambuf)
timeout.c:613 You("see %s %s out of %s!", monnambuf, locomotion(mon->data, "drop"), carriedby)
timeout.c:723 pline("Egads! %s bite%s your %s!", what, (!otmp || otmp->quan == 1L) ? "s" : "", body_part(FOOT))
timeout.c:727 You("trip over %s.", what)
timeout.c:730 pline("%s %s%s on the ice.", #ifdef STEED u.usteed ? upstart(x_monnam(u.usteed, u.usteed->mnamelth ? ARTICLE_NONE : ARTICLE_THE, (char *)0, SUPPRESS_SADDLE, FALSE)) : #endif "You", rn2(2) ? "slip" : "slide", on_foot ? "" : "s")
timeout.c:741 You("trip over your own %s.", Hallucination ? "elbow" : makeplural(body_part(FOOT)))
timeout.c:745 You("slip %s.", Hallucination ? "on a banana peel" : "and nearly fall")
timeout.c:749 You("flounder.")
timeout.c:752 You("stumble.")
timeout.c:760 Your("%s slip out of the stirrups.", makeplural(body_part(FOOT)))
timeout.c:763 You("let go of the reins.")
timeout.c:766 You("bang into the saddle-horn.")
timeout.c:769 You("slide to one side of the saddle.")
timeout.c:788 pline("%s flickers%s.", Yname2(obj), tailer)
timeout.c:791 You("see %s flicker%s.", an(xname(obj)), tailer)
timeout.c:806 Your("lantern is getting dim.")
timeout.c:808 pline("Batteries have not been invented yet.")
timeout.c:811 You("see a lantern getting dim.")
timeout.c:814 pline("%s lantern is getting dim.", s_suffix(Monnam(obj->ocarry)))
timeout.c:871 Your(whose, obj)
timeout.c:887 pline("%s potion of oil has burnt away.", whose)
timeout.c:891 You("see a burning potion of oil go out.")
timeout.c:926 pline("%s %s seems about to go out.", whose, xname(obj))
timeout.c:930 You("see %s about to go out.", an(xname(obj)))
timeout.c:946 pline("%s lantern has run out of power.", whose)
timeout.c:949 pline("%s %s has gone out.", whose, xname(obj))
timeout.c:954 You("see a lantern run out of power.")
timeout.c:956 You("see %s go out.", an(xname(obj)))
timeout.c:988 pline("%s %scandle%s getting short.", whose, menorah ? "candelabrum's " : "", many ? "s are" : " is")
timeout.c:994 You("see %scandle%s getting short.", menorah ? "a candelabrum's " : many ? "some " : "a ", many ? "s" : "")
timeout.c:1007 pline( "%s %scandle%s flame%s flicker%s low!", whose, menorah ? "candelabrum's " : "", many ? "s'" : "'s", many ? "s" : "", many ? "" : "s")
timeout.c:1016 You("see %scandle%s flame%s flicker low!", menorah ? "a candelabrum's " : many ? "some " : "a ", many ? "s'" : "'s", many ? "s" : "")
timeout.c:1033 pline("%s candelabrum's flame%s.", whose, many ? "s die" : " dies")
timeout.c:1038 You("see a candelabrum's flame%s die.", many ? "s" : "")
timeout.c:1046 pline("%s %s %s consumed!", whose, xname(obj), many ? "are" : "is")
timeout.c:1057 You("see %s%s consumed!", many ? "some " : "", many ? xname(obj):an(xname(obj)))
timeout.c:1066 pline(Hallucination ? (many ? "They shriek!" : "It shrieks!") : Blind ? "" : (many ? "Their flames die." : "Its flame dies."))
timeout.c:1331 pline("Kaboom!!! Boom!! Boom!!")
timeout.c:1337 You_hear("a rumbling noise.")
timeout.c:1523 pline("timer sanity: untimed obj %s, timer %ld", fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj_address), curr->tid)
mklev.c:1538 pline_The("floor shakes violently under you!")
mklev.c:1539 pline_The("walls around you begin to bend and crumble!")
mklev.c:1571 You("are standing at the top of a stairwell leading down!")
worm.c:425 pline("Part of the tail of %s is cut off.", mon_nam(worm))
worm.c:427 You("cut part of the tail off of %s.", mon_nam(worm))
worm.c:468 pline("%s is cut in half.", Monnam(worm))
worm.c:470 You("cut %s in half.", mon_nam(worm))
windows.c:142 pline("%s", mesg)
exper.c:144 pline("%s level %d.", Goodbye(), u.ulevel--)
exper.c:208 You_feel("more experienced.")
exper.c:236 pline("Welcome to experience level %d.", u.ulevel)
artifact.c:594 You("are blasted by %s power!", s_suffix(the(xname(obj))))
artifact.c:604 pline("%s your grasp!", Tobjnam(obj, "evade"))
artifact.c:901 pline_The("magic-absorbing blade %s %s!", vtense((const char *)0, verb), hittee)
artifact.c:929 You("lose magical energy!")
artifact.c:939 You("absorb magical energy!")
artifact.c:957 You("release %s!", mon_nam(magr))
artifact.c:976 pline_The("%s is insightful.", verb)
artifact.c:1008 pline("%s %s!", hittee, vtense(hittee, "resist"))
artifact.c:1019 pline("%s %s %s%c", hittee, vtense(hittee, "are"), buf, (do_stun && do_confuse) ? '!' : '.')
artifact.c:1077 pline_The("fiery blade %s %s%c", !spec_dbon_applies ? "hits" : (mdef->data == &mons[PM_WATER_ELEMENTAL]) ? "vaporizes part of" : "burns", hittee, !spec_dbon_applies ? '.' : '!')
artifact.c:1090 pline_The("ice-cold blade %s %s%c", !spec_dbon_applies ? "hits" : "freezes", hittee, !spec_dbon_applies ? '.' : '!')
artifact.c:1098 pline_The("massive hammer hits%s %s%c", !spec_dbon_applies ? "" : "! Lightning strikes", hittee, !spec_dbon_applies ? '.' : '!')
artifact.c:1107 pline_The("imaginary widget hits%s %s%c", !spec_dbon_applies ? "" : "! A hail of magic missiles strikes", hittee, !spec_dbon_applies ? '.' : '!')
artifact.c:1137 You("slice %s wide open!", mon_nam(mdef))
artifact.c:1149 You("slice deeply into %s!", mon_nam(mdef))
artifact.c:1152 pline("%s cuts deeply into %s!", Monnam(magr), hittee)
artifact.c:1158 pline("%s cuts %s in half!", wepdesc, mon_nam(mdef))
artifact.c:1163 pline("%s cuts deeply into you!", magr ? Monnam(magr) : wepdesc)
artifact.c:1176 pline("%s cuts you in half!", wepdesc)
artifact.c:1193 pline("Somehow, you miss %s wildly.", mon_nam(mdef))
artifact.c:1196 pline("Somehow, %s misses wildly.", mon_nam(magr))
artifact.c:1202 pline("%s slices through %s %s.", wepdesc, s_suffix(mon_nam(mdef)), mbodypart(mdef,NECK))
artifact.c:1208 pline(behead_msg[rn2(SIZE(behead_msg))], wepdesc, mon_nam(mdef))
artifact.c:1214 pline("Somehow, %s misses you wildly.", magr ? mon_nam(magr) : wepdesc)
artifact.c:1220 pline("%s slices through your %s.", wepdesc, body_part(NECK))
artifact.c:1226 pline(behead_msg[rn2(SIZE(behead_msg))], wepdesc, "you")
artifact.c:1239 pline_The("%s blade draws the life from %s!", hcolor(NH_BLACK), mon_nam(mdef))
artifact.c:1243 pline("%s draws the life from %s!", The(distant_name(otmp, xname)), mon_nam(mdef))
artifact.c:1263 You_feel("an %s drain your life!", otmp->oartifact == ART_STORMBRINGER ? "unholy blade" : "object")
artifact.c:1267 pline_The("%s blade drains your life!", hcolor(NH_BLACK))
artifact.c:1270 pline("%s drains your life!", The(distant_name(otmp, xname)))
artifact.c:1309 pline(nothing_happens)
artifact.c:1319 You_feel("that %s %s ignoring you.", the(xname(obj)), otense(obj, "are"))
artifact.c:1344 You_feel("better.")
artifact.c:1363 You_feel("re-energized.")
artifact.c:1449 You_feel("very disoriented for a moment.")
artifact.c:1451 You("are surrounded by a shimmering sphere!")
artifact.c:1452 You_feel("weightless for a moment.")
artifact.c:1490 You_feel("that %s %s ignoring you.", the(xname(obj)), otense(obj, "are"))
artifact.c:1509 You_feel("a surge of power, but nothing seems to happen.")
artifact.c:1514 You_feel("like a rabble-rouser.")
artifact.c:1515 You_feel("the tension decrease around you.")
artifact.c:1527 Your("body takes on a %s transparency...", Hallucination ? "normal" : "strange")
artifact.c:1530 Your("body seems to unfade...")
artifact.c:1567 pline("%s:", Tobjnam(obj, "whisper"))
artifact.c:1568 verbalize("%s", line)
mkobj.c:1659 pline("%s obj %s %s@(%d,%d): %s\n", mesg, fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj_address), where_name(obj->where), obj->ox, obj->oy, doname(obj))
mkobj.c:1672 pline("%s obj %s %s@(%d,%d): %s\n", mesg, fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj_address), where_name(obj->where), obj->ox, obj->oy, doname(obj))
mkobj.c:1681 pline("%s obj %s %s: %s\n", mesg, fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj_address), where_name(obj->where), doname(obj))
mkobj.c:1691 pline("%s obj %s %s: %s\n", mesg, fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj_address), where_name(obj->where), doname(obj))
mkobj.c:1701 pline("%s obj %s %s: %s\n", mesg, fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj_address), where_name(obj->where), doname(obj))
mkobj.c:1711 pline("%s obj %s %s: %s\n", mesg, fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj_address), where_name(obj->where), doname(obj))
mkobj.c:1718 pline("%s obj %s contains %s! %s\n", mesg, fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj_address), something, doname(obj))
mkobj.c:1728 pline("%s obj %s %s: %s\n", mesg, fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj_address), where_name(obj->where), doname(obj))
mkobj.c:1733 pline("%s obj %s (%s) not held by mon %s (%s)\n", mesg, fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj_address), doname(obj), fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)mon, mon_address), mon_nam(mon))
mkobj.c:1769 pline("contained %s obj %s: %s\n", mesg, fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj1_address), where_name(obj->where))
mkobj.c:1773 pline("%s obj %s not in container %s\n", mesg, fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)obj, obj1_address), fmt_ptr((genericptr_t)container, obj2_address))
restore.c:139 pline("Finishing off %s...", xname(otmp))
restore.c:401 pline("Saved game was not yours.")
restore.c:427 You("were not healthy enough to survive restoration.")
restore.c:554 pline("Not enough space on `%s' to restore your game.", levels)
restore.c:586 pline("Be seeing you...")
restore.c:657 You("return to level %d in %s%s.", depth(&, dungeons[].dname, flags.debug ? " while in debug mode" : flags.explore ? " while in explore mode" : "")
restore.c:761 pline("Strange, this map is not as I remember it.")
restore.c:762 pline("Somebody is trying some trickery here...")
restore.c:763 pline("This game is void.")
restore.c:816 pline(trickbuf)
restore.c:1190 pline("Read %d instead of %u bytes.", rlen, len)
options.c:775 pline("\"%s\" settable only from %s.", optname, configfile)
options.c:777 pline("%s can be set only from NETHACKOPTIONS or %s.", optname, configfile)
options.c:790 pline("Bad syntax: %s. Enter \"?g\" for help.", opts)
options.c:841 pline_The("%s option may not %sbe negated.", optname, with_parameter ? "both have a value and " : "")
options.c:968 You_cant("disable new feature alerts for future versions.")
options.c:980 pline("Feature change alerts disabled for NetHack %s features and prior.", buf)
options.c:1117 pline("That is not anatomically possible.")
options.c:1125 pline("That is not anatomically possible.")
options.c:1168 pline("Unrecognized pet type '%s'.", op)
options.c:1472 pline("Doing that so many times isn't very fruitful.")
options.c:1608 pline( "Badoption - boulder symbol '%c' conflicts with a %s symbol.", opts[0], (clash == 1) ? "monster" : "warning")
options.c:2331 pline_The("\"%s\" option is not available.", boolopt[i].name)
options.c:2496 pline("out of menu map space.")
options.c:3395 pline("Autopickup: %s.", buf)
worn.c:219 pline("%s is slowing down.", Monnam(mon))
worn.c:221 pline("%s is suddenly moving %sfaster.", Monnam(mon), howmuch)
worn.c:223 pline("%s seems to be moving %sslower.", Monnam(mon), howmuch)
worn.c:545 pline("%s%s puts on %s.", Monnam(mon), buf, distant_name(best,doname))
worn.c:562 pline("Suddenly you cannot see %s.", nambuf)
worn.c:676 pline("%s breaks out of %s armor!", Monnam(mon), ppronoun)
worn.c:678 You_hear("a cracking sound.")
worn.c:684 pline("%s %s falls off!", s_suffix(Monnam(mon)), cloak_simple_name(otmp))
worn.c:690 pline("%s %s tears apart!", s_suffix(Monnam(mon)), cloak_simple_name(otmp))
worn.c:693 You_hear("a ripping sound.")
worn.c:700 pline("%s shirt rips to shreds!", s_suffix(Monnam(mon)))
worn.c:702 You_hear("a ripping sound.")
worn.c:709 pline("%s armor falls around %s!", s_suffix(Monnam(mon)), pronoun)
worn.c:712 You_hear("a thud.")
worn.c:719 pline("%s %s falls, unsupported!", s_suffix(Monnam(mon)), cloak_simple_name(otmp))
worn.c:722 pline("%s shrinks out of %s %s!", Monnam(mon), ppronoun, cloak_simple_name(otmp))
worn.c:732 pline("%s seeps right through %s shirt!", Monnam(mon), ppronoun)
worn.c:735 pline("%s becomes much too small for %s shirt!", Monnam(mon), ppronoun)
worn.c:748 pline("%s drops %s gloves%s!", Monnam(mon), ppronoun, MON_WEP(mon) ? " and weapon" : "")
worn.c:755 pline("%s can no longer hold %s shield!", Monnam(mon), ppronoun)
worn.c:758 You_hear("a clank.")
worn.c:769 pline("%s helmet falls to the %s!", s_suffix(Monnam(mon)), surface(mon->mx, mon->my))
worn.c:772 You_hear("a clank.")
worn.c:781 pline("%s boots fall away!", s_suffix(Monnam(mon)))
worn.c:783 pline("%s boots %s off %s feet!", s_suffix(Monnam(mon)), verysmall(mdat) ? "slide" : "are pushed", ppronoun)
worn.c:797 pline("%s saddle falls off.", s_suffix(Monnam(mon)))
worn.c:803 You("can no longer ride %s.", mon_nam(mon))
worn.c:808 You("touch %s.", mon_nam(u.usteed))
bones.c:241 pline("Cannot unlink old bones.")
bones.c:319 Your("body rises from the dead as %s...", an(mons[u.ugrave_arise].mname))
bones.c:361 pline("%s", whynot)
bones.c:397 pline("Insufficient space to create bones file.")
bones.c:449 pline("Discarding unuseable bones
bones.c:471 pline("%s", errbuf)
bones.c:494 pline("Removing defunct monster %s from bones.", mtmp->data->mname)
allmain.c:35 You("are lucky! Full moon tonight.")
allmain.c:38 pline("Be careful! New moon tonight.")
allmain.c:42 pline("Watch out! Bad things can happen on Friday the 13th.")
allmain.c:228 You("pass out from exertion!")
allmain.c:412 You("sink below the surface and die.")
allmain.c:415 Norep("You sink deeper into the lava.")
allmain.c:487 You("stop %s.", occtxt)
allmain.c:642 pline(new_game ? "%s %s, welcome to NetHack! You are a%s %s %s." : "%s %s, the%s %s %s, welcome back to NetHack!", Hello((struct monst *) 0), plname, buf, urace.adj, (currentgend && ? :
o_init.c:459 You("haven't discovered anything yet...")
wield.c:107 pline("%s glowing.", Tobjnam(olduwep, "stop"))
wield.c:140 You("are empty %s.", body_part(HANDED))
wield.c:144 You("are already empty %s.", body_part(HANDED))
wield.c:151 You("wield the %s corpse in your bare %s.", mons[wep->corpsenm].mname, makeplural(body_part(HAND)))
wield.c:156 You("cannot wield a two-handed %s while wearing a shield.", is_sword(wep) ? "sword" : wep->otyp == BATTLE_AXE ? "axe" : "weapon")
wield.c:171 pline("%s%s %s to your %s!", tmp, aobjnam(wep, "weld"), (wep->quan == 1L) ? "itself" : "themselves", <x> bimanual(wep) ? (const char *)makeplural(body_part(HAND)) : body_part(HAND))
wield.c:200 pline("%s to glow brilliantly!", Tobjnam(wep, "begin"))
wield.c:210 You("have an uneasy feeling about wielding cold iron.")
wield.c:220 pline("%s says \"You be careful with my %s!\"", shkname(this_shkp), xname(wep))
wield.c:267 pline("Don't be ridiculous!")
wield.c:278 You("are already wielding that!")
wield.c:303 You("cannot wield that!")
wield.c:329 pline("Don't be ridiculous!")
wield.c:358 You("have no secondary weapon readied.")
wield.c:384 pline("Note: Please use #quit if you wish to exit the game.")
wield.c:401 You("now have no ammunition readied.")
wield.c:404 You("already have no ammunition readied!")
wield.c:408 pline("That ammunition is already readied!")
wield.c:413 pline("%s already being used as a weapon!", !is_plural(uwep) ? "That is" : "They are")
wield.c:421 You("cannot ready that!")
wield.c:475 You_cant("%s %s %s while wearing %s.", verb, shk_your(yourbuf, obj), what, more_than_1 ? "them" : "it")
wield.c:486 pline( "Since your weapon is welded to your %s, you cannot %s %s %s.", hand, verb, more_than_1 ? "those" : "that", xname(obj))
wield.c:490 You_cant("do that.")
wield.c:495 You_cant("hold %s strongly enough.", more_than_1 ? "them" : "it")
wield.c:501 You("cannot %s a two-handed %s while wearing a shield.", verb, (obj->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS) ? "weapon" : "tool")
wield.c:512 You("now wield %s.", doname(obj))
wield.c:534 You_cant("use two weapons in your current form.")
wield.c:536 pline("%s aren't able to use two weapons at once.", makeplural((flags.female && ? :
wield.c:540 Your("%s%s%s empty.", uwep ? "left " : uswapwep ? "right " : "", body_part(HAND), (!uwep && !uswapwep) ? "s are" : " is")
wield.c:544 pline("%s %s.", Yname2(otmp), is_plural(otmp) ? "aren't weapons" : "isn't a weapon")
wield.c:548 pline("%s isn't one-handed.", Yname2(otmp))
wield.c:550 You_cant("use two weapons while wearing a shield.")
wield.c:552 pline("%s %s being held second to another weapon!", Yname2(uswapwep), otense(uswapwep, "resist"))
wield.c:558 You("wield the %s corpse with your bare %s.", mons[uswapwep->corpsenm].mname, body_part(HAND))
wield.c:580 Your("%s from your %s!", aobjnam(obj, "slip"), str)
wield.c:590 You("switch to your primary weapon.")
wield.c:601 You("begin two-weapon combat.")
wield.c:623 pline("%s glowing.", Tobjnam(uwep, "stop"))
wield.c:653 You("can no longer use two weapons at once.")
wield.c:695 Your("%s.", aobjnam(target, "fade"))
wield.c:697 pline("%s's %s.", Monnam(victim), aobjnam(target, "fade"))
wield.c:700 pline_The("%s.", aobjnam(target, "fade"))
wield.c:709 Your("%s not affected.", aobjnam(target, "are"))
wield.c:711 pline("%s's %s not affected.", Monnam(victim), aobjnam(target, "are"))
wield.c:719 Your("%s%s!", aobjnam(target, acid_dmg ? "corrode" : "rust"), erosion+1 == MAX_ERODE ? " completely" : erosion ? " further" : "")
wield.c:723 pline("%s's %s%s!", Monnam(victim), aobjnam(target, acid_dmg ? "corrode" : "rust"), erosion+1 == MAX_ERODE ? " completely" : erosion ? " further" : "")
wield.c:728 pline_The("%s%s!", aobjnam(target, acid_dmg ? "corrode" : "rust"), erosion+1 == MAX_ERODE ? " completely" : erosion ? " further" : "")
wield.c:739 Your("%s completely %s.", aobjnam(target, Blind ? "feel" : "look"), acid_dmg ? "corroded" : "rusty")
wield.c:743 pline("%s's %s completely %s.", Monnam(victim), aobjnam(target, "look"), acid_dmg ? "corroded" : "rusty")
wield.c:747 pline_The("%s completely %s.", aobjnam(target, "look"), acid_dmg ? "corroded" : "rusty")
wield.c:778 Your("weapon seems sharper now.")
wield.c:787 Your("weapon seems duller now.")
wield.c:794 Your("%s %s.", aobjnam(uwep, "faintly glow"), color)
wield.c:802 Your("%s %s for a while and then %s.", aobjnam(uwep, "violently glow"), color, otense(uwep, "evaporate"))
wield.c:806 Your("%s.", aobjnam(uwep, "evaporate"))
wield.c:814 Your("%s %s for a %s.", aobjnam(uwep, amount == 0 ? "violently glow" : "glow"), color, xtime)
wield.c:831 Your("right %s %sches!", body_part(HAND), (((amount > 1) && (uwep->spe > 1)) ? "flin" : "it"))
wield.c:842 Your("%s unexpectedly.", aobjnam(uwep, "suddenly vibrate"))
wield.c:866 Your("%s %s welded to your %s!", xname(obj), otense(obj, "are"), bimanual(obj) ? (const char *)makeplural(body_part(HAND)) : body_part(HAND))
lock.c:109 pline("This doorway has no door.")
lock.c:112 You("cannot lock an open door.")
lock.c:115 pline("This door is broken.")
lock.c:121 You("give up your attempt at %s.", lock_action())
lock.c:130 You("succeed in %s.", lock_action())
lock.c:164 You("give up your attempt to force the lock.")
lock.c:180 pline("%sour %s broke!", (uwep->quan > 1L) ? "One of y" : "Y", xname(uwep))
lock.c:183 You("give up your attempt to force the lock.")
lock.c:195 You("succeed in forcing the lock.")
lock.c:206 pline("In fact, you've totally destroyed %s.", the(xname(
lock.c:236 You("owe %ld %s for objects destroyed.", loss, currency(loss))
lock.c:282 pline(no_longer, "hold the", what)
lock.c:286 pline(no_longer, "reach the", "lock")
lock.c:291 You("resume your attempt at %s.", action)
lock.c:298 You_cant("hold %s -- you have no hands!", doname(pick))
lock.c:321 There("isn't any sort of lock up %s.", Levitation ? "here" : "there")
lock.c:325 pline("Doing that would probably melt your %s.", xname(pick))
lock.c:329 pline_The("water has no lock.")
lock.c:340 You_cant("reach %s from up here.", the(xname(otmp)))
lock.c:358 You_cant("fix its broken lock with %s.", doname(pick))
lock.c:365 You_cant("do that with %s.", doname(pick))
lock.c:392 There("doesn't seem to be any sort of lock here.")
lock.c:401 You_cant("reach over the edge of the pit.")
lock.c:412 verbalize("No checks, no credit, no problem.")
lock.c:415 pline("I don't think %s would appreciate that.", mon_nam(mtmp))
lock.c:420 You("%s no lock on the drawbridge.", Blind ? "feel" : "see")
lock.c:423 You("%s no door there.", Blind ? "feel" : "see")
lock.c:429 pline("This doorway has no door.")
lock.c:432 You("cannot lock an open door.")
lock.c:435 pline("This door is broken.")
lock.c:442 You_cant("lock a door with a credit card.")
lock.c:498 You_cant("force anything without a %sweapon.", (uwep) ? "proper " : "")
lock.c:505 You("resume your attempt to force the lock.")
lock.c:516 There("is %s here, but its lock is already %s.", doname(otmp), otmp->obroken ? "broken" : "unlocked")
lock.c:530 You("force your %s into a crack and pry.", xname(uwep))
lock.c:532 You("start bashing it with your %s.", xname(uwep))
lock.c:541 You("decide not to force the issue.")
lock.c:554 You_cant("open anything -- you have no hands!")
lock.c:559 You_cant("reach over the edge of the pit.")
lock.c:581 There("is no obvious way to open the drawbridge.")
lock.c:584 You("%s no door there.", Blind ? "feel" : "see")
lock.c:598 pline("This door%s.", mesg)
lock.c:604 pline("You're too small to pull the door open.")
lock.c:611 pline_The("door opens.")
lock.c:627 pline_The("door resists!")
lock.c:642 pline("%s stands in the way!", !canspotmon(mtmp) ? "Some creature" : Monnam(mtmp))
lock.c:649 pline("%s's in the way.", Something)
lock.c:664 You_cant("close anything -- you have no hands!")
lock.c:669 You_cant("reach over the edge of the pit.")
lock.c:678 You("are in the way!")
lock.c:696 There("is no obvious way to close the drawbridge.")
lock.c:698 You("%s no door there.", Blind ? "feel" : "see")
lock.c:704 pline("This doorway has no door.")
lock.c:711 pline("This door is broken.")
lock.c:716 pline("This door is already closed.")
lock.c:726 pline("You're too small to push the door closed.")
lock.c:734 pline_The("door closes.")
lock.c:746 pline_The("door resists!")
lock.c:767 pline("Klunk!")
lock.c:778 pline("Klick!")
lock.c:820 pline("A door appears in the wall!")
lock.c:840 pline("%s springs up in the older, more primitive doorway.", dustcloud)
lock.c:843 You_hear("a swoosh.")
lock.c:845 pline_The("cloud %s.",quickly_dissipates)
lock.c:850 pline_The("doorway vanishes!")
lock.c:863 pline( "%s springs up in the doorway, but %s.", dustcloud, quickly_dissipates)
lock.c:906 pline("KABOOM!! You see a door explode.")
lock.c:908 You_hear("a distant explosion.")
lock.c:919 pline_The("door crashes open!")
lock.c:921 You_hear("a crashing sound.")
lock.c:934 pline(msg)
lock.c:960 You("%s %s shatter!", Blind ? "hear" : "see", an(bottlename()))
lock.c:989 pline("%s %s!", An(thing), disposition)
steal.c:56 pline("%s quickly snatches some gold from between your %s!", Monnam(mtmp), makeplural(body_part(FOOT)))
steal.c:66 Your("purse feels lighter.")
steal.c:133 pline("%s quickly snatches some gold from between your %s!", Monnam(mtmp), makeplural(body_part(FOOT)))
steal.c:146 Your("purse feels lighter.")
steal.c:179 pline("%s steals %s!", Monnam(mtmp), doname(otmp))
steal.c:284 pline("Somebody tries to rob you, but finds nothing to steal.")
steal.c:286 pline("%s tries to rob you, but there is nothing to steal!", Monnam(mtmp))
steal.c:361 pline("%s tries to %s your %s but gives up.", Monnam(mtmp), how[rn2(SIZE(how))], (otmp->owornmask & W_ARMOR) ? equipname(otmp) : cxname(otmp))
steal.c:416 pline("%s charms you. You gladly %s your %s.", !seen ? "She" : Monnam(mtmp), curssv ? "let her take" : slowly ? "start removing" : "hand over", equipname(otmp))
steal.c:422 pline("%s seduces you and %s off your %s.", !seen ? "She" : Adjmonnam(mtmp, "beautiful"), curssv ? "helps you to take" : slowly ? "you start taking" : "you take", equipname(otmp))
steal.c:465 pline("%s stole %s.", named ? "She" : Monnam(mtmp), doname(otmp))
steal.c:509 pline("%s out.", Tobjnam(otmp, "go"))
steal.c:577 pline("%s stole %s!", Monnam(mtmp), doname(otmp))
steal.c:617 pline("%s drops %s.", Monnam(mon), distant_name(obj, doname))
steal.c:702 pline("%s drops %ld gold piece%s.", Monnam(mtmp), g, plur(g))
eat.c:274 You_feel("like a glutton!")
