- AgentNEO —— https://neoproxy.me/ (在用)
- V2Club
- tapfog —— https://tapfog.com/ (6 块钱一个月,很便宜了)
- 艾可云 —— https://www.v2aky.com/
- 一元机场
- Myssr
1. Stop Apache | |
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop | |
2. Stop Carbon | |
sudo su www-data | |
cd /opt/graphite/ | |
./bin/carbon-cache.py stop | |
3. Move whisper directory to new location |
We're looking at CPU bandwidth control via CFS:
Program does number of iterations, in each iteration we burn CPU in small chunks until we get 5ms of real time spent. On each iteration we also print how much
什么是交易策略? | |
交易策略是一系列规则的集合,包括进场和出场的条件,资金管理和风险控制等。策略有简单和复杂之分,简单的策略通常使用技术指标和价格行为,复杂的策略使用高阶数学和统计模型。通常情况下,我们会认为复杂的模型更优,但实证分析和学术研究表明,复杂的模型往往过度挖掘了历史数据,无法适应剧烈的市场变异,相反简单的模型在长期中更加稳定。 | |
交易策略可划分为3个部分:指标(Indicator),信号(Signal)和规则(Rule)。 | |
指标用于生成交易信号。计算指标的方法多种多样,可以是经济数据或估值指标(如PE和EBITDA),可以是技术指标(如MACD,RSI,MA),也可以是时间序列模型(ARIMA,GARCH)。技术指标在外汇交易中被广泛使用,它们是价格或成交量的函数,主要用于侦测趋势方向,衡量超买超卖状态,以及判断趋势反转。 | |
价格和指标的相互作用形成信号。以均线穿越为例,当5日均线上穿10日均线时买入,当5日均线下穿10日均线时卖出。信号并不局限于买入和卖出,也包含筛子,主要作用是剔除噪音。在均线穿越中,交易员可以增加趋势筛子:只有当价格高于200日均线(上涨趋势),以及5日均线上穿10日均线才做多,如果价格低于200日均线,黄金交叉被视为虚假信号。著名的筛子有趋势筛子,时间筛子,成交量筛子和波动性筛子,它们是信号的重要组成部分。 | |
use std::ops::Shl; | |
struct Rsout; | |
struct Endl; | |
impl<'a> Shl<&'a str> for Rsout { | |
type Output = Rsout; | |
fn shl(self, _rhs: &'a str) -> Rsout { | |
print!("{}", _rhs); |
Magic words:
psql -U postgres
Some interesting flags (to see all, use -h
or --help
depending on your psql version):
: will describe the underlaying queries of the \
commands (cool for learning!)-l
: psql will list all databases and then exit (useful if the user you connect with doesn't has a default database, like at AWS RDS)@echo off | |
wsl wslpath -aw $(git %*) 2> nul | |
if not %errorlevel% == 0 ( | |
wsl git %* | |
) | |
@echo on |
Renew Puppet CA cert. | |
Not the perfect idea, but should alleviate the need to resign every cert. | |
What you need from existing puppet ssl directory: | |
ca/ca_crt.pem | |
ca/ca_key.pem | |
Create an openssl.cnf: | |
[ca] |
import os | |
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes | |
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import padding | |
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend | |
backend = default_backend() | |
key = os.urandom(16) | |
text = b'Hello, there!' | |
padder = padding.PKCS7(algorithms.TripleDES.block_size).padder() |
Install OS X El Capitan
is created