Save tcodes0/fcd1fac083a9c7f792c70fb49a71177c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
RTL relay testings | |
https://github.com/facebook/relay/blob/master/packages/relay-test-utils/__tests__/RelayMockEnvironmentWithComponents-test.js | |
https://github.com/entria/entria-fullstack/pull/109/files | |
Very easy native splash screen on Xcode | |
https://medium.com/@kelleyannerose/react-native-ios-splash-screen-in-xcode-bd53b84430ec | |
Init rn app on specific rn version | |
(rn cli 2.0.1+) | |
react-native-cli init --version="[email protected]" my project | |
// correct CRA usage | |
yarn create react-app my-app | |
// mongo regex example | |
db.Event.find({ title: {$regex: new RegExp("tom", "i")} })[0] | |
// rn network debug | |
https://github.com/jhen0409/react-native-debugger/issues/382 | |
``` | |
// add to index.js | |
global.XMLHttpRequest = global.originalXMLHttpRequest || global.XMLHttpRequest; | |
global.FormData = global.originalFormData || global.FormData; | |
if (window.FETCH_SUPPORT) { | |
window.FETCH_SUPPORT.blob = false; | |
} else { | |
global.Blob = global.originalBlob || global.Blob; | |
global.FileReader = global.originalFileReader || global.FileReader; | |
} | |
``` | |
Renato Bohler's tmux config | |
``` | |
set-option -g default-shell /bin/zsh | |
set -g utf8 | |
set-window-option -g utf8 on | |
set -g status off | |
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" | |
set -g prefix C-a | |
unbind C-b | |
set -sg escape-time 1 | |
set-option -g base-index 1 | |
setw -g pane-base-index 1 | |
bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display "Reloaded!" | |
bind | split-window -h | |
bind - split-window -v | |
``` | |
// calculate ssh key fingerprint | |
- cat public key, remove leading strings, copy base64payload | |
- echo -n $base64payload | base64 -D | md5 | |
// replaceAtIndex helper | |
export const replaceAtIndex = <Item = any>(array: Item[], index: number, item: Item): Item[] => { | |
return [...array.slice(0, index), item, ...array.slice(index + 1)]; | |
}; | |
export const ONE_SECOND_IN_MILLISECONDS = 1000; | |
json to typescript type conversion | |
https://transform.tools/json-to-typescript | |
awesome phone regex | |
https://regex101.com/r/MNWXbW/3 | |
convert salaries between year/hour/month | |
new Array(130).fill(0).map((x, i) => (i+4) * 5000).map(year => ({ year, hour: (year/1920.1755589082431).toFixed(0), month: (year/12).toFixed(0) })) | |
cool thoughts articles tweets ideas | |
https://stopa.io | |
github gif how to | |
![](name-of-giphy.gif) | |
kill branches that have no remotes | |
```bash | |
git branch -vv | grep ': gone]'| grep -v "\*" | awk '{ print $1; }' | xargs -r git branch -D | |
``` | |
twitter bot translation google translate npm library | |
https://github.com/vitalets/google-translate-api | |
how to grep git source code | |
``` | |
git grep <regexp> $(git rev-list --all) | |
``` | |
how to grep git commit msg | |
``` | |
<your fav git log alias> --grep="foo" | |
``` | |
git push a few commits to origin | |
``` | |
git push origin 91143c3:fix-52-2 | |
``` | |
where 91143c3 is the last commit you want to push, and fix-52-2 is the branch on origin to push to. | |
this actually pushes all child commits of 91143c3 to origin because commits are chained together. | |
so, if you'd like to push a range, push the head commit with this technique. | |
when doing complex stuff, find the simples code that works and build from there |
APM traces
query samples
Service:hub-server @url:*drivers-license*
search for logs using kubectl, find trace id, then do https://app.datadoghq.com/apm/trace/{id}
if code looks like this
infra.Logger.Info().Str("event", "message.new")
query to find field would be @event:message.new
RUM custom actions
find with @action.target.name:foobar
Cookie cliker
// node
prestigeLvls = Math.cbrt((allTimeCookies + popingWrinklers + sellingBuildings + difference) * 10 ** 18 /* 18 for quintilion cookies*/)/10000
// load cookie monster into cookie clicker
Installing private repos as packages
update ~/.gitconfig
[url "ssh://[email protected]/"]
insteadOf = https://github.com/
run go env -w GOPRIVATE=github.com/eleanorhealth/*
and add to shell init file export GOPRIVATE=github.com/eleanorhealth/*
run ssh-keyscan github.com > ~/.ssh/known_hosts
try to run go mod download "github.com/eleanorhealth/member-server@<latest commit on main>"
and see if you get no errors, if so, run go get "github.com/eleanorhealth/member-server@<latest commit on main>"
to add the package
omitting the commit hash doesn't work
ssh-key add may be needed on mac, it will prompt you for password
code must be merged to main
coverage unit
go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover
go test -race -coverprofile .coverage ./svc/server/application/application/...
go tool cover -html=.coverage
* Maybe captures the result of some operation that may fail.
* If there is an non null error, attempting to retrieve result will throw.
export class Maybe<T> {
#result: T | null
#error: Error | null
// constructor(data: Data | null, error: Error | null) {
constructor() {
this.#result = null
this.#error = null
* throws unless error() returns null.
result(): T {
if (this.#error) {
throw this.#error
if (this.#result === null) {
throw new Error("null data")
return this.#result
* if null, result() is safe to call
error() {
return this.#error
* error must be null for result to be read
setResult(data: T) {
this.#result = data
* blocks result from being read
setError(message: string) {
this.#error = new Error(message)
52.7k words on member-server codebase
244 non mock non test files
find . -type f -name *.go | grep -Ev test.go | grep -Ev mock
avg 314 words per file (handlers)
avg 215 word per file (codebase)
say 5k words for a massive conversation context with ai
have 59k words of context to use with ai
High level
In posts talking about how someone made something fast, I see the same idea repeat time after time: it has linear time complexity, has great cache locality, and saturates all available processors.
Interview questions
technical, high-level
How do you handle the diversity of patterns within the JS ecosystem? maybe follow-up: What are some good solutions or patterns you have used that worked for you?
What's your thoughts on JS itself and it's current direction?
execution and team work
Have you worked with designers? what were some highlights there?
We all know it's very hard to give estimates, how to do you approach that? what's your attitude?
What is a big mistake in product process you've seen or committed yourself?
Your favorite meeting and why?
Tell me a good idea for a project that your company should take on, but will not. Explain from both sides, even if they are wrong.
Walk me through a project you enjoyed start to finish. Explain design decisions (why x and not y?)
code review