eat.c:283 You("choke, but recover your composure.")
eat.c:286 You("stuff yourself and then vomit voluminously.")
eat.c:299 You("choke over your %s.", foodword(food))
eat.c:312 You("choke over it.")
eat.c:315 You("die...")
eat.c:379 verbalize("You bit it, you bought it!")
eat.c:485 pline(nomovemsg)
eat.c:488 You("finish eating %s.", food_xname(victual.piece, TRUE))
eat.c:509 You("have a bad feeling deep inside.")
eat.c:510 You("cannibal! You will regret this!")
eat.c:531 You("turn to stone.")
eat.c:548 You_feel("that eating the %s was a bad idea.", mons[pm].mname)
eat.c:559 pline("Eating that is instantly fatal.")
eat.c:578 You("don't feel very well.")
eat.c:597 pline("What a pity - you just ruined a future piece of %sart!", ACURR(A_CHA) > 15 ? "fine " : "")
eat.c:600 You_feel("limber!")
eat.c:769 You(Hallucination ? "be chillin'." : "feel a momentary chill.")
eat.c:780 You_feel("wide awake.")
eat.c:790 You_feel("full of hot air.")
eat.c:800 You_feel(Hallucination ? "totally together, man." : "very firm.")
eat.c:814 You_feel("grounded in reality.")
eat.c:816 Your("health currently feels amplified!")
eat.c:826 You_feel(Poison_resistance ? "especially healthy." : "healthy.")
eat.c:837 You_feel(Hallucination ? "diffuse." : "very jumpy.")
eat.c:848 You_feel(Hallucination ? "centered in your personal space." : "in control of yourself.")
eat.c:860 You_feel(Hallucination ? "in touch with the cosmos." : "a strange mental acuity.")
eat.c:903 You_feel("a mild buzz.")
eat.c:933 You_feel("hidden!")
eat.c:962 You_cant("resist the temptation to mimic %s.", Hallucination ? "an orange" : "a pile of gold")
eat.c:989 Your("velocity suddenly seems very uncertain!")
eat.c:992 You("seem slower.")
eat.c:995 You("seem faster.")
eat.c:1007 You_feel("a change coming over you.")
eat.c:1015 pline("Yum! That was real brain food!")
eat.c:1022 pline("For some reason, that tasted bland.")
eat.c:1106 You_feel("guilty.")
eat.c:1125 verbalize("You %s it, you bought it!", verb ? verb : "open")
eat.c:1146 You("give up your attempt to open the tin.")
eat.c:1158 You("succeed in opening the tin.")
eat.c:1161 pline("It turns out to be empty.")
eat.c:1189 pline("It smells like %s%s.", (which == 2) ? "the " : "", what)
eat.c:1192 You("discard the open tin.")
eat.c:1201 You("consume %s %s.", tintxts[r].txt, mons[tin.tin->corpsenm].mname)
eat.c:1228 pline("Eating deep fried food made your %s very slippery.", makeplural(body_part(FINGER)))
eat.c:1233 pline("It contains some decaying%s%s substance.", Blind ? "" : " ", Blind ? "" : hcolor(NH_GREEN))
eat.c:1236 pline("It contains spinach.")
eat.c:1242 You("discard the open tin.")
eat.c:1251 pline("This makes you feel like %s!", Hallucination ? "Swee'pea" : "Popeye")
eat.c:1272 You("bite right into the metal tin...")
eat.c:1275 You("cannot handle the tin properly to open it.")
eat.c:1278 pline_The("tin opens like magic!")
eat.c:1300 pline("Using your %s you try to open the tin.", aobjnam(uwep, (char *)0))
eat.c:1304 pline("It is not so easy to open this tin.")
eat.c:1306 pline_The("tin slips from your %s.", makeplural(body_part(FINGER)))
eat.c:1338 pline("Blecch! Rotten %s!", foodword(obj))
eat.c:1340 You_feel("rather trippy.")
eat.c:1341 You_feel("rather %s.", body_part(LIGHT_HEADED))
eat.c:1344 pline("Everything suddenly goes dark.")
eat.c:1346 Your(vision_clears)
eat.c:1360 pline_The("world spins and %s %s.", what, where)
eat.c:1397 pline("Ulch - that %s was tainted%s!", mons[mnum].mlet == S_FUNGUS ? "fungoid vegetation" : !vegetarian(&mons[mnum]) ? "meat" : "protoplasm", cannibal ? " cannibal" : "")
eat.c:1402 pline("It doesn't seem at all sickening, though...")
eat.c:1425 You("have a very bad case of stomach acid.")
eat.c:1430 pline("Ecch - that must have been poisonous!")
eat.c:1434 You("seem unaffected by the poison.")
eat.c:1440 You_feel("%ssick.", (Sick) ? "very " : "")
eat.c:1459 pline_The("corpse rots away completely.")
eat.c:1468 pline("%s%s %s!", !uniq ? "This " : !type_is_pname(&mons[mnum]) ? "The " : "", food_xname(otmp, FALSE), (vegan(&mons[mnum]) ? (!carnivorous( && herbivorous( : (carnivorous( && !herbivorous( ? "is delicious" : "tastes terrible")
eat.c:1531 pline(Hallucination ? "Oh wow, like, superior, man!" : "That food really hit the spot!")
eat.c:1533 pline("That satiated your %s!", body_part(STOMACH))
eat.c:1538 pline("That tripe ration was surprisingly good!")
eat.c:1540 pline(Hallucination ? "Tastes great! Less filling!" : "Mmm, tripe... not bad!")
eat.c:1543 pline("Yak - dog food!")
eat.c:1570 pline("My, that was a %s %s!", Hallucination ? "primo" : "yummy", singular(otmp, xname))
eat.c:1576 pline("Core dumped.")
eat.c:1582 pline("Segmentation fault -- core dumped.")
eat.c:1584 pline("Bus error -- core dumped.")
eat.c:1585 pline("Yo' mama -- core dumped.")
eat.c:1592 pline("Delicious! Must be a Macintosh!")
eat.c:1596 pline("Ugh. Rotten egg.")
eat.c:1601 pline("This %s is %s", singular(otmp, xname), otmp->cursed ? (Hallucination ? "grody!" : "terrible!") : (otmp->otyp == CRAM_RATION || otmp->otyp == K_RATION || otmp->otyp == C_RATION) ? "bland." : Hallucination ? "gnarly!" : "delicious!")
eat.c:1616 pline("Magic spreads through your body as you digest the %s.", otmp->oclass == RING_CLASS ? "ring" : "amulet")
eat.c:1657 pline("Suddenly you can see yourself.")
eat.c:1665 Your("body takes on a %s transparency...", Hallucination ? "normal" : "strange")
eat.c:1720 You_feel("wide awake.")
eat.c:1727 You("are suddenly very %s!", flags.female ? "feminine" : "masculine")
eat.c:1804 pline(Hallucination ? "Four out of five dentists agree." : "That was pure chewing satisfaction!")
eat.c:1810 pline("Yabba-dabba delicious!")
eat.c:2063 pline("If you can't breathe air, how can you consume solids?")
eat.c:2072 Your("%s stops tingling and your sense of smell returns to normal.", body_part(NOSE))
eat.c:2086 You("cannot eat that!")
eat.c:2095 You_cant("eat %s you're wearing.", something)
eat.c:2107 pline("Ulch - That %s was rustproofed!", xname(otmp))
eat.c:2112 You("spit %s out onto the %s.", the(xname(otmp)), surface(u.ux,
eat.c:2124 pline("This ring is indigestible!")
eat.c:2168 pline("Ecch - that must have been poisonous!")
eat.c:2173 You("seem unaffected by the poison.")
eat.c:2175 pline("This %s is delicious!", otmp->oclass == COIN_CLASS ? foodword(otmp) : singular(otmp, xname))
eat.c:2192 You("resume your meal.")
eat.c:2439 pline("You're having a hard time getting all of it down.")
eat.c:2566 You("faint from lack of food.")
eat.c:2578 You("die from starvation.")
eat.c:2597 You((!incr) ? "now have a lesser case of the munchies." : "are getting the munchies.")
eat.c:2601 You((!incr) ? "only feel hungry now." : (u.uhunger < 145) ? "feel hungry." : "are beginning to feel hungry.")
eat.c:2610 pline((!incr) ? "You still have the munchies." : "The munchies are interfering with your motor capabilities.")
eat.c:2616 pline("%s needs food, badly!", (Role_if(PM_WIZARD) || Role_if(PM_VALKYRIE)) ? : "Elf")
eat.c:2620 You((!incr) ? "feel weak now." : (u.uhunger < 45) ? "feel weak." : "are beginning to feel weak.")
eat.c:2632 You("die from hunger and exhaustion.")
eat.c:2736 You_cant("%s that!", verb)
vault.c:60 pline_The("corridor disappears.")
vault.c:61 You("are encased in rock.")
vault.c:254 pline("Suddenly one of the Vault's %s enters!", makeplural(g_monnam(guard)))
vault.c:257 pline("Someone else has entered the Vault.")
vault.c:262 verbalize("Hey! Who left that %s in here?", mimic_obj_name(&youmonst))
vault.c:265 pline("Puzzled, %s turns around and leaves.", mhe(guard))
vault.c:274 verbalize("I'll be back when you're ready to speak to me!")
vault.c:302 verbalize("Oh, yes, of course. Sorry to have disturbed you.")
vault.c:306 verbalize("Back from the dead, are you? I'll remedy that!")
vault.c:316 verbalize("I don't know you.")
vault.c:319 verbalize("Please follow me.")
vault.c:322 verbalize("You have hidden gold.")
vault.c:323 verbalize("Most likely all your gold was stolen from this vault.")
vault.c:324 verbalize("Please drop that gold and follow me.")
vault.c:329 verbalize("Please follow me.")
vault.c:332 verbalize("You have hidden money.")
vault.c:333 verbalize("Most likely all your money was stolen from this vault.")
vault.c:334 verbalize("Please drop that money and follow me.")
vault.c:451 pline_The("%s whispers an incantation.", g_monnam(grd))
vault.c:452 You_hear("a distant chant.")
vault.c:454 pline("A mysterious force moves the gold into the vault.")
vault.c:456 pline_The("damaged vault's walls are magically restored!")
vault.c:517 verbalize("I repeat, %sfollow me!", u_carry_gold ? ( #ifndef GOLDOBJ !u.ugold ? "drop that hidden gold and " : "drop that gold and ") : "")
vault.c:531 verbalize("You've been warned, knave!")
vault.c:555 You_hear("the shrill sound of a guard's whistle.")
vault.c:557 You(um_dist(grd->mx, grd->my, 2) ? "see an angry %s approaching." : "are confronted by an angry %s.", g_monnam(grd))
vault.c:563 verbalize("Well, begone.")
vault.c:576 pline_The("%s, confused, disappears.", g_monnam(grd))
vault.c:591 verbalize("Drop all your gold, scoundrel!")
vault.c:594 verbalize("So be it, rogue!")
vault.c:628 verbalize("Out of my way, scum!")
vault.c:638 pline("%s%s picks up the gold.", Monnam(grd), grd->mpeaceful ? " calms down and" : "")
vault.c:653 verbalize("Move along!")
vault.c:778 pline("Suddenly, the %s disappears.", g_monnam(grd))
vault.c:815 Your("%ld %s goes into the Magic Memory Vault.", #ifndef GOLDOBJ u.ugold, currency(u.ugold))
vault.c:832 pline("%s remits your gold to the vault.", Monnam(grd))
cmd.c:572 There("is no fountain here.")
cmd.c:577 You("shriek.")
cmd.c:579 pline("Unfortunately sound does not carry well through rock.")
cmd.c:582 pline("Any special ability you may have is purely reflexive.")
cmd.c:583 You("don't have a special ability in your normal form!")
cmd.c:591 pline("Beware! From explore mode there will be no return to normal game.")
cmd.c:594 You("are now in non-scoring explore mode.")
cmd.c:599 pline("Resuming normal game.")
cmd.c:621 pline("Unavailable command '^W'.")
cmd.c:631 pline("Unavailable command '^I'.")
cmd.c:654 pline("Unavailable command '^F'.")
cmd.c:664 pline("Unavailable command '^G'.")
cmd.c:674 pline("Unavailable command '^O'.")
cmd.c:684 pline("Unavailable command '^E'.")
cmd.c:694 pline("Unavailable command '^V'.")
cmd.c:704 pline("Monster polymorph control is %s.", iflags.mon_polycontrol ? "on" : "off")
cmd.c:724 pline(Never_mind)
cmd.c:728 You("are already that experienced.")
cmd.c:731 You("are already as inexperienced as you can get.")
cmd.c:739 You("are already as experienced as you can get.")
cmd.c:2174 You_cant("do that while you are buried!")
cmd.c:2216 Norep("Unknown command '%s'.", expcmd)
cmd.c:2289 pline(Never_mind)
cmd.c:2298 pline(emsg)
cmd.c:2329 pline("What a strange direction!")
cmd.c:2583 pline(in_line)
cmd.c:2717 pline("Where do you want to travel to?")
cmd.c:2777 pline("No port-specific debug capability defined.")
apply.c:63 pline("Using your camera underwater would void the warranty.")
apply.c:69 pline(nothing_happens)
apply.c:77 You("take a picture of %s %s.", s_suffix(mon_nam(u.ustuck)), mbodypart(u.ustuck, STOMACH))
apply.c:80 You("take a picture of the %s.", ( > 0) ? surface(u.ux, : ceiling(u.ux,
apply.c:100 You("have no free %s!", body_part(HAND))
apply.c:103 You("cannot use it while you're wearing it!")
apply.c:111 Your("%s %s!", makeplural(body_part(HAND)), (old ? "are filthier than ever" : "get slimy"))
apply.c:118 pline("Yecch! Your %s %s gunk on it!", body_part(FACE), (old ? "has more" : "now has"))
apply.c:125 You("push your %s %s.", what, rn2(2) ? "cock-eyed" : "crooked")
apply.c:129 You("push your %s off.", what)
apply.c:142 You("wipe off your %s.", makeplural(body_part(HAND)))
apply.c:149 pline("You've got the glop off.")
apply.c:153 Your("%s feels clean now.", body_part(FACE))
apply.c:158 Your("%s and %s are already clean.", body_part(FACE), makeplural(body_part(HAND)))
apply.c:181 You_hear("a voice say, \"It's dead, Jim.\"")
apply.c:191 You("determine that %s unfortunate being is dead.", (rx == u.ux && ry == ? "this" : "that")
apply.c:195 pline("%s appears to be in %s health for a statue.", The(mons[otmp->corpsenm].mname), (ttmp && ttmp->ttyp == STATUE_TRAP) ? "extraordinary" : "excellent")
apply.c:226 You("have no hands!")
apply.c:230 You("have no free %s.", body_part(HAND))
apply.c:243 pline("%s interferes.", Monnam(u.ustuck))
apply.c:254 pline("%s interferes.", Monnam(u.ustuck))
apply.c:259 You_hear("faint splashing.")
apply.c:261 You_cant("reach the %s.", ( > 0) ? surface(u.ux, : ceiling(u.ux,
apply.c:267 You_hear("the crackling of hellfire.")
apply.c:269 pline_The("%s seems healthy enough.", surface(u.ux,
apply.c:272 You_hear("your heart beat.")
apply.c:282 You_hear("a faint typing noise.")
apply.c:298 pline_The("invisible monster must have moved.")
apply.c:303 You_hear(hollow_str, "door")
apply.c:310 You_hear(hollow_str, "passage")
apply.c:319 You("hear nothing special.")
apply.c:330 You(whistle_str, obj->cursed ? "shrill" : "high")
apply.c:341 You("produce a high-pitched humming noise.")
apply.c:345 You(whistle_str, Hallucination ? "normal" : "strange")
apply.c:407 pline("%s pulls free of %s leash!", Monnam(mtmp), mhis(mtmp))
apply.c:409 Your("leash falls slack.")
apply.c:444 You("cannot leash any more pets.")
apply.c:458 pline("Leash yourself? Very funny...")
apply.c:463 There("is no creature there.")
apply.c:474 There("is no creature there.")
apply.c:476 pline("%s %s leashed!", Monnam(mtmp), (!obj->leashmon) ? "cannot be" : "is not")
apply.c:482 pline("This %s is already leashed.", spotmon ? l_monnam(mtmp) : "monster")
apply.c:486 You("slip the leash around %s%s.", spotmon ? "your " : "", l_monnam(mtmp))
apply.c:494 pline("This leash is not attached to that creature.")
apply.c:498 pline_The("leash would not come off!")
apply.c:504 You("remove the leash from %s%s.", spotmon ? "your " : "", l_monnam(mtmp))
apply.c:545 You_feel("%s leash go slack.", (number_leashed() > 1) ? "a" : "the")
apply.c:593 Your("leash chokes %s to death!", mon_nam(mtmp))
apply.c:605 pline("%s chokes on the leash!", Monnam(mtmp))
apply.c:612 pline("%s leash snaps loose!", s_suffix(Monnam(mtmp)))
apply.c:615 You("pull on the leash.")
apply.c:648 pline_The("mirror fogs up and doesn't reflect!")
apply.c:655 pline(Hallucination ? "Yow! The mirror stares back!" : "Yikes! You've frozen yourself!")
apply.c:659 You("stiffen momentarily under your gaze.")
apply.c:661 You("don't have a reflection.")
apply.c:663 pline("Huh? That doesn't look like you!")
apply.c:666 You(look_str, hcolor((char *)0))
apply.c:668 You(look_str, "peaked")
apply.c:670 You(look_str, "undernourished")
apply.c:671 You("look as %s as ever.", ACURR(A_CHA) > 14 ? (poly_gender()==1 ? "beautiful" : "handsome") : "ugly")
apply.c:676 You_cant("see your %s %s.", ACURR(A_CHA) > 14 ? (poly_gender()==1 ? "beautiful" : "handsome") : "ugly", body_part(FACE))
apply.c:685 You("reflect %s %s.", s_suffix(mon_nam(u.ustuck)), mbodypart(u.ustuck, STOMACH))
apply.c:690 You(Hallucination ? "give the fish a chance to fix their makeup." : "reflect the murky water.")
apply.c:697 You("reflect the %s.", ( > 0) ? surface(u.ux, : ceiling(u.ux,
apply.c:716 pline("%s can't see anything right now.", Monnam(mtmp))
apply.c:727 pline("%s is turned to stone!", Monnam(mtmp))
apply.c:735 pline("%s is frozen by its reflection.", Monnam(mtmp))
apply.c:736 You_hear("%s stop moving.",something)
apply.c:760 pline("%s is frightened by its reflection.", Monnam(mtmp))
apply.c:767 pline("%s doesn't seem to notice its reflection.", Monnam(mtmp))
apply.c:770 pline("%s ignores %s reflection.", Monnam(mtmp), mhis(mtmp))
apply.c:787 You("ring %s.", the(xname(obj)))
apply.c:793 pline("But the sound is muffled.")
apply.c:798 pline("But it makes no sound.")
apply.c:814 You("summon %s!", a_monnam(mtmp))
apply.c:816 pline("%s shattered!", Tobjnam(obj, "have"))
apply.c:843 pline(nothing_happens)
apply.c:854 pline("%s an unsettling shrill sound...", Tobjnam(obj, "issue"))
apply.c:875 pline(nothing_happens)
apply.c:876 pline("%s opens...", Something)
apply.c:878 pline("Things open around you...")
apply.c:888 pline(nothing_happens)
apply.c:908 You("cannot make fire under water.")
apply.c:912 You("snuff the %s.", s)
apply.c:917 pline("This %s has no %s.", xname(obj), s)
apply.c:922 pline_The("%s %s for a moment, then %s.", s, vtense(s, "flicker"), vtense(s, "die"))
apply.c:927 There("%s only %d %s in %s.", vtense(s, "are"), obj->spe, s, the(xname(obj)))
apply.c:930 pline("%s lit. %s dimly.", obj->spe == 1 ? "It is" : "They are", Tobjnam(obj, "shine"))
apply.c:934 pline("%s's %s burn%s", The(xname(obj)), s, (Blind ? "." : " brightly!"))
apply.c:938 pline_The("%s %s being rapidly consumed!", s, vtense(s, "are"))
apply.c:943 pline("%s a strange warmth!", Tobjnam(obj, "radiate"))
apply.c:945 pline("%s with a strange light!", Tobjnam(obj, "glow"))
apply.c:962 You(no_elbow_room)
apply.c:966 pline("Sorry, fire and water don't mix.")
apply.c:982 You("try to light %s...", the(xname(obj)))
apply.c:989 You("attach %ld%s %s to %s.", obj->quan, !otmp->spe ? "" : " more", s, the(xname(otmp)))
apply.c:996 pline_The("new %s magically %s!", s, vtense(s, "ignite"))
apply.c:998 pline("%s out.", (obj->quan > 1L) ? "They go" : "It goes")
apply.c:1000 verbalize("You %s %s, you bought %s!", otmp->lamplit ? "burn" : "use", (obj->quan > 1L) ? "them" : "it", (obj->quan > 1L) ? "them" : "it")
apply.c:1005 pline("%s now has seven%s candles attached.", The(xname(otmp)), otmp->lamplit ? " lit" : "")
apply.c:1034 pline("%s %scandle%s flame%s extinguished.", Shk_Your(buf, otmp), (candle ? "" : "candelabrum's "), (many ? "s'" : "'s"), (many ? "s are" : " is"))
apply.c:1035 Your(buf, otmp), (candle ? "" : "candelabrum's "), (many ? "s'" : "'s"), (many ? "s are" : " is"))
apply.c:1059 pline("%s %s out!", Yname2(obj), otense(obj, "go"))
apply.c:1092 pline("%s %s light!", Yname2(obj), otense(obj, "catch"))
apply.c:1098 verbalize("That's in addition to the cost of %s %s, of course.", Yname2(obj), obj->quan == 1 ? "itself" : "themselves")
apply.c:1115 pline("This is not a diving lamp.")
apply.c:1121 pline("%s lamp is now off.", Shk_Your(buf, obj))
apply.c:1121 Your(buf, obj))
apply.c:1123 You("snuff out %s.", yname(obj))
apply.c:1132 Your("lamp has run out of power.")
apply.c:1133 pline("This %s has no oil.", xname(obj))
apply.c:1137 pline("%s for a moment, then %s.", Tobjnam(obj, "flicker"), otense(obj, "die"))
apply.c:1143 pline("%s lamp is now on.", Shk_Your(buf, obj))
apply.c:1143 Your(buf, obj))
apply.c:1146 pline("%s flame%s %s%s", s_suffix(Yname2(obj)), plur(obj->quan), otense(obj, "burn"), Blind ? "." : " brightly!")
apply.c:1153 verbalize("You burn %s, you bought %s!", ithem, ithem)
apply.c:1169 You(no_elbow_room)
apply.c:1174 You("snuff the lit potion.")
apply.c:1186 There("is not enough oxygen to sustain a fire.")
apply.c:1190 You("light %s potion.%s", shk_your(buf, obj), Blind ? "" : " It gives off a dim light.")
apply.c:1198 verbalize("That's in addition to the cost of the potion, of course.")
apply.c:1230 pline("Sorry, I don't know how to use that.")
apply.c:1252 You("see a puff of smoke.")
apply.c:1253 pline(nothing_happens)
apply.c:1257 pline("Rubbing the electric lamp is not particularly rewarding.")
apply.c:1258 pline("Anyway, nothing exciting happens.")
apply.c:1259 pline(nothing_happens)
apply.c:1282 You_cant("jump
apply.c:1285 You_cant("jump very far.")
apply.c:1289 You("bounce around a little.")
apply.c:1292 pline("You've got to be kidding!")
apply.c:1296 You("swish around a little.")
apply.c:1299 pline("This calls for swimming, not jumping!")
apply.c:1303 You("pull free from %s.", mon_nam(u.ustuck))
apply.c:1308 You("writhe a little in the grasp of %s!", mon_nam(u.ustuck))
apply.c:1311 You("cannot escape from %s!", mon_nam(u.ustuck))
apply.c:1315 You("flail around a little.")
apply.c:1318 You("don't have enough traction to jump.")
apply.c:1321 You("are carrying too much to jump!")
apply.c:1324 You("lack the strength to jump!")
apply.c:1333 pline("%s is in no shape for jumping.", Monnam(u.usteed))
apply.c:1336 Your("%s%s %s in no shape for jumping.", (wl == LEFT_SIDE) ? "left " : (wl == RIGHT_SIDE) ? "right " : "", bp, (wl == BOTH_SIDES) ? "are" : "is")
apply.c:1344 pline("%s is stuck in a trap.", Monnam(u.usteed))
apply.c:1349 pline("Where do you want to jump?")
apply.c:1361 pline("Illegal move!")
apply.c:1364 pline("Too far!")
apply.c:1367 You("cannot see where to land!")
apply.c:1370 You("cannot jump there!")
apply.c:1380 You("rip yourself free of the bear trap! Ouch!")
apply.c:1386 You("leap from the pit!")
apply.c:1389 You("tear the web apart as you pull yourself free!")
apply.c:1393 You("pull yourself above the lava!")
apply.c:1397 You("strain your %s, but you're still stuck in the floor.", makeplural(body_part(LEG)))
apply.c:1455 You("seem to be out of tins.")
apply.c:1460 You("cannot tin %s which is partly eaten.",something)
apply.c:1468 You("tin %s without wearing gloves.", an(mons[corpse->corpsenm].mname))
apply.c:1471 pline("Tinning %s without wearing gloves is a fatal mistake...", an(mons[corpse->corpsenm].mname))
apply.c:1480 verbalize("Yes... But War does not preserve its enemies...")
apply.c:1484 pline("That's too insubstantial to tin.")
apply.c:1501 verbalize(you_buy_it)
apply.c:1505 verbalize(you_buy_it)
apply.c:1535 You("suddenly feel %s.", Hallucination ? "trippy" : "confused")
apply.c:1590 pline(nothing_happens)
apply.c:1655 pline("This makes you feel %s!", (did_prop + did_attr) == (trouble_count + unfixable_trbl) ? "great" : "better")
apply.c:1659 pline("Nothing seems to happen.")
apply.c:1716 You_feel("%s %s from your pack!", something, locomotion(mtmp->data,"drop"))
apply.c:1719 You("see %s %s out of your pack!", monnambuf, locomotion(mtmp->data,"drop"))
apply.c:1726 You("suddenly see a figurine transform into %s!", monnambuf)
apply.c:1747 You("see %s %s out of %s!", monnambuf, locomotion(mtmp->data, "drop"), carriedby)
apply.c:1779 You("don't have enough room in here.")
apply.c:1785 You("cannot put the figurine there.")
apply.c:1791 You("cannot place a figurine in %s!", IS_TREE(levl[x][y].typ) ? "a tree" : "solid rock")
apply.c:1798 You("cannot fit the figurine on the boulder.")
apply.c:1827 You("%s and it transforms.", (u.dx||u.dy) ? "set the figurine beside you" : (Is_airlevel(& || Is_waterlevel(& || is_pool(cc.x, cc.y)) ? "release the figurine" : ( < 0 ? "toss the figurine into the air" : "set the figurine on the ground"))
apply.c:1853 pline("%s from your %s.", Tobjnam(obj, "slip"), makeplural(body_part(FINGER)))
apply.c:1863 pline("%s from your %s.", Tobjnam(obj, "slip"), makeplural(body_part(FINGER)))
apply.c:1872 You(need_to_remove_outer_armor, buf, xname(otmp))
apply.c:1880 You(need_to_remove_outer_armor, buf, xname(otmp))
apply.c:1887 You("cover %s with a thick layer of grease.", yname(otmp))
apply.c:1892 pline("Some of the grease gets all over your %s.", makeplural(body_part(HAND)))
apply.c:1897 You("coat your %s with grease.", makeplural(body_part(FINGER)))
apply.c:1902 pline("%s empty.", Tobjnam(obj, "are"))
apply.c:1904 pline("%s to be empty.", Tobjnam(obj, "seem"))
apply.c:1962 You_cant("rub %s on itself.", the(xname(obj)))
apply.c:1970 pline("You feel something shatter.")
apply.c:1972 pline("Oh, wow, look at the pretty shards.")
apply.c:1974 pline("A sharp crack shatters %s%s.", (obj->quan > 1) ? "one of " : "", the(xname(obj)))
apply.c:1985 pline(scritch)
apply.c:1988 pline("Oh wow, man: Fractals!")
apply.c:2023 pline("%s a little more polished now.", Tobjnam(tstone, "look"))
apply.c:2028 You("must think this is a wetstone, do you?")
apply.c:2030 pline("%s a little wetter now.", Tobjnam(tstone, "are"))
apply.c:2067 pline("You make %s%sscratch marks on the %s.", streak_color ? streak_color : (const char *)"", streak_color ? " " : "", stonebuf)
apply.c:2071 pline("You see %s streaks on the %s.", streak_color, stonebuf)
apply.c:2073 pline(scritch)
apply.c:2111 You_cant("set a trap %s!",what)
apply.c:2118 You("resume setting %s %s.", shk_your(buf, otmp), defsyms[trap_to_defsym(what_trap(ttyp))].explanation)
apply.c:2142 You("aren't very skilled at reaching from %s.", mon_nam(u.usteed))
apply.c:2157 You("drop %s!", the(defsyms[trap_to_defsym(what_trap(ttyp))].explanation))
apply.c:2169 You("begin setting %s %s.", shk_your(buf, otmp), defsyms[trap_to_defsym(what_trap(ttyp))].explanation)
apply.c:2207 You("finish arming %s.", the(defsyms[trap_to_defsym(what_trap(ttyp))].explanation))
apply.c:2215 Your("trap setting attempt fails.")
apply.c:2255 There("is not enough room to flick your bullwhip.")
apply.c:2258 There("is too much resistance to flick your bullwhip.")
apply.c:2261 You("flick a bug off of the %s.",ceiling(u.ux,
apply.c:2270 You("whip %s!", mon_nam(u.usteed))
apply.c:2284 pline("Why beat a dead horse?")
apply.c:2288 You("wrap your bullwhip around %s on the %s.", an(singular(otmp, xname)), surface(u.ux,
apply.c:2291 pline(msg_slipsfree)
apply.c:2297 You("hit your %s with your bullwhip.", body_part(FOOT))
apply.c:2304 pline_The("bullwhip slips out of your %s.", body_part(HAND))
apply.c:2333 pline(msg_snap)
apply.c:2346 You("wrap your bullwhip around %s.", wrapped_what)
apply.c:2349 You("yank yourself out of the pit!")
apply.c:2355 pline(msg_slipsfree)
apply.c:2358 pline(msg_snap)
apply.c:2363 pline("A monster is there that you couldn't see.")
apply.c:2381 You("wrap your bullwhip around %s %s.", s_suffix(mon_nam(mtmp)), onambuf)
apply.c:2384 pline("%s welded to %s %s%c", (otmp->quan == 1L) ? "It is" : "They are", mhis(mtmp), mon_hand, !otmp->bknown ? '!' : '.')
apply.c:2401 You("yank %s %s to the %s!", s_suffix(mon_nam(mtmp)), onambuf, surface(u.ux,
apply.c:2421 pline_The("%s hits you as you try to snatch it!", the(onambuf))
apply.c:2432 You("snatch %s %s!", s_suffix(mon_nam(mtmp)), onambuf)
apply.c:2442 pline("Snatching %s is a fatal mistake.", kbuf)
apply.c:2451 You("yank %s from %s %s!", the(onambuf), s_suffix(mon_nam(mtmp)), mon_hand)
apply.c:2459 pline(msg_slipsfree)
apply.c:2466 You("flick your bullwhip towards %s.", mon_nam(mtmp))
apply.c:2469 pline(msg_snap)
apply.c:2476 You("snap your whip through thin air.")
apply.c:2479 pline(msg_snap)
apply.c:2506 pline(not_enough_room)
apply.c:2518 pline(where_to_hit)
apply.c:2532 pline("Too far!")
apply.c:2535 pline("Too close!")
apply.c:2540 You(cant_see_spot)
apply.c:2544 You(cant_reach)
apply.c:2566 pline(nothing_happens)
apply.c:2583 You("give yourself a facial.")
apply.c:2585 pline("You immerse your %s in %s%s.", body_part(FACE), several ? "one of " : "", several ? makeplural(the(xname(obj))) : the(xname(obj)))
apply.c:2593 pline("There's %ssticky goop all over your %s.", wascreamed ? "more " : "", body_part(FACE))
apply.c:2598 You_cant("see through all the sticky goop on your %s.", body_part(FACE))
apply.c:2602 verbalize("You used it, you bought it!")
apply.c:2622 pline(not_enough_room)
apply.c:2634 pline(where_to_hit)
apply.c:2648 pline("Too far!")
apply.c:2651 You(cant_see_spot)
apply.c:2655 You(cant_reach)
apply.c:2704 You("snag an object from the %s!", surface(cc.x, cc.y))
apply.c:2717 You("pull in %s!", mon_nam(mtmp))
apply.c:2731 pline_The("hook slices through the %s.", surface(cc.x, cc.y))
apply.c:2733 You("are yanked toward the %s!", surface(cc.x, cc.y))
apply.c:2741 You("hook yourself!")
apply.c:2747 pline(nothing_happens)
apply.c:2776 You_cant("break %s without hands!", the_wand)
apply.c:2779 You("don't have the strength to break %s!", the_wand)
apply.c:2782 pline("Raising %s high above your %s, you break it in two!", the_wand, body_part(HEAD))
apply.c:2803 pline(nothing_else_happens)
apply.c:2819 pline(nothing_else_happens)
apply.c:2840 pline("A wall of force smashes down around you!")
apply.c:2990 You("are already %s.", ublindf->otyp == TOWEL ? "covered by a towel" : ublindf->otyp == BLINDFOLD ? "wearing a blindfold" : "wearing lenses")
apply.c:3061 pline("%s %s %s.", Shk_Your(buf, obj), aobjnam(obj, "glow"), hcolor("brown"))
apply.c:3061 Your(buf, obj), aobjnam(obj, "glow"), hcolor("brown"))
apply.c:3112 You("have no tin to open.")
apply.c:3115 You("cannot open a tin without eating or discarding its contents.")
apply.c:3117 pline("In order to eat, use the 'e' command.")
apply.c:3119 pline("Opening the tin will be much easier if you wield the tin opener.")
apply.c:3159 pline("%s spills out.", what)
apply.c:3175 pline(nothing_happens)
apply.c:3197 pline("Sorry, I don't know how to use that.")
mkroom.c:148 pline("rooms not closed by -1?")
files.c:799 pline("couldn't rename %s to %s.", tempname, fq_bones)
files.c:1270 pline("Fork to %scompress %s failed.", uncomp ? "un" : "", filename)
polyself.c:69 You(fmt, arg)
polyself.c:225 Your("new form doesn't seem healthy enough to survive.")
polyself.c:239 Your("body transforms, but there is still slime on you.")
polyself.c:264 You(shudder_for_moment)
polyself.c:278 pline("I've never heard of such monsters.")
polyself.c:284 You("cannot polymorph into that.")
polyself.c:287 pline(thats_enough_tries)
polyself.c:302 You("merge with your scaly armor.")
polyself.c:381 You_feel("rather %s-ish.",mons[mntmp].mname)
polyself.c:424 You("%s %s%s!", (u.umonnum != mntmp) ? "turn into a" : "feel like a new", (is_male(&mons[mntmp]) || is_female(&mons[mntmp])) ? "" : flags.female ? "female " : "male ", mons[mntmp].mname)
polyself.c:431 You("turn into %s!", an(mons[mntmp].mname))
polyself.c:433 You_feel("like a new %s!", mons[mntmp].mname)
polyself.c:438 You("turn to stone!")
polyself.c:458 You("no longer seem to be petrifying.")
polyself.c:462 You("no longer feel sick.")
polyself.c:466 pline_The("slime burns away!")
polyself.c:545 pline("No longer petrifying-resistant, you touch %s.", mon_nam(u.usteed))
polyself.c:558 pline(use_thec,monsterc,"use your breath weapon")
polyself.c:560 pline(use_thec,monsterc,"spit venom")
polyself.c:562 pline(use_thec,monsterc,"remove an iron ball")
polyself.c:564 pline(use_thec,monsterc,"gaze at monsters")
polyself.c:566 pline(use_thec,monsterc,"hide")
polyself.c:568 pline(use_thec,monsterc,"summon help")
polyself.c:570 pline(use_thec,monsterc,"spin a web")
polyself.c:572 pline(use_thec,monsterc,"multiply in a fountain")
polyself.c:574 pline(use_thec,monsterc,"use your horn")
polyself.c:576 pline(use_thec,monsterc,"emit a mental blast")
polyself.c:579 pline(use_thec,monsterc,"shriek")
polyself.c:581 pline(use_thec,"sit","lay an egg")
polyself.c:598 pline_The("rock seems to no longer trap you.")
polyself.c:601 pline_The("lava now feels soothing.")
polyself.c:605 You("slip out of the iron chain.")
polyself.c:612 You("are no longer stuck in the %s.", u.utraptype == TT_WEB ? "web" : "bear trap")
polyself.c:619 You("orient yourself on the web.")
polyself.c:639 You("break out of your armor!")
polyself.c:646 Your("%s falls off!", cloak_simple_name(otmp))
polyself.c:650 Your("%s tears apart!", cloak_simple_name(otmp))
polyself.c:657 Your("shirt rips to shreds!")
polyself.c:664 Your("armor falls around you!")
polyself.c:670 Your("%s falls, unsupported!", cloak_simple_name(otmp))
polyself.c:671 You("shrink out of your %s!", cloak_simple_name(otmp))
polyself.c:678 You("seep right through your shirt!")
polyself.c:679 You("become much too small for your shirt!")
polyself.c:693 Your("%s %s through %s %s.", hornbuf, vtense(hornbuf, "pierce"), shk_your(yourbuf, otmp), xname(otmp))
polyself.c:697 Your("helmet falls to the %s!", surface(u.ux,
polyself.c:708 You("drop your gloves%s!", uwep ? " and weapon" : "")
polyself.c:714 You("can no longer hold your shield!")
polyself.c:720 Your("helmet falls to the %s!", surface(u.ux,
polyself.c:730 Your("boots fall away!")
polyself.c:731 Your("boots %s off your feet!", verysmall( ? "slide" : "are pushed")
polyself.c:755 You("find you must drop your weapon%s!", u.twoweap ? "s" : "")
polyself.c:810 You_cant("breathe. Sorry.")
polyself.c:814 You("don't have enough energy to breathe!")
polyself.c:850 You("are not chained to anything!")
polyself.c:864 You("must be on the ground to spin a web.")
polyself.c:868 You("release web fluid inside %s.", mon_nam(u.ustuck))
polyself.c:897 pline_The("web %sis swept away!", sweep)
polyself.c:902 pline_The("web dissolves into %s.", mon_nam(u.ustuck))
polyself.c:906 You("cannot spin webs while stuck in a trap.")
polyself.c:912 You("spin a web, covering up the pit.")
polyself.c:917 pline_The("squeaky board is muffled.")
polyself.c:924 Your("webbing vanishes!")
polyself.c:926 You("make the web thicker.")
polyself.c:930 You("web over the %s.", (ttmp->ttyp == TRAPDOOR) ? "trap door" : "hole")
polyself.c:936 You("spin a web, jamming the trigger.")
polyself.c:951 You("have triggered a trap!")
polyself.c:961 Your("web fails to impede access to the %s.", (levl[u.ux][].typ == STAIRS) ? "stairs" : "ladder")
polyself.c:980 You("lack the energy to send forth a call for help!")
polyself.c:986 You("call upon your brethren for help!")
polyself.c:989 pline("But none arrive.")
polyself.c:1015 You_cant("see anything to gaze at.")
polyself.c:1019 You("lack the energy to use your special gaze!")
polyself.c:1030 pline("%s seems not to notice your gaze.", Monnam(mtmp))
polyself.c:1032 You_cant("see where to gaze at %s.", Monnam(mtmp))
polyself.c:1039 You("avoid gazing at %s.", y_monnam(mtmp))
polyself.c:1060 Your("gaze confuses %s!", mon_nam(mtmp))
polyself.c:1062 pline("%s is getting more and more confused.", Monnam(mtmp))
polyself.c:1067 You("attack %s with a fiery gaze!", mon_nam(mtmp))
polyself.c:1069 pline_The("fire doesn't burn %s!", mon_nam(mtmp))
polyself.c:1088 You("are frozen by %s gaze!", s_suffix(mon_nam(mtmp)))
polyself.c:1096 You("stiffen momentarily under %s gaze.", s_suffix(mon_nam(mtmp)))
polyself.c:1107 pline( "Gazing at the awake %s is not a very good idea.", l_monnam(mtmp))
polyself.c:1112 You("turn to stone...")
polyself.c:1120 You("gaze at no place in particular.")
polyself.c:1130 You("are already hiding.")
polyself.c:1150 You("concentrate but lack the energy to maintain doing so.")
polyself.c:1156 You("concentrate.")
polyself.c:1157 pline("A wave of psychic energy pours out.")
polyself.c:1170 You("lock in on %s %s.", s_suffix(mon_nam(mtmp)), u_sen ? "telepathy" : telepathic(mtmp->data) ? "latent telepathy" : "mind")
polyself.c:1185 pline("%s is no longer in your clutches.", Monnam(u.ustuck))
polyself.c:1194 Your("skin returns to its original form.")
polyself.c:1376 pline("Strangely, you feel better than before.")
rect.c:150 pline("MAXRECT may be too small.")
engrave.c:331 pline("%s is written here in the %s.", Something, is_ice(x,y) ? "frost" : "dust")
engrave.c:339 pline("%s is engraved here on the %s.", Something, surface(x,y))
engrave.c:347 pline("Some text has been %s into the %s here.", is_ice(x,y) ? "melted" : "burned", surface(x,y))
engrave.c:355 pline("There's some graffiti on the %s here.", surface(x,y))
engrave.c:367 You("see a message scrawled in blood here.")
engrave.c:384 You("%s: \"%s\".", (Blind) ? "feel the words" : "read", et)
engrave.c:546 pline("What would you write? \"Jonah was here\"?")
engrave.c:549 You_cant("reach the %s.", surface(u.ux,
engrave.c:554 You_cant("write on the lava!")
engrave.c:557 You_cant("write on the water!")
engrave.c:562 You_cant("write in thin air!")
engrave.c:566 You_cant("even hold anything!")
engrave.c:588 You("have no free %s to write with!", body_part(HAND))
engrave.c:593 You("tickle %s with your %s.", mon_nam(u.ustuck), writer)
engrave.c:594 Your("message dissolves...")
engrave.c:598 You_cant("reach the %s!", surface(u.ux,
engrave.c:602 You("make a motion towards the altar with your %s.", writer)
engrave.c:609 You("would only make a small smudge on the %s.", surface(u.ux,
engrave.c:613 You("disturb the undead!")
engrave.c:655 You_cant("engrave with such a large object!")
engrave.c:664 Your("%s would get %s.", xname(otmp), is_ice(u.ux, ? "all frosty" : "too dirty")
engrave.c:777 pline_The("engraving on the %s vanishes!", surface(u.ux,
engrave.c:785 pline_The("engraving on the %s vanishes!", surface(u.ux,
engrave.c:798 pline("This %s is a wand of digging!", xname(otmp))
engrave.c:820 pline("This %s is a wand of fire!", xname(otmp))
engrave.c:832 pline("This %s is a wand of lightning!", xname(otmp))
engrave.c:852 You_cant("reach the %s!", surface(u.ux,
engrave.c:862 Your("%s too dull for engraving.", aobjnam(otmp,"are"))
engrave.c:868 pline( "That is a bit difficult to engrave with, don't you think?")
engrave.c:875 Your("marker has dried out.")
engrave.c:888 You("wipe out the message here.")
engrave.c:890 Your("%s %s %s.", xname(otmp), otense(otmp, "get"), is_ice(u.ux, ? "frosty" : "dusty")
engrave.c:896 Your("%s can't wipe out this engraving.", xname(otmp))
engrave.c:899 Your("%s %s %s.", xname(otmp), otense(otmp, "get"), is_ice(u.ux, ? "frosty" : "dusty")
engrave.c:910 pline("Writing a poison pen letter??")
engrave.c:956 pline_The("engraving now reads: \"%s\".", buf)
engrave.c:961 pline("%s %sturns to dust.", The(xname(otmp)), Blind ? "" : "glows violently, then ")
engrave.c:964 You("are not going to get anywhere trying to write in the %s with your dust.", is_ice(u.ux, ? "frost" : "dust")
engrave.c:973 You_cant("reach the %s!", surface(u.ux,
engrave.c:997 pline(Never_mind)
engrave.c:1007 You("wipe out the message that was %s here.", ((oep->engr_type == DUST) ? "written in the dust" : ((oep->engr_type == ENGR_BLOOD) ? "scrawled in blood" : "written")))
engrave.c:1019 You( "cannot wipe out the message that is %s the %s here.", oep->engr_type == BURN ? (is_ice(u.ux, ? "melted into" : "burned into") : "engraved in", surface(u.ux,
engrave.c:1028 You("will overwrite the current message.")
engrave.c:1072 You("%s the %s with %s.", everb, eloc, doname(otmp))
engrave.c:1074 You("%s the %s with your %s.", everb, eloc, makeplural(body_part(FINGER)))
engrave.c:1090 pline("%s, then %s.", Tobjnam(otmp, "glow"), otense(otmp, "fade"))
engrave.c:1094 pline(Never_mind)
engrave.c:1151 Your("%s dull.", aobjnam(otmp, "get"))
engrave.c:1155 You("damage it, you pay for it!")
engrave.c:1186 Your("marker dries out.")
engrave.c:1210 You("only are able to write \"%s\"", ebuf)
engrave.c:1222 pline(post_engr_text)
engrave.c:1225 You("are blinded by the flash!")
engrave.c:1227 Your(vision_clears)
wizard.c:81 pline("%s hot!", Tobjnam(amu, "feel"))
wizard.c:83 pline("%s very warm.", Tobjnam(amu, "feel"))
wizard.c:85 pline("%s warm.", Tobjnam(amu, "feel"))
wizard.c:101 You( "get the creepy feeling that somebody noticed your taking the Amulet." )
wizard.c:390 pline("%s picks up %s.", Monnam(mtmp), (distu(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) <= 5) ? doname(otmp) : distant_name(otmp, doname))
wizard.c:570 pline("A voice booms out...")
wizard.c:571 verbalize("So thou thought thou couldst %s me, fool.", verb)
wizard.c:588 You_feel("vaguely nervous.")
wizard.c:591 You("notice a %s glow surrounding you.", hcolor(NH_BLACK))
wizard.c:669 pline("%s laughs fiendishly.", Monnam(mtmp))
wizard.c:672 verbalize("Relinquish the amulet, %s!", random_insult[rn2(SIZE(random_insult))])
wizard.c:676 verbalize(rn2(2) ? "Even now thy life force ebbs, %s!" : "Savor thy breath, %s, it be thy last!", random_insult[rn2(SIZE(random_insult))])
wizard.c:682 verbalize(rn2(2) ? "I shall return." : "I'll be back.")
wizard.c:686 verbalize("%s %s!", random_malediction[rn2(SIZE(random_malediction))], random_insult[rn2(SIZE(random_insult))])
wizard.c:694 pline("%s casts aspersions on your ancestry.", Monnam(mtmp))
questpgr.c:390 pline(qt_msg) struct qtmsg *qt_msg
questpgr.c:398 pline(out_line)
questpgr.c:432 pline(qt_msg)
questpgr.c:451 pline(qt_msg)
invent.c:445 pline(drop_fmt, drop_arg)
invent.c:457 pline(drop_fmt, drop_arg)
invent.c:477 pline(drop_fmt, drop_arg)
invent.c:1041 You("don't have anything %sto %s.", foox ? "else " : "", word)
invent.c:1072 pline("No count allowed with this command.")
invent.c:1077 pline(Never_mind)
invent.c:1088 You("cannot rub gold%s.", word + 3)
invent.c:1090 You("cannot %s gold.", word)
invent.c:1095 You("are not carrying any gold.")
invent.c:1108 pline_The("LRS would be very interested to know you have that much.")
invent.c:1134 pline(Never_mind)
invent.c:1151 You("can only throw one item at a time.")
invent.c:1165 You("don't have that object.")
invent.c:1171 You("don't have that many! You have only %ld.", otmp->quan)
invent.c:1237 pline("Use the '%s' command to %s %s%s.", s1, s2, what, s3)
invent.c:1239 pline(silly_thing_to, word)
invent.c:1325 You("have nothing to %s.", word)
invent.c:1397 pline("Not applicable.")
invent.c:1400 You("are not wearing any armor.")
invent.c:1404 You("are not wielding anything.")
invent.c:1407 You("are not wearing rings.")
invent.c:1410 You("are not wearing an amulet.")
invent.c:1413 You("are not wearing a blindfold.")
invent.c:1423 You("have no gold.")
invent.c:1451 You("don't have any %c's.", sym)
invent.c:1592 pline("That was all.")
invent.c:1593 pline("No applicable objects.")
invent.c:1654 pline("That was all.")
invent.c:1678 You("have already identified all of your possessions.")
invent.c:1740 pline("%s%s%s", prefix, *prefix ? " " : "", xprname(obj, (char *)0, obj_to_let(obj), TRUE, 0L, quan))
invent.c:1902 pline("Not carrying anything%s.", u.ugold ? " except gold" : "")
invent.c:1904 pline("Not carrying anything.")
invent.c:2078 pline("%s", xprname(otmp, distant_name(otmp, doname), marker ? otmp->invlet : CONTAINED_SYM, TRUE, unpaid_cost(otmp), 0L))
invent.c:2181 You("aren't carrying anything.")
invent.c:2253 pline("No used-up objects on your shopping bill.")
invent.c:2260 You("are not carrying any unpaid objects.")
invent.c:2269 You("have no such objects.")
invent.c:2388 You("%s to %s what is lying in %s.", Blind ? "try" : "look around", verb, &fbuf[12])
invent.c:2401 You("%s no objects here.", verb)
invent.c:2406 There("is %s here.", an(defsyms[trap_to_defsym(trap->ttyp)].explanation))
invent.c:2419 You("try to feel what is here.")
invent.c:2421 You("try to feel what is %s%s.", drift ? "floating here" : "lying here on the ", drift ? "" : surface(u.ux,
invent.c:2429 pline("But you can't reach it!")
invent.c:2438 pline(fbuf)
invent.c:2442 You("%s no objects here.", verb)
invent.c:2449 pline(fbuf)
invent.c:2452 There("are %s%s objects here.", (obj_cnt <= 10) ? "several" : "many", picked_some ? " more" : "")
invent.c:2458 pline(fbuf)
invent.c:2464 You("%s here %s.", verb, doname(otmp))
invent.c:2523 You("touched the %s corpse with your bare %s.", mons[otmp->corpsenm].mname, makeplural(body_part(HAND)))
invent.c:2526 pline("Touching the %s corpse is a fatal mistake...", mons[otmp->corpsenm].mname)
invent.c:2643 Your("wallet is empty.")
invent.c:2645 Your("wallet contains %ld gold piece%s.", u.ugold, plur(u.ugold))
invent.c:2649 Your("wallet is empty.")
invent.c:2651 Your("wallet contains %ld %s.", umoney, currency(umoney))
invent.c:2665 You("are empty %s.", body_part(HANDED))
invent.c:2677 You("are not wearing any armor.")
invent.c:2705 You("are not wearing any rings.")
invent.c:2722 You("are not wearing an amulet.")
invent.c:2753 You("are not using any tools.")
invent.c:2772 You("are not wearing or wielding anything.")
invent.c:2943 pline(Never_mind)
invent.c:2947 pline("Select an inventory slot letter.")
ball.c:24 pline("Startled, you drop the iron ball.")
ball.c:36 pline_The("iron ball falls on your %s.", body_part(HEAD))
ball.c:40 pline("Fortunately, you are wearing a hard helmet.")
ball.c:43 Your("%s does not protect you.", xname(uarmh))
ball.c:619 You("cannot %sdrag the heavy iron ball.", invent ? "carry all that and also " : "")
ball.c:638 You_feel("a tug from the iron ball.")
ball.c:643 You("are jerked back by the iron ball!")
ball.c:726 pline(pullmsg, "pit")
ball.c:729 pline(pullmsg, "web")
ball.c:730 pline_The("web is destroyed!")
ball.c:734 pline(pullmsg, "lava")
ball.c:738 pline(pullmsg, "bear trap")
ball.c:744 Your("%s %s is severely damaged.", (side == LEFT_SIDE) ? "left" : "right", body_part(LEG))
ball.c:811 Your("%s you down the stairs.", aobjnam(otmp, "follow"))
ball.c:839 You("lose your grip on the iron ball.")
ball.c:843 pline_The("iron ball drags you downstairs!")
ball.c:850 pline_The("iron ball smacks into you!")
ball.c:856 pline_The("iron ball drags you downstairs!")
u_init.c:910 pline(otyp) int otyp
u_init.c:1016 pline(otyp))) ) { dealloc_obj(obj)
region.c:488 pline(regions[i]->leave_msg)
region.c:500 pline(regions[i]->enter_msg)
region.c:884 You("bump into %s. Ouch!", Hallucination ? "an invisible tree" : "some kind of invisible wall")
region.c:888 pline("Ouch!")
region.c:892 pline("%s bumps into %s!", Monnam(mtmp), something)
region.c:991 pline("%s is burning your %s!", Something, makeplural(body_part(LUNG)))
region.c:992 You("cough and spit blood!")
region.c:996 You("cough!")
region.c:1007 pline("%s coughs!", Monnam(mtmp))
makemon.c:115 pline("init group call x=%d,y=%d,n=%d,cnt=%d.", x, y, n, cnt)
makemon.c:124 pline("cnt=%d using %d, cnttmp=%d, cntdiv=%d", cnt, (u.ulevel < 3) ? 4 : (u.ulevel < 5) ? 2 : 1, cnttmp, cntdiv)
makemon.c:854 pline("Automatically extinguished %s.", makeplural(mons[mndx].mname))
makemon.c:931 pline("Explicitly creating extinct monster %s.", mons[mndx].mname)
makemon.c:1605 pline("As %s grows up into %s, %s %s!", mon_nam(mtmp), an(ptr->mname), mhe(mtmp), nonliving(ptr) ? "expires" : "dies")
makemon.c:1967 pline(nothing_happens)
priest.c:110 pline("%s picks up %s.", Monnam(mtmp), distant_name(ib,doname))
priest.c:180 Your("displaced image doesn't fool %s!", mon_nam(priest))
priest.c:374 pline("%s intones:", canseemon(priest) ? Monnam(priest) : "A nearby voice")
priest.c:393 verbalize(msg1)
priest.c:394 verbalize(msg2)
priest.c:401 You("have a%s forbidding feeling...", (!shrined) ? "" : " strange")
priest.c:403 You("experience a strange sense of peace.")
priest.c:407 You("have an eerie feeling...")
priest.c:408 You_feel("like you are being watched.")
priest.c:409 pline("A shiver runs down your %s.", body_part(SPINE))
priest.c:418 pline("An enormous ghost appears next to you!")
priest.c:419 You("sense a presence close by!")
priest.c:423 You("are frightened to death, and unable to move.")
priest.c:443 pline("%s doesn't want anything to do with you!", Monnam(priest))
priest.c:460 pline("%s breaks out of %s reverie!", Monnam(priest), mhis(priest))
priest.c:466 verbalize(cranky_msg[rn2(3)])
priest.c:474 verbalize("Begone! Thou desecratest this holy place with thy presence.")
priest.c:484 pline("%s gives you %s for an ale.", Monnam(priest), (priest->mgold == 1L) ? "one bit" : "two bits")
priest.c:499 pline("%s gives you %s for an ale.", Monnam(priest), (pmoney == 1L) ? "one bit" : "two bits")
priest.c:504 pline("%s preaches the virtues of poverty.", Monnam(priest))
priest.c:507 pline("%s is not interested.", Monnam(priest))
priest.c:512 pline("%s asks you for a contribution for the temple.", Monnam(priest))
priest.c:515 verbalize("Thou shalt regret thine action!")
priest.c:519 verbalize("Cheapskate.")
priest.c:521 verbalize("Cheapskate.")
priest.c:524 verbalize("I thank thee for thy contribution.")
priest.c:530 verbalize("Thou art indeed a pious individual.")
priest.c:538 verbalize("I bestow upon thee a blessing.")
priest.c:544 verbalize("Thy devotion has been rewarded.")
priest.c:550 verbalize("Thy selfless generosity is deeply appreciated.")
priest.c:691 pline("%s roars in anger: \"Thou shalt suffer!\"", a_gname_at(ax, ay))
priest.c:695 pline("%s voice booms: \"How darest thou harm my servant!\"", s_suffix(a_gname_at(ax, ay)))
priest.c:699 pline("%s roars: \"Thou dost profane my shrine!\"", a_gname_at(ax, ay))
mthrowu.c:75 pline("It misses.")
mthrowu.c:76 You("are almost hit by %s.", onm)
mthrowu.c:79 You("are hit!")
mthrowu.c:80 You("are hit by %s%s", onm, exclam(dam))
mthrowu.c:85 pline_The("silver sears your flesh!")
mthrowu.c:89 pline("It doesn't seem to hurt you.")
mthrowu.c:91 pline("It burns!")
mthrowu.c:180 pline("It is missed.")
mthrowu.c:200 pline("%s is hit%s", Monnam(mtmp), exclam(damage))
mthrowu.c:204 pline_The("poison doesn't seem to affect %s.", mon_nam(mtmp))
mthrowu.c:210 pline_The("poison was deadly...")
mthrowu.c:217 pline_The("silver sears %s flesh!", s_suffix(mon_nam(mtmp)))
mthrowu.c:219 pline("Its flesh is seared!")
mthrowu.c:224 pline("%s is unaffected.", Monnam(mtmp))
mthrowu.c:227 pline_The("acid burns %s!", mon_nam(mtmp))
mthrowu.c:228 pline("It is burned!")
mthrowu.c:234 pline("%s is %s!", Monnam(mtmp), (nonliving(mtmp->data) || !canspotmon(mtmp)) ? "destroyed" : "killed")
mthrowu.c:249 pline("%s is blinded by %s.", Monnam(mtmp), the(xname(otmp)))
mthrowu.c:317 pline("%s misfires!", Monnam(mon))
mthrowu.c:319 pline("%s as %s throws it!", Tobjnam(singleobj, "slip"), mon_nam(mon))
mthrowu.c:367 You("catch the %s.", xname(singleobj))
mthrowu.c:368 You("are not interested in %s junk.", s_suffix(mon_nam(mon)))
mthrowu.c:373 You("accept %s gift in the spirit in which it was intended.", s_suffix(mon_nam(mon)))
mthrowu.c:432 pline("Yecch! You've been creamed.")
mthrowu.c:433 pline("There's %s sticky all over your %s.", something, body_part(FACE))
mthrowu.c:440 pline_The("venom blinds you.")
mthrowu.c:441 Your("%s sting%s.", (num_eyes == 1) ? body_part(EYE) : makeplural(body_part(EYE)), (num_eyes == 1) ? "s" : "")
mthrowu.c:496 Your(vision_clears)
mthrowu.c:565 pline("%s thrusts %s.", Monnam(mtmp), obj_is_pname(otmp) ? the(onm) : an(onm))
mthrowu.c:654 pline("%s %s %s!", Monnam(mtmp), m_shot.s ? "shoots" : "throws", onm)
mthrowu.c:688 pline("A dry rattle comes from %s throat.", s_suffix(mon_nam(mtmp)))
mthrowu.c:708 pline("%s spits venom!", Monnam(mtmp))
mthrowu.c:737 pline("%s coughs.", Monnam(mtmp))
mthrowu.c:739 You_hear("a cough.")
mthrowu.c:748 pline("%s breathes %s!", Monnam(mtmp), breathwep[typ-1])
mthrowu.c:891 pline("Whang!")
mthrowu.c:895 pline("Clink!")
mthrowu.c:897 pline("Clonk!")
detect.c:255 You("notice some gold between your %s.", makeplural(body_part(FOOT)))
detect.c:308 You_feel("very greedy, and sense gold!")
detect.c:355 You("sense a lack of %s nearby.", what)
detect.c:357 Your("%s starts to tingle.", body_part(NOSE))
detect.c:378 You("%s %s nearby.", sobj ? "smell" : "sense", what)
detect.c:380 pline("Your %s starts to tingle.", body_part(NOSE))
detect.c:410 Your("%s %s to tingle and you smell %s.", body_part(NOSE), u.uedibility ? "continues" : "starts", what)
detect.c:414 Your("%s tingles and you smell %s.", body_part(NOSE), what)
detect.c:416 You("sense %s.", what)
detect.c:518 You("sense %s nearby.", stuff)
detect.c:607 You("detect the %s of %s.", ct ? "presence" : "absence", stuff)
detect.c:685 You("sense the presence of monsters.")
detect.c:687 pline("Monsters sense the presence of you.")
detect.c:780 Your("%s itch.", makeplural(body_part(TOE)))
detect.c:800 You_feel("%s.", sobj && sobj->cursed ? "very greedy" : "entrapped")
detect.c:859 pline("Too bad you can't see %s.", the(xname(obj)))
detect.c:865 pline("%s too much to comprehend!", Tobjnam(obj, "are"))
detect.c:867 pline("%s you!", Tobjnam(obj, "confuse"))
detect.c:871 pline("%s your vision!", Tobjnam(obj, "damage"))
detect.c:873 Your(vision_clears)
detect.c:875 pline("%s your vision.", Tobjnam(obj, "assault"))
detect.c:876 You("are unaffected!")
detect.c:879 pline("%s your mind!", Tobjnam(obj, "zap"))
detect.c:882 pline("%s!", Tobjnam(obj, "explode"))
detect.c:895 pline("All you see is funky %s haze.", hcolor((char *)0))
detect.c:898 You("grok some groovy globs of incandescent lava.")
detect.c:900 pline("Whoa! Psychedelic colors, %s!", poly_gender() == 1 ? "babe" : "dude")
detect.c:903 pline_The("crystal pulses with sinister %s light!", hcolor((char *)0))
detect.c:906 You("see goldfish swimming above fluorescent rocks.")
detect.c:908 You("see tiny snowflakes spinning around a miniature farmhouse.")
detect.c:910 pline("Oh wow... like a kaleidoscope!")
detect.c:920 You("may look for an object or monster symbol.")
detect.c:925 pline(Never_mind)
detect.c:928 You("peer into %s...", the(xname(obj)))
detect.c:932 pline_The("vision is unclear.")
detect.c:959 You("see %s, %s.", level_detects[i].what, level_distance(level_detects[i].where))
detect.c:970 You("see the Wizard of Yendor gazing out at you.")
detect.c:971 pline_The("vision is unclear.")
detect.c:1153 Norep("You %s an explosion!", cansee(zx, zy) ? "see" : (flags.soundok ? "hear" : "feel the shock of"))
detect.c:1202 pline("Its mouth opens!")
detect.c:1203 pline("%s opens its mouth!", Monnam(u.ustuck))
detect.c:1236 You("find %s.", an(defsyms[trap_to_defsym(tt)].explanation))
detect.c:1265 pline("What are you looking for? The exit?")
detect.c:1317 You_feel("an unseen monster!")
detect.c:1321 You("find %s.", a_monnam(mtmp))
sounds.c:61 You_hear(fountain_msg[rn2(3)+hallu])
sounds.c:70 You_hear(sink_msg[rn2(2)+hallu])
sounds.c:90 You_hear(throne_msg[which])
sounds.c:91 pline(throne_msg[2], uhis())
sounds.c:103 You(swamp_msg[rn2(2)+hallu])
sounds.c:135 You_hear(!hallu ? "someone counting money." : "the quarterback calling the play.")
sounds.c:138 You_hear("someone searching.")
sounds.c:145 You_hear("the footsteps of a guard on patrol.")
sounds.c:148 You_hear("Ebenezer Scrooge!")
sounds.c:160 You_hear("a low buzzing.")
sounds.c:163 You_hear("an angry drone.")
sounds.c:166 You_hear("bees in your %sbonnet!", uarmh ? "" : "(nonexistent) ")
sounds.c:181 You("suddenly realize it is unnaturally quiet.")
sounds.c:184 pline_The("%s on the back of your %s stands up.", body_part(HAIR), body_part(NECK))
sounds.c:188 pline_The("%s on your %s seems to stand up.", body_part(HAIR), body_part(HEAD))
sounds.c:217 You_hear(barracks_msg[rn2(3)+hallu])
sounds.c:232 You_hear(zoo_msg[rn2(2)+hallu])
sounds.c:251 You_hear(shop_msg[rn2(2)+hallu])
sounds.c:275 You_hear(ora_msg[rn2(3)+hallu*2])
sounds.c:350 pline("%s %s!", Monnam(mtmp), vtense((char *)0, growl_verb))
sounds.c:393 pline("%s %s!", Monnam(mtmp), vtense((char *)0, yelp_verb))
sounds.c:427 pline("%s %s.", Monnam(mtmp), vtense((char *)0, whimper_verb))
sounds.c:450 verbalize("I'm hungry.")
sounds.c:577 pline("%s throws back %s head and lets out a blood curdling %s!", Monnam(mtmp), mhis(mtmp), ptr == &mons[PM_HUMAN_WERERAT] ? "shriek" : "howl")
sounds.c:670 pline("%s rattles noisily.", Monnam(mtmp))
sounds.c:671 You("freeze for a moment.")
sounds.c:699 pline("%s boasts about %s gem collection.", Monnam(mtmp), mhis(mtmp))
sounds.c:794 verbalize("Just the facts, %s.", flags.female ? "Ma'am" : "Sir")
sounds.c:867 pline("%s %s", Monnam(mtmp), pline_msg)
sounds.c:868 verbalize(verbl_msg)
sounds.c:893 pline("As %s, you cannot speak.", an(>mname))
sounds.c:897 You_cant("speak. You're choking!")
sounds.c:901 pline("They won't hear you out there.")
sounds.c:905 Your("speech is unintelligible underwater.")
sounds.c:933 pline("They won't hear you %s there.", < 0 ? "up" : "down")
sounds.c:948 pline("Talking to yourself is a bad habit for a dungeoneer.")
sounds.c:967 pline("%s seems not to notice you.", Monnam(mtmp))
sounds.c:978 pline("%s is eating noisily.", Monnam(mtmp))
shk.c:160 You("have no room for the money!")
shk.c:370 pline("An alarm sounds!")
shk.c:379 pline("But no one seems to respond to it.")
shk.c:392 pline_The("Keystone Kops appear!")
shk.c:399 pline_The("Keystone Kops are after you!")
shk.c:466 verbalize(NOTANGRY(shkp) ? "%s! Please pay before leaving." : "%s! Don't you leave without paying!", plname)
shk.c:526 Your("credit of %ld %s is used to cover your shopping bill.", eshkp->credit, currency(eshkp->credit))
shk.c:531 You("escaped the shop without paying!")
shk.c:540 You("stole %ld %s worth of merchandise.", total, currency(total))
shk.c:568 pline(no_shk)
shk.c:581 pline(no_shk)
shk.c:604 pline("%s senses your presence.", shkname(shkp))
shk.c:605 verbalize("Invisible customers are not welcome!")
shk.c:612 verbalize("So, %s, you dare return to %s %s?!", plname, s_suffix(shkname(shkp)), shtypes[rt - SHOPBASE].name)
shk.c:617 pline("%s mutters imprecations against shoplifters.", shkname(shkp))
shk.c:619 verbalize("%s, %s! Welcome%s to %s %s!", Hello(shkp), plname, eshkp->visitct++ ? " again" : "", s_suffix(shkname(shkp)), shtypes[rt - SHOPBASE].name)
shk.c:657 verbalize(NOTANGRY(shkp) ? "Will you please leave your %s%s outside?" : "Leave the %s%s outside.", tool, plur(cnt))
shk.c:664 verbalize(NOTANGRY(shkp) ? "Will you please leave %s outside?" : "Leave %s outside.", y_monnam(u.usteed))
shk.c:745 You("have no credit or debt in here.")
shk.c:759 You("have %ld %s credit at %s %s.", amt, currency(amt), s_suffix(shkname(shkp)), shtypes[eshkp->shoptype - SHOPBASE].name)
shk.c:763 You("have no credit in here.")
shk.c:765 You("owe %s %ld %s.", shkname(shkp), amt, currency(amt))
shk.c:768 You("don't owe any money here.")
shk.c:826 pline("onbill: paid obj on bill?")
shk.c:830 pline("onbill: unpaid obj not on bill?")
shk.c:928 pline_The("price is deducted from your credit.")
shk.c:932 pline_The("price is partially covered by your credit.")
shk.c:980 You_feel("vaguely apprehensive.")
shk.c:1052 pline("%s %s.", Monnam(shkp), shkp->msleeping ? "wakes up" : "can move again")
shk.c:1097 pline("Satisfied, %s suddenly disappears!", shk_nam)
shk.c:1099 pline("%s calms down.", Monnam(shkp))
shk.c:1153 pline("%s %s!", Monnam(shkp), !ANGRY(shkp) ? "gets angry" : "is furious")
shk.c:1228 There("appears to be no shopkeeper here to receive your payment.")
shk.c:1233 You_cant("see...")
shk.c:1251 pline("%s is not near enough to receive your payment.", Monnam(shkp))
shk.c:1260 pline("Pay whom?")
shk.c:1269 pline("Try again...")
shk.c:1273 You("are generous to yourself.")
shk.c:1278 There("is no one there to receive your payment.")
shk.c:1282 pline("%s is not interested in your payment.", Monnam(mtmp))
shk.c:1287 pline("%s is too far to receive your payment.", Monnam(mtmp))
shk.c:1312 pline("%s %s.", Monnam(shkp), rn2(2) ? "seems to be napping" : "doesn't respond")
shk.c:1322 You("do not owe %s anything.", mon_nam(shkp))
shk.c:1328 You("%shave no money.", stashed_gold ? "seem to " : "")
shk.c:1330 pline("But you have some gold stashed away.")
shk.c:1338 You("give %s the %ld gold piece%s %s asked for.", mon_nam(shkp), ltmp, plur(ltmp), mhe(shkp))
shk.c:1342 You("give %s all your%s gold.", mon_nam(shkp), stashed_gold ? " openly kept" : "")
shk.c:1349 pline("But you have hidden gold!")
shk.c:1356 pline("Unfortunately, %s doesn't look satisfied.", mhe(shkp))
shk.c:1371 You("do not owe %s anything.", mon_nam(shkp))
shk.c:1377 pline(no_money, stashed_gold ? " seem to" : "")
shk.c:1379 pline("%s is after blood, not money!", Monnam(shkp))
shk.c:1389 pline(no_money, stashed_gold ? " seem to" : "")
shk.c:1390 pline(not_enough_money, mhim(shkp))
shk.c:1393 pline("But since %s shop has been robbed recently,", mhis(shkp))
shk.c:1395 pline("you %scompensate %s for %s losses.", #ifndef GOLDOBJ (u.ugold < ltmp) ? #else (umoney < ltmp) ? #endif "partially " : "", mon_nam(shkp), mhis(shkp))
shk.c:1413 pline("%s is after your hide, not your money!", Monnam(shkp))
shk.c:1422 pline(no_money, stashed_gold ? " seem to" : "")
shk.c:1423 pline(not_enough_money, mhim(shkp))
shk.c:1426 You("try to appease %s by giving %s 1000 gold pieces.", x_monnam(shkp, ARTICLE_THE, "angry", 0, FALSE), mhim(shkp))
shk.c:1433 pline("But %s is as angry as ever.", mon_nam(shkp))
shk.c:1459 pline(sbuf)
shk.c:1465 pline("But you don't%s have enough gold%s.", stashed_gold ? " seem to" : "", eshkp->credit ? " or credit" : "")
shk.c:1474 Your("debt is covered by your credit.")
shk.c:1484 You("pay that debt.")
shk.c:1497 pline("That debt is partially offset by your credit.")
shk.c:1498 You("pay the remainder.")
shk.c:1514 You("%shave no money or credit%s.", stashed_gold ? "seem to " : "", paid ? " left" : "")
shk.c:1524 You("don't have enough money to buy%s the item%s you picked.", eshkp->billct > 1 ? " any of" : "", plur(eshkp->billct))
shk.c:1527 pline("Maybe you have some gold stashed away?")
shk.c:1596 verbalize("Thank you for shopping in %s %s!", s_suffix(shkname(shkp)), shtypes[eshkp->shoptype - SHOPBASE].name)
shk.c:1642 You("%shave no money or credit left.", stashed_gold ? "seem to " : "")
shk.c:1681 verbalize("%s for the other %s before buying %s.", ANGRY(shkp) ? "Pay" : "Please pay", xname(obj), save_quan > 1L ? "these" : "this one")
shk.c:1693 You("don't%s have gold%s enough to pay for %s.", stashed_gold ? " seem to" : "", (ESHK(shkp)->credit > 0L) ? " or credit" : "", doname(obj))
shk.c:1812 pline("%s %slooks at your corpse%s and %s.", Monnam(shkp), (!shkp->mcanmove || shkp->msleeping) ? "wakes up, " : "", !rn2(2) ? (shkp->female ? ", shakes her head," : ", shakes his head,") : "", !inhishop(shkp) ? "disappears" : "sighs")
shk.c:1832 pline("%s gratefully inherits all your possessions.", shkname(shkp))
shk.c:1872 pline("%s %s all your possessions.", shkname(shkp), takes)
shk.c:1886 pline("%s %s the %ld %s %sowed %s.", Monnam(shkp), takes, loss, currency(loss), strncmp(eshkp->customer, plname, PL_NSIZ) ? "" : "you ", shkp->female ? "her" : "him")
shk.c:2311 You("got that for free!")
shk.c:2409 pline(fmtbuf, obj_name, (obj->quan > 1) ? "them" : "it", amt, plur(amt), arg)
shk.c:2412 You(fmt, obj_name, amt, plur(amt), arg)
shk.c:2439 You("got that for free!")
shk.c:2493 pline("%s has no interest in %s.", Monnam(shkp), the(xname(obj)))
shk.c:2513 pline("%s
shk.c:2517 pline("%s will cost you %ld %s%s.", The(xname(obj)), ltmp, currency(ltmp), (obj->quan > 1L) ? " each" : "")
shk.c:2521 pline_The("list price of %s is %ld %s%s.", the(xname(obj)), ltmp, currency(ltmp), (obj->quan > 1L) ? " each" : "")
shk.c:2524 pline("%s does not notice.", Monnam(shkp))
shk.c:2725 You("have %ld %s credit remaining.", ESHK(shkp)->credit, currency(ESHK(shkp)->credit))
shk.c:2729 You("have no credit remaining.")
shk.c:2735 You("%sowe %s %ld %s!", still, mon_nam(shkp), value, currency(value))
shk.c:2738 You("%sowe %s %ld %s for %s!", still, mon_nam(shkp), value, currency(value), obj->quan > 1L ? "them" : "it")
shk.c:2747 Norep("%s booms: \"%s, you are a thief!\"", Monnam(shkp), plname)
shk.c:2749 Norep("You hear a scream, \"Thief!\"")
shk.c:2835 pline("%s seems uninterested.", Monnam(shkp))
shk.c:2847 pline("Thank you, scum!")
shk.c:2858 verbalize( "Thank you for your contribution to restock this recently plundered shop.")
shk.c:2875 Your("debt is %spaid off.", eshkp->debit ? "partially " : "")
shk.c:2884 Your("debt is paid off.")
shk.c:2886 pline("%ld %s %s added to your credit.", delta, currency(delta), delta > 1L ? "are" : "is")
shk.c:2908 pline("%s seems uninterested%s.", Monnam(shkp), cgold ? " in the rest" : "")
shk.c:2927 pline("%s cannot pay you at present.", Monnam(shkp))
shk.c:3163 verbalize("Out of my way, scum!")
shk.c:3165 pline("%s nimbly%s catches %s.", Monnam(shkp), (x == shkp->mx && y == shkp->my) ? "" : " reaches over and", the(xname(obj)))
shk.c:3302 pline("Suddenly, %s section%s of wall close%s up!", (saw_walls == 1) ? "a" : (saw_walls <= 3) ? "some" : "several", (saw_walls == 1) ? "" : "s", (saw_walls == 1) ? "s" : "")
shk.c:3307 pline_The("shop door reappears!")
shk.c:3309 pline_The("floor is repaired!")
shk.c:3312 pline("Suddenly, the shop door reappears!")
shk.c:3314 pline("Suddenly, the floor damage is gone!")
shk.c:3316 pline("Suddenly, the trap is removed from the floor!")
shk.c:3318 You_feel("more claustrophobic than before.")
shk.c:3320 Norep("The dungeon acoustics noticeably change.")
shk.c:3421 verbalize("Get your junk out of my wall!")
shk.c:3504 Your("displaced image doesn't fool %s!", mon_nam(shkp))
shk.c:3511 verbalize("%s, %s! I was looking for %s.", Hello(shkp), plname, eshkp->customer)
shk.c:3517 verbalize("%s, %s! Didn't you forget to pay?", Hello(shkp), plname)
shk.c:3521 pline("%s doesn't like customers who don't pay.", Monnam(shkp))
shk.c:3649 You_feel("like a common thief.")
shk.c:3658 verbalize( "Be careful, %s, or you might fall through the floor.", flags.female ? "madam" : "sir")
shk.c:3662 verbalize("%s, do not damage the floor here!", flags.female ? "Madam" : "Sir")
shk.c:3666 You_feel("like a common thief.")
shk.c:3681 pline("%s curses %s inability to grab your backpack!", shkname(shkp), mhim(shkp))
shk.c:3693 pline("%s curses you in anger and frustration!", shkname(shkp))
shk.c:3698 pline("%s %s, and %s your backpack!", shkname(shkp), makeplural(locomotion(shkp->data,"leap")), grabs)
shk.c:3702 pline("%s %s your backpack!", shkname(shkp), grabs)
shk.c:3842 pline("%s leaps towards you!", shkname(shkp))
shk.c:3856 You_hear("an angry voice:")
shk.c:3857 verbalize("Out of my way, scum!")
shk.c:3878 pline("%s shouts:", shkname(shkp))
shk.c:3879 verbalize("Who dared %s my %s?", dmgstr, dugwall ? "shop" : "door")
shk.c:3883 verbalize("How dare you %s my %s?", dmgstr, dugwall ? "shop" : "door")
shk.c:3890 Your("invisibility does not fool %s!", shkname(shkp))
shk.c:3902 pline("Mollified, %s accepts your restitution.", shkname(shkp))
shk.c:3909 verbalize("Oh, yes! You'll pay!")
shk.c:3995 pline("%s!", buf)
shk.c:4003 pline("%s, price %ld %s%s%s", doname(first_obj), cost, currency(cost), first_obj->quan > 1L ? " each" : "", shk_embellish(first_obj, cost))
shk.c:4075 pline("%s asks whether you've seen any untended shops recently.", Monnam(shkp))
shk.c:4086 pline("%s mentions how much %s dislikes %s customers.", shkname(shkp), mhe(shkp), eshk->robbed ? "non-paying" : "rude")
shk.c:4091 verbalize("%s %s! I was looking for %s.", Hello(shkp), plname, eshk->customer)
shk.c:4095 verbalize("%s %s! Didn't you forget to pay?", Hello(shkp), plname)
shk.c:4100 pline("%s says that your bill comes to %ld %s.", shkname(shkp), total, currency(total))
shk.c:4103 pline("%s reminds you that you owe %s %ld %s.", shkname(shkp), mhim(shkp), eshk->debit, currency(eshk->debit))
shk.c:4107 pline("%s encourages you to use your %ld %s of credit.", shkname(shkp), eshk->credit, currency(eshk->credit))
shk.c:4110 pline("%s complains about a recent robbery.", shkname(shkp))
shk.c:4116 pline("%s complains that business is bad.", shkname(shkp))
shk.c:4122 pline("%s says that business is good.", shkname(shkp))
shk.c:4124 pline(Izchak_speaks[rn2(SIZE(Izchak_speaks))],shkname(shkp))
shk.c:4126 pline("%s talks about the problem of shoplifters.",shkname(shkp))
shk.c:4145 pline_The("Kop%s (disappointed) vanish%s into thin air.", plur(cnt), cnt == 1 ? "es" : "")
shk.c:4266 verbalize(fmt, arg1, arg2, tmp, currency(tmp))
shk.c:4299 Your("credit is reduced by %ld %s.", amount, currency(amount))
shk.c:4301 Your("credit is erased.")
shk.c:4306 Your("credit is erased.")
shk.c:4308 Your("debt increases by %ld %s.", delta, currency(delta))
shk.c:4310 You("owe %s %ld %s.", shkname(shkp), delta, currency(delta))
shk.c:4346 pline("%s%s blocks your way!", shkname(shkp), Invis ? " senses your motion and" : "")
shk.c:4387 pline("%s%s blocks your way!", shkname(shkp), Invis ? " senses your motion and" : "")
shk.c:4409 Your(buf, obj) char *buf
mhitm.c:70 You_hear("%s%s.", (mattk->aatyp == AT_EXPL) ? "an explosion" : "some noises", farq ? " in the distance" : "")
mhitm.c:95 pline("%s %s.", buf, mon_nam_too(mdef_name, mdef, magr))
mhitm.c:147 pline("%s releases you!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitm.c:254 You("dream of %s.", (mdef->data->geno & G_UNIQ) ? a_monnam(mdef) : makeplural(m_monnam(mdef)))
mhitm.c:257 pline("Suddenly, you notice %s.", a_monnam(mdef))
mhitm.c:339 pline("%s divides as %s hits it!", buf, mon_nam(magr))
mhitm.c:444 pline("%s %s %s.", buf, mon_nam(mdef), compat == 2 ? "engagingly" : "seductively")
mhitm.c:476 pline("%s %s.", buf, mon_nam_too(mdef_name, mdef, magr))
mhitm.c:493 pline("%s %s...", buf, mon_nam(mdef))
mhitm.c:499 pline("but nothing happens.")
mhitm.c:517 pline("%s doesn't seem to notice that %s gaze was reflected.", Monnam(magr), mhis(magr))
mhitm.c:523 pline("%s is turned to stone!", Monnam(magr))
mhitm.c:549 pline("%s %s.", buf, mon_nam(mdef))
mhitm.c:601 pline("%s is regurgitated!", Monnam(mdef))
mhitm.c:623 pline("%s explodes!", Monnam(magr))
mhitm.c:638 You(brief_feeling, "melancholy")
mhitm.c:673 pline("%s turns to stone!", Monnam(magr))
mhitm.c:677 You(brief_feeling, "peculiarly sad")
mhitm.c:693 pline("%s %s!", Monnam(magr), mdef->data == &mons[PM_FAMINE] ? "belches feebly, shrivels up and dies" : mdef->data == &mons[PM_PESTILENCE] ? "coughs spasmodically and collapses" : "vomits violently and drops dead")
mhitm.c:703 You(brief_feeling, "queasy")
mhitm.c:706 verbalize("Burrrrp!")
mhitm.c:743 pline("%s %s for a moment.", Monnam(mdef), makeplural(stagger(mdef->data, "stagger")))
mhitm.c:790 pline("%s is %s!", Monnam(mdef), on_fire(mdef->data, mattk))
mhitm.c:794 pline("%s burns completely!", Monnam(mdef))
mhitm.c:798 pline("May %s roast in peace.", mon_nam(mdef))
mhitm.c:806 pline_The("fire doesn't seem to burn %s!", mon_nam(mdef))
mhitm.c:821 pline("%s is covered in frost!", Monnam(mdef))
mhitm.c:824 pline_The("frost doesn't seem to chill %s!", mon_nam(mdef))
mhitm.c:837 pline("%s gets zapped!", Monnam(mdef))
mhitm.c:840 pline_The("zap doesn't shock %s!", mon_nam(mdef))
mhitm.c:856 pline("%s is covered in acid, but it seems harmless.", Monnam(mdef))
mhitm.c:860 pline("%s is covered in acid!", Monnam(mdef))
mhitm.c:861 pline("It burns %s!", mon_nam(mdef))
mhitm.c:869 pline("%s falls to pieces!", Monnam(mdef))
mhitm.c:873 pline("May %s rust in peace.", mon_nam(mdef))
mhitm.c:891 pline("%s falls to pieces!", Monnam(mdef))
mhitm.c:895 pline("May %s rot in peace.", mon_nam(mdef))
mhitm.c:915 pline("%s turns to stone!", Monnam(mdef))
mhitm.c:919 You(brief_feeling, "peculiarly sad")
mhitm.c:939 pline("%s suddenly disappears!", mdef_Monnam)
mhitm.c:947 pline("%s is put to sleep by %s.", buf, mon_nam(magr))
mhitm.c:957 pline("%s is frozen by %s.", buf, mon_nam(magr))
mhitm.c:971 pline("%s slows down.", Monnam(mdef))
mhitm.c:981 pline("%s looks confused.", Monnam(mdef))
mhitm.c:991 pline("%s is blinded.", Monnam(mdef))
mhitm.c:1002 pline("%s looks %sconfused.", Monnam(mdef), mdef->mconf ? "more " : "")
mhitm.c:1019 pline("Some writing vanishes from %s head!", s_suffix(mon_nam(mdef)))
mhitm.c:1021 pline("%s is destroyed!", Monnam(mdef))
mhitm.c:1026 You(brief_feeling, "strangely sad")
mhitm.c:1031 You_hear("laughter.")
mhitm.c:1032 pline("%s chuckles.", Monnam(magr))
mhitm.c:1062 pline("%s steals some gold from %s.", buf, mon_nam(mdef))
mhitm.c:1067 pline("%s suddenly disappears!", buf)
mhitm.c:1074 pline("%s suddenly seems weaker!", Monnam(mdef))
mhitm.c:1127 pline("%s steals %s from %s!", buf, onambuf, mdefnambuf)
mhitm.c:1140 pline("%s suddenly disappears!", buf)
mhitm.c:1150 pline("%s %s was poisoned!", s_suffix(Monnam(magr)), mpoisons_subj(magr, mattk))
mhitm.c:1154 pline_The("poison doesn't seem to affect %s.", mon_nam(mdef))
mhitm.c:1159 pline_The("poison was deadly...")
mhitm.c:1167 pline("%s doesn't seem harmed.", Monnam(mdef))
mhitm.c:1176 pline("%s helmet blocks %s attack to %s head.", buf, s_suffix(mon_nam(magr)), mhis(mdef))
mhitm.c:1182 pline("%s brain is eaten!", s_suffix(Monnam(mdef)))
mhitm.c:1184 pline("%s doesn't notice.", Monnam(mdef))
mhitm.c:1194 pline("%s last thought fades away...", s_suffix(Monnam(mdef)))
mhitm.c:1313 pline("%s grip relaxes.", s_suffix(Monnam(mon)))
mhitm.c:1344 pline("%s weapon is not affected.", s_suffix(Monnam(magr)))
mhitm.c:1349 pline("%s %s%s!", s_suffix(Monnam(magr)), aobjnam(obj, (is_acid ? "corrode" : "rust")), (is_acid ? obj->oeroded2 : obj->oeroded) ? " further" : "")
mhitm.c:1368 pline("%s %s %s %s at %s.", Monnam(magr), (objects[otemp->otyp].oc_dir & PIERCE) ? "thrusts" : "swings", mhis(magr), singular(otemp, xname), buf)
mhitm.c:1409 pline("%s is splashed by %s acid!", buf, s_suffix(mon_nam(mdef)))
mhitm.c:1413 pline("%s is not affected.", Monnam(magr))
mhitm.c:1448 pline("%s is frozen by %s gaze!", buf, s_suffix(mon_nam(mdef)))
mhitm.c:1458 pline("%s is frozen by %s.", buf, mon_nam(mdef))
mhitm.c:1467 pline("%s is mildly chilly.", Monnam(magr))
mhitm.c:1474 pline("%s is suddenly very cold!", Monnam(magr))
mhitm.c:1484 pline("%s %s...", Monnam(magr), makeplural(stagger(magr->data, "stagger")))
mhitm.c:1492 pline("%s is mildly warmed.", Monnam(magr))
mhitm.c:1499 pline("%s is suddenly very hot!", Monnam(magr))
mhitm.c:1504 pline("%s is mildly tingled.", Monnam(magr))
mhitm.c:1511 pline("%s is jolted with electricity!", Monnam(magr))
do.c:100 You("push %s into the %s.", the(xname(otmp)), what)
do.c:102 pline("Now you can cross it!")
do.c:111 There("is a large splash as %s %s the %s.", the(xname(otmp)), fills_up? "fills":"falls into", what)
do.c:115 You_hear("a%s splash.", lava ? " sizzling" : "")
do.c:123 You("find yourself on dry land again!")
do.c:125 You("are hit by molten lava%c", Fire_resistance ? '.' : '!')
do.c:132 pline("It sinks without a trace!")
do.c:173 pline_The("boulder %s into the pit%s.", vtense((const char *)0, verb), (mtmp) ? "" : " with you")
do.c:196 You_hear("a CRASH! beneath you.")
do.c:198 You_hear("the boulder %s.", verb)
do.c:200 pline_The("boulder %s%s.", t->tseen ? "" : "triggers and ", t->ttyp == TRAPDOOR ? "plugs a trap door" : t->ttyp == HOLE ? "plugs a hole" : "fills a pit")
do.c:223 pline("Splash!")
do.c:225 pline("Plop!")
do.c:239 You_hear("%s %s downwards.", The(xname(obj)), otense(obj, "tumble"))
do.c:242 pline("%s %s into %s pit.", The(xname(obj)), otense(obj, "tumble"), the_your[t->madeby_u])
do.c:266 There("is %s flash as %s %s the altar.", an(hcolor(obj->blessed ? NH_AMBER : NH_BLACK)), doname(obj), otense(obj, "hit"))
do.c:271 pline("%s %s on the altar.", Doname2(obj), otense(obj, "land"))
do.c:297 You("drop %s down the drain.", doname(obj))
do.c:303 You("thought your %s got lost in the sink, but there it is!", xname(obj))
do.c:307 pline_The("ring is regurgitated!")
do.c:314 pline_The("sink quivers upward for a moment.")
do.c:317 You("smell rotten %s.", makeplural(fruitname(FALSE)))
do.c:320 pline("Several flies buzz angrily around the sink.")
do.c:323 pline("Static electricity surrounds the sink.")
do.c:326 You_hear("loud noises coming from the drain.")
do.c:330 pline_The("water flow seems fixed.")
do.c:333 pline_The("water flow seems %ser now.", (obj->spe<0) ? "weak" : "strong")
do.c:337 pline_The("water flow seems %ser now.", (obj->spe<0) ? "less" : "great")
do.c:342 pline_The("water flow %s the drain.", (obj->spe<0) ? "misses" : "hits")
do.c:346 pline_The("water's force seems %ser now.", (obj->spe<0) ? "small" : "great")
do.c:356 pline("Suddenly, %s %s from the sink!", doname(otmp), otense(otmp, "vanish"))
do.c:367 pline("Several flies buzz around the sink.")
do.c:378 pline_The("faucets flash brightly for a moment.")
do.c:381 pline_The("sink looks as good as new.")
do.c:384 You("don't see anything happen to the sink.")
do.c:387 You("see the ring slide right down the drain!")
do.c:390 You("see some air in the sink.")
do.c:393 pline_The("sink seems to blend into the floor for a moment.")
do.c:396 pline_The("hot water faucet flashes brightly for a moment.")
do.c:399 pline_The("cold water faucet flashes brightly for a moment.")
do.c:402 pline_The("sink looks nothing like a fountain.")
do.c:405 pline_The("sink glows %s for a moment.", hcolor((obj->spe<0) ? NH_BLACK : NH_SILVER))
do.c:409 pline_The("sink glows %s for a moment.", hcolor(NH_WHITE))
do.c:412 pline_The("sink momentarily vanishes.")
do.c:415 pline_The("sink looks like it is being beamed aboard somewhere.")
do.c:418 pline_The("sink momentarily looks like a fountain.")
do.c:421 pline_The("sink momentarily looks like a regularly erupting geyser.")
do.c:428 You_hear("the ring bouncing down the drainpipe.")
do.c:430 pline_The("sink backs up, leaving %s.", doname(obj))
do.c:451 Norep("You cannot %s %s you are wearing.",word, something)
do.c:465 pline("For some reason, you cannot %s%s the stone%s!", word, obj->corpsenm ? " any of" : "", plur(obj->quan))
do.c:476 pline_The("leash is tied around your %s.", body_part(HAND))
do.c:483 You("cannot %s %s you are sitting on.", word, something)
do.c:523 You("drop %s into %s %s.", doname(obj), buf, mbodypart(u.ustuck, STOMACH))
do.c:535 You("drop %s.", doname(obj))
do.c:548 You("drop %s.", doname(obj))
do.c:828 pline("%s won't move!", Monnam(u.usteed))
do.c:831 pline("%s is still eating.", Monnam(u.usteed))
do.c:870 You_cant("go down here.")
do.c:876 You("are %s, and cannot go down.", !u.uswallow ? "being held" : is_animal(u.ustuck->data) ? "swallowed" : "engulfed")
do.c:882 You("are standing at the gate to Gehennom.")
do.c:883 pline("Unspeakable cruelty and harm lurk down there.")
do.c:886 pline("So be it.")
do.c:892 You("are held back by your pet!")
do.c:897 You("%s %s.", locomotion(, "jump"), trap->ttyp == HOLE ? "down the hole" : "through the trap door")
do.c:918 You_cant("go up here.")
do.c:923 pline("%s won't move!", Monnam(u.usteed))
do.c:926 pline("%s is still eating.", Monnam(u.usteed))
do.c:931 You("are %s, and cannot go up.", !u.uswallow ? "being held" : is_animal(u.ustuck->data) ? "swallowed" : "engulfed")
do.c:939 Your("load is too heavy to climb the %s.", levl[u.ux][].typ == STAIRS ? "stairs" : "ladder")
do.c:948 You("are held back by your pet!")
do.c:982 pline("%s", whynot)
do.c:990 pline("NetHack is out of disk space for making levels!")
do.c:991 You("can save, quit, or continue playing.")
do.c:1094 pline("A mysterious force momentarily surrounds you...")
do.c:1109 pline("A mysterious force prevents you from descending.")
do.c:1209 pline("%s", whynot)
do.c:1210 pline("Probably someone removed it.")
do.c:1263 pline("With great effort you climb the %s.", at_ladder ? "ladder" : "stairs")
do.c:1266 You("climb up the ladder.")
do.c:1276 You("fly down along the %s.", at_ladder ? "ladder" : "stairs")
do.c:1280 You("fall down the %s.", at_ladder ? "ladder" : "stairs")
do.c:1303 You("climb down the ladder.")
do.c:1411 You("arrive at the Valley of the Dead...")
do.c:1412 pline_The("odor of burnt flesh and decay pervades the air.")
do.c:1416 You_hear("groans and moans everywhere.")
do.c:1417 pline("It is hot here. You smell smoke...")
do.c:1447 pline(mesg)
do.c:1452 You("enter what seems to be an older, more primitive world.")
do.c:1459 pline_The("heat and smoke are gone.")
do.c:1477 You("penetrated a high security area!")
do.c:1478 pline("An alarm sounds!")
do.c:1520 pline( "A voice booms: \"Thy desire for conflict shall be fulfilled!\"")
do.c:1532 pline("A voice whispers: \"Thou hast been worthy of me!\"")
do.c:1539 pline("An angel appears near you.")
do.c:1541 You_feel("the presence of a friendly angel near you.")
do.c:1616 pline(dfr_pre_msg)
do.c:1627 pline(dfr_post_msg)
do.c:1681 pline_The("%s writhes out of your grasp!", cname)
do.c:1683 You_feel("squirming in your backpack!")
do.c:1688 pline("%s rises from the dead!", chewed ? Adjmonnam(mtmp, "bite-covered") : Monnam(mtmp))
do.c:1696 pline("Startled, %s drops %s as it revives!", mon_nam(mcarry), an(cname))
do.c:1699 pline("%s suddenly appears!", chewed ? Adjmonnam(mtmp, "bite-covered") : Monnam(mtmp))
do.c:1709 pline("%s writhes out of %s!", Amonnam(mtmp), sackname)
do.c:1713 pline("%s %s out of %s in your pack!", Blind ? Something : Amonnam(mtmp), locomotion(mtmp->data,"writhes"), sackname)
do.c:1721 pline("%s escapes from %s!", Amonnam(mtmp), sackname)
do.c:1750 You_feel("less hassled.")
do.c:1775 pline("You've got the glop off.")
do.c:1781 Your("%s feels clean now.", body_part(FACE))
do.c:1802 Your("%s is already clean.", body_part(FACE))
do.c:1845 Your("%s feel somewhat better.", makeplural(body_part(LEG)))
do.c:1848 Your("%s feels somewhat better.", body_part(LEG))
dogmove.c:178 pline("%s %s %s.", mon_visible(mtmp) ? noit_Monnam(mtmp) : "It", devour ? "devours" : "eats", (obj->oclass == FOOD_CLASS) ? singular(obj, doname) : doname(obj))
dogmove.c:199 pline("%s spits %s out in disgust!", Monnam(mtmp), distant_name(obj,doname))
dogmove.c:253 pline("%s is confused from hunger.", Monnam(mtmp))
dogmove.c:257 You_feel("worried about %s.", y_monnam(mtmp))
dogmove.c:266 Your("leash goes slack.")
dogmove.c:268 pline("%s starves.", Monnam(mtmp))
dogmove.c:270 You_feel("%s for a moment.", Hallucination ? "bummed" : "sad")
dogmove.c:336 pline("%s picks up %s.", Monnam(mtmp), distant_name(obj, doname))
dogmove.c:614 pline("%s rebukes you, saying:", Monnam(mtmp))
dogmove.c:615 verbalize("Since you desire conflict, have some more!")
dogmove.c:634 You("get released!")
dogmove.c:794 pline("%s breaks loose of %s leash!", Monnam(mtmp), mhis(mtmp))
dogmove.c:826 pline("%s moves only reluctantly.", Monnam(mtmp))
do_wear.c:72 You("were wearing %s.", doname(otmp))
do_wear.c:87 You("are now wearing %s%s.", obj_is_pname(otmp) ? the(xname(otmp)) : an(xname(otmp)), how)
do_wear.c:123 You_feel("yourself speed up%s.", (oldprop || HFast) ? " a bit more" : "")
do_wear.c:130 You("walk very quietly.")
do_wear.c:165 You_feel("yourself slow down%s.", Fast ? " a bit" : "")
do_wear.c:181 You("sure are noisy.")
do_wear.c:229 You("can %s!", See_invisible ? "no longer see through yourself" : see_yourself)
do_wear.c:241 pline("Suddenly you can%s yourself.", See_invisible ? " see through" : "not see")
do_wear.c:246 pline("%s very tightly.", Tobjnam(uarmc, "fit"))
do_wear.c:282 You("can %s.", See_invisible ? "see through yourself" : "no longer see yourself")
do_wear.c:291 pline("Suddenly you can %s.", See_invisible ? "no longer see through yourself" : see_yourself)
do_wear.c:345 pline("%s for a moment.", Tobjnam(uarmh, "vibrate"))
do_wear.c:347 pline("%s %s for a moment.", Tobjnam(uarmh, "glow"), hcolor(NH_BLACK))
do_wear.c:354 pline("My brain hurts!")
do_wear.c:357 You_feel("%s.", <x> ACURR(A_INT) <= (ABASE(A_INT) + ABON(A_INT) + ATEMP(A_INT)) ? "like sitting in a corner" : "giddy")
do_wear.c:362 Your("mind oscillates briefly.")
do_wear.c:478 You("wield the %s in your bare %s.", corpse_xname(uwep, TRUE), makeplural(body_part(HAND)))
do_wear.c:492 You("wield the %s in your bare %s.", corpse_xname(uswapwep, TRUE), body_part(HAND))
do_wear.c:642 You("are suddenly very %s!", flags.female ? "feminine" : "masculine")
do_wear.c:649 You("don't feel like yourself.")
do_wear.c:650 pline_The("amulet disintegrates!")
do_wear.c:660 pline("It constricts your throat!")
do_wear.c:698 You("suddenly inhale an unhealthy amount of water!")
do_wear.c:706 You("can breathe more easily!")
do_wear.c:774 pline("Suddenly you are transparent, but there!")
do_wear.c:885 pline("Suddenly you cannot see yourself.")
do_wear.c:892 Your("body seems to unfade%s.", See_invisible ? " completely" : "..")
do_wear.c:976 You_cant("see any more.")
do_wear.c:984 You("can see!")
do_wear.c:1012 You("still cannot see.")
do_wear.c:1018 You_cant("see anything now!")
do_wear.c:1026 You("can see again.")
do_wear.c:1143 pline_The("%s merged with your skin!", uskin->otyp >= GRAY_DRAGON_SCALES ? "dragon scales are" : "dragon scale mail is")
do_wear.c:1147 pline("Not wearing any armor.%s", (iflags.cmdassist && (uleft || uright || uamul || ublindf)) ? " Use 'R' command to remove accessories." : "")
do_wear.c:1156 You("are not wearing that.")
do_wear.c:1167 You_cant("take that off.")
do_wear.c:1197 pline("Not wearing any accessories.%s", (iflags.cmdassist && (uarm || uarmc || #ifdef TOURIST uarmu || #endif uarms || uarmh || uarmg || uarmf)) ? " Use 'T' command to take off armor." : "")
do_wear.c:1209 You("are not wearing that.")
do_wear.c:1251 You("can't. %s cursed.", (is_boots(otmp) || is_gloves(otmp) || otmp->quan > 1L) ? "They are" : "It is")
do_wear.c:1317 You("are already wearing %s%c", cc, (cc == c_that_) ? '!' : '.')
do_wear.c:1324 You_cant("wear %s because you're wearing %s there already.", cc1, cc2)
do_wear.c:1354 pline_The("%s will not fit on your body.", which)
do_wear.c:1368 You("cannot do that while holding your %s.", is_sword(uwep) ? c_sword : c_weapon)
do_wear.c:1381 pline_The("%s won't fit over your horn%s.", c_helmet, plur(num_horns(
do_wear.c:1392 You("cannot wear a shield while wielding a two-handed %s.", is_sword(uwep) ? c_sword : (uwep->otyp == BATTLE_AXE) ? c_axe : c_weapon)
do_wear.c:1398 You("cannot wear a shield while wielding two weapons.")
do_wear.c:1407 You("have no feet...")
do_wear.c:1414 pline("You have too many hooves to wear %s.", c_boots)
do_wear.c:1422 Your("%s is trapped!", body_part(FOOT))
do_wear.c:1424 Your("%s are stuck in the %s!", makeplural(body_part(FOOT)), surface(u.ux,
do_wear.c:1436 You("cannot wear gloves over your %s.", is_sword(uwep) ? c_sword : c_weapon)
do_wear.c:1447 You_cant("wear that over your %s.", (uarm && !uarmc) ? c_armor : cloak_simple_name(uarmc))
do_wear.c:1462 You("cannot wear armor over a %s.", cloak_simple_name(uarmc))
do_wear.c:1503 pline("Don't even bother.")
do_wear.c:1520 You("narrowly avoid losing all chance at your goal.")
do_wear.c:1523 You("are suddenly overcome with shame and change your mind.")
do_wear.c:1566 Your("%s%s are full, and you're already wearing an amulet and %s.", humanoid( ? "ring-" : "", makeplural(body_part(FINGER)), ublindf->otyp==LENSES ? "some lenses" : "a blindfold")
do_wear.c:1590 You("cannot make the ring stick to your body.")
do_wear.c:1594 There("are no more %s%s to fill.", humanoid( ? "ring-" : "", makeplural(body_part(FINGER)))
do_wear.c:1623 You("cannot remove your gloves to put on the ring.")
do_wear.c:1629 You("cannot free your weapon hands to put on the ring.")
do_wear.c:1635 You("cannot free your weapon hand to put on the ring.")
do_wear.c:1662 Your("%s is already covered by a towel.", body_part(FACE))
do_wear.c:1680 You_cant("wear that!")
do_wear.c:1742 Your("%s off your %s.", (leftfall && rightfall) ? "rings slip" : "ring slips", (leftfall && rightfall) ? makeplural(body_part(FINGER)) : body_part(FINGER))
do_wear.c:1763 Your("%s %sslips from your %s.", otherwep, xfl ? "also " : "", makeplural(body_part(HAND)))
do_wear.c:1784 Your("%s%s %sslips from your %s.", otherwep ? "other " : "", thiswep, xfl ? "also " : "", makeplural(body_part(HAND)))
do_wear.c:1889 pline_The("ring is stuck.")
do_wear.c:1902 You("cannot %s to remove the ring.", buf)
do_wear.c:1911 You("are unable to take off your %s while wielding that %s.", c_gloves, is_sword(uwep) ? c_sword : c_weapon)
do_wear.c:1916 You_cant("take off the slippery %s with your slippery %s.", c_gloves, makeplural(body_part(FINGER)))
do_wear.c:1925 pline_The("bear trap prevents you from pulling your %s out.", body_part(FOOT))
do_wear.c:1929 You("are stuck in the %s, and cannot pull your %s out.", surface(u.ux,, makeplural(body_part(FOOT)))
do_wear.c:1958 You("cannot %s to take off %s.", buf, the(xname(otmp)))
do_wear.c:2004 You("are empty %s.", body_part(HANDED))
do_wear.c:2009 You("no longer have a second weapon readied.")
do_wear.c:2013 You("no longer have ammunition readied.")
do_wear.c:2084 You("finish %s.", disrobing)
do_wear.c:2163 You("continue %s.", disrobing)
do_wear.c:2168 You("are not wearing anything.")
do_wear.c:2234 There("is nothing else you can remove or unwield.")
do_wear.c:2252 Your("%s crumbles and turns to dust!", cloak_simple_name(uarmc))
do_wear.c:2258 Your("armor turns to dust and falls to the %s!", surface(u.ux,
do_wear.c:2265 Your("shirt crumbles into tiny threads and falls apart!")
do_wear.c:2271 Your("helmet turns to dust and is blown away!")
do_wear.c:2276 Your("gloves vanish!")
do_wear.c:2282 Your("boots disintegrate!")
do_wear.c:2287 Your("shield crumbles away!")
pray.c:315 You_feel("more limber.")
pray.c:321 pline_The("slime disappears.")
pray.c:328 Your("amulet vanishes!")
pray.c:331 You("can breathe again.")
pray.c:336 You("are back on solid ground.")
pray.c:349 Your("%s feels content.", body_part(STOMACH))
pray.c:354 You_feel("better.")
pray.c:362 You_feel("much better.")
pray.c:378 Your("surroundings change.")
pray.c:399 Your("shape becomes uncertain.")
pray.c:421 Your("chain disappears.")
pray.c:444 Your("%s %s.", what ? what : (const char *)aobjnam(otmp, "softly glow"), hcolor(NH_AMBER))
pray.c:453 pline("There's a tiger in your tank.")
pray.c:455 You_feel("in good health again.")
pray.c:469 Your("%s feel%s better.", (num_eyes == 1) ? eye : makeplural(eye), (num_eyes == 1) ? "s" : "")
pray.c:494 pline("%s %s %s.", s_suffix(upstart(y_monnam(u.usteed))), aobjnam(otmp, "softly glow"), hcolor(NH_AMBER))
pray.c:518 pline("Suddenly a bolt of lightning comes down at you from the heavens!")
pray.c:519 pline("It strikes %s!", mon_nam(u.ustuck))
pray.c:521 pline("%s fries to a crisp!", Monnam(u.ustuck))
pray.c:528 pline("%s seems unaffected.", Monnam(u.ustuck))
pray.c:530 pline("Suddenly, a bolt of lightning strikes you!")
pray.c:534 pline("For some reason you're unaffected.")
pray.c:539 pline("It seems not to affect you.")
pray.c:544 pline("%s is not deterred...", align_gname(resp_god))
pray.c:546 pline("A wide-angle disintegration beam aimed at you hits %s!", mon_nam(u.ustuck))
pray.c:549 pline("%s fries to a crisp!", Monnam(u.ustuck))
pray.c:553 pline("%s seems unaffected.", Monnam(u.ustuck))
pray.c:555 pline("A wide-angle disintegration beam hits you!")
pray.c:576 You("bask in its %s glow for a minute...", NH_BLACK)
pray.c:582 verbalize("Thou cannot escape my wrath, mortal!")
pray.c:586 verbalize("Destroy %s, my servants!", uhim())
pray.c:597 You("fry to a crisp.")
pray.c:629 You_feel("that %s is %s.", align_gname(resp_god), Hallucination ? "bummed" : "displeased")
pray.c:635 pline("\"Thou %s, %s.\"", (ugod_is_angry() && resp_god == u.ualign.type) ? "hast strayed from the path" : "art arrogant",>mlet == S_HUMAN ? "mortal" : "creature")
pray.c:640 verbalize("Thou must relearn thy lessons!")
pray.c:653 pline("%s glow surrounds you.", An(hcolor(NH_BLACK)))
pray.c:659 verbalize("Thou durst %s me?", (on_altar() && (a_align(u.ux, != resp_god)) ? "scorn":"call upon")
pray.c:663 pline("\"Then die, %s!\"",>mlet == S_HUMAN ? "mortal" : "creature")
pray.c:686 pline("%s %s into %s %s.", str, vtense(str, "drop"), s_suffix(mon_nam(u.ustuck)), mbodypart(u.ustuck, STOMACH))
pray.c:689 pline("%s %s %s your %s!", str, Blind ? "lands" : vtense(str, "appear"), Levitation ? "beneath" : "at", makeplural(body_part(FOOT)))
pray.c:720 verbalize("I crown thee... The Hand of Elbereth!")
pray.c:726 verbalize("Thou shalt be my Envoy of Balance!")
pray.c:732 verbalize("Thou art chosen to %s for My Glory!", already_exists && !in_hand ? "take lives" : "steal souls")
pray.c:777 Your("sword shines brightly for a moment.")
pray.c:792 Your("%s goes snicker-snack!", xname(obj))
pray.c:817 Your("%s hums ominously!", swordbuf)
pray.c:854 You_feel("unworthy.")
pray.c:872 You_feel("that %s is %s.", align_gname(g_align), u.ualign.record >= DEVOUT ? Hallucination ? "pleased as punch" : "well-pleased" : u.ualign.record >= STRIDENT ? Hallucination ? "ticklish" : "pleased" : Hallucination ? "full" : "satisfied")
pray.c:949 Your("%s %s%s.", aobjnam(uwep, "softly glow"), hcolor(NH_AMBER), repair_buf)
pray.c:951 You_feel("the power of %s over your %s.", u_gname(), xname(uwep))
pray.c:958 Your("%s with %s aura%s.", aobjnam(uwep, "softly glow"), an(hcolor(NH_LIGHT_BLUE)), repair_buf)
pray.c:961 You_feel("the blessing of %s over your %s.", u_gname(), xname(uwep))
pray.c:975 Your("%s as good as new!", aobjnam(uwep, Blind ? "feel" : "look"))
pray.c:987 verbalize("Hark, %s!",>mlet == S_HUMAN ? "mortal" : "creature")
pray.c:989 verbalize( "To enter the castle, thou must play the right tune!")
pray.c:994 You_hear("a divine music...")
pray.c:995 pline("It sounds like: \"%s\".", tune)
pray.c:1004 You("are surrounded by %s glow.", an(hcolor(NH_GOLDEN)))
pray.c:1029 You_feel("the power of %s.", u_gname())
pray.c:1030 You("are surrounded by %s aura.", an(hcolor(NH_LIGHT_BLUE)))
pray.c:1036 Your("%s %s.", aobjnam(otmp, "softly glow"), hcolor(NH_AMBER))
pray.c:1051 pline(msg, "Telepathy")
pray.c:1055 pline(msg, "Speed")
pray.c:1058 pline(msg, "Stealth")
pray.c:1064 pline(msg, "my protection")
pray.c:1066 verbalize("Use it wisely in my name!")
pray.c:1148 pline("%s potion%s on the altar glow%s %s for a moment.", ((other && changed > 1L) ? "Some of the" : (other ? "One of the" : "The")), ((other || changed > 1L) ? "s" : ""), (changed > 1L ? "" : "s"), (bless_water ? hcolor(NH_LIGHT_BLUE) : hcolor(NH_BLACK)))
pray.c:1168 pline_The("voice of %s %s: %s%s%s", align_gname(g_align), godvoices[rn2(SIZE(godvoices))], quot, words, quot)
pray.c:1199 Your("sacrifice sprouts wings and a propeller and roars away!")
pray.c:1202 Your("sacrifice puffs up, swelling bigger and bigger, and pops!")
pray.c:1205 Your("sacrifice collapses into a cloud of dancing particles and fades away!")
pray.c:1209 Your("sacrifice disappears!")
pray.c:1210 Your("sacrifice is consumed in a %s!", u.ualign.type == A_LAWFUL ? "flash of light" : "burst of flame")
pray.c:1226 You("are not standing on an altar.")
pray.c:1271 You("find the idea very satisfying.")
pray.c:1274 pline("You'll regret this infamous offense!")
pray.c:1281 pline_The("altar is stained with %s blood.", urace.adj)
pray.c:1294 pline( "The blood floods the altar, which vanishes in %s cloud!", an(hcolor(NH_BLACK)))
pray.c:1305 pline_The("blood covers the altar!")
pray.c:1311 You("have summoned %s!", a_monnam(dmon))
pray.c:1314 You("are terrified, and unable to move.")
pray.c:1316 pline_The("%s.", demonless_msg)
pray.c:1335 pline("So this is how you repay loyalty?")
pray.c:1349 pline("Such an action is an insult to %s!", (unicalign == A_CHAOTIC) ? "chaos" : unicalign ? "law" : "balance")
pray.c:1360 You_feel("appropriately %s.", align_str(u.ualign.type))
pray.c:1361 You_feel("you are thoroughly on the right path.")
pray.c:1380 You_feel("homesick.")
pray.c:1382 You_feel("an urge to return to the surface.")
pray.c:1392 You("offer the Amulet of Yendor to %s...", a_gname())
pray.c:1398 pline("%s accepts your gift, and gains dominion over %s...", a_gname(), u_gname())
pray.c:1400 pline("%s is enraged...", u_gname())
pray.c:1401 pline("Fortunately, %s permits you to live...", a_gname())
pray.c:1402 pline("A cloud of %s smoke surrounds you...", hcolor((const char *)"orange"))
pray.c:1408 pline("An invisible choir sings, and you are bathed in radiance...")
pray.c:1411 verbalize("In return for thy service, I grant thee the gift of Immortality!")
pray.c:1412 You("ascend to the status of Demigod%s...", flags.female ? "dess" : "")
pray.c:1422 You_hear("a nearby thunderclap.")
pray.c:1424 You("realize you have made a %s.", Hallucination ? "boo-boo" : "mistake")
pray.c:1441 pline(nothing_happens)
pray.c:1452 You_feel("the air around you grow charged...")
pray.c:1453 pline("Suddenly, you realize that %s has noticed you...", a_gname())
pray.c:1476 You("have a strong feeling that %s is angry...", u_gname())
pray.c:1478 pline("%s accepts your allegiance.", a_gname())
pray.c:1489 You("have a sudden sense of a new direction.")
pray.c:1498 pline("%s rejects your sacrifice!", a_gname())
pray.c:1507 You("sense a conflict between %s and %s.", u_gname(), a_gname())
pray.c:1511 You_feel("the power of %s increase.", u_gname())
pray.c:1522 pline_The("altar glows %s.", hcolor( u.ualign.type == A_LAWFUL ? NH_WHITE : u.ualign.type ? NH_BLACK : (const char *)"gray"))
pray.c:1536 pline("Unluckily, you feel the power of %s decrease.", u_gname())
pray.c:1557 pline("%s seems %s.", u_gname(), Hallucination ? "groovy" : "slightly mollified")
pray.c:1562 pline("%s seems %s.", u_gname(), Hallucination ? "cosmic (not a new fact)" : "mollified")
pray.c:1570 pline_The("gods seem tall.")
pray.c:1571 You("have a feeling of inadequacy.")
pray.c:1577 You_feel("partially absolved.")
pray.c:1585 You("realize that the gods are not like you and I.")
pray.c:1587 You("have a hopeful feeling.")
pray.c:1591 pline("Overall, there is a smell of fried onions.")
pray.c:1593 You("have a feeling of reconciliation.")
pray.c:1630 You("think %s brushed your %s.",something, body_part(FOOT))
pray.c:1631 You(Hallucination ? "see crabgrass at your %s. A funny thing in a dungeon." : "glimpse a four-leaf clover at your %s.", makeplural(body_part(FOOT)))
pray.c:1656 pline_The("very idea of praying to a %s god is repugnant to you.", p_aligntyp ? "lawful" : "neutral")
pray.c:1662 You("begin praying to %s.", align_gname(p_aligntyp))
pray.c:1742 You("are surrounded by a shimmering light.")
pray.c:1761 You_feel("like you are falling apart.")
pray.c:1770 pline("Since you are in Gehennom, %s won't help you.", align_gname(alignment))
pray.c:1831 You("don't know how to turn undead!")
pray.c:1841 pline("For some reason, %s seems to ignore you.", u_gname())
pray.c:1848 pline("Since you are in Gehennom, %s won't help you.", u_gname())
pray.c:1852 pline("Calling upon %s, you chant an arcane formula.", u_gname())
pray.c:1874 pline("Unfortunately, your voice falters.")
pray.c:2014 pline("A voice (could it be %s?) whispers:", align_gname(altaralign))
pray.c:2016 verbalize("Thou shalt pay, infidel!")
spell.c:129 You_feel("a wrenching sensation.")
spell.c:134 You_feel("threatened.")
spell.c:144 pline("These runes were just too much to comprehend.")
spell.c:148 pline_The("book was coated with contact poison!")
spell.c:151 Your("gloves seem unaffected.")
spell.c:156 Your("gloves corrode%s!", uarmg->oeroded2+1 == MAX_ERODE ? " completely" : uarmg->oeroded2 ? " further" : "")
spell.c:163 Your("gloves %s completely corroded.", Blind ? "feel" : "look")
spell.c:178 pline_The("book %s, but you are unharmed!", explodes)
spell.c:180 pline("As you read the book, it %s in your %s!", explodes, body_part(FACE))
spell.c:203 pline( "Being confused you have difficulties in controlling your actions.")
spell.c:206 You("accidentally tear the spellbook to pieces.")
spell.c:213 You("find yourself reading the %s line over and over again.", spellbook == book ? "next" : "first")
spell.c:228 You("turn the pages of the Book of the Dead...")
spell.c:239 pline_The("runes appear scrambled. You can't read them!")
spell.c:244 pline("A chill runs down your %s.", body_part(SPINE))
spell.c:245 You_hear("a faint chime...")
spell.c:246 pline("Vlad's doppelganger is amused.")
spell.c:265 pline_The("invocation fails!")
spell.c:266 pline("At least one of your artifacts is cursed...")
spell.c:283 You("have a feeling that %s is amiss...", something)
spell.c:294 You("raised the dead!")
spell.c:333 Your("ancestors are annoyed with you!")
spell.c:336 pline_The("headstones in the cemetery begin to move!")
spell.c:339 pline("Oh my! Your name appears in the book!")
spell.c:386 pline("This spellbook is too faint to be read any more.")
spell.c:389 Your("knowledge of %s is keener.", splname)
spell.c:396 You("know %s quite well already.", splname)
spell.c:409 You(i > 0 ? "add %s to your repertoire." : "learn %s.", splname)
spell.c:443 You("continue your efforts to memorize the spell.")
spell.c:448 pline("This spellbook is all blank.")
spell.c:517 pline_The("spellbook crumbles to dust!")
spell.c:535 You("begin to %s the runes.", spellbook->otyp == SPE_BOOK_OF_THE_DEAD ? "recite" : "memorize")
spell.c:598 You("don't know any spells right now.")
spell.c:626 You("don't know that spell.")
spell.c:721 pline_The("%s haze around you becomes more dense.", hgolden)
spell.c:724 pline_The("%s around you begins to shimmer with %s haze.", <x> (Underwater || Is_waterlevel(& ? "water" : "air", an(hgolden))
spell.c:737 Your("skin feels warm for a moment.")
spell.c:794 Your("knowledge of this spell is twisted.")
spell.c:795 pline("It invokes nightmarish images in your mind...")
spell.c:799 You("strain to recall the spell.")
spell.c:801 Your("knowledge of this spell is growing faint.")
spell.c:807 You("are too hungry to cast that spell.")
spell.c:810 You("lack the strength to cast spells.")
spell.c:816 Your("arms are not free to cast!")
spell.c:821 You_feel("the amulet draining your energy away.")
spell.c:825 You("don't have enough energy to cast that spell.")
spell.c:869 You("fail to cast the spell correctly.")
spell.c:959 pline_The("magical energy is released!")
spell.c:1011 You("are no longer ill.")
spell.c:1013 pline_The("slime disappears!")
spell.c:1029 You("sense a pointy hat on top of your %s.", body_part(HEAD))
spell.c:1037 pline(nothing_happens)
spell.c:1062 pline("You're joking! In this weather?")
spell.c:1064 You("had better wait for the sun to come out.")
spell.c:1067 pline("Where do you want to cast the spell?")
spell.c:1076 pline_The("spell dissipates over the distance!")
spell.c:1079 pline_The("spell is cut short!")
spell.c:1086 Your("mind fails to lock onto that location!")
spell.c:1125 You("don't know any spells right now.")
spell.c:1366 pline("Error: Spell %s already known.", OBJ_NAME(objects[obj->otyp]))
mkmaze.c:535 pline("%s", str)
mkmaze.c:538 pline("%s", str)
mkmaze.c:1188 pline("Water turbulence affects your movements.")
mkmaze.c:1422 pline("bubble xmin: x = %d, xmin = %d", b->x, bxmin)
mkmaze.c:1426 pline("bubble ymin: y = %d, ymin = %d", b->y, bymin)
mkmaze.c:1430 pline("bubble xmax: x = %d, xmax = %d", b->x + b->bm[0] - 1, bxmax)
mkmaze.c:1435 pline("bubble ymax: y = %d, ymax = %d", b->y + b->bm[1] - 1, bymax)
dothrow.c:92 pline("%s must be wielded before it can be thrown.", The(xname(obj)))
dothrow.c:98 pline("It's too heavy.")
dothrow.c:102 You("cannot throw an object at yourself.")
dothrow.c:108 You("throw the %s corpse with your bare %s.", mons[obj->corpsenm].mname, body_part(HAND))
dothrow.c:177 You("%s %d %s.", m_shot.s ? "shoot" : "throw", multishot, <x> (multishot == 1) ? singular(obj, xname) : xname(obj))
dothrow.c:232 You("are physically incapable of throwing anything.")
dothrow.c:333 You("are physically incapable of doing that.")
dothrow.c:342 You("have no ammunition readied!")
dothrow.c:347 You("have nothing appropriate for your quiver!")
dothrow.c:350 You("fill your quiver:")
dothrow.c:391 pline("%s hit%s the %s.", Doname2(obj), (obj->quan == 1L) ? "s" : "", surface(u.ux,
dothrow.c:508 You_feel("the spirits holding you back.")
dothrow.c:521 pline("Ouch!")
dothrow.c:532 You("crash into some iron bars. Ouch!")
dothrow.c:537 You("bump into a %s. Ouch!", xname(obj))
dothrow.c:544 You("smack into something!")
dothrow.c:554 You("%sget forcefully wedged into a crevice.", too_much ? "and all your belongings " : "")
dothrow.c:563 You("bump into %s.", a_monnam(mon))
dothrow.c:572 You("come to an abrupt halt!")
dothrow.c:611 You("pass right over %s %s.", (ttmp->ttyp == ARROW_TRAP) ? "an" : "a", defsyms[trap_to_defsym(ttmp->ttyp)].explanation)
dothrow.c:672 You_feel("a tug from the iron ball.")
dothrow.c:676 You("are anchored by the %s.", u.utraptype == TT_WEB ? "web" : u.utraptype == TT_LAVA ? "lava" : u.utraptype == TT_INFLOOR ? surface(u.ux, : "trap")
dothrow.c:693 You("%s in the opposite direction.", range > 1 ? "hurtle" : "float")
dothrow.c:699 You("stop %sing after the first %s.", m_shot.s ? "shoot" : "throw", m_shot.s ? "shot" : "toss")
dothrow.c:809 pline("%s hits the %s.", Doname2(obj), ceiling(u.ux,
dothrow.c:818 pline("%s%s hits the %s, then falls back on top of your %s.", Doname2(obj), almost, ceiling(u.ux,, body_part(HEAD))
dothrow.c:849 pline("You've got it all over your %s!", body_part(FACE))
dothrow.c:852 pline("It blinds you!")
dothrow.c:855 Your(vision_clears)
dothrow.c:891 pline("Fortunately, you are wearing a hard helmet.")
dothrow.c:894 Your("%s does not protect you.", xname(uarmh))
dothrow.c:902 You("turn to stone.")
dothrow.c:968 pline("%s!", Tobjnam(obj, "misfire"))
dothrow.c:976 pline("%s as you throw it!", Tobjnam(obj, "slip"))
dothrow.c:993 You("have so little stamina, %s drops from your grasp.", the(xname(obj)))
dothrow.c:1009 pline("%s the %s and returns to your hand!", Tobjnam(obj, "hit"), ceiling(u.ux,
dothrow.c:1138 pline("%s to your hand!", Tobjnam(obj, "return"))
dothrow.c:1148 pline(Blind ? "%s lands %s your %s." : "%s back to you, landing %s your %s.", Blind ? Something : Tobjnam(obj, "return"), Levitation ? "beneath" : "at", makeplural(body_part(FOOT)))
dothrow.c:1155 pline(Blind ? "%s your %s!" : "%s back toward you, hitting your %s!", Tobjnam(obj, Blind ? "hit" : "fly"), body_part(ARM))
dothrow.c:1188 pline("%s snatches up %s.", Monnam(mon), the(xname(obj)))
dothrow.c:1282 pline("%s %s.", The(missile), otense(obj, "miss"))
dothrow.c:1369 pline("%s catches and drops %s.", Monnam(mon), the(xname(obj)))
dothrow.c:1372 pline("%s catches %s.", Monnam(mon), the(xname(obj)))
dothrow.c:1387 pline("%s catches %s.", Monnam(mon), the(xname(obj)))
dothrow.c:1393 pline("%s %s %s back to you.", Monnam(mon), (next2u ? "hands" : "tosses"), the(xname(obj)))
dothrow.c:1553 pline("%s into %s %s.", Tobjnam(obj, "vanish"), s_suffix(mon_nam(mon)), is_animal(u.ustuck->data) ? "entrails" : "currents")
dothrow.c:1634 pline("%s", buf)
dothrow.c:1737 You("smell a peculiar odor...")
dothrow.c:1740 Your("%s water%s.", (numeyes == 1) ? body_part(EYE) : makeplural(body_part(EYE)), (numeyes == 1) ? "s" : "")
dothrow.c:1846 You_hear("%s shatter!", something)
dothrow.c:1848 pline("%s shatter%s%s!", Doname2(obj), (obj->quan==1) ? "s" : "", to_pieces)
dothrow.c:1853 pline("Splat!")
dothrow.c:1856 pline("What a mess!")
dothrow.c:1860 pline("Splash!")
dothrow.c:1881 You("cannot throw gold at yourself.")
dothrow.c:1888 pline(is_animal(u.ustuck->data) ? "%s in the %s's entrails." : "%s into %s.", #ifndef GOLDOBJ "The gold disappears", mon_nam(u.ustuck))
dothrow.c:1904 pline_The("gold hits the %s, then falls back on top of your %s.", ceiling(u.ux,, body_part(HEAD))
dothrow.c:1908 pline("Fortunately, you are wearing a helmet!")
dothrow.c:1942 pline_The("gold hits the %s.", surface(bhitpos.x,bhitpos.y))
trap.c:163 Your("%s %s not affected.", ostr, vtense(ostr, "are"))
trap.c:165 pline("%s's %s %s not affected.", Monnam(victim), ostr, vtense(ostr, "are"))
trap.c:174 pline("Somehow, your %s %s not affected.", ostr, vtense(ostr, "are"))
trap.c:177 pline("Somehow, %s's %s %s not affected.", mon_nam(victim), ostr, vtense(ostr, "are"))
trap.c:182 Your("%s %s%s!", ostr, vtense(ostr, action[type]), erosion+1 == MAX_ERODE ? " completely" : erosion ? " further" : "")
trap.c:187 pline("%s's %s %s%s!", Monnam(victim), ostr, vtense(ostr, action[type]), erosion+1 == MAX_ERODE ? " completely" : erosion ? " further" : "")
trap.c:200 Your("%s %s completely %s.", ostr, vtense(ostr, Blind ? "feel" : "look"), msg[type])
trap.c:204 pline("%s's %s %s completely %s.", Monnam(victim), ostr, vtense(ostr, "look"), msg[type])
trap.c:223 Your("%s %s %s", ostr, vtense(ostr, "are"), txt)
trap.c:225 pline("%s's %s %s %s", Monnam(victim), ostr, vtense(ostr, "are"), txt)
trap.c:229 Your("%s %s",aobjnam(otmp,"are"), txt)
trap.c:231 pline("%s's %s %s", Monnam(victim), aobjnam(otmp,"are"), txt)
trap.c:236 pline_The("grease dissolves.")
trap.c:362 pline("A trap door opens up under you!")
trap.c:364 pline("There's a gaping hole under you!")
trap.c:366 pline_The("%s opens up under you!", surface(u.ux,
trap.c:383 You(dont_fall)
trap.c:389 pline_The("opening under you closes up.")
trap.c:523 pline("%s %s!", upstart(statuename), canspotmon(mon) ? comes_to_life : "disappears")
trap.c:526 pline_The("statue %s!", canspotmon(mon) ? comes_to_life : "disappears")
trap.c:529 You_feel("guilty that the historic statue is now gone.")
trap.c:533 pline("Instead of shattering, the statue suddenly %s!", canspotmon(mon) ? "comes to life" : "disappears")
trap.c:537 You("find %s posing as a statue.", canspotmon(mon) ? a_monnam(mon) : something)
trap.c:645 pline("Air currents pull you down into %s %s!", a_your[trap->madeby_u], defsyms[trap_to_defsym(ttype)].explanation)
trap.c:654 You("%s over %s %s.", Levitation ? "float" : "fly", a_your[trap->madeby_u], defsyms[trap_to_defsym(ttype)].explanation)
trap.c:664 You("escape %s %s.", (ttype == ARROW_TRAP && !trap->madeby_u) ? "an" : a_your[trap->madeby_u], defsyms[trap_to_defsym(ttype)].explanation)
trap.c:679 You_hear("a loud click!")
trap.c:686 pline("An arrow shoots out at you!")
trap.c:707 You_hear("a soft click.")
trap.c:714 pline("A little dart shoots out at you!")
trap.c:737 pline("A trap door in %s opens, but nothing falls out!", the(ceiling(u.ux,
trap.c:751 pline("A trap door in %s opens and %s falls on your %s!", the(ceiling(u.ux,, an(xname(otmp)), body_part(HEAD))
trap.c:758 pline("Fortunately, you are wearing a hard helmet.")
trap.c:761 Your("%s does not protect you.", xname(uarmh))
trap.c:781 You("notice a crease in the linoleum.")
trap.c:783 You("notice a loose board below you.")
trap.c:787 pline("A board beneath you squeaks loudly.")
trap.c:797 pline("%s bear trap closes harmlessly through you.", A_Your[trap->madeby_u])
trap.c:806 pline("%s bear trap closes harmlessly over you.", A_Your[trap->madeby_u])
trap.c:814 pline("%s bear trap closes on %s %s!", A_Your[trap->madeby_u], s_suffix(mon_nam(u.usteed)), mbodypart(u.usteed, FOOT))
trap.c:820 pline("%s bear trap closes on your %s!", A_Your[trap->madeby_u], body_part(FOOT))
trap.c:823 You("howl in anger!")
trap.c:831 You("are enveloped in a cloud of gas!")
trap.c:834 pline("A cloud of gas puts you to sleep!")
trap.c:846 pline("%s you!", A_gush_of_water_hits)
trap.c:847 You("are covered with rust!")
trap.c:852 pline("%s you!", A_gush_of_water_hits)
trap.c:865 pline("%s you on the %s!", A_gush_of_water_hits, body_part(HEAD))
trap.c:870 pline("%s your left %s!", A_gush_of_water_hits, body_part(ARM))
trap.c:883 pline("%s your right %s!", A_gush_of_water_hits, body_part(ARM))
trap.c:888 pline("%s you!", A_gush_of_water_hits)
trap.c:917 You("see %s %spit below you.", a_your[trap->madeby_u], ttype == SPIKED_PIT ? "spiked " : "")
trap.c:920 pline("%s pit %sopens up under you!", A_Your[trap->madeby_u], ttype == SPIKED_PIT ? "full of spikes " : "")
trap.c:923 You("don't fall in!")
trap.c:944 You("%s into %s pit!", verbbuf, a_your[trap->madeby_u])
trap.c:950 pline("Fortunately it has a bottom after all...")
trap.c:954 pline("How pitiful. Isn't that the pits?")
trap.c:959 pline("%s lands %s!", upstart(x_monnam(u.usteed, u.usteed->mnamelth ? ARTICLE_NONE : ARTICLE_THE, "poor", SUPPRESS_SADDLE, FALSE)), predicament)
trap.c:966 You("land %s!", predicament)
trap.c:1025 You("%s %s spider web!", (u.umonnum == PM_FIRE_ELEMENTAL) ? "burn" : "dissolve", a_your[trap->madeby_u])
trap.c:1032 You("flow through %s spider web.", a_your[trap->madeby_u])
trap.c:1038 pline(trap->madeby_u ? "You take a walk on your web." : "There is a spider web here.")
trap.c:1056 You("%s into %s spider web!", verbbuf, a_your[trap->madeby_u])
trap.c:1106 You("tear through %s web!", a_your[trap->madeby_u])
trap.c:1125 You("are caught in a magical explosion!")
trap.c:1127 Your("body absorbs some of the magical energy!")
trap.c:1139 You_feel("momentarily lethargic.")
trap.c:1157 You("%s onto a polymorph trap!", verbbuf)
trap.c:1160 You_feel("momentarily different.")
trap.c:1171 You_feel("a change coming over you.")
trap.c:1184 pline("%s %s in a pile of soil below you.", already_seen ? "There is" : "You discover", trap->madeby_u ? "the trigger of your mine" : "a trigger")
trap.c:1189 pline("KAABLAMM!!! %s %s%s off!", forcebungle ? "Your inept attempt sets" : "The air currents set", already_seen ? a_your[trap->madeby_u] : "", already_seen ? " land mine" : "it")
trap.c:1206 pline("KAABLAMM!!! You triggered %s land mine!", a_your[trap->madeby_u])
trap.c:1237 pline("Click! You trigger a rolling boulder trap!")
trap.c:1243 pline("Fortunately for you, no boulder was released.")
trap.c:1301 pline("%s suddenly falls asleep!", Monnam(mtmp))
trap.c:1328 You("have to adjust yourself in the saddle on %s.", x_monnam(mtmp, mtmp->mnamelth ? ARTICLE_NONE : ARTICLE_A, (char *)0, SUPPRESS_SADDLE, FALSE))
trap.c:1446 You_hear(Hallucination ? "someone bowling." : "rumbling in the distance.")
trap.c:1490 pline("%s snatches the boulder.", Monnam(mtmp))
trap.c:1521 pline( "KAABLAMM!!!%s", cansee(bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y) ? " The rolling boulder triggers a land mine." : "")
trap.c:1541 pline("Suddenly the rolling boulder disappears!")
trap.c:1543 You_hear("a rumbling stop abruptly.")
trap.c:1592 You_hear("a loud crash%s!", cansee(bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y) ? bmsg : "")
trap.c:1607 pline_The("boulder crashes through a door.")
trap.c:1776 pline("%s pulls free...", Monnam(mtmp))
trap.c:1785 pline("%s eats a bear trap!", Monnam(mtmp))
trap.c:1791 pline("%s munches on some spikes!", Monnam(mtmp))
trap.c:1834 pline("%s triggers a trap but nothing happens.", Monnam(mtmp))
trap.c:1851 pline("%s triggers a trap but nothing happens.", Monnam(mtmp))
trap.c:1868 pline("A trap door above %s opens, but nothing falls out!", mon_nam(mtmp))
trap.c:1888 pline("A board beneath %s squeaks loudly.", mon_nam(mtmp))
trap.c:1891 You_hear("a distant squeak.")
trap.c:1903 pline("%s is caught in %s bear trap!", Monnam(mtmp), a_your[trap->madeby_u])
trap.c:1910 You_hear("the roaring of an angry bear!")
trap.c:1921 pline("%s suddenly falls asleep!", Monnam(mtmp))
trap.c:1937 pline("%s %s on the %s!", A_gush_of_water_hits, mon_nam(mtmp), mbodypart(mtmp, HEAD))
trap.c:1944 pline("%s %s's left %s!", A_gush_of_water_hits, mon_nam(mtmp), mbodypart(mtmp, ARM))
trap.c:1957 pline("%s %s's right %s!", A_gush_of_water_hits, mon_nam(mtmp), mbodypart(mtmp, ARM))
trap.c:1963 pline("%s %s!", A_gush_of_water_hits, mon_nam(mtmp))
trap.c:1985 pline("%s falls to pieces!", Monnam(mtmp))
trap.c:1987 pline("May %s rust in peace.", mon_nam(mtmp))
trap.c:2000 pline("A %s erupts from the %s under %s!", tower_of_flame, surface(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my), mon_nam(mtmp))
trap.c:2005 You("see a %s erupt from the %s!", tower_of_flame, surface(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my))
trap.c:2011 pline("%s is uninjured.", Monnam(mtmp))
trap.c:2045 You("smell smoke.")
trap.c:2065 pline("%s %s into %s pit!", Monnam(mtmp), fallverb, a_your[trap->madeby_u])
trap.c:2069 pline("How pitiful. Isn't that the pits?")
trap.c:2093 pline("%s seems to be yanked down!", Monnam(mtmp))
trap.c:2128 pline("%s %s %s spider web!", Monnam(mtmp), (mptr == &mons[PM_FIRE_ELEMENTAL]) ? "burns" : "dissolves", a_your[trap->madeby_u])
trap.c:2138 pline("%s flows through %s spider web.", Monnam(mtmp), a_your[trap->madeby_u])
trap.c:2151 You_hear("the roaring of a confused bear!")
trap.c:2165 pline("%s is caught in %s spider web.", Monnam(mtmp), a_your[trap->madeby_u])
trap.c:2188 pline("%s tears through %s spider web!", Monnam(mtmp), a_your[trap->madeby_u])
trap.c:2213 pline("A trigger appears in a pile of soil below %s.", mon_nam(mtmp))
trap.c:2219 pline_The("air currents set %s off!", already_seen ? "a land mine" : "it")
trap.c:2224 pline("KAABLAMM!!! %s triggers %s land mine!", Monnam(mtmp), a_your[trap->madeby_u])
trap.c:2228 pline("Kaablamm! You hear an explosion in the distance!")
trap.c:2263 pline("Click! %s triggers %s.", Monnam(mtmp), trap->tseen ? "a rolling boulder trap" : something)
trap.c:2299 You("turn to stone...")
trap.c:2322 pline("%s turns to stone.", Monnam(mon))
trap.c:2337 pline("%s touch the %s corpse.", arg, mons[uwep->corpsenm].mname)
trap.c:2346 pline("%s touch the %s corpse.", arg, mons[uswapwep->corpsenm].mname)
trap.c:2363 pline("%s%s touches the %s corpse.", arg ? arg : "", arg ? mon_nam(mon) : Monnam(mon), mons[mwep->corpsenm].mname)
trap.c:2377 You("float up, out of the pit!")
trap.c:2382 Your("body pulls upward, but your %s are still stuck.", makeplural(body_part(LEG)))
trap.c:2385 You("float up, only your %s is still stuck.", body_part(LEG))
trap.c:2390 pline("It feels as though you've lost some weight.")
trap.c:2394 You(is_animal(u.ustuck->data) ? "float away from the %s." : "spiral up into %s.", is_animal(u.ustuck->data) ? surface(u.ux, : mon_nam(u.ustuck))
trap.c:2401 pline("Up, up, and awaaaay! You're walking on air!")
trap.c:2403 You("gain control over your movements.")
trap.c:2405 You("start to float in the air!")
trap.c:2410 pline("%s magically floats up!", Monnam(u.usteed))
trap.c:2412 You("cannot stay on %s.", mon_nam(u.usteed))
trap.c:2449 You("float down, but you are still %s.", is_animal(u.ustuck->data) ? "swallowed" : "engulfed")
trap.c:2473 You("aren't able to maintain your hold on %s.", mon_nam(u.ustuck))
trap.c:2476 pline("Startled, %s can no longer hold you!", mon_nam(u.ustuck))
trap.c:2500 You("begin to tumble in place.")
trap.c:2502 You_feel("heavier.")
trap.c:2512 pline("Bummer! You've %s.", is_pool(u.ux, ? "splashed down" : sokoban_trap ? "crashed" : "hit the ground")
trap.c:2518 You("float gently to the %s.", surface(u.ux,
trap.c:2529 You("fall over.")
trap.c:2585 pline("A cascade of steamy bubbles erupts from %s!", the(box ? xname(box) : surface(u.ux,
trap.c:2587 You("are uninjured.")
trap.c:2591 pline("A %s %s from %s!", tower_of_flame, box ? "bursts" : "erupts", the(box ? xname(box) : surface(u.ux,
trap.c:2615 You("are uninjured.")
trap.c:2626 You("smell paper burning.")
trap.c:2645 You("are momentarily blinded by a flash of light!")
trap.c:2647 Your(vision_clears)
trap.c:2649 You("see a flash of light!")
trap.c:2651 You_hear("a deafening roar!")
trap.c:2670 pline("A shiver runs up and down your %s!", body_part(SPINE))
trap.c:2673 You_hear(Hallucination ? "the moon howling at you." : "distant howling.")
trap.c:2678 You_feel("%slike the prodigal son.", (flags.female || (Upolyd && is_neuter( ? "oddly " : "")
trap.c:2682 You("suddenly yearn for %s.", Hallucination ? "Cleveland" : (In_quest(& || at_dgn_entrance("The Quest")) ? "your nearby homeland" : "your distant homeland")
trap.c:2688 Your("pack shakes violently!")
trap.c:2690 You(Hallucination ? "smell hamburgers." : "smell charred flesh.")
trap.c:2694 You_feel("tired.")
trap.c:2784 pline("%s catches fire and burns.", Yname2(obj))
trap.c:2786 pline("Its contents fall out.")
trap.c:2809 pline("Smoke rises from %s.", the(xname(obj)))
trap.c:2814 pline("%s %s.", Yname2(obj), (obj->quan > 1) ? destroy_strings[dindx*3 + 1] : destroy_strings[dindx*3])
trap.c:2821 pline("%s %s.", Yname2(obj), (obj->quan > 1) ? destroy_strings[dindx*3 + 1] : destroy_strings[dindx*3])
trap.c:2828 pline("%s %s%s.", Yname2(obj), otense(obj, "burn"), obj->oeroded+1 == MAX_ERODE ? " completely" : obj->oeroded ? " further" : "")
trap.c:2837 You("smell smoke.")
trap.c:2882 pline("Steam rises from %s.", the(xname(obj)))
trap.c:2888 pline("A potion explodes!")
trap.c:2962 pline("In desperation, you drop your purse.")
trap.c:3018 You("%s into the water%c", Is_waterlevel(& ? "plunge" : "fall", Amphibious || Swimming ? '.' : '!')
trap.c:3022 You("sink like %s.", Hallucination ? "the Titanic" : "a rock")
trap.c:3031 You("rust!")
trap.c:3039 pline_The("leash%s slip%s loose.", (i > 1) ? "es" : "", (i > 1) ? "" : "s")
trap.c:3048 pline("But you aren't drowning.")
trap.c:3051 Your("keel hits the bottom.")
trap.c:3053 You("touch bottom.")
trap.c:3069 You("attempt a teleport spell.")
trap.c:3075 pline_The("attempted teleport spell fails.")
trap.c:3121 You("try to crawl out of the water.")
trap.c:3123 You("dump some of your gear to lose weight...")
trap.c:3125 pline("Pheew! That was close.")
trap.c:3131 pline("But in vain.")
trap.c:3134 You("drown.")
trap.c:3142 pline("You're still drowning.")
trap.c:3147 You("find yourself back %s.", Is_waterlevel(& ? "in an air bubble" : "on land")
trap.c:3158 You_feel("your magical energy drain away!")
trap.c:3173 pline("You're too strained to do that.")
trap.c:3177 pline("And just how do you expect to do that?")
trap.c:3180 pline("You'll have to let go of %s first.", mon_nam(u.ustuck))
trap.c:3184 Your("%s seem to be too busy for that.", makeplural(body_part(HAND)))
trap.c:3289 pline("%s is in the way.", Monnam(mtmp))
trap.c:3296 There("is a boulder in your way.")
trap.c:3308 You("are unable to reach the %s!", defsyms[trap_to_defsym(ttype)].explanation)
trap.c:3318 You("aren't skilled enough to reach from %s.", mon_nam(u.usteed))
trap.c:3322 You("are unable to reach the %s!", defsyms[trap_to_defsym(ttype)].explanation)
trap.c:3331 pline("Whoops...")
trap.c:3341 pline_The("webbing sticks to you. You're caught too!")
trap.c:3352 pline("%s remains entangled.", Monnam(mtmp))
trap.c:3360 pline("%s %s is difficult to %s.", ttmp->madeby_u ? "Your" : under_u ? "This" : "That", defsyms[trap_to_defsym(ttype)].explanation, (ttype == WEB) ? "remove" : "disarm")
trap.c:3383 pline("%s is grateful.", Monnam(mtmp))
trap.c:3390 You_feel("that you did the right thing.")
trap.c:3413 You("remove %s %s from %s.", the_your[ttmp->madeby_u], (ttmp->ttyp == BEAR_TRAP) ? "bear trap" : "webbing", mon_nam(mtmp))
trap.c:3419 You("disarm %s bear trap.", the_your[ttmp->madeby_u])
trap.c:3423 You("succeed in removing %s web.", the_your[ttmp->madeby_u])
trap.c:3439 You("disarm %s land mine.", the_your[ttmp->madeby_u])
trap.c:3477 You("repair the squeaky board.")
trap.c:3496 You("disarm %s trap.", the_your[ttmp->madeby_u])
trap.c:3514 pline("%s is %s for you to lift.", Monnam(mtmp), stuff ? "carrying too much" : "too heavy")
trap.c:3522 pline("%s thinks it was nice of you to try.", Monnam(mtmp))
trap.c:3551 pline("%s isn't trapped.", Monnam(mtmp))
trap.c:3561 You("try to reach out your %s, but %s backs away skeptically.", makeplural(body_part(ARM)), mon_nam(mtmp))
trap.c:3571 You("grab the trapped %s using your bare %s.", mtmp->data->mname, makeplural(body_part(HAND)))
trap.c:3588 You("try to grab %s, but cannot get a firm grasp.", mon_nam(mtmp))
trap.c:3592 pline("%s awakens.", Monnam(mtmp))
trap.c:3597 You("reach out your %s and grab %s.", makeplural(body_part(ARM)), mon_nam(mtmp))
trap.c:3602 pline("%s awakens.", Monnam(mtmp))
trap.c:3608 pline("%s stirs.", Monnam(mtmp))
trap.c:3622 You("pull %s out of the pit.", mon_nam(mtmp))
trap.c:3662 You_cant("do much about %s%s.", the_trap, u.utrap ? " that you're stuck in" : " while standing on the edge of it")
trap.c:3683 You("cannot deal with %s while trapped%s!", the_trap, (x == u.ux && y == ? " in it" : "")
trap.c:3702 You("are already on the edge of the pit.")
trap.c:3706 pline("Try filling the pit instead.")
trap.c:3711 You("cannot disable %s trap.", (u.dx || u.dy) ? "that" : "this")
trap.c:3730 You("aren't skilled enough to reach from %s.", mon_nam(u.usteed))
trap.c:3738 You("find a trap on %s!", the(xname(otmp)))
trap.c:3754 You("disarm it!")
trap.c:3757 pline("That %s was not trapped.", xname(otmp))
trap.c:3760 You("find no traps on %s.", the(xname(otmp)))
trap.c:3765 You(trap_skipped ? "find no other traps here." : "know of no traps here.")
trap.c:3782 You("cannot disable that trap.")
trap.c:3784 You("know of no traps there.")
trap.c:3790 You("%s no door there.", Blind ? "feel" : "see")
trap.c:3793 pline("This door is safely open.")
trap.c:3796 pline("This door is broken.")
trap.c:3804 You("find a trap on the door!")
trap.c:3812 You("set it off!")
trap.c:3821 You("disarm it!")
trap.c:3824 pline("This door was not trapped.")
trap.c:3827 You("find no traps on the door.")
trap.c:3855 You(disarm ? "set it off!" : "trigger a trap!")
trap.c:3878 pline("But luckily the %s!", msg)
trap.c:3899 pline("%s!", Tobjnam(obj, "explode"))
trap.c:3933 You("owe %ld %s for objects destroyed.", loss, currency(loss))
trap.c:3936 You("caused %ld %s worth of damage!", loss, currency(loss))
trap.c:3947 pline("A cloud of noxious gas billows from %s.", the(xname(obj)))
trap.c:3956 You_feel("a needle prick your %s.",body_part(bodypart))
trap.c:3971 You("are jolted by a surge of electricity!")
trap.c:3974 You("don't seem to be affected.")
trap.c:3987 pline("Suddenly you are frozen in place!")
trap.c:3991 You("momentarily stiffen.")
trap.c:3996 pline("A cloud of %s gas billows from %s.", Blind ? blindgas[rn2(SIZE(blindgas))] : rndcolor(), the(xname(obj)))
trap.c:4001 pline("What a groovy feeling!")
trap.c:4003 You("%s and get dizzy...", stagger(, "stagger"))
trap.c:4006 You("%s and your vision blurs...", stagger(, "stagger"))
trap.c:4102 pline("KABOOM!! %s was booby-trapped!", The(item))
trap.c:4135 pline("%s is almost hit by %s!", Monnam(mon), doname(obj))
trap.c:4140 pline("%s is hit by %s!", Monnam(mon), doname(obj))
trap.c:4189 pline_The("lava here burns you!")
trap.c:4195 You("fall into the lava!")
trap.c:4206 Your("%s into flame!", aobjnam(obj, "burst"))
trap.c:4234 You("burn to a crisp...")
trap.c:4237 pline("You're still burning.")
trap.c:4240 You("find yourself back on solid %s.", surface(u.ux,
trap.c:4247 You("sink into the lava, but it only burns slightly!")
trap.c:4259 Your("%s bursts into flame!", xname(obj))
rumors.c:149 pline("Can't open rumors file!")
rumors.c:176 pline(fortune_msg)
rumors.c:177 pline("What a pity that you cannot read it!")
rumors.c:188 pline("True to her word, the Oracle %ssays: ", (!rn2(4) ? "offhandedly " : (!rn2(3) ? "casually " : (rn2(2) ? "nonchalantly " : ""))))
rumors.c:191 verbalize("%s", line)
rumors.c:195 pline(fortune_msg)
rumors.c:199 pline("It reads:")
rumors.c:202 pline("%s", line)
rumors.c:313 pline("Can't open oracles file!")
rumors.c:333 There("is no one here to consult.")
rumors.c:336 pline("%s is in no mood for consultations.", Monnam(oracl))
rumors.c:343 You("have no money.")
rumors.c:360 You("don't even have enough money for that!")
minion.c:139 pline_The("voice of %s booms:", align_gname(alignment))
minion.c:140 verbalize("Thou shalt pay for thy indiscretion!")
minion.c:142 pline("%s appears before you.", Amonnam(mon))
minion.c:160 pline("%s looks very angry.", Amonnam(mtmp))
minion.c:171 pline("%s appears before you.", Amonnam(mtmp))
minion.c:176 pline("%s says, \"Good hunting, %s.\"", Amonnam(mtmp), flags.female ? "Sister" : "Brother")
minion.c:202 pline("%s demands %ld %s for safe passage.", Amonnam(mtmp), demand, currency(demand))
minion.c:206 pline("%s vanishes, laughing about cowardly mortals.", Amonnam(mtmp))
minion.c:209 pline("%s scowls at you menacingly, then vanishes.", Amonnam(mtmp))
minion.c:212 pline("%s gets angry...", Amonnam(mtmp))
minion.c:240 You("try to shortchange %s, but fumble.", mon_nam(mtmp))
minion.c:244 You("refuse.")
minion.c:248 You("give %s all your gold.", mon_nam(mtmp))
minion.c:251 You("give %s %ld %s.", mon_nam(mtmp), offer, currency(offer))
minion.c:257 You("give %s all your gold.", mon_nam(mtmp))
minion.c:260 You("give %s %ld %s.", mon_nam(mtmp), offer, currency(offer))
mplayer.c:361 pline("Talk? -- %s", (mtmp->data == &mons[urole.malenum] || mtmp->data == &mons[urole.femalenum]) ? same_class_msg[rn2(3)] : other_class_msg[rn2(3)])
dog.c:78 pline("... into a pile of dust.")
dog.c:88 There("seems to be nothing available for a familiar.")
dog.c:97 pline_The("figurine writhes and then shatters into pieces!")
dog.c:122 You("get a bad feeling about this.")
dog.c:590 pline("%s is still eating.", Monnam(mtmp))
dog.c:594 pline("%s seems very disoriented for a moment.", Monnam(mtmp))
dog.c:599 pline("%s is still trapped.", Monnam(mtmp))
dog.c:607 pline("%s leash suddenly comes loose.", humanoid(mtmp->data) ? (mtmp->female ? "Her" : "His") : "Its")
dog.c:655 pline("%s leash goes slack.", s_suffix(Monnam(mtmp)))
dog.c:893 pline("%s catches %s%s", Monnam(mtmp), the(xname(obj)), !big_corpse ? "." : ", or vice versa!")
dog.c:897 pline("%s.", Tobjnam(obj, "stop"))
dog.c:992 pline("%s %s to look you in the %s.", Monnam(mtmp), mtmp->mpeaceful ? "seems unable" : "refuses", body_part(EYE))
dog.c:998 pline("%s avoids your gaze.", Monnam(mtmp))
zap.c:165 You("disrupt %s!", mon_nam(mtmp))
zap.c:166 pline("A huge hole opens up...")
zap.c:211 pline("%s shudders!", Monnam(mtmp))
zap.c:248 pline("%s turns transparent!", nambuf)
zap.c:270 You_feel("a sudden rush of air!")
zap.c:271 pline("%s opens its mouth!", Monnam(mtmp))
zap.c:310 pline("%s looks%s better.", Monnam(mtmp), otyp == SPE_EXTRA_HEALING ? " much" : "" )
zap.c:348 pline("%s turns to flesh!", name)
zap.c:351 pline("%s looks rather fleshy for a moment.", name)
zap.c:373 pline("%s suddenly seems weaker!", Monnam(mtmp))
zap.c:423 pline("%s is not carrying anything.", noit_Monnam(mtmp))
zap.c:722 pline("%s is suddenly drawn into its former body!", Monnam(ghost))
zap.c:840 pline("%s %s suddenly comes alive!", owner, corpse)
zap.c:842 pline("%s suddenly appears!", Amonnam(mtmp2))
zap.c:867 Norep("You cancel an unpaid object, you pay for it!")
zap.c:876 Norep("You cancel it, you pay for it!")
zap.c:1247 pline("Some %sobjects meld, and %s arises from the pile!", material, a_monnam(mtmp))
zap.c:1573 pline("%s gets angry!", Monnam(shkp))
zap.c:1576 Norep("%s is furious!", Monnam(shkp))
zap.c:1681 pline("%s empty.", Tobjnam(obj, "are"))
zap.c:1838 pline_The("figurine animates!")
zap.c:1860 Norep("You smell the odor of meat.")
zap.c:1862 Norep("You smell a delicious smell.")
zap.c:1935 You("wrest one last charge from the worn-out wand.")
zap.c:1969 pline("Unfortunately, nothing happens.")
zap.c:1976 You_feel("self-knowledgeable...")
zap.c:1979 pline_The("feeling subsides.")
zap.c:1998 pline("%s suddenly explodes!", The(xname(otmp)))
zap.c:2019 pline(nothing_happens)
zap.c:2027 pline("%s glows and fades.", The(xname(obj)))
zap.c:2051 pline("%s to dust.", Tobjnam(obj, "turn"))
zap.c:2073 pline("Boing!")
zap.c:2076 You("bash yourself!")
zap.c:2087 You("shock yourself!")
zap.c:2092 You("zap yourself, but seem unharmed.")
zap.c:2098 You(are_blinded_by_the_flash)
zap.c:2100 Your(vision_clears)
zap.c:2105 You("explode a fireball on top of yourself!")
zap.c:2113 You_feel("rather warm.")
zap.c:2116 pline("You've set yourself afire!")
zap.c:2132 You_feel("a little chill.")
zap.c:2135 You("imitate a popsicle!")
zap.c:2146 pline_The("missiles bounce!")
zap.c:2149 pline("Idiot! You've shot yourself!")
zap.c:2185 You_feel("rather itchy under your %s.", xname(uarmc))
zap.c:2206 You("speed up.")
zap.c:2208 Your("quickness feels more natural.")
zap.c:2220 You("don't feel sleepy!")
zap.c:2222 pline_The("sleep ray hits you!")
zap.c:2243 pline((obj->otyp == WAN_DEATH) ? "The wand shoots an apparently harmless beam at you." : "You seem no deader than before.")
zap.c:2251 You("irradiate yourself with pure energy!")
zap.c:2252 You("die.")
zap.c:2263 You_feel("frightened and %sstunned.", Stunned ? "even more " : "")
zap.c:2267 You("shudder in dread.")
zap.c:2273 You_feel("%sbetter.", obj->otyp == SPE_EXTRA_HEALING ? "much " : "")
zap.c:2286 You(are_blinded_by_the_flash)
zap.c:2289 Your(vision_clears)
zap.c:2297 Your("chain quivers for a moment.")
zap.c:2466 pline(writing_vanishes, your)
zap.c:2469 Your("amulet grows hot for a moment, then cools.")
zap.c:2481 pline(writing_vanishes, s_suffix(mon_nam(mdef)))
zap.c:2523 You("probe towards the %s.", ceiling(x,y))
zap.c:2526 You("probe beneath the %s.", surface(x,y))
zap.c:2529 Your("probe reveals nothing.")
zap.c:2544 pline_The("stairs seem to ripple momentarily.")
zap.c:2570 pline("A rock is dislodged from the %s and falls on your %s.", ceiling(x, y), body_part(HEAD))
zap.c:2583 pline("A trap door beneath you closes up then vanishes.")
zap.c:2586 You("see a swirl of %s beneath you.", is_ice(x,y) ? "frost" : "dust")
zap.c:2590 You_hear("a twang followed by a thud.")
zap.c:2600 pline(nothing_happens)
zap.c:2603 pline("Blood drips on your %s.", body_part(FACE))
zap.c:2613 pline(nothing_happens)
zap.c:2615 pline("Blood %ss %s your %s.", is_lava(u.ux, ? "boil" : "pool", Levitation ? "beneath" : "at", makeplural(body_part(FOOT)))
zap.c:2653 pline_The(Hallucination ? "floor runs like butter!" : "edges on the floor get smoother.")
zap.c:2707 You_feel("shuddering vibrations.")
zap.c:2825 pline("%s %s it.", The(str), vtense(str, "hit"))
zap.c:2826 pline("%s %s %s%s", The(str), vtense(str, "hit"), mon_nam(mtmp), force)
zap.c:2835 pline("%s %s %s.", The(str), vtense(str, "miss"), ((cansee(bhitpos.x,bhitpos.y) || canspotmon(mtmp)) && flags.verbose) ? mon_nam(mtmp) : "it")
zap.c:3069 pline("%s hits %s.", The(distant_name(obj, xname)), an(xname(bobj)))
zap.c:3077 pline("%s jerks to an abrupt halt.", The(distant_name(obj, xname)))
zap.c:3151 You("skillfully catch the boomerang.")
zap.c:3195 pline("Damage = %d + %d", tmp-spell_damage_bonus(), spell_damage_bonus())
zap.c:3210 pline("Damage = %d + %d",tmp-spell_damage_bonus(), spell_damage_bonus())
zap.c:3230 pline("Damage = %d + %d", tmp-spell_damage_bonus(), spell_damage_bonus())
zap.c:3306 pline("Damage = %d + %d", tmp-spell_damage_bonus(), spell_damage_bonus())
zap.c:3348 pline("zapped monster hp = %d (= %d - %d)", mon->mhp-tmp,mon->mhp,tmp)
zap.c:3366 pline_The("missiles bounce off!")
zap.c:3375 You("don't feel hot!")
zap.c:3391 You("don't feel cold.")
zap.c:3401 You("don't feel sleepy.")
zap.c:3410 You("are not disintegrated.")
zap.c:3433 You("seem unaffected.")
zap.c:3437 You("aren't affected.")
zap.c:3451 You("aren't affected.")
zap.c:3467 pline_The("acid burns!")
zap.c:3540 pline("%ld %s burn.", delquan, buf2)
zap.c:3542 pline("%s burns.", An(buf1))
zap.c:3613 pline("%s rips into %s%s", The(fltxt), mon_nam(u.ustuck), exclam(tmp))
zap.c:3681 pline("%s disintegrates.", Monnam(mon))
zap.c:3682 pline("%s body reintegrates before your %s!", s_suffix(Monnam(mon)), (eyecount( == 1) ? body_part(EYE) : makeplural(body_part(EYE)))
zap.c:3686 pline("%s resurrects!", Monnam(mon))
zap.c:3695 pline("%s absorbs the deadly %s!", Monnam(mon), type == ZT_BREATH(ZT_DEATH) ? "blast" : "ray")
zap.c:3698 pline("It seems even stronger than before.")
zap.c:3710 pline("%s is disintegrated!", Monnam(mon))
zap.c:3751 pline("%s %s is disintegrated!", s_suffix(Monnam(mon)), distant_name(otmp, xname))
zap.c:3775 pline("%s hits you!", The(fltxt))
zap.c:3780 pline("For some reason you are not affected.")
zap.c:3788 pline("%s whizzes by you!", The(fltxt))
zap.c:3791 You(are_blinded_by_the_flash)
zap.c:3793 Your(vision_clears)
zap.c:3813 pline("%s bounces!", The(fltxt))
zap.c:3877 Norep("The ice crackles and melts.")
zap.c:3879 pline("%s settles...", An(xname(otmp)))
zap.c:3918 Norep("A web bursts into flames!")
zap.c:3938 Norep(msgtxt)
zap.c:3942 pline("Steam billows from the fountain.")
zap.c:3958 pline_The("water freezes for a moment.")
zap.c:3960 You_hear("a soft crackling.")
zap.c:3978 Norep("The moat is bridged with ice!")
zap.c:3980 Norep("The lava cools and solidifies.")
zap.c:3982 Norep("The water freezes.")
zap.c:3985 You_hear("a crackling sound.")
zap.c:3998 You("pass through the now-solid rock.")
zap.c:4002 You("are firmly stuck in the cooling rock.")
zap.c:4050 pline_The("door absorbs %s %s!", (type < 0) ? "the" : "your", abs(type) < ZT_SPELL(0) ? "bolt" : abs(type) < ZT_BREATH(0) ? "spell" : "blast")
zap.c:4055 You_feel("vibrations.")
zap.c:4072 pline(see_txt)
zap.c:4075 You(sense_txt)
zap.c:4077 You_hear(hear_txt)
zap.c:4089 You("%s of smoke.", !Blind ? "see a puff" : "smell a whiff")
zap.c:4165 You_feel("guilty about damaging such a historic statue.")
zap.c:4222 pline("%s glows a strange %s, but remains intact.", The(xname(obj)), hcolor("dark red"))
zap.c:4280 pline("%s %s %s!", mult, xname(obj), (cnt > 1L) ? destroy_strings[dindx*3 + 1] : destroy_strings[dindx*3])
zap.c:4299 You("aren't hurt!")
zap.c:4355 pline("%s glows a strange %s, but remains intact.", The(distant_name(obj, xname)), hcolor("dark red"))
zap.c:4405 pline("%s %s %s!", s_suffix(Monnam(mtmp)), xname(obj), (cnt > 1L) ? destroy_strings[dindx*3 + 1] : destroy_strings[dindx*3])
zap.c:4452 pline("%s resists!", Monnam(mtmp))
zap.c:4476 You("may wish for an object.")
zap.c:4489 pline("Nothing fitting that description exists in the game.")
zap.c:4491 pline(thats_enough_tries)
sit.c:16 You_feel("a strange sensation.")
sit.c:18 You("notice you have no gold!")
sit.c:33 You_feel("a strange sensation.")
sit.c:35 You("notice you have no money!")
sit.c:51 You("are already sitting on %s.", mon_nam(u.usteed))
sit.c:58 You("tumble in place.")
sit.c:60 You("are sitting on air.")
sit.c:71 You("sit on %s.", the(xname(obj)))
sit.c:73 pline("It's not very comfortable...")
sit.c:82 You_cant("sit down with your %s in the bear trap.", body_part(FOOT))
sit.c:86 You("sit down on a spike. Ouch!")
sit.c:90 You("sit down in the pit.")
sit.c:93 You("sit in the spider web and get entangled further!")
sit.c:98 You("sit in the lava!")
sit.c:102 You_cant("maneuver to sit!")
sit.c:106 You("sit down.")
sit.c:111 There("are no cushions floating nearby.")
sit.c:113 You("sit down on the muddy bottom.")
sit.c:116 You("sit in the water.")
sit.c:124 You(sit_message, defsyms[S_sink].explanation)
sit.c:125 Your("%s gets wet.", humanoid( ? "rump" : "underside")
sit.c:129 You(sit_message, defsyms[S_altar].explanation)
sit.c:134 You(sit_message, defsyms[S_grave].explanation)
sit.c:138 You(sit_message, "stairs")
sit.c:142 You(sit_message, "ladder")
sit.c:148 You(sit_message, "lava")
sit.c:151 pline_The("lava feels warm.")
sit.c:154 pline_The("lava burns you!")
sit.c:160 You(sit_message, defsyms[S_ice].explanation)
sit.c:161 pline_The("ice feels cold.")
sit.c:165 You(sit_message, "drawbridge")
sit.c:169 You(sit_message, defsyms[S_throne].explanation)
sit.c:180 pline("A%s electric shock shoots through your body!", (Shock_resistance) ? "n" : " massive")
sit.c:187 You_feel("much, much better!")
sit.c:204 You_feel("your luck is changing.")
sit.c:212 pline("A voice echoes:")
sit.c:213 verbalize("Thy audience hath been summoned, %s!", flags.female ? "Dame" : "Sire")
sit.c:220 pline("A voice echoes:")
sit.c:221 verbalize("By thy Imperious order, %s...", flags.female ? "Dame" : "Sire")
sit.c:227 pline("A voice echoes:")
sit.c:228 verbalize("A curse upon thee for sitting upon this most holy throne!")
sit.c:236 pline( "A terrible drone fills your head!")
sit.c:241 pline("An image forms in your mind.")
sit.c:245 Your("vision becomes clear.")
sit.c:252 You_feel("threatened.")
sit.c:256 You_feel("a wrenching sensation.")
sit.c:262 You("are granted an insight!")
sit.c:270 Your("mind turns into a pretzel!")
sit.c:278 You_feel("very comfortable here.")
sit.c:280 You_feel("somehow out of place...")
sit.c:287 pline_The("throne vanishes in a puff of logic.")
sit.c:295 pline("Males can't lay eggs!")
sit.c:300 You("don't have enough energy to lay an egg.")
sit.c:311 You("lay an egg.")
sit.c:316 There("are no seats in here!")
sit.c:318 pline("Having fun sitting on the %s?", surface(u.ux,
sit.c:332 You(mal_aura, "the magic-absorbing blade")
sit.c:338 You(mal_aura, "you")
sit.c:370 pline("%s!", Tobjnam(otmp, "resist"))
sit.c:394 pline("%s %s %s.", s_suffix(upstart(y_monnam(u.usteed))), aobjnam(otmp, "glow"), hcolor(otmp->cursed ? NH_BLACK : (const char *)"brown"))
sit.c:412 You_feel("warmer.")
sit.c:417 You_feel("less jumpy.")
sit.c:422 You_feel("a little sick!")
sit.c:430 Your("senses fail!")
sit.c:435 You_feel("cooler.")
sit.c:440 You_feel("paranoid.")
sit.c:445 You("%s!", Hallucination ? "tawt you taw a puttie tat" : "thought you saw something")
sit.c:451 You_feel("slower.")
sit.c:456 You_feel("clumsy.")
sit.c:461 You_feel("vulnerable.")
sit.c:466 You_feel("less attractive.")
mon.c:228 pline("%s recently regrown horn crumbles to dust.", s_suffix(Monnam(mtmp)))
mon.c:370 Your("%s %s!", aobjnam(uwep, "glow"), hcolor(NH_LIGHT_BLUE))
mon.c:401 Your("%s%s %s %s!", which, what, how, hcolor(warnings[warnlevel]))
mon.c:404 Your("spider-sense is tingling...")
mon.c:406 You_feel("apprehensive as you sense a %s flash.", warnings[warnlevel])
mon.c:453 pline("%s rusts.", Monnam(mtmp))
mon.c:474 pline("%s %s.", Monnam(mtmp), mtmp->data == &mons[PM_WATER_ELEMENTAL] ? "boils away" : "burns to a crisp")
mon.c:482 pline("%s surrenders to the fire.", Monnam(mtmp))
mon.c:486 pline("%s burns slightly.", Monnam(mtmp))
mon.c:505 pline("%s drowns.", Monnam(mtmp))
mon.c:511 pline("%s sinks as water rushes in and flushes you out.", Monnam(mtmp))
mon.c:752 pline("%s eats %s!", Monnam(mtmp), distant_name(otmp,doname))
mon.c:761 pline("%s spits %s out in disgust!", Monnam(mtmp), distant_name(otmp,doname))
mon.c:769 pline("%s eats %s!", Monnam(mtmp), distant_name(otmp,doname))
mon.c:772 You_hear("a crunching sound.")
mon.c:805 pline("%s turns to stone!", Monnam(mtmp))
mon.c:858 pline("%s eats %s!", Monnam(mtmp), distant_name(otmp, doname))
mon.c:861 You_hear("a slurping sound.")
mon.c:918 pline("%s", buf)
mon.c:920 You_hear("%s slurping sound%s.", ecount == 1 ? "a" : "several", ecount == 1 ? "" : "s")
mon.c:945 pline("%s picks up some %s.", Monnam(mtmp), mat_idx == GOLD ? "gold" : "money")
mon.c:985 pline("%s picks up %s.", Monnam(mtmp), (distu(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) <= 5) ? doname(otmp) : distant_name(otmp, doname))
mon.c:1530 pline("But wait...")
mon.c:1531 pline("%s medallion begins to glow!", s_suffix(Monnam(mtmp)))
mon.c:1536 pline("%s reconstitutes!", Monnam(mtmp))
mon.c:1538 pline("%s looks much better!", Monnam(mtmp))
mon.c:1539 pline_The("medallion crumbles to dust!")
mon.c:1551 pline("Unfortunately %s is still genocided...", mon_nam(mtmp))
mon.c:1661 pline("%s body crumbles into dust.", s_suffix(Monnam(mon)))
mon.c:1677 There("is an explosion in your %s!", body_part(STOMACH))
mon.c:1684 You_hear("an explosion.")
mon.c:1690 pline("%s rips open!", Monnam(magr))
mon.c:1692 pline("%s seems to have indigestion.", Monnam(magr))
mon.c:1855 You("%s through an opening in the new %s.", locomotion(, "jump"), xname(otmp))
mon.c:1874 pline("%s is %s%s%s!", Monnam(mdef), nonliving(mdef->data) ? "destroyed" : "killed", *fltxt ? " by the " : "", fltxt )
mon.c:1890 You("have a sad feeling for a moment, then it passes.")
mon.c:1947 You("%s it!", verb)
mon.c:1949 You("%s %s!", verb, !mtmp->mtame ? mon_nam(mtmp) : x_monnam(mtmp, mtmp->mnamelth ? ARTICLE_NONE : ARTICLE_THE, "poor", mtmp->mnamelth ? SUPPRESS_SADDLE : 0, FALSE))
mon.c:1988 pline("Maybe not...")
mon.c:2058 You("murderer!")
mon.c:2067 You_feel("guilty...")
mon.c:2082 pline("That was %sa bad idea...", u.uevent.qcompleted ? "probably " : "")
mon.c:2090 pline("That was probably a bad idea...")
mon.c:2091 pline("Whoopsie-daisy!")
mon.c:2105 You_hear("the rumble of distant thunder...")
mon.c:2106 You_hear("the studio audience applaud!")
mon.c:2127 pline("%s solidifies...", Monnam(mtmp))
mon.c:2130 pline("Now it's %s.", an(mtmp->data->mname))
mon.c:2133 pline("... and returns to normal.")
mon.c:2226 pline("You%s.", poiseff[typ])
mon.c:2246 pline("%s%s %s poisoned!", isupper(*string) ? "" : "The ", string, plural ? "were" : "was")
mon.c:2252 pline_The("poison doesn't seem to affect you.")
mon.c:2270 pline_The("poison was deadly...")
mon.c:2275 pline("You%s!", poiseff[typ])
mon.c:2301 pline("%s shrieks.", Monnam(mtmp))
mon.c:2344 pline("%s gets angry!", Monnam(mtmp))
mon.c:2365 pline_The("%s appear%s to be angry too...", got_mad == 1 ? q_guardian->mname : makeplural(q_guardian->mname), got_mad == 1 ? "s" : "")
mon.c:2618 You("cannot polymorph %s into that.", mon_nam(mon))
mon.c:2621 pline(thats_enough_tries)
mon.c:2768 You("break out of %s%s!", mon_nam(mtmp), (is_animal(mdat)? "'s stomach" : ""))
mon.c:2806 pline("%s turns into %s!", oldname, mdat == &mons[PM_GREEN_SLIME] ? "slime" : x_monnam(mtmp, ARTICLE_A, (char*)0, SUPPRESS_SADDLE, FALSE))
mon.c:3030 pline("%s seems healthier.", Monnam(mon))
mon.c:3062 pline_The("guard%s wake%s up!", slct > 1 ? "s" : "", slct == 1 ? "s" : "")
mon.c:3065 pline_The("guard%s get%s angry!", nct == 1 ? "" : "s", nct == 1 ? "s" : "")
mon.c:3068 You("see %sangry guard%s approaching!", sct == 1 ? "an " : "", sct > 1 ? "s" : "")
mon.c:3071 You_hear("the shrill sound of a guard's whistle.")
mon.c:3105 pline("%s seems a more vivid %s than before.", The(simple_typename(ap)), c_obj_colors[objects[ap].oc_color])
mhitu.c:60 pline("%s %s you %s.", Monnam(mtmp), Blind ? "talks to" : "smiles at", compat == 2 ? "engagingly" : "seductively")
mhitu.c:66 pline("%s bites!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:69 pline("%s kicks%c", Monnam(mtmp), thick_skinned( ? '.' : '!')
mhitu.c:73 pline("%s stings!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:76 pline("%s butts!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:79 pline("%s touches you!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:82 pline("%s tentacles suck you!", s_suffix(Monnam(mtmp)))
mhitu.c:87 pline("%s explodes!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:90 pline("%s hits!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:105 pline("%s pretends to be friendly.", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:108 pline("%s misses.", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:110 pline("%s just misses!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:123 pline("%s %s %s %s.", Monnam(mtmp), (objects[otemp->otyp].oc_dir & PIERCE) ? "thrusts" : "swings", mhis(mtmp), singular(otemp, xname))
mhitu.c:155 You("slow down.")
mhitu.c:158 Your("quickness feels less natural.")
mhitu.c:194 pline("%s tries to touch you and misses!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:197 pline("%s %s wildly and misses!", Monnam(mtmp), swings)
mhitu.c:200 pline("%s attacks a spot beside you.", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:202 pline("%s strikes at %s!", Monnam(mtmp), levl[mtmp->mux][mtmp->muy].typ == WATER ? "empty water" : "thin air")
mhitu.c:206 pline("%s %s wildly!", Monnam(mtmp), swings)
mhitu.c:212 pline("%s smiles %s at your %sdisplaced image...", Monnam(mtmp), compat == 2 ? "engagingly" : "seductively", Invis ? "invisible " : "")
mhitu.c:217 pline("%s strikes at your %sdisplaced image and misses you!", <x> <x> <x> <x> <x> Monnam(mtmp), Invis ? "invisible " : "")
mhitu.c:232 pline("%s reaches towards your distorted image.",Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:234 pline("%s is fooled by water reflections and misses!",Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:249 You("get regurgitated!")
mhitu.c:274 You("get expelled from %s%s!", mon_nam(mtmp), blast)
mhitu.c:287 pline("Brrooaa... You land hard at some distance.")
mhitu.c:400 You("fall from the %s!", ceiling(u.ux,
mhitu.c:410 pline("%s is killed by a falling %s (you)!", Monnam(mtmp),>mname)
mhitu.c:423 Your("blow glances off %s helmet.", s_suffix(mon_nam(mtmp)))
mhitu.c:427 pline("%s is hit by a falling piercer (you)!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:432 pline("%s is almost hit by a falling piercer (you)!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:437 pline("It tries to move where you are hiding.")
mhitu.c:457 pline("Wait, %s! There's a hidden %s named %s there!", m_monnam(mtmp),>mname, plname)
mhitu.c:460 pline("Wait, %s! There's a %s named %s hiding under %s!", m_monnam(mtmp),>mname, plname, doname(level.objects[u.ux][]))
mhitu.c:473 pline("It gets stuck on you.")
mhitu.c:474 pline("Wait, %s! That's a %s named %s!", m_monnam(mtmp),>mname, plname)
mhitu.c:487 pline("%s %s!", Something, (likes_gold(mtmp->data) && youmonst.mappearance == GOLD_PIECE) ? "tries to pick you up" : "disturbs you")
mhitu.c:490 pline("Wait, %s! That %s is really %s named %s!", m_monnam(mtmp), mimic_obj_name(&youmonst), an(mons[u.umonnum].mname), plname)
mhitu.c:549 pline("%s summons help!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:552 You_feel("hemmed in.")
mhitu.c:553 pline("But none comes.")
mhitu.c:558 pline("%s %s!", Something, makeplural(growl_sound(mtmp)))
mhitu.c:563 You_feel("hemmed in.")
mhitu.c:571 pline("%s%s!", upstart(buf), from_nowhere)
mhitu.c:583 pline("%s loosens its grip slightly.", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:586 pline("%s starts to attack you, but pulls back.", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:589 You_feel("%s move nearby.", something)
mhitu.c:669 pline("%s gulps some air!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:672 pline("%s lunges forward and recoils!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:675 You_hear("a %s nearby.", is_whirly(mtmp->data) ? "rushing noise" : "splat")
mhitu.c:848 You_feel("a slight illness.")
mhitu.c:876 pline("%s %s your %s %s!", Monnam(mtmp), (mattk->adtyp == AD_WRAP) ? "slips off of" : "grabs you, but cannot hold onto", obj->greased ? "greased" : "slippery", <x> <x> (obj->greased || objects[obj->otyp].oc_name_known) ? xname(obj) : cloak_simple_name(obj))
mhitu.c:888 pline_The("grease wears off.")
mhitu.c:985 pline("%s was hidden under %s!", Amonnam(mtmp), what)
mhitu.c:1018 pline("%s grabs you!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:1022 You("are being %s.", (mtmp->data == &mons[PM_ROPE_GOLEM]) ? "choked" : "crushed")
mhitu.c:1032 pline("%s hits you with the %s corpse.", Monnam(mtmp), mons[otmp->corpsenm].mname)
mhitu.c:1058 You("divide as %s hits you!",mon_nam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:1073 pline("You're %s!", on_fire(, mattk))
mhitu.c:1076 You("roast!")
mhitu.c:1082 pline_The("fire doesn't feel hot!")
mhitu.c:1097 pline("You're covered in frost!")
mhitu.c:1099 pline_The("frost doesn't seem cold!")
mhitu.c:1109 You("get zapped!")
mhitu.c:1111 pline_The("zap doesn't shock you!")
mhitu.c:1125 You("are put to sleep!")
mhitu.c:1126 You("are put to sleep by %s!", mon_nam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:1131 pline("%s blinds you!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:1133 Your(vision_clears)
mhitu.c:1156 You("don't seem harmed.")
mhitu.c:1166 Your("helmet blocks the attack to your head.")
mhitu.c:1173 Your("brain is eaten!")
mhitu.c:1194 You_feel("like a scarecrow.")
mhitu.c:1200 pline("Unfortunately your brain is still gone.")
mhitu.c:1202 Your("last thought fades away.")
mhitu.c:1223 You("momentarily stiffen.")
mhitu.c:1225 You("are frozen!")
mhitu.c:1226 You("are frozen by %s!", mon_nam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:1255 pline("%s tries to reach your %s %s!", Monnam(mtmp), sidestr, body_part(LEG))
mhitu.c:1259 pline("%s nuzzles against your %s %s!", Monnam(mtmp), sidestr, body_part(LEG))
mhitu.c:1266 pline("%s pricks the exposed part of your %s %s!", Monnam(mtmp), sidestr, body_part(LEG))
mhitu.c:1269 pline("%s pricks through your %s boot!", Monnam(mtmp), sidestr)
mhitu.c:1272 pline("%s scratches your %s boot!", Monnam(mtmp), sidestr)
mhitu.c:1277 pline("%s pricks your %s %s!", Monnam(mtmp), sidestr, body_part(LEG))
mhitu.c:1291 You_hear("a cough from %s!", mon_nam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:1294 You_hear("%s hissing!", s_suffix(mon_nam(mtmp)))
mhitu.c:1335 pline("%s swings itself around you!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:1348 pline("%s drowns you...", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:1356 You("are being crushed.")
mhitu.c:1360 pline("%s brushes against your %s.", Monnam(mtmp), body_part(LEG))
mhitu.c:1370 You_feel("feverish.")
mhitu.c:1394 pline("%s %s.", Monnam(mtmp), mtmp->minvent ? "brags about the goods some dungeon explorer provided" : "makes some remarks about how difficult theft is lately")
mhitu.c:1401 pline("%s tries to %s you, but you seem %s.", Adjmonnam(mtmp, "plain"), flags.female ? "charm" : "seduce", flags.female ? "unaffected" : "uninterested")
mhitu.c:1423 pline("%s tries to %s away with %s.", Monnam(mtmp), locomotion(mtmp->data, "run"), buf)
mhitu.c:1455 Your("position suddenly seems very uncertain!")
mhitu.c:1463 You("rust!")
mhitu.c:1481 You("rot!")
mhitu.c:1502 pline("%s hits! (I hope you don't mind.)", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:1539 verbalize("Doc, I can't help you unless you cooperate.")
mhitu.c:1549 You_hear("laughter.")
mhitu.c:1550 pline("%s chuckles.", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:1553 pline("Some writing vanishes from your head!")
mhitu.c:1573 pline("You're covered in acid, but it seems harmless.")
mhitu.c:1576 pline("You're covered in acid! It burns!")
mhitu.c:1598 You("are getting even more confused.")
mhitu.c:1599 You("are getting confused.")
mhitu.c:1605 pline("%s reaches out with its deadly touch.", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:1609 pline("Was that the touch of death?")
mhitu.c:1624 You_feel("your life force draining away...")
mhitu.c:1630 pline("Lucky for you, it didn't work!")
mhitu.c:1636 pline("%s reaches out, and you feel fever and chills.", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:1642 pline("%s reaches out, and your body shrivels.", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:1653 pline_The("slime burns away!")
mhitu.c:1657 You("are unaffected.")
mhitu.c:1660 You("don't feel very well.")
mhitu.c:1666 pline("Yuck!")
mhitu.c:1678 Your("%s less effective.", aobjnam(obj, "seem"))
mhitu.c:1798 pline("%s engulfs you!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:1804 You("are released from the %s!", u.utraptype==TT_WEB ? "web" : "trap")
mhitu.c:1812 pline_The("%s %s loose.", s, vtense(s, "snap"))
mhitu.c:1850 pline("%s totally digests you!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:1855 pline("%s%s digests you!", Monnam(mtmp), (u.uswldtim == 2) ? " thoroughly" : (u.uswldtim == 1) ? " utterly" : "")
mhitu.c:1863 You("are laden with moisture and %s", flaming( ? "are smoldering out!" : Breathless ? "find it mildly uncomfortable." : amphibious( ? "feel comforted." : "can barely breathe!")
mhitu.c:1872 You("are pummeled with debris!")
mhitu.c:1878 You("are covered with a seemingly harmless goo.")
mhitu.c:1881 pline("Ouch! You've been slimed!")
mhitu.c:1882 You("are covered in slime! It burns!")
mhitu.c:1889 You_cant("see in here!")
mhitu.c:1891 Your(vision_clears)
mhitu.c:1901 pline_The("air around you crackles with electricity.")
mhitu.c:1904 You("seem unhurt.")
mhitu.c:1914 You_feel("mildly chilly.")
mhitu.c:1917 You("are freezing to death!")
mhitu.c:1924 You_feel("mildly hot.")
mhitu.c:1927 You("are burning to a crisp!")
mhitu.c:1945 pline("%s very hurriedly %s you!", Monnam(mtmp), is_animal(mtmp->data)? "regurgitates" : "expels")
mhitu.c:1949 You("get %s!", is_animal(mtmp->data)? "regurgitated" : "expelled")
mhitu.c:1952 pline("Obviously %s doesn't like your taste.", mon_nam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:1968 pline("%s explodes at a spot in %s!", canseemon(mtmp) ? Monnam(mtmp) : "It", levl[mtmp->mux][mtmp->muy].typ == WATER ? "empty water" : "thin air")
mhitu.c:1991 You("duck some of the blast.")
mhitu.c:1994 You("get blasted!")
mhitu.c:2008 You("are blinded by a blast of light!")
mhitu.c:2010 Your(vision_clears)
mhitu.c:2012 You("get the impression it was not terribly bright.")
mhitu.c:2024 You("are caught in a blast of kaleidoscopic light!")
mhitu.c:2026 You("%s.", chg ? "are freaked out" : "seem unaffected")
mhitu.c:2034 You("seem unaffected by it.")
mhitu.c:2056 pline("%s %s.", Monnam(mtmp), (mtmp->data == &mons[PM_MEDUSA] && mtmp->mcan) ? "doesn't look all that ugly" : "gazes ineffectually")
mhitu.c:2077 pline( "%s doesn't seem to notice that %s gaze was reflected.", Monnam(mtmp), mhis(mtmp))
mhitu.c:2083 pline("%s is turned to stone!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:2092 You("meet %s gaze.", s_suffix(mon_nam(mtmp)))
mhitu.c:2096 You("turn to stone...")
mhitu.c:2110 pline("%s gaze confuses you!", s_suffix(Monnam(mtmp)))
mhitu.c:2113 You("are getting more and more confused.")
mhitu.c:2125 pline("%s stares piercingly at you!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:2135 You("are blinded by %s radiance!", s_suffix(mon_nam(mtmp)))
mhitu.c:2143 Your(vision_clears)
mhitu.c:2153 pline("%s attacks you with a fiery gaze!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:2156 pline_The("fire doesn't feel hot!")
mhitu.c:2177 pline("%s gaze makes you very sleepy...", s_suffix(Monnam(mtmp)))
mhitu.c:2243 pline("Somehow, %s weapon is not affected.", s_suffix(mon_nam(mon)))
mhitu.c:2248 pline("%s %s%s!", s_suffix(Monnam(mon)), aobjnam(obj, (is_acid ? "corrode" : "rust")), (is_acid ? obj->oeroded2 : obj->oeroded) ? " further" : "")
mhitu.c:2332 pline("%s acts as though %s has got a %sheadache.", Monnam(mon), mhe(mon), mon->mcan ? "severe " : "")
mhitu.c:2339 pline("%s seems dismayed at your lack of response.", Monnam(mon))
mhitu.c:2344 pline("It caresses you...")
mhitu.c:2345 You_feel("very attracted to %s.", mon_nam(mon))
mhitu.c:2357 pline("%s decides she'd like your %s, and takes it.", Blind ? "She" : Monnam(mon), xname(ring))
mhitu.c:2381 pline("%s decides you'd look prettier wearing your %s,", Blind ? "He" : Monnam(mon), xname(ring))
mhitu.c:2383 pline("and puts it on your finger.")
mhitu.c:2387 pline("%s puts %s on your right %s.", Blind ? "He" : Monnam(mon), the(xname(ring)), body_part(HAND))
mhitu.c:2391 pline("%s puts %s on your left %s.", Blind ? "He" : Monnam(mon), the(xname(ring)), body_part(HAND))
mhitu.c:2396 pline("%s replaces your %s with your %s.", Blind ? "He" : Monnam(mon), buf, xname(ring))
mhitu.c:2402 pline("%s replaces your %s with your %s.", Blind ? "He" : Monnam(mon), buf, xname(ring))
mhitu.c:2417 pline("%s murmurs sweet nothings into your ear.", Blind ? (fem ? "She" : "He") : Monnam(mon))
mhitu.c:2420 pline("%s murmurs in your ear, while helping you undress.", Blind ? (fem ? "She" : "He") : Monnam(mon))
mhitu.c:2436 verbalize("You're such a %s
mhitu.c:2446 pline("Time stands still while you and %s lie in each other's arms...", noit_mon_nam(mon))
mhitu.c:2451 pline("%s seems to have enjoyed it more than you...", noit_Monnam(mon))
mhitu.c:2454 You_feel("drained of energy.")
mhitu.c:2460 You("are down in the dumps.")
mhitu.c:2465 Your("senses are dulled.")
mhitu.c:2472 You_feel("out of shape.")
mhitu.c:2475 You("have a curious feeling...")
mhitu.c:2480 You_feel("exhausted.")
mhitu.c:2491 You("seem to have enjoyed it more than %s...", noit_mon_nam(mon))
mhitu.c:2494 You_feel("raised to your full potential.")
mhitu.c:2498 You_feel("good enough to do it again.")
mhitu.c:2503 You("will always remember %s...", noit_mon_nam(mon))
mhitu.c:2508 pline("That was a very educational experience.")
mhitu.c:2512 You_feel("restored to health!")
mhitu.c:2524 pline("%s demands that you pay %s, but you refuse...", noit_Monnam(mon), Blind ? (fem ? "her" : "him") : mhim(mon))
mhitu.c:2528 pline("%s tries to take your money, but fails...", noit_Monnam(mon))
mhitu.c:2543 verbalize("It's on the house!")
mhitu.c:2545 pline("%s takes %ld %s for services rendered!", noit_Monnam(mon), cost, currency(cost))
mhitu.c:2564 verbalize("It's on the house!")
mhitu.c:2566 pline("%s takes %ld %s for services rendered!", noit_Monnam(mon), cost, currency(cost))
mhitu.c:2598 verbalize("Take off your %s
mhitu.c:2646 pline("%s is splashed by your acid!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:2648 pline("%s is not affected.", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:2672 pline("%s turns to stone!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:2698 You("explode!")
mhitu.c:2713 pline("As a blind %s, you cannot defend yourself.",>mname)
mhitu.c:2719 pline("%s is frozen by your gaze!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:2727 pline("%s is frozen by you.", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:2737 pline("%s is mildly chilly.", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:2742 pline("%s is suddenly very cold!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:2752 pline("%s %s.", Monnam(mtmp), makeplural(stagger(mtmp->data, "stagger")))
mhitu.c:2761 pline("%s is mildly warm.", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:2766 pline("%s is suddenly very hot!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:2771 pline("%s is slightly tingled.", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:2776 pline("%s is jolted with your electricity!", Monnam(mtmp))
mhitu.c:2785 pline("%s dies!", Monnam(mtmp))
attrib.c:126 Your("cap constricts briefly, then relaxes again.")
attrib.c:133 pline("You're already as %s as you can get.", plusattr[ndx])
attrib.c:151 pline("You're already as %s as you can get.", minusattr[ndx])
attrib.c:168 You_feel("%s%s!", (incr > 1 || incr < -1) ? "very ": "", (incr > 0) ? plusattr[ndx] : minusattr[ndx])
attrib.c:470 You((mod_val >0) ? "must have been exercising." : "must have been abusing your body.")
attrib.c:474 You((mod_val >0) ? "must have been very observant." : "haven't been paying attention.")
attrib.c:478 You((mod_val >0) ? "must have been working on your reflexes." : "haven't been working on reflexes lately.")
attrib.c:482 You((mod_val >0) ? "must be leading a healthy life-style." : "haven't been watching your health.")
attrib.c:653 You_feel("%s!", abil->gainstr)
attrib.c:659 You_feel("%s!", abil->losestr)
attrib.c:661 You_feel("less %s!", abil->gainstr)
